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Constitution & Bylaws of Korea TESOL (2009)

(Adopted April 1993; Amended October 1996, March 1998, October 200 , October 2008!

I. Na e. "he name o# this or$ani%ation shall be &orea "'(O) ("eachers o# 'n$lish to (pea*ers o# Other )an$ua$es!, herein re#erred to as &O"'(O)+ "he &orean name o# the or$ani%ation shall be + II. !ur"ose. &O"'(O) is a not,#or,pro#it or$ani%ation established to promote scholarship, disseminate in#ormation, and #acilitate cross,cultural understandin$ amon$ persons concerned -ith the teachin$ and learnin$ o# 'n$lish in &orea+ .n pursuin$ these $oals &O"'(O) shall cooperate in appropriate -a/s -ith other $roups ha0in$ similar concerns+ III. #e $ers%i". Membership shall be open to pro#essionals in the #ield o# lan$ua$e teachin$ and research -ho support the $oals o# &O"'(O)+ 1on0otin$ membership shall be open to institutions, a$encies, and commercial or$ani%ations+ I&. #eetin's. &O"'(O) shall hold meetin$s at times and places decided upon and announced b/ the Council+ One meetin$ each /ear shall be desi$nated the Annual 2usiness Meetin$ and shall include a business session+ &. Offi(ers an) Ele(tions. 1+ "he o##icers o# &O"'(O) shall be a 3resident, a 4irst 5ice,3resident, a (econd 5ice,3resident, a (ecretar/, and a "reasurer+ "he term o# o##ice shall be #rom the close o# one Annual 2usiness Meetin$ until the close o# the ne6t Annual 2usiness Meetin$, e6cept #or the 3resident, -ho shall ser0e a t-o,/ear term, elected biannuall/ e6cept -here the 3residenc/ has been 0acated, in -hich case a neelection shall be held alon$ -ith the election #or other o##icers+ 2+ "he Council shall consist o# the o##icers, the .mmediate 3ast 3resident, the chairs o# all standin$ committees, and the president #rom each Chapter or his7her dul/ noticed replacement, -ho shall ha0e #ull 0otin$ pri0ile$es+ A Chapter replacement shall ser0e the #ull Council meetin$; notice o# this appointment must be in -ritin$ to the 1ational 3resident and (ecretar/ not less than 2 hours prior to the Council meetin$; there are no short,term replacements and no pro6/ 0otes durin$ #ace,to, #ace Council 0otes+ 3+ .# the o##ice o# the 3resident is 0acated, the 4irst 5ice,3resident shall assume the 3residenc/ -ith a term endin$ at the close o# the ne6t Annual 2usiness Meetin$+ 5acancies in other o##ices shall be dealt -ith as determined b/ the Council+ 8+ 1o candidate #or a position on the Council shall be elected -ho #ails to recei0e at least t-ent/,#i0e percent (29:! o# all 0otes cast #or that position, and at least 29:

o# total 0otes cast must be cast #or this position+ ;here no candidate meets this re<uirement, the post shall be declared 0acant+ &I. #a*ority. 1+ "he term =ma>orit/= in &O"'(O) shall mean a simple ma>orit/ ($reater than 90:! o# 0alid 0otes cast #or the measure or o##ice under consideration, -here in0alid 0otes are those that ha0e been #ound ille$al, ille$ible, ineli$ible, replicate, or le#t blan* or indicate =abstention= or -ords to that e##ect+ 2+ ;here se0eral measures or o##ices appear on a ballot, a ballot shall not be in0alidated in -hole because an/ portion(s! ha0e been #ound in0alid+ 3+ ;here a sin$le 0ote includes a selection not included #or the item under consideration, that sin$le 0ote shall be an ille$al 0ote+ .n the case o# -rite,in 0otes, -here such a -rite,in option is o##ered on the ballot document, the candidate so identi#ied must be eli$ible to hold o##ice under the pro0isions o# the &O"'(O) Constitution and 2/la-s, or else such a 0ote shall be considered an ille$al 0ote+ 8+ ;here less than t-o,thirds o# the 0ote countin$ committee, as constituted prior to the commencement o# 0ote countin$, concur in the identi#ication o# the selection in a 0ote, that 0ote shall be an ille$ible 0ote+ 9+ ;here a 0ote is submitted b/ an/ person or entit/ not eli$ible to 0ote under the pro0isions o# the &O"'(O) Constitution or 2/la-s, that 0ote shall be an ineli$ible 0ote+ 6+ ;here more than one 0ote is submitted b/ a member in $ood standin$ on the same matter or o##ice under consideration, all 0otes b/ that member #or the item or o##ice under consideration shall be replicate 0otes+ &II. + en) ents. "his Constitution ma/ be amended b/ a ma>orit/ 0ote o# members, pro0ided that -ritten notice o# the proposed chan$e has been endorsed b/ at least #i0e members in $ood standin$ and has been distributed to all members at least thirt/ da/s prior to the 0ote+

(Adopted Apr+ 1993; Amended Mar+ 1998, Oct+ 2003, Oct+ 2008, Oct+ 2009, Oct+ 200 !

I. Lan'ua'e. "he o##icial lan$ua$e o# &O"'(O) shall be 'n$lish+ II. #e $ers%i" an) ,ues. 1+ ?uali#ied indi0iduals -ho appl/ #or membership and pa/ the annual dues o# the or$ani%ation shall be enrolled as members in $ood standin$ and shall be entitled to one 0ote in an/ &O"'(O) action re<uirin$ a 0ote+ 2+ 3ri0ate nonpro#it a$encies and commercial or$ani%ations that pa/ the dul/ assessed dues o# the or$ani%ation shall be recorded as institutional members -ithout 0ote+ 3+ "he dues #or each cate$or/ o# membership shall be determined b/ the Council+ "he period o# membership shall be t-el0e (12! months, #rom the month o# application to the #irst da/ o# the t-el#th month #ollo-in$ that date+ @ene-als shall run #or a #ull t-el0e (12! months+ 4or the those members -hose membership -ould lapse on the

date o# the Annual 2usiness Meetin$ in 1998, their rene-al /ear -ill commence on October 1, 1998+ III. ,uties of Offi(ers. 1+ "he 3resident shall preside at the Annual 2usiness Meetin$, shall be the con0ener o# the Council, and shall be responsible #or promotin$ relationships -ith other or$ani%ations+ "he 3resident shall also be an e6,o##icio member o# all committees #ormed -ithin &O"'(O)+ "he 4irst and (econd 5ice,3residents shall cooperate to re#lect the intercultural dimension o# &O"'(O)+ 2+ "he 4irst 5ice,3resident shall be the super0isor o# the Chapters and -or* -ith the Council representati0es #rom each Chapter+ "he 4irst 5ice,3resident shall also underta*e such other responsibilities as the 3resident ma/ dele$ate+ 3+ "he (econd 5ice,3resident shall be the con0ener o# the 1ational 3ro$ram Committee and shall be responsible #or plannin$, de0elopin$ and coordinatin$ acti0ities+ 8+ "he (ecretar/ shall *eep minutes o# the Annual 2usiness Meetin$ and other business meetin$s o# &O"'(O), and shall *eep a record o# decisions made b/ the Council+ "he "reasurer shall maintain a list o# &O"'(O) members and shall be the custodian o# all #unds belon$in$ to &O"'(O)+ I&. T%e Coun(il. 1+ All members o# the Council must be members in $ood standin$ o# &O"'(O) and international "'(O)+ 2+ An/ members see*in$ nomination #or an elected position on the Council must ha0e been a member in $ood standin$ #or at least the 12 #ull months immediatel/ prior to the time o# see*in$ nomination; e6cept that all candidates #or election to 3resident must ha0e ser0ed on the 1ational Council in an elected or appointi0e position #or at least one /ear durin$ the pre0ious t-o Council /ears, must ha0e been a &O"'(O) member #or the pre0ious t-o /ears, and must be a current member o# "'(O) at the time o# nomination and throu$hout the term as 3resident+ 3+ An/ elected or appointed member o# the Council ma/ be remo0ed #rom o##ice throu$h impeachment, -hich must be based on a #ailure to properl/ conduct the a##airs o# their elected7appointed o##ice+ .mpeachment shall re<uire the appro0al o# 9: o# elected o##icers and chapter representati0es, re$ardless o# present attendance, e6cept as other-ise speci#ied in the Constitution, Article 5+ 8+ 4i0e members o# the Council shall constitute a <uorum #or conductin$ business+ Council members shall be allo-ed to appoint a <uali#ied substitute, but that person shall not be allo-ed to 0ote at the meetin$+ 9+ Minutes o# the Council shall be a0ailable to the members o# &O"'(O)+ &. Co ittees. 1+ "here shall be a 1ational 3ro$ram Committee chaired b/ the (econd 5ice,3resident+ "he Committee -ill consist o# the 5ice,3residents #rom each o# the Chapters+ "he 3ro$ram Committee shall be responsible #or plannin$ and de0elopin$ pro$rams+

2+ "here shall be a 3ublications Committee responsible #or dissemination o# in#ormation 0ia all o##icial publications+ 3+ "he Council shall authori%e an/ other standin$ committees that ma/ be needed to implement policies o# &O"'(O)+ 8+ A 1ational Con#erence Committee shall be responsible #or plannin$ and de0elopin$ the Annual Con#erence+ "he 1ational Con#erence Committee Chair shall be elected at the Annual 2usiness Meetin$ t-o /ears prior to ser0in$ as Chair o# the 1ational Con#erence Committee+ "his person shall ser0e as Co,chair o# the 1ational Con#erence Committee #or the #irst /ear o# the term+ .n the second /ear o# the term, the Co,chair shall become the Chair o# the 1ational Con#erence Committee+ 9+ "here shall be a 1ominations and 'lections Committee responsible #or submittin$ a complete slate o# candidates #or the respecti0e positions o# &O"'(O) to be elected+ "he Chair o# this Committee shall be elected b/ a ma>orit/ 0ote o# members+ "he Chair is responsible #or appointin$ a 1omination and 'lections Committee and #or conductin$ the election+ 5otin$ procedures #or e6ecuti0e positions ma/ include online 0otin$+ &I. C%a"ters. 1+ A Chapter o# &O"'(O) can be established -ith a minimum o# t-ent/ members, unless other-ise speci#ied b/ the Council+ 2+ "he membership #ee shall be set b/ the Council, 90: o# -hich -ill $o to the 1ational Or$ani%ation, and 90: -ill belon$ to the Chapter+ 3+ All Chapter o##icers must be current &O"'(O) members+ 8+ An/ Chapter that #ails to retain 18 members #or 28 consecuti0e months ma/ be dissol0ed b/ ma>orit/ 0ote o# both (a! nationall/ elected o##icers; and (b! all Chapter representati0es in attendance at a dul/ called and noticed 1ational Council meetin$+ Aissolution shall ta*e place immediatel/, -ith Chapter #inances and assets re0ertin$ to the national treasur/, and an/ current membership trans#erred to other Chapter(s!+ 9+ Chapters shall de0elop Chapter 'lection 3olicies consistent -ith the #ollo-in$ pro0isionsB a! Chapters shall hold elections at the #irst Chapter meetin$ #ollo-in$ the 1ational Annual 2usiness Meetin$, herea#ter called the Chapter Annual 2usiness Meetin$ (A2M!+A Chapter ma/ speci#/ another time to hold its Chapter Annual 2usiness Meetin$, but this must be established in the chapter b/la-s+ At the Chapter A2M, o##icers #or the #ollo-in$ o##ices must be electedB i+ 3resident, -ho also ser0es as Chapter representati0e to the 1ational Council+ ii+ 5ice,3resident, -ho also ser0es as Chapter representati0e to the 1ational 3ro$rams Committee+ iii+ "reasurer, -ho maintains liaison -ith the 1ational "reasurer #or matters o# #inance and membership+ b! Other o##icers ma/ be elected or appointed, and duties desi$nated as appropriate; the duties identi#ied in a(i! C a(iii!, abo0e, ma/ be dele$ated+

c! "erm o# o##ice concludes, re$ardless -hen elected or appointed, -ith the ne6t Chapter Annual 2usiness Meetin$+ O##icers ma/ run #or re,election+ d! All current Chapter members present at the meetin$ are authori%ed to 0ote at the meetin$+ e! Chapter elected o##icers, sittin$ as a Chapter Council, ma/ appoint non, 0otin$ council members #or an/ role other than those identi#ied in the Chapter 'lection 3olicies+ #! 5acancies in electi0e Chapter o##ices ma/ be #illed onl/ b/ a 273 ma>orit/ o# dul/ elected o##icers, and then con#irmed b/ a simple ma>orit/ 0ote at a re$ularl/ scheduled and announced Chapter meetin$+ $! 1o absentee, pro6/, or electronic ballots shall be permitted at the Chapter le0el+ &II. !arlia entary +ut%ority. "he rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall $o0ern &O"'(O) in all cases in -hich the/ are applicable and in -hich the/ are not inconsistent -ith the Constitution and 2/la-s+ &III. +u)its. An audit o# the #inancial transactions o# &O"'(O) shall be per#ormed at least (but not limited to! once a /ear as directed b/ the Council+ I-. + en) ents. "he 2/la-s ma/ be amended b/ a ma>orit/ 0ote o# members pro0ided that notice o# the proposed chan$e has been $i0en to all members at least thirt/ da/s be#ore the 0ote+ "he 2/la-s ma/ be amended -ithout such prior notice onl/ at the Annual 2usiness Meetin$, and in that case the proposal shall re<uire appro0al b/ three,#ourths o# the members present+

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