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Georgina Wilson-Powell
hits the studio of artist UBIQ
to discover what’s behind the
detailed layering of his work

’m not a street artist. I’m an inspired-by-the-
street artist,” says UBIQ. This young Indian
artist has a good point. Dubai is not a city
known for its underground street art in the
w./review/07.08.2009/ Photos: Bernard Testa

same manner that many other cosmopolitan

cities are. Its artists at work in this field are more
commonly known as muralists, due to the fact that
most of their work is either commissioned by cor-
porations looking to inject a sense of youth culture
into their brands, or entertained by the more cutting
edge arts spaces in town such as the JamJar Gallery.
It’s in these interior spaces that most ‘street’ art in

Dubai is created.
A burgeoning part of the arts world elsewhere,
street art — a combination of drawing, graffiti, sten-
cilling and even stickers — has captured the imagi-

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nation of many young people, who I didn’t have any money so I used
feel it offers more of a voice they cheap markers, it’s amazing what
can identify with than traditional you can do with them. People are
art forms. It has a universality that always surprised when they find
transcends upbringing, national- out all I’ve used is markers.”
ity and religion, often combining UBIQ is always doodling, always
pop culture and visual references drawing, and it’s these doodles
with more underlying political or that form the basis of his work
personal statements. Once seen as which is often drawn straight onto
anti-establishment, street art now bits of wood that he has found. The
shares public gallery space with materials he works with give him a
many other previously left wing unique appeal and also make him
art movements such as surrealism as valid a Dubai artist as anyone
w./review/07.08.2009/ Photos: Bernard Testa

or modernism. else — his work is the direct result

UBIQ has another word for him- of his local surroundings.
self. Graphillustist (graphic de- “I wouldn’t say I’m an Indian art-
signer / illustrator / artist). Brought ist for instance,” he says. “My work
up on a mix of cultures and having is about me and there are a lot of
lived in Dubai for a large part of his influences that go into making me
life, including the last four years; who I am, from Dali to Banksy.”
conversely his work is made up Holed up in a small studio space

solely from marker pens. carved out from his dad’s ware-
“I love working with markers, house in Sharjah, UBIQ draws
but it came from the cost factor! In constantly. It’s pretty remote com-
Dubai, decent spray paint is really pared to the centre of Dubai, but
hard to find and really expensive. it suits him. “I’m here all the time

50 51
Art Etcetera

{Quick Crossword}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ACROSS DOWN
1 Clutch (4) 2 Stagger (4)
4 Vehicle (3) 3 Tolerate (4)
6 Slender (4) 4 Forgave (8)
9 Owned (3) 5 Discourteous (4)
8 9 10 Kept (8) 6 Appal (5)
11 Frank (4) 7 Circuit (3)
14 Because (3) 8 Perfect (5)
10 11 16 Cranium (5) 12 Cuttlefish (5)
19 Tester (8) 13 Madness (5)
12 13 14 21 Beleaguer (5) 14 Untruth (3)
23 Explode (8) 15 Readjusted (5)
24 Conscious (5) 17 Of towns (5)
15 16 17 27 Attempt (3) 18 Flat (5)
31 Obscene (4) 20 Economise (8)
18 19 20 21 22 23 33 Renew (8) 22 Plaything (3)
34 Youth (3) 25 Flourish (5)
35 Whirlpool (4) 26 Rosy (5)
24 25 36 Tree (3) 28 Region (4)
37 Deadened (4) 29 Stove (4)
26 27 28 29 30 Staunch (4)
32 Lump (3)
30 31 Last Week's answers

32 33 ACROSS: 1, Accede 5, Handle 8, Breather 9,

Move 10, Vie 12, Tramp 15, Ode 17, Lea 18, Err 19,
Sea 20, Burst 21, God 22, Nil 23, Tea 24, Aid 26,
Every 29, Nor 33, Land 34, Romantic 35, Centre
36, Tender
DOWN: 2, Corgi 3, Edam 4, Ether 5, Harem 6,
34 35 36 Name 7, Loved 10, Vista 11, Eland 12, Table 13,
Agree 14, Petty 15, Organ 16, Eider 25, Irate 27,
Verge 28, Remit 30, Olive 31, Edit 32, Anon

working, I don’t stop. But I am al- painting, UBIQ and his brother are
ways online, always on the net, al- also responsible for the only art Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, 4 8
ways listening to music...I’m con-
stantly connected.”
I'm here in my fanzine to have existed in Dubai,
Cliché. Previously monthly, Cliché
to form four ordinary words.
His first solo exhibition starts studio all of the was made up of a cleverly folded 2 7 5
on August 13 at the JamJar Gallery. time working, I piece of paper, becoming a fanzine
9 2 1
Entitled iamwhatiam, it is a visual
journey of self-exploration that
don't stop. But I and poster in one. Like his art, the
form is a result of the unique en-
started when he dropped out of am always online, vironment here. “You have to have 3 4

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAMEby Henri Arnold and Mike Argirion

fashion design university in India. always on the net, a publishing license for anything
7 4 5 6 2 8
“It wasn’t for me, I didn’t enjoy it. I over four pages, so we stuck to one
realised I just wanted to draw.” always listening sheet," UBIQ laughs.
The show will be made up of 10 to music...I'm con- Passionate about all his forms 2 5
new pieces, which are a lot darker
than his previous work — with
stantly connected of work, UBIQ laments the unfor-
tunate climate for underground 7 1 3
masses of layering and intricate media in Dubai,
details heralded by gloriously long “It’s tough because there is no 4 6 1
and revealing titles (I Was Mind- tains.” Despite his studio location, fanzine or media culture here. If
ing My Own When Consciousness UBIQ is completely submerged in I did it in any other country I’d 3 9
Now arrange the circled
Took Over), joined by a 10-day live the local arts scene. be hailed as a ‘pirate publisher’ letters to form the surprise
art installation. He smiles, “I’m He has collaborated on many but here I can get fined! Fined for answer, as suggested by the 6 1 5 2 8 3 4 9 7

nervous and excited. I just want different murals around town with what? Spreading good art?” above cartoon. 3 7 4 5 1 9 8 6 2


Fill in every square in the grid so that

to make a party out of it and make other local artists or people pass- Iamwhatiam is the beginning each row, each column and each of the
8 2 9 4 7 6 3 1 5

sure that everyone who comes ing through. While Brazilian street for UBIQ. It is a verifying state- nine 3x3 squares contains all the digits
2 6 3 8 4 1 7 5 4

down has an awesome visual treat. artist NOVE was in town last ment, a statement of intent. Watch from 1 to 9. Now, see if you can beat









These pieces have been a labour week, he found the time to swing this space for more. Last week answer : TROTH PANSY BEFOUL SCURVY
today’s target time. Solution next week.
7 3 8 9 5 4 6 2 1
of love for me, so I hope it enter- by UBIQ’s studio. Aside from his Experienced by the chef when the dinersreturned the meals – A SOUR TASTE Target time: 15 minutes 1 5 2 6 3 8 9 7 4

4 9 6 1 2 7 5 3 8
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