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Ordered Chaos

Attention deficit is not a disorder To latch, briefly Onto one interest after another Is perfectly natural In fact, this behavior Is continuously Being modeled for us Throughout the entire Animal kingdom By closely observing nature We will begin to grasp Nothing less than The very meaning of life: To run, jump, and play Exploring every tree, Rock and cave Digging in the dirt Bare feet And hands too Sowing seeds Celebrating every Perceivable sign Of new growth Feeding the birds And listening to Their sweet music Playfully chasing The animals Learning to mimic All their Different calls Collecting little gems And stones Simply because They trigger memories Of that whole day All this and more, are the components Of a well-lived and truly fulfilling life The possibilities, limited only By your imagination

The only, real reason That this perfectly natural behavior Is considered, by some to be a disorder; Is simply because it acts as a Natural immunity to their primary Method of control Namely, Training and indoctrinating The plebeian masses To sit quietly behind a desk For six hours per day Passively absorbing Force-fed propaganda That way, when you finally Escape the gauntlet of public schools And institutions of higher learning It feels right as rain To quietly sit behind a desk For eight hours per day In order to earn The privilege of collecting Paper symbols of value So you see? It is not my attention span That is in disorder But rather, It is their entire way of life; Their sociopathic and unnatural Methods of control That are the true causes Of dis-ease in this world Prior to my experience In the public school system My mind was constantly at ease Only upon encountering All the various, little tyrants of the world And their absurd and unnatural Expectations of me Did my natural and instinctual Behavior become an issue That they couldnt get me To do what they wanted When they wanted it done

Was seemingly An endless source of unease for them When will they realize; The only cause Of their suffering That ever was Was themselves All along? By giving up And letting go of The illusion of control And allowing all things To develop and grow As naturally as possible; They will surely reawaken to Their awareness of The inner peace that only comes From surrendering to All That Is In this fractal, holographic universe Until they achieve this realization I feel it is my duty To live my life As a wrench In the gears of Their machinery of control I will make it my mission To dis their world order Be it old, new or otherwise Instead I will embrace Ordered chaos

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