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Flow Chart for 2014 Spring second half Class 2 Jenni Topic: Habitats

Science Geography ICT Art/CDT

Habitats Underwater habitats Oceans and Rivers/Ponds? Food chains. Local and global habitats. Diversity and ecology. Comparing Collecting and representing data about aquatic life.

Naming the Worlds Oceans and major rivers. Are the oceans and rivers affected by climate in the same way as forests and rainforests?

Making our own Ocean Jump games using Sketch Nation APP. Representing data in different ways using simple spreadsheets and graphing software.

Using animal prints and patterns to inspire our own print making. Creating our own stamps on screen ad on paper to create repeating patterns. Studying the work of William Morris to inspire our own pattern making



What is a sentence? Exploring nouns and noun phrases and how to punctuate simple sentences correctly. What is the difference between a statement, a question, an exclamation or a command? Learning about subordinate clauses. How to punctuate speech correctly. Music RE

Investigating numbers and their order, to 1000 and beyond. Using the symbols, + - <, > & = in calculations. Data Handling how do we represent and question data? Measuring length. Money. Learning to count on and back in 2s, 3s, 4s 5s, 8s and 10s from different starting numbers. PE PSHE & C

Animal Magic Exploring descriptive sounds. Inventing our own words and music to describe different animal movements.

Easter Easter arts and crafts. What makes the Easter story so important to Christians? Symbols of Easter. The Easter story. Mothering Sunday.

Dance the habitats of the Antarctic and the Ocean through Dance. Hockey skills and full games dribbling, passing and scoring striking and saving.

Hope People from History who represent hope. Martin Luther King Juniors I have a dream... speech. Anne Frank. Sport Relief giving hope to others. Symbols of hope.

Welcome back to another exciting and action packed half term in Class 2! Things to look forward to include...

Safety Week 03/03/14

Sport Relief Day - Friday 21st March

Diorama Day!

We will also be finding out about keeping Green during Eco Week and how we can help food suppliers around the world during Fairtrade Fortnight

Classroom Routines: Pupils may bring in a small object to show and talk about on Wednesdays we now alternate between Y2 and Y3 Y3 will kick off again on Wednesday 26th February. PE is on a Tuesday & Thursday; however, because we try to do PE outside all year round, please ensure your child has a full kit in school for the whole week in case we need to change the day due to inclement weather. BIG MATHS and BIG SPaG will be set on a Friday for presentation and continued work the following Friday.

Reading: As your child becomes a more independent reader in Class 2, you will be encouraged to change your childs book with them when they need to. If you are unsure about where to change the books or which ones to try next, just ask. Please encourage your child to read a wide variety of books from home, school and the library little and often is the key! Can you help? Any help is greatly appreciated. If any of you can help with reading or have a special interest or skill you would like to share with the children, please dont be shy! You do not have to make a weekly commitment, it may be a one off visit linked to our topic just let me know. Our Topic this term is Habitats. This half term we will be looking at different aquatic animals which live in salt and fresh water around the world.

Thank You!

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