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Kraftbungen: Here are the basic movements: * Bench Presses (works the chest, shoulders, tricep * !

verhead Presses (shoulders, tricep * Pull"ups#Barbell $ows (back, bicep * %&uats (legs, lower back * 'eadlifts (legs, back, shoulders * Bar 'ips (shoulders, chest, arms barbells and dumbbells for bod(sculpting )ateral raise for wide shoulders (bod( facing hantel sollte etwas h*her gehalten werden
(+lle bod(shape bungen siehe weit unten

" 'as ,ewicht, das gestemmt wird, oder die -iederholungen sollten .ede -oche gesteigert werden k*nnen ohne /u bescheissen 0 -ieviel %teigerung ist relativ aber mehr sollte es sein1 " 2 3al pro -oche trainieren ist optimal1 Protein: Proteinbedarf mit 4raining min: 25g ma6 75g gef8hrlich ab 95g Protein: 48glich min1 ;55 und bis /u <=5g )eguminosen, >sse, ?leisch, gef8hrlich ab 255g: ;55g Hafer 25g >sse ;@g 2g Hhnerei Ag Kiwi <55g Hafer 255g 'osenbohnen 4otal: =@g 5g 25g ;@g

255g >udeln 25g 4otal: =Bg Protein Pausen:

255g Polenta <=g ;55g ?leisch <@g 4otal: @7g

Cinserseits gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass 2 %ets nicht besser sind als nur ; fr den 3uskelaufbau1 +ndererseits wrde ich dieses dann nicht in < 3inuten durchrattern1 'ie 3uskeln versagen unter umst8nden dann nur weil nicht schnell genug mehr Cnergie nachgeliefert werden kann und gar nicht weil sie nicht mehr k*nnen:::: 2 3inuten 4raining brauchts um in den normalen Cnergiestoffwechsel /u kommen1 2 3inuten Pause brauchts um +4P nach/uliefern, dieser h8lt aber nur ;5"<5 sekunden1 - 3 Reps in nur 6 sek machen, dann 60 sekunden Pause, wegen anaerob und ATP, dann weiter - 2x30 Reps angsam in 2x3 !inuten "#r $ra"t Ausdauer da%wischen immer 3 min Pause& 'as gesamte 4raining sollte 30 !inuten 'auern: %o erh*ht sich 4estosteron ma6imal1 Bis man wieder trainiert sollten mindestens =Bh also < 4age vergehen1 2 4age ist auch gut : 2 3al pro -oche trainieren ist perfekt1

+lle ="B -ochen eine -oche Pause, %eele baumeln lassen und die ,elenke regenerieren1 Dnbedingt ein 4rainingstagebuch fhren: 'as erh*ht die effektivit8t ungmein1 Bis meinem ,eburtstag <5;= gibtEs grosse Crfolge, bis -inter <5;7 gute, <5<= Plateau erreicht1

!itte chen: Eurycoma longifolia jack (Tongkat Ali /Longjack) wurzel pulver ;<mg#kg K*rpergewicht erh*ht eigene )ibido und 4estosteronproduktion ;5w nehmen 2w pause Hafer, +vena sativa1 Hafer hat einen 4estosteron 8hnlichen Fnhaltsstoff Brennessel1 Brennsessel verlangsamt den 4estosteronabbau1 %omit bleibt mehr vorhanden1

>ach < Gahren training also +nfang <5;7 gibtEs kaum mehr ?ortschritte mit normalem 4raining1 Hier einige -eiterfhrende %trategien: +rnold %chwar/enegger: >ach 3uskelversagen, Hbung nochmals aber nur knapp Dnterhalb der H8lfte des Hubweges, nur an diesem Punkt /uck artig ausfhren1 'ie Fdee ist wenn der 3uskel leicht gestretched ist, belastet es ihn doppelt1 Plus in der H8lfte des Hubwegs hat der 3uskel am meisten Power, dort kann er also nach einem %et immernoch powern :
ike entzer!

"#ile many people know t#e basics of $eavy %uty training& t#e advanced tec#ni'ues are known by only a few( T#e advanced and super advanced tec#ni'ues were fully researc#ed and tested by ike in t#e late )*+s& but following t#e infamous ,-.* r( /lympia& ike retired from competition( After t#at #e worked as a personal trainer and concentrated on w#at works best for beginners and intermediates( And so $eavy %uty for advanced and super advanced trainees became all but lost& even t#oug# ike made t#e best gains of #is life using t#ese tec#ni'ues(

Climbing The Ladder Of Intensity

ike knew t#at& as a bodybuilder grew bigger and stronger& #e would eventually re'uire an even more intense training stress if #e #opes to continue progressing( 0f t#e stress is not more intense #e will stagnate and stay at t#e same level of size and strengt#(


1or beginners starting a weig#t training program is a #uge leap in intensity from not training& and t#is is w#y t#ey make suc# rapid gains at first( To keep progressing t#ey can simply keep increasing t#e weig#ts and decreasing t#e rest periods between sets( "#en t#ey stop making gains t#is way t#ey are ready for t#e ne2t level of intensity(

At t#is stage a more intense stress is re'uired& t#is is be done by using 3re4 E2#austion sets& for e2ample a set of Leg E2tensions to failure followed by a set of Leg 3ress (or 5'uats) to failure( Also forced reps and negatives to go beyond t#e point of positive failure can be occasionally used( T#ese tec#ni'ues will carry someone into t#e advanced level& ike reac#ed t#is point and using t#ese tec#ni'ues #e was unable to get bigger or stronger& t#is forced #im to do furt#er researc# into t#e #ig#est levels of intensity(

At t#is level ike found t#at #e was so strong and #is willingness to work at ma2imum effort was so #ig# t#at eac# rep of a set was so intense t#at o2ygen debt and lactic acid build up was practically immediate and severe enoug# t#at #e was forced to stop due to cardiovascular limitation rat#er t#en because #e reac#ed a point of actual muscular failure( $e looked for a way t#at #e could do even more intense reps w#ile at t#e same time slowing t#e build up of lactic acid and t#e onset of o2ygen debt in #is muscles( T#e way #e did t#is was to do #is own version of 6est 3ause training& #e used a weig#t t#at would allow #im to do one all out ma2imum rep& t#en rested for ,* seconds& t#is would give enoug# time for #is muscle to clear out waste products and bring new fuel and o2ygen so #e could do anot#er all out rep( After t#e second rep and anot#er ,* seconds rest #e would #ave #is training partner #elp #im do anot#er all out rep& or #e would reduce t#e weig#t by 7*8( $e would t#en rest ,9 seconds and do #is last all out rep( T#is was considered one set& wit# eac# and every rep of t#e set being an all out effort(

1 Mike Mentzer Set

: a2 6ep ; ,* 5econd 6est ; 7nd a2 6ep ; ,* 5econd 6est ; , ore All /ut 6ep or 6educe "eig#t <y 7*8 And %o T#e 6ep ; ,9 5econd 6est ; 1inal 6ep ,st
An e2ample rest pause workout t#at (>egative only style) , set of 9 reps( ike would do for #is c#est was 3ec %eck , set of = 6est 3ause reps& 0ncline <enc# 3ress , set of = 6est 3ause reps and %ips ike t#en #ad to ask #imself w#at could be more intense t#en 6est 3ause training?

Su er Advanced !eavy "uty

ikes ne2t step up t#e ladder of intensity was w#at #e called 0nfitonic training@ #e followed eac# ma2imum positive rep of a 6est 3ause set wit# a ma2imum negative 6ep( $e #ad #is training partner pus# down a little on t#e negative and #e would fig#t to resist it& lowering it as slowly as possible( $e t#en rested ,9 seconds before #is ne2t ma2imum positive and negative rep( T#e very #ig#est level of $eavy %uty #e called /mni4Aontraction training& meaning all contraction( T#ere are t#ree ways a muscle can contract& t#at is lifting a weig#t (positive)& lowering a weig#t (negative) and #olding a weig#t (static)( 0n /mni4Aontraction training ike would make eac# a ma2imum effort( $e would do #is one all out ma2imum positive rep& followed by a ma2imum negative& but during t#e negative #e would stop t#e weig#t and actually try to raise t#e weig#t again (w#ic# was impossible)( $e would do t#ese static #olds at t#ree different points during t#e negative rep& t#e first was at t#e top& close to t#e fully contracted position& t#e second was #alfway down and t#e t#ird was close to t#e bottom position( Eac# position was #eld for a count of B(

The #esults
ike and #is brot#er 6ay used t#ese advanced and super advanced tec#ni'ues in t#e summer of ,-)- and it resulted in ike gaining ,= pounds of pure muscle in - weeks (w#ile losing fat and at an already advanced level of mass and strengt#)& and winning #is first pro s#ow beating t#e likes of#$bby #$bins$n& %anny 3adilla and 6oy Aallendar( "#ile 6ay was able to improve so muc# #e walked in and took t#e r( America crown t#at year( 5o maybe& just maybe& if you #ave tried $eavy %uty and it stopped working it was because you didn+t know t#e #ig#er tec#ni'ues on your way up t#e ladder of intensity( Try t#em for yourself and find out( T#is article is dedicated to t#e memory of ike entzer& w#et#er rig#t or wrong #e sure made us t#ink(

As always& if you #ave any 'uestions or comments feel free to e4mail me atmuscleCrelaypoint(net and be sure to visit my website at#ttp!//www(truly#uge(com(

B$dysha ing
<odybuilding is not weig#tlifting or powerlifting& but many people t#at want to be bodybuilders train too muc# like weig#tlifters or powerlifters( A bodybuilder+s goal s#ould be to build a perfect p#ysi'ue& not to lift as muc# weig#t as possible in weig#tlifting or powerlifting e2ercises(

%hat Is The &erfect &hysi'ue(

6emember t#e awesome p#ysi'ues of t#e past 4 t#e ones t#at #ad t#e classic look of big arms& wide s#oulders& c#ests and backs tapering down to small waists& and #ips and t#en sweeping out to big t#ig#s and awesome calves? T#ey #ad t#e perfect package of s#apely mass and cuts( To get t#at kind of look you #ave to train like a bodybuilder or even better t#ink of you self as a body sculptor(

B$dy Scul ting

Dince called t#is EAreating an 0llusionE but 0 t#ink t#at confused people& w#at Dince really meant was you don+t just look big you will be big& but you will look even bigger because you will #ave built muscle in t#e rig#t places and avoided building up areas t#at will take away from t#e look you want and may actually make you look smaller overall( Fou need to use barbells and dumbbells to sculpt you body& not just train wit# out bot#ering to t#inking about w#at you are doing( T#e rig#t way to do t#is is to work t#e portion of eac# muscle t#at t#e average bodybuilder neglects& and to work t#ose portions wit#in your own individual recuperative abilities& along wit# proper nutrition or course( 0n order to proportion eac# muscle properly& you will workout only one e2ercise per muscle and t#is will be t#e e2ercise t#at will bring out t#e rig#t part of t#e muscle we want to build( T#is allows you to put all your energy into building t#at one e2ercise& t#is along wit# ,**8 recuperation will bring about fast growt#( Sh$ulders ost bodybuilders #ave over developed front delts from doing t#e benc# press& and overover#ead press& but it+s t#e side or lateral part of t#e delt t#at really creates s#oulder widt#( T#e lateral raise builds t#e side delt and sculpts wide s#oulders( $ere is t#e rig#t way to do lateral raises to build very wide s#oulders( 5tanding& take two dumbbells and #old t#em in front of your #ips wit# t#e palms facing eac# ot#er( T#e plates of t#e dumbbells s#ould be touc#ing( 1rom t#is position raise out to t#e sides wit# t#e elbows unlocked and slig#tly bent( Travel upwards until t#e bells #ave reac#ed t#e level of t#e top of your ears( T#e palms are down and knuckles are in t#e up position( >ever let t#e front of t#e bells raise #ig#er t#an t#e back( 0t is important you keep t#e front of t#e bells lower t#an t#e back w#en you reac# t#e upper position( %o not let t#e bells swing back and keep t#em slig#tly in front of t#e body at all times( %o not jerk swing t#e dumbbells up and do not let t#em simply drop down( Fou must keep total control t#roug#out t#e entire movement and make t#e delts do t#e work( 5winging t#e dumbbells up due to e2cessive weig#t will not produce results( level( Chest %ips on a parallel bar t#at is BB inc#es wide& if it is not you will not receive t#e intended benefit from t#is movement( Anyt#ing wider or narrower will not work t#e pecs as desired( T#e most important e2ecution of t#e movement is in t#e elbows! T#ey must be wide and straig#t out from t#e s#oulders( T#e #ead #as to be in a down position wit# t#e c#in resting on t#e upper c#est and t#e back s#ould be rounded forward( Aross your feet and make certain t#ey are slig#tly in front of your face& not back( %ip down as far as possible and return as #ig# as you can( >ever c#ange t#is position as it isolates t#e pectoral muscles and limits t#e involvement of t#e triceps( 3erforming t#e movement wit# t#e elbows in will emp#asize more triceps t#an pecs( Dery few bodybuilders perform t#is movement as described( 0t is per#aps one of t#e best movements for building and s#aping t#e pecs t#ere is( <ut& it must be performed correctly in order to obtain t#e results it is capable of providing( %o not rus# t#e movement& w#ic# seems to be a natural tendency( Take your time and get a full stretc# at t#e bottom and contact t#e pecs forcefully at t#e top of t#e movement( %o not begin t#e movement wit# t#e triceps& concentrate on t#e pecs and allow t#em to begin t#e upward motion(

Back Lat 3ulls( 0n order for t#is movement to produce t#e intended results you must use a pulley t#at is G feet off t#e ground( ost lat mac#ines and triceps mac#ines are too #ig# to get t#e desired results( 0f you do not #ave access to a mac#ine or facility wit# a pulley G feet off t#e ground you can use a regular lat mac#ine but it will not be t#e same 1or t#e purpose of providing a description& 0 will assume you are using a seated lat row apparatus( $ands must be spaced close toget#er( Hrasp t#e #andle and lean forward as far as you can wit# your knees slig#tly bent and let your #ead travel between your arms( 1rom t#is position& start pulling t#e #andle back and sit back at t#e same time( As you pull and sit back t#e c#est s#ould travel up until you reac# a perpendicular position( At t#is point t#e c#est is #ig# and t#e s#oulders are drawn back and down for a full contraction of t#e lats( Ieep your knees in t#e slig#tly bent position t#roug#out t#e movement( Trice s Triceps rope pulldown( T#is is one of t#ose Hironda specials( Alt#oug# you are able to get results from performing t#is movement wit#out t#e two pieces of e'uipment 0 will mention& t#e results will not be t#e same( 0t is imperative you eit#er #ave or design t#ese two for t#e best results( 0tem one is t#e pulley G feet off t#e floor mentioned in t#e lat movement( 0tem two is a small benc# ,G inc#es #ig#( Dince #ad a EDE benc# in #is gym for t#is movement( "#en 0 #ad a gym 0 also #ad one built for t#is movement( T#e EDE allows you to put your #ead down between your elbows and places a uni'ue stress on t#e triceps( 0f you do not #ave a EDE benc# you can use any flat benc#( 0f you do not #ave access to a pulley G feet off t#e floor not#ing you do will work t#e same( T#e pulley cable must be ,* feet long and once again& G feet off t#e floor( 6eac# back over your #ead and grab t#e ends of a knotted rope attac#ed to t#e pulley and cable( "it# t#e elbows and #ead resting on t#e benc#& pull to arms lengt# and lockout( "#en you let t#e rope back to t#e starting position make certain your #ands touc# t#e upper back( Bice s <arbell curl( >ot your normal barbell curl and definitely not performed as t#e majority of people perform it& w#ic# by t#e way in addition to being wrong does not provide t#e ma2imum benefit in t#e manner t#ey e2ecute t#e movement( 3erforming t#e barbell curl as described& you will work t#e lower& belly and #ig# part of t#e biceps wit# just t#is one movement( Aonsider it to be t#e perfect curl@ in fact t#at is e2actly w#at Dince called it( 0+ll tell you rig#t up front t#is is a difficult movement to master( 0 will also tell you t#at if you continue to practice until you get it down pat you will never& 0 mean never& regret it( 1or all t#ose wanting large s#apely biceps& t#is is it( 5tart by resting your elbows on your pelvis or #ip bones and your body inclined wit# #ead and s#oulders in back of t#e #ips( As t#e barbell is curled t#e first ,* or ,7 inc#es start moving t#e body& #ead and s#oulders& forward until your body is in erect position( T#en as you continue to curl t#e barbell incline your body& #ead and s#oulders& forward and complete t#e movement wit# a forceful contraction of t#e biceps( >ow reverse t#e se'uence as you lower t#e barbell to t#e starting position( 0t s#ould take you about G seconds to perform one curl( 0 strongly suggest you begin by using about 9*8 of your ma2imum barbell curl to begin wit#( 0 also would suggest you practice using only a bar wit# no weig#ts to get t#e movement down pat( 0t does take a great deal of getting use to and must be performed as outlined in order to provide t#e results it can( Thighs T#ig# s'uat( E<ut 0 t#oug#t Dince was opposed to s'uats?E $e was& at least t#e way one would normally perform t#e movement( T#is is w#y so many people want to disregard some of w#at Dince said( T#ey did not fully grasp w#at #e was actually saying( Dince was talking about t#e back s'uat used by power lifters( $e was rig#t in #is assessment concerning t#at type of s'uat( T#is one #owever& is different( 5tart t#e movement as you would a front s'uat& wit# t#e bar #ig# on t#e c#est resting on t#e front of t#e delts( 3lace your #eels about ,7 inc#es wide and on a 7 2 =( 1rom t#is position begin your descent but keep your #ips forward and under your s#oulders at all times( As you rise up& t#e #ips move forward until t#ey are well out in front of t#e body( 0n t#e top position your knees s#ould remain bent and your #ips out in front of your s#oulders and your s#oulders over your #eels( As wit# t#e barbell curl mentioned earlier& t#is movement re'uires a great amount of practice to perfect( 0t is e2tremely difficult to perform( Leave your ego at #ome w#en attempting t#is movement@ t#e weig#t you use is not important(

Calves Aalf raise( 1or t#is movement& it will be assumed you #ave access to a standing calf mac#ine( 0f you do not you can use a belt and c#ain and #ang a dumbbell between your knees( 3lace t#e ball of your feet and toes on a block B ince#s tall( 1eet are to be placed parallel& = inc#es apart( Ieep your knees slig#tly bent t#roug#out t#e movement( As you rise up on your toes& bring your #eels toget#er and place t#e full load of t#e weig#t on your big toe and t#e toe ne2t to it( Aontract forcefully and lower all t#e way down for a full stretc#( Abd$minals 1rog sit ups( Lie flat on your back and draw your #eels up under your #ips wide and out to t#e sides like a frog( 3lace your #ands wit# a barbell plate be#ind your #ead( Aurl t#e #ead down wit# t#e c#in to t#e c#est as t#e s#oulders round forward curling t#e upper body until only t#e small of t#e back remains in contact wit# t#e floor( T#is movement is not a stiff back sit up& it is a roll movement and you must perform it as suc# for it to produce results( Dince did not advocate performing any more sets and reps for t#e abs t#an you would do for any ot#er muscle group(

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