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The Rise of the Nazi Party (1919 - 1933)

The Founding of the Nazi Party. The beliefs of Adolf itler and the Nazi Party.

The Nazi atta!" on the Treaty of #ersailles. The Nazi use of Pro$aganda. The Role of the %A. The &uni!h Puts!h (19'3). The i($a!t of the )e$ression (19'9 - 1933). The Peo$le *ho +oted and su$$orted the Nazi Party. The 193, - 1933 .le!tions. The Rei!hstag Fire. The .nabling /a*. The Night of the /ong 0ni+es.

GCSE Revision Notes

The Rise of the Nazi Party (1918 - 1933)

The )eath of


The 1auses of the Nazi seizure of $o*er in 1933 *ere2 The Beliefs of !olf "itler an! the Nazi Party# Ger$an rea%tion to the Treaty of &ersailles# The Nazi 'se of Pro(a)an!a# The role of the S # The *'ni%h P'ts%h (19+3)# The i$(a%t of the ,e(ression (19+9 - 1933)# The 193- .33 Ele%tions# The Ena/lin) %t#

The Founding of the Nazi Party2 "itler 0as /orn in 'stria /'t 1oine! the Ger$an ar$y 0hen the 2irst 3orl! 3ar /ro4e o't# "e 0as (ro$ote! to %or(oral5 0on the 6ron Cross for /ravery an! 0as 0o'n!e! t0i%e !'rin) the 0ar# "e hate! the fa%t that Ger$any si)ne! the ar$isti%e in 1918 an! felt that the ar$y ha! /een 7sta//e! in the /a%48 /y !e$o%rati% (oliti%ians5 Co$$'nists an! 9e0s# fter the 0ar in 1919 he $ove! to *'ni%h in Bavaria 0here he 0or4e! as a s(ay for the ar$y investi)atin) s's(e%te! Co$$'nist or)anisations# 6n 1919 he 0as as4e! to investi)ate a $ove$ent %alle! the Ger$an 3or4ers Party !'e to the left0in) so'n!in) nat're of its na$e# The Ger$an 3or4ers Party 0as a ri)ht0in) $ove$ent 0ith vie0s "itler li4e! an! he a)ree! to 1oin the (arty as a (o('lar s(ea4er an! soon /e%a$e its lea!er in 19+-# "itler %han)e! the na$e of the Party to the National So%ialist Ger$an 3or4ers Party (NS, P) or the Nazi Party for short# itler and the Nazi Party in!luded2

The beliefs of Adolf

The &aster Ra!e (The Nazi ra%ist i!ea that Ger$ans as an ryan (eo(le 0ere a 7$aster ra%e8 !estine! to r'le 7s'/h'$an8 (eo(les li4e Slavs#) Anti-%e(itis( (E:tre$e hatre! of 9e0s) Fas!is( (The /elief that stron) !i%tatorshi(s are (refera/le to 0ea4 !e$o%ra%ies)# Anti-1o((unis( (E:tre$e hatre! of Co$$'nis$)# atred of the Treaty of #ersailles (The !esire to reverse the ter$s of the Treaty of &ersailles to $a4e Ger$any a )reat 0orl! (o0er a)ain)# &ilitaris( (The 'se of $ilitary for%e to solve a %o'ntries (ro/le$s is /etter than (ea%ef'l ne)otiations#)

"# lnassiri

GCSE Revision Notes

The Rise of the Nazi Party (1918 - 1933)

%o!ial )ar*inis( (The theory that in the 0orl! it is nat'ral for the stron) to !evo'r the 0ea4)# Pan-3er(an Nationalis( (The /elief that all Ger$an s(ea4in) (eo(les sho'l! /e 'nite! in one Greater Ger$any)# /ebensrau( (Ger$an 0or! $eanin) 7livin) s(a%e8 that "itler 0ante! to (rovi!e for Ger$any /y %on;'erin) an E$(ire in Eastern E'ro(e an! R'ssia)# itler hated 4e*s in!luded2

The reasons *hy

"e vie0e! 9e0s as the /otto$ of all the ra%es that he !efine! as 7s'/h'$an#8 They 0ere a 'sef'l s%a(e)oat for the Nazis to /la$e all of Ger$any<s (ro/le$s on# "e /la$e! 9e0s for Ger$any !efeat !'rin) the 2irst 3orl! 3ar an! the Treaty of &ersailles# "e /la$e! 0ealthy 9e0s for tryin) to se%retly r'le the 0orl! thro')h %ontrol of /an4s an! other international finan%ial instit'tions# "e /la$e! 9e0s for ne0 %'lt'ral %han)es that he sa0 as threatenin) to tra!itional Ger$an %'lt'ral val'es an! tra!itions# "e /la$e! 9e0s for Co$$'nis$ /e%a'se the fo'n!er of the Co$$'nis$5 $any lea!ers of the R'ssian Revol'tion an! of the Ger$an Co$$'nist Party 0ere 9e0ish#

3er(an rea!tion to the Treaty of #ersailles in!luded2 They 0ere enra)e! 0hen they sa0 the e:tre$ely harsh ter$s of the treaty# They 0ere not allo0e! to ne)otiate over its ter$s an! 0ere for%e! to a%%e(t it# They felt that the ter$s of the treaty 0ere e:tre$ely 'nfair an! h'$iliatin)# They felt that they sho'l! not have to a%%e(t sole res(onsi/ility for the 0ar# *any Ger$ans starte! %allin) for reven)e to reverse the effe%ts of the treaty# *any Ger$ans atta%4e! the ne0 3ei$ar !e$o%rati% )overn$ent for si)nin) it# *any la/elle! the (oliti%ians 0ho si)ne! the treaty 7Nove$/er Cri$inals8 0ho ha! 7sta//e! in the /a%48 the ar$y5 0hi%h still %ontrolle! $ost of E'ro(e in 1918# The treaty 'n!er$ine! the ne0 !e$o%rati% )overn$ent5 le! to the rise of the Nazi (arty an! the Se%on! 3orl! 3ar#

The Nazis atta!"ed the Treaty of #ersailles by2 They /la$e! the 9e0s for Ger$any<s !efeat !'rin) the 2irst 3orl! 3ar# They /la$e! Co$$'nists for Ger$any<s !efeat !'rin) the 2irst 3orl! 3ar# They %alle! for reven)e to reverse the effe%ts of the Treaty of &ersailles# They la/elle! the (oliti%ians 0ho si)ne! the treaty 7Nove$/er Cri$inals8 0ho ha! 7sta//e! in the /a%48 the ar$y5 0hi%h still %ontrolle! $ost of E'ro(e in 1918#

"# lnassiri

GCSE Revision Notes

The Rise of the Nazi Party (1918 - 1933)

The Nazi use of Pro$aganda2 The (o('larity of !olf "itler an! his 'ni;'e ('/li% s(ea4in) style# The /eliefs of !olf "itler an! the Nazi Party# The += Points of the Nazi Politi%al Pro)ra$$e 0as !esi)ne! to a((eal to /oth nationalists an! so%ialists# The 'se of the S0asti4a on the Nazi Party fla) to $a4e the $ove$ent stan! o't fro$ other (oliti%al $ove$ents# The 0earin) of /ro0n (arty 'nifor$s to $a4e the Nazi Party stan! o't fro$ other (oliti%al $ove$ents an! loo4 li4e a !is%i(line! $ilitary for%e# They or)anise! $ass rallies an! $ar%hes 0hi%h $a!e the Nazis loo4 yo'n)5 or)anise!5 !is%i(line! an! stron) $ove$ent 0hose seiz're of (o0er 0as inevita/le# The 'se of (ro(a)an!a (osters5 ne0s(a(ers5 (a$(hlets an! $ass $eetin)s to s(rea! the Nazi $essa)e to or!inary (eo(le# The Nazi<s (ro$ise! to !estroy the Treaty of &ersailles5 )ive 0or4 to the 'ne$(loye!5 restore or!er an! $a4e Ger$any a )reat 0orl! (o0er a)ain#

The Role of the %A2 The S or 7Stor$ Troo(ers8 0ere the (rivate ar$y of the Nazi Party# They 0ere ni%4na$e! 7The Bro0n Shirts8 !'e to the %olo'r of their 'nifor$# *any 0ere for$er ri)ht0in) $e$/ers of the 2rei4or(s (2ree Cor(s)# *any 0ere 'ne$(loye! $en 0ho 1oine! its ran4s for (ai! 0or4# *any 0ere fro$ lo0er 0or4in) %lass an! lo0er $i!!le %lass /a%4)ro'n!s# They 0ere very attra%te! to the Nazi<s so%ialist i!eas a/o't )reater 0or4er ri)hts# They 0or4e! as th')s 0ho atta%4e! ene$ies of the Nazi Party5 /ro4e '( rival (oliti%al (arties< $eetin)s an! (rote%te! Nazi Party (oliti%al $eetin)s#

The &uni!h Puts!h (19'3)2 "itler an! the Nazi (arty trie! to seize (o0er in the %ity of *'ni%h5 %a(ital of the Ger$an (rovin%e of Bavaria to s(ar4 the overthro0 of the 3ei$ar )overn$ent# s the Nazis $ar%he! in the %ity %entre ar$e! (oli%e an! ar$y sol!iers 0ho fire! '(on the$ in s'((ort of the 3ei$ar )overn$ent# "itler an! the other Nazis lea!ers 0ere arreste! an! i$(risone!# "itler 'se! his trial to )ain $a:i$'$ ('/li%ity to (ortray hi$self as a national hero# "e 'se! his ti$e in (rison to ri)ht his /oo4 7*ein >a$(f8 that o'tline! his i!eas# "e !e%i!e! to seize (o0er 7le)ally8 /y fi)htin) an! 0innin) ele%tions rather than /y tryin) another P'ts%h#

"# lnassiri

GCSE Revision Notes

The Rise of the Nazi Party (1918 - 1933)

The i($a!t of the )e$ression (19'9 - 1933) *as2 The @S !e$an!e! its loans /a%4 /'t Ger$any %o'l! not (ay# By 193+ over si: $illion Ger$ans 0ere 'ne$(loye!# *illions /e%a$e ho$eless an! !e(en!ent on %harity to s'rvive# There 0as a )ro0th in s'((ort for /oth left0in) an! ri)ht0in) e:tre$ist (arties li4e the Co$$'nist an! Nazi Party# The 3ei$ar Re('/li% /e%a$e e:tre$ely 'n(o('lar an! see$e! in%a(a/le of ('llin) Ger$any o't of the ,e(ression# "itler an! Nazi Party !i! not %han)e their (oliti%al $essa)e /'t $ore (eo(le 0ere 0illin) to listen to their $essa)e no0 that ti$es 0ere /a!# 6n 1933 "itler seize! (o0er in Ger$any /rin)in) an en! to the 3ei$ar Re('/li%# The Peo$le *ho su$$orted and +oted for the Nazi Party in!luded2 Ra!ists (Peo(le 0ho share! "itler<s anti-Se$itis$ an! /la$e! 9e0s for all Ger$any<s (ro/le$s)# %oldiers (Those 0ho felt they 0ere 'n!efeate! /'t ha! /een 7sta//e! in the /a%48 /y the 7Nove$/er Cri$inals8 0ho si)ne! the ar$isti%e an! the Treaty of &ersailles)# The &iddle 1lass (3ealthy Ger$ans 0ho feare! the )ro0th of the Co$$'nist Party an! the threat of a Co$$'nist Revol'tion in Ger$any)# The 5ne($loyed (Those 0ho ha! lost their 1o/s an! 0ere attra%te! to the so%ialist (art of the Nazi<s += Points an! (ro$ise to )ive the$ 0or4)# 6o(en (*any 0ere attra%te! to the Nazi<s e$(hasis on fa$ily val'es an! (ro$ise to )ive 0or4 to 'ne$(loye! $ale fa$ily $e$/ers)# The 7oung (*any yo'n) (eo(le 0ere attra%te! to Nazi (ara!es5 /anners an! $ar%hes that $a!e it loo4 li4e a yo'n) !yna$i% $ove$ent)#

The 193, - 33 .le!tions2 The Nazis /e%a$e one of the lar)est (arties in the Rei%hsta)# Presi!ent General "in!en/'r) initially ref'se! to )ive the Nazi<s (o0er /e%a'se he loo4e! !o0n on "itler5 !isli4e! the Nazi $ove$ent an! its S th')s# "in!en/'r) loo4e! !o0n on "itler /e%a'se he 0as not fro$ a tra!itional '((er %lass /a%4)ro'n! an! 0as only a (etty %or(oral !'rin) the 2irst 3orl! 3ar# "itler !e$an!e! the (ost of Chan%ellor an! threatene! to for%e ne0 ele%tions 'nless "in!en/'r) )ave in to his !e$an!s# "in!en/'r) rel'%tantly )ave "itler the (ost of Chan%ellor in 1933 0ith the ho(e that he %o'l! /e easily %ontrolle!#

The Rei!hstag Fire (1933)2 6n 2e/r'ary 1933 the Rei%hsta) %a')ht fire an! 0as /'rne! to the )ro'n!#

"# lnassiri

GCSE Revision Notes

The Rise of the Nazi Party (1918 - 1933)

&an ,er A'//e5 a ,'t%h Co$$'nist5 0as arreste! an! %onfesse! to startin) the fire# 6t is (ossi/le that the Nazis starte! the fire the$selves an! fra$e! &an ,er A'//e# "itler 'se! the fire as (roof of a se%ret Co$$'nist (lot to ta4eover Ger$any# "itler %onvin%e! "in!en/'r) to 'se his e$er)en%y (o0ers to (ass the Aa0 for the Prote%tion of the Peo(le an! the State5 0hi%h )ave e$er)en%y (o0ers to the (oli%e# ,e$o%ra%y 0as s's(en!e! an! Co$$'nist lea!ers 0ere arreste! 0itho't trial#

The .nabling /a* (1933)2 The ele%tions of *ar%h 1933 $a!e the Nazis the lar)est (arty in the Rei%hsta)# "itler intro!'%e! an Ena/lin) Aa0 to )ive hi$ a/sol'te (o0ers of a !i%tator# The Ena/lin) Aa0 (asse! /y ??? to 9? votes th's (rovi!in) the t0o-thir!s $a1ority the Nazi<s nee!e! in the Rei%hsta) to (ass the la0# They )ot a t0o-thir!s $a1ority /y the s'((ort of nationalist allies5 /y /annin) Co$$'nists an! 'sin) the S to threaten the re$ainin) $e$/ers of the Rei%hsta)# "itler ha! no0 /e%o$e the a/sol'te !i%tator of Ger$any an! 'se! his ne0 (o0ers to en! !e$o%ra%y /y /annin) all (oliti%al (arties e:%e(t the Nazi Party#

Night of the /ong 0ni+es (1938)2 The lea!er of the S 5 Ernst Roh$5 0as %hallen)in) "itler<s lea!ershi( of the Nazi Party5 0ante! the S to re(la%e tra!itional ar$y5 an! to fo%'s on the so%ialist (ro$ises the Nazis $a!e !'rin) their rise to (o0er# "itler nee!e! the s'((ort of the ar$y an! 0ealthy in!'strialists to rear$ an! (re(are Ger$any for 0ar /'t they !e$an!e! he !issolve the S 0ho$ they vie0e! as street th')s in ret'rn for their s'((ort# Bn 3? 9'ne 193? "itler or!ere! "einri%h "i$$ler5 the lea!er of the SS5 to arrest an! shoot the lea!ers of the S # Several h'n!re! (eo(le 0ere 4ille! an! the or!inary $e$/ers of the S 0ere in%or(orate! into the ar$y 'n!er ar$y %ontrol# "itler ha! no0 !estroye! all o((osition to his r'le /oth o'tsi!e an! insi!e the Nazi Party# The lea!ers an! or!inary sol!iers of the ar$y no0 (le!)e! a (ersonal oath of loyalty to o/ey !olf "itler# indenburg (1938)2

The )eath of

Presi!ent "in!en/'r) !ie! in 193? at the a)e of 8C# "itler no0 hel! the (osition of Presi!ent5 as 0ell as5 Chan%ellor# "itler %hose the si$(le title of ,er 2'hrer (The Aea!er)#

"# lnassiri

GCSE Revision Notes

The Rise of the Nazi Party (1918 - 1933)

Anti-%e(itis( ("atre! of 9e0s#) Aryan (Ger$an (eo(le 0ith /l'e eyes an! /lon!e hair#) 1ons!ri$tion (3hen the )overn$ent for%es $en to 1oin the ar$y /y la0#) 1han!ellor (The Ger$an Pri$e *inister#) 1o((unis( (Belief in %reatin) an e;'al so%iety /y 0or4ers or)anisin) a revol'tion a)ainst the r'lin) %lass#) )e(o!ra!y (Co'ntries 0hose )overn$ents are %hosen /y free an! fair ele%tions#) )e$ression (The ra(i! loss of 0ealth in the e%ono$y#) )i!tator (3hen an in!ivi!'al hol!s a/sol'te (o0er an! ans0ers to no/o!y#) .!ono(y (The 0ealth of a %o'ntry or ho0 /'sinesses in a %o'ntry are !oin)#) Fas!is( (Belief that stron) !i%tatorshi(s are (refera/le to 0ea4 !e$o%ra%ies#) Frei"or$s (The 2ree Cor(s 0ere e:tre$e ri)ht0in) sol!iers 0ho 4e(t there 0ea(ons after /ein) !e$o/ilise! at the en! of 331 to fi)ht Co$$'nis$#) 2'hrer (Ger$an for 7Aea!er8#) 3ross )euts!hland Rei!h (Greater Ger$an E$(ire#) /ebensrau( (Ger$an 0or! $eanin) 7livin) s(a%e8 that "itler 0ante! to (rovi!e for Ger$any /y %on;'erin) an E$(ire in Eastern E'ro(e an! R'ssia#) /eft*ing (Parties that 0ant to %han)e thin)s to %reate a $ore e;'al so%iety e#)# so%ialists5 %o$$'nists et%#) &ein 0a($f (*eans 7*y Str'))le8 an! 0as the /oo4 "itler 0rote 0hile in (rison %ontainin) his (oliti%al i!eas#) &ilitaris( (The 'se of $ilitary for%e to solve a %o'ntries (ro/le$s is /etter than (ea%ef'l ne)otiations#) Nazi Party (Short for the Ger$an a//reviation NS, P 0hi%h stan!s for the National So%ialist Ger$an 3or4ers Party#) No+e(ber 1ri(inals (The ni%4na$e of the Ger$an (oliti%ians 0ho a)ree! to an ar$isti%e in 1918 an! later si)ne! the Treaty of &ersailles#) Pro$aganda (*a4in) (eo(le /elieve in a %a'se even /y lyin)#) Puts!h (Ger$an for coup $eanin) an atte$(t to seize (o0er /y for%e#) Rei!h (Ger$an for 7state8 or 7e$(ire8#) Rei!hstag (The Ger$an Parlia$ent#) Re$arations (2inan%ial fines for the 0ar !a$a)e#) Re$ubli! ( %o'ntry 0itho't a $onar%hy#) Right*ing (Parties that 0ant thin)s to stay the sa$e or )et even stri%ter e#)# nationalists5 fas%ists5 Nazis et%#) %A (The 7Stor$ Troo(ers8 or 7Bro0n Shirts8 0ere the Nazi Party<s (rivate ar$y#) %la+s (Peo(les fro$ Eastern E'ro(e an! R'ssia#) %o!ial )ar*inis( (The theory that in the 0orl! it 0as nat'ral for stron)er %o'ntries to %on;'er an! r'le 0ea4er %o'ntries#) %% (The 7S(e%ial Servi%e8 or 7Bla%4 Shirts8 0ere "itler<s (rivate /o!y)'ar!s 0ho later /e%a$e in %har)e of se%'rity for the Thir! Rei%h#) %tabbed-in-the-:a!" Theory (The /elief a$on)st Ger$an sol!iers that they 0ere 'n!efeate! !'rin) the 0ar /'t ha! /een /etraye! /y (oliti%ians5 %o$$'nists an! 9e0s into s'rren!erin) at a ti$e 0hen they still o%%'(ie! lar)e (arts of E'ro(e#) %ubhu(ans (The Nazi ra%ist na$e for 9e0s5 Gy(sies an! Slavs 0ho$ they vie0e! as /ein) %loser to ani$als than h'$an /ein)s#) Third Rei!h (Na$e of Ger$any 'n!er Nazi r'le /et0een 1933 . 19?=#) Treaty of #ersailles (The treaty for%e! on Ger$any after 331#) "# lnassiri C

GCSE Revision Notes

The Rise of the Nazi Party (1918 - 1933)

The Rise of the Nazi Party (1919 - 1933).

The Founding of the Nazi Party. The :eliefs of Adolf itler and the Nazi Party.




- The Reasons 0hy "itler hate! 9e0s# - The += Points of the Nazi Politi%al Pro)ra$$e# 3er(an Rea!tion to the Treaty of #ersailles. - Nove$/er Cri$inals# - Sta//e!-in-the-Ba%4 Theory# The Nazi use of Pro$aganda. The Role of the %A. The &uni!h Puts!h (19'3). The ;($a!t of the )e$ression (19'9 - 1933). The 193, - 1933 .le!tions. The Rei!hstag Fire (1933). The .nabling /a* (1933). The Night of the /ong 0ni+es (1938). The )eath of indenburg (1938).

"# lnassiri

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