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Di sinceramente y con tu actitud juguetona, Hola, tal vez puedes ayudarme.

Estoy perdido Me podras decir cmo llegar a (nombra la ciudad o lugar donde estas)? 2. Esto le har rer o hacer que se vea confundida de momento. Cualquier cosa que pase, sigue con tu sincera actitud juguetona y decide qu hacer despus basado en SUS acciones. Do you have a card?" me podrias decir donde queda la aldea de los pitufos?? Esta es tu manera de tratar de levantarme?? No necesitas excusas, podrias haberme directamente preguntado el nombre Hi, I am Ricky Martin Por qu siempre me tocan las chicas pobres? "Just write it down, it's going to be OK." Your lost not mine... You promise?

Just say "You know what? You're a spoiled BRAT." That should get her attention. Then follow up with "It's too bad you're not more of a normal, nice girl..."
"What, is this a job interview?"

"Is that a new coat?" "Yes, do you like it?" "Hmmm... Is it expensive?" "Why did you have to choose this color?" "What's wrong with my coat?" "Hmmm... I don't know yet, let me figure it out and I'll be sure to let you know in a few minutes."
"Really you like it?" "Sure... Why? You don't?" "Well..." <Pause 2 secs> " You know..." <Pause 2 secs> "It is in fact VERY nice!!!" "Hey, I like your hat.", "Thanks", "Let me guess, you're a taxidriver." "You should." "I don't blame you." "Well I would if I were you." You are a brat! HER: What do you mean? ME: I can see it in your smile and in your eyes. You're a brat! Wow, those are ... interesting shoes. My sister might like a pair like that. Where'd you get them...?" "How many feet have you crushed with those things? "My sister likes toe rings like that. Do you wear them on your toes, too? "Yeah, you're cute, but I'm used to dating much younger women", "Gee, what an interesting color for a dress". The point here is that you're not complimenting her, you're challenging her. She may come back with something like, "Are you saying you like

the color of my dress or not?" You'll respond with, "Well, I'm not sure yet, let me look at it on you for awhile."

"Did you just SMILE AT ME? That is so inappropriate, I don't know why I put up with you."
"While that guy is trying to hustle your friend, whom, I might he is not doing very well, would you like to dance?" "I didn't expect to see a beautiful young woman here" "aww thats so sweet", "maybe I still will" "wow... I didn't know the parachute look was still in" "Wow, your shoes are cute. Did you buy them new?" "Your hair is pretty. Did your mom do it for you?" , "Excuse me, I noticed you when I walked in, and I just had to find out what you were like." "Why, so you can get me drunk and take advantage of me?" "If you wanted to meet me you could've just said hi, you didn't have to be violent about it..."( "You know I think we got off on the wrong foot, my name is ______, and as soon as you apologize everything will be fine." "Well I've got to go and you're right we don't know each other right now and to do that we have to talk more and in the year 2003 we use phones to talk to each other." "Whoa, who said anything about a relationship??? I'm outta here!"

"You're screwing up your chances with me". "This relationship just isn't going to work". she spills her tea on the table and herself. I'll shake my head again and say "What did I tell you about this kind of behavior?"
"My new haircut makes me look soooo ugly" just reply "You know, I wasn't going to say anything, but... <pause>...". "So what am I going to get paid for babysitting tonight?". "Did this stuff work on your dad? Why didn't he spank you more?". Try saying "I just couldn't help noticing you... <pause>... STARING at me..." Or say "Do you always maintain such strong eye contact? Or only with guys like me that you can't help it with?"

call her names to tease her

"Yea, you're probably not that adventurous". OSADA. (SHY) She'll say "Yes I am!". Then say "Well, if you were then you would have asked me for my number and called me already. But you're not. So you didn't...". One of them asked me how old I was, so I got a shocked look on my face and asked, "How much do you weigh?"
"Those are some pretty earrings. I didnt know the toy store sold earrings like that!" "What a cute ring (or watch or whatever)! Did you get that with the kids meal at (fill in your local restaurant here)? I am in a bar and see a beautiful blonde and say to her "I love the dress, but your hair looks like s@#$". She was absolutely 100% attracted to me.

she asked me once what I thought of her, I said "personally I don't like being around you, that s why I spend time with you."
"I know a great club not far from here - but you probably want to go home and do your knitting." "Would you like to dance - or do you have to ask your girlfriends for permission?" "I'd ask you to come to the beach with me on Sunday - but maybe youre not used to having fun." HER: You're not my type. YOU: Why? Don't you think you'd be good enough for me? HER: I don't go out with older men. YOU: That's probably because you haven't had much experience with someone really adventurous. "Hey, nice to meet you. You know, I heard you were gay. I just want you to know I think that is so cool "What's the deal, are you four feet tall without those one?" "You know, you're funny"... ...what do you do? YOU SAY "YEA, I KNOW" look down at her hand on your arm, lean back slightly, turn your head, and put your eyebrows together as if to say "Just WHAT do you think you're doing touching me?!". "OK, this relationship isn't working out... I'm going to have to break up with you."

"you don't get everyday such a lucky chance to meet such a cute guy like me".
(when a woman gets quiet or there's a break in the conversation) "I know I make you nervous and all but please...try to control yourself!" "You couldnot handle this..."

So do you cook...well? Her: Yes, I do. Me: Great, since you know the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, you can cook me dinner. I want...(fill in whatever you want her to cook!) (if you catch her looking at you...or even if you dont) "I saw that...I know you keep looking at my sexy bod and you want it so bad you're drooling, but cant we be friends first?" "Are you shy or something? Why havent you asked me out yet (or asked for my phone number)? I know you're afraid I'll seduce you and make you fall madly in love with me but you'll just have to learn to handle it!" "Tsk tsk should be ashamed of yourself." She says: "Why?" "For trying to seduce/pickup a guy like me! I know you want me but be patient!" (when she does something I dont like) "Well, its just not working between us. I'm going to have to cut off the sex, the kisses, the cuddling, all of it until you be a good girl!" "We'd fight all the time... and I'D WIN" Say "Oh, you think? What, I'd get bored that fast? You're probably right..." "Hey...<pause>....quit looking at my ass! I know you want to jump my bones but slow down!" (even if she wasnt doing that) and she grabs her breasts, you know kind of cups them with both hands. I say, "What the hell are you doing...quit grabbing your boobs". She couldn't believe I had said that. "ahh forget it, your too young for me" "I guess your right, its not your age, you just wouldn't be able to handle me," TU: "Puedo sentarme aqu?" ELLA: "Si.." TU: "Espera... estas segura que vas a poder mantener tus manos quietas??" "Listen here little girl, I don't know if other people accept this behavior of yours but I won' it? You're in my reality, so cut it out now". Her: Well, the only thing is that I am already seeing someone. (With the conflicting emotions on her face, I couldn't help but smile.) Me: Oh, good! When is the wedding day? Her: (laughing) Oh no, we're not engaged.

When she says "I already have a boyfriend", I usually smile and say "So? I'm not jealous..." her: i have a boyfriend me: i'm not interested in him, i'm interested in you I told her that if she didn't stop I was going to call Sexual Harassment on her (see the role reversal here!!). if she is single. "no...unfortunately I'm not", she says.

"Hmmm...well, that's too bad......for YOU, I mean", "Women who work out too much become crazy... and it damages their brains."

yo: Estas aburrida? HB: Si yo: Es que no estabas conmigo.

* No sabia que no te gustaban los tipos lindos o... no sabia que no te gustaban los hombres.

ahhh... que pena,

Si ella se pone brava con el anterior decile: Es que a mi siempre me pasa que cuando una chika que no quiere nada fisico conmigo, es porque es lesbiana.

- Ojala tengas un buen trabajo, no me quiero casar con una mujer que no tenga casa. - Cuando te diga en que trabaja, dile: mentirosa, estas diciendo eso para tratar de impresionarme. "if you're gonna be that forward and flirty with me you could've at least done your hair up a little better" and then it was ON! "what did my good looks really scare you that badly? Sos tan inmadura... (ella pregunta porque?) ... (solo sonreirle. ) Uff! Te TENGO que meter a clases de etiqueta. UY QUE LINDO ANILLO DE COMPROMISO OYE ME PARECE O ME QUIERES SEDUCIR CON TU MIRADA


"Excuse me but i'm going to have to ask you to stop stalking me." Also, love the guessing that she was 38 when she was obviously in her early 20s "You know, just because you're beautiful and are used to being treated like a sex object doesn't mean that you can treat ME like one" the conversation is going well, you say "OK, let's just cut to the chase... are you going to offer to buy me a drink or what?"... "No reason to be stuck up, you can come say hi!" Me: Can you cook? Her: Hmmm, well, mac and cheese.... Me: Are you rich? Her: (laughs) No. Me: Are you bisexual? Her: (laughing again) No.

Me: I just don't think this relationship is going to work out. "You shouldn't drink those!" Her: Why not? Me: They will make your boobs small. (I then look down at her chest and let her watch me do it) Damn, I am too late here..... "You look at me the same way my girlfriend does... it was the 1st thing that attracted me to her Pero por favor sin tocar, yo soy el nico que toca. "That's an unusual looking dress you're wearing. Was that made out of a shower curtain?" Why you dont declare to me? I like the girls who have initiative, why you dont take the initiative and give me a little kiss?

"Well, I'm getting tired. I think it's time for me to go home." The guy answered "Go HOME?! I just met you. I'm not going HOME with you!" She said "No, I mean I'M going home. I'm tired."

He shot back "Maybe you don't hear me. I'm not going home with you, so don't even ask anymore." She said "No, that's not what I'm saying..." He replied "And besides, I'm sure my place is nicer than yours... so if anything, you're coming home with ME." If a girl tells you that you're too funny, just say: "That's impossible." ...or... "I'm glad you noticed. I realize that this is making you very attracted to me, but please control yourself."

She stared at me. I slightly smiled at her, and said, "What? You like my lips? They are not average... You should be grateful if I touch your forehead with them."

Me- "Excuse me, MS, do you work here (I know she does not work there)?" She- "No." Me- "Good, I want you to help me find this book [I don't say, 'Can you please help me...'I go with a demand of authority... they like it]." "Wow, you are indeed gorgeous ... you remind me the PowerPC girls she would be shocked, but liking it). See, my problem is that I am a very shy guy, and I am trying to get over it."

she asked me what I did for a living, I said, "That's kind of personal, what if you're a stalker?"
"You're cute when you pout.", "You're cute when you're mad" "What?? I don't even know you and u want me already? Sorry I am not that easy. Whatever happened to the good old days when ladies invite guys for coffee first?" when she was yelling back "jerk" at you, what were you doing? Did you reply "Wow, I had no idea you were so hot for me. If you want to get a date, you'll have to do better than that." HER: "You're 18?" YOU: "Is that a problem for you?" HER: "Well..." YOU: "Because I'm not sure I want to be seen with an older woman. I might get a reputation." "I'm seeing someone." Response: "Great! So I don't have to worry as much about you trying to seduce me."

Mas tarde ella me da un cabezaso sin querer. Se disculpa, apunto a mi frente (donde pego) y digo BESO!. Me da un beso para que me sienta mejor. TU: "No creo que debamos conocernos." ELLA: "Por qu?" TU: "Creo que sos demasiado CHICA BUENA para mi. Si tu TARGET dice algo incluso ligeramente descorts/rudo le dices, "No salis mucho Verdad?" "Oooh... Ugghh... Me acabas de escupir!" "Ehhh, tus manos/palmas estan mojadas/sudorosas ... ewwww!!!!! han estado tus manos! No, no me digas, NO QUIERO SABER!" Donde

"Me gusta ese vestido. Yo recuerdo verte en un club antes y llevabas el mismo vestido. Aunque es bonito. :)" "Pestaeas mucho".


"Soy una modelo". "Mucha gente te pregunta si sos modelo?" "Si, todo el tiempo". "Yo creo que ellos estaban siendo educados".

HER: "Oh, Soy modelo". HIM: "Que, como modelo de manos o algo asi?"

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