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Submitted By:Veerpratap singh (12M419)

Submitted To:Mr.Rakesh Sharma

%Program No. 1% %Title: To calculate BER for various psk modulation techniques. % %Date:22 jan 2013 clear all; clc; x=randint(1,100000); %generating 10000 random samples M=2; y = pskmod(x,M,pi/3); %psk modulation of generated random no. with pi/3 initial phase,BPSK or 2-arry psk% snr=1:1:20; for i=1:1:20 Z=awgn(y,snr(i)); %awgn channel with i/p y % w =pskdemod(Z,M,pi/3); %psk demodulation with final phase pi/3 [number,ratio] = biterr(x,w); %calculating BER b/w rand. No. x & w channel o/p,giving number of bits got errored & ber% t(i)=ratio; end semilogy(snr,t,'-xg') hold on; y = pskmod(x,8,pi/3); %8-arry psk,M=8% for i=1:1:20 Z=awgn(y,snr(i)); w =pskdemod(Z,8,pi/3); [number,ratio] = biterr(x,w); t(i)=ratio; end semilogy(snr,t,'-dr') hold on; for i=1:1:20 Z=awgn(y,snr(i)); w =pskdemod(Z,16,pi/3); %16-arry psk,M=16% [number,ratio] = biterr(x,w); t(i)=ratio; end semilogy(snr,t,'-db') xlabel('snr in db','fontsize',12); ylabel('ber','fontsize',12); title('plot bwn snr n ber'); grid on; legend('bpsk','8psk','16psk')

Output: Figure 1:plot between SNR and BER for Bpsk,8-psk,16-psk

Figure 2: BPSK Modulation & Demodulation on simulink.

%Program No. 2% %Title:To generate uniform(0,1) random variable by linear congruential method(LCM). %Date:05 FEB 2013 function [ u ] = lcm() %uniform random no. generation% % Detailed explanation goes here m=input('enter modulus value:'); b=log2(m); n=input('no. of samples to be generated'); %case 1% if mod(b,1)==0 %is modulus value m isin form of power of 2% c=input('enter increment value:'); if c~=0 g=gcd(m,c);%is m and increament value are relatively prime% if g==1 k=input('enter int_value to generate a:'); a=1+4*k %generate multiplier a value% seedValue=input('enter seed value:'); else disp('enter approperiate inc_Value') c=input('enter appro inc value') return end %case 2% else seedValue=input('enter seed value:'); if mod(seedValue,2)~=0 %is seed value is odd% k=input('enter int_value to generate a:') a=3+8*k %generate multiplier a value% else disp('enter approperiate seedValue') return end end %case 3% else w=isprime(m); %is m is prime no.% c=input('enter the value of c:') if w==1 & c==0 k=m-1 a=input('enter the value of mul_a:') s=mod(a^k-1,m) %is (a^k-1)/m is a integer% if s==0 disp(' cas 3 is approached') seedValue=input('enter seed_val:') end else disp('enter appropriate modulus value:') return end

%generate the random variable u according to the relation given below% end for i=1:1:n y=seedValue*a+c; x=mod(y,m); u(i)=x/m; seedValue=x; i=i+1; end end

OUTPUT: enter modulus value:32 no. of samples to be generated:100 enter increment value:1 enter int_value to generate a:1 a =5 enter seed value:1 ans = Columns 1 through 16 0.1875 0.7500 0.8125 0.9688 0.7813 0.0938 0.8750 0.9375 0.5000 0.4063 0.7188 0.5313 0.0625 0.6250 0.3438 0.1563

Columns 17 through 32 0.6875 0.2500 0.3125 0.4688 0.2813 0.5938 0.3750 0.4375 0 0.9063 0.2188 0.0313 0.5625 0.1250 0.8438 0.6563

Columns 33 through 48 0.1875 0.7500 0.8125 0.9688 0.7813 0.0938 0.8750 0.9375 0.5000 0.4063 0.7188 0.5313 0.0625 0.6250 0.3438 0.1563

Columns 49 through 64 0.6875 0.2500 0.3125 0.4688 0.2813 0.5938 0.3750 0.4375 0 0.9063 0.2188 0.0313 0.5625 0.1250 0.8438 0.6563

Columns 65 through 80

0.1875 0.7500 0.8125

0.9688 0.7813 0.0938

0.8750 0.9375 0.5000

0.4063 0.7188 0.5313

0.0625 0.6250

0.3438 0.1563

Columns 81 through 96 0.6875 0.2500 0.3125 0.4688 0.2813 0.5938 0.3750 0.4375 0 0.9063 0.2188 0.0313 0.5625 0.1250 0.8438 0.6563

Columns 97 through 100 0.1875 0.9688 0.8750 0.4063

Figure 3:Emperical CDF of generated rand. No.

%Program No. 3% %Title:To generate Exponential Random variable using Inverse Transform %method. %Date:12 Feb 2013 clear all; clc; u=lcm();%uniform random no. generation% p=input('enter the parameter lemda value:'); exp=-(1/p)*log(1-u); %exponential random no. gen. using inv.transform method% y=hist(exp); n=input('enter again no. of samples to be generated:'); e=y/n; %prob. Density fun.% subplot(2,2,1); cdfplot(exp) xlabel('x'); ylabel('F(x),cdf of exp rand. var.'); subplot(2,2,2); hist(exp) xlabel('x'); ylabel('Histogram of exp. rand. variable'); subplot(2,2,3); plot(0.1:1:10,e) xlabel('x'); ylabel('f(x),pdf of exp. rand. var.');

OUTPUT: enter modulus value:64 no. of samples to be generated:10000 enter increment value:1 enter int_value to generate a:1 a =5 enter seed value:-1 enter the parameter lemda value:2

Figure 4:empirical CDF,Histogram and PDF of exp. Random variable shown below:

%Program No. 4% %Title:To generate binomial data samples using inverse transform method. %Date:26 Feb 2013. clc; clear all; clear figure; u = lcm();%uniform random no. generation% pi = input('enter the value of probability of success'); n=input (' enter the parameter value of no. of trials'); ip=(1-pi)^n; %initial value of prob. At i=0% for i=0:n p(i+1)=((n-i)/(i+1))* ((pi/(1-pi)))*ip; %recursive formula of binom. R.V.% ip=p(i+1); end k=1; y=n; for j=1:length(u) if u(j)< p(1) x(j)=1; end pv=p(1); for k=2:n if pv<=u(j)&& u(j) < p(k)+pv x(j)=k+1; end pv=pv+p(k); end end subplot(2,2,1); hist(x); xlabel('x'); ylabel('Histogram of binomial. rand. variable'); subplot(2,2,2); cdfplot(x); xlabel('x'); ylabel('F(x),cdf of Binomial rand. var.');

Output: Figure 5: histogram of binomially distributed random variable & empirical CDF of same.

%Program No. 5% %Title:To generate absolute value 0f Z=N(0,1)has pdf %f(x)=(2/sqrt(2*pi))exp(-x^2/2);0<x<infinity using acceptance-rejection %method using known exp. distributed r.v.y with mean=1. %Date: 19 march 2013 clc; clear all; c=sqrt(2*exp(1)/pi) %max value of f(x)/g(x)% u=lcm();%uniform random no. generation% n=input('again Number of Data Samples to be generated '); y=-log(1-u); %exponentially gen. random no. % for k=1:n f(k)=u(k); if f(k)<= exp((-(y(k)-1)^2)/2) disp('accepted'); x(k)=y(k); else disp('rejected'); end end x z=hist(x); q=z/n; subplot(1,2,1); plot(q); subplot(1,2,2); cdfplot(x);

OUTPUT:Figure 6: Pdf of exp. Gen. rand. No. x & CDF of same.

%Program: 6: %Title:Chi-Square Test for Binomial Distribution,for uniformity or pdf of random variable. %Date:02 april 2013 clc; clear all; clf; u=lcm(); %Function For uniform data generation% n=input('again How Many samples Want to Generate: '); r=input('Probability of Success'); m=input('No of Trials'); p(1)=(1-r)^m; %initial prob. At i=0 % f(1)=p(1); for i=1:m p(i+1)=(factorial(m)*(r^i)*((1-r)^(m-i)))/((factorial(i)*factorial(mi))); %recursive formula for binomially dist. Random no.% end for j=1:n for k=2:m+1 f(k)=f(k-1)+p(k); if u(j)<f(k-1) x(j)=k-2 %Binomial Random number break end end end v=hist(x,0:m); %histogram of binomially generated rand. No. x% for q=1:m+1 e(q)=p(q)*n; %mean of bino.generated rand Oj(Ej=n*Pj)% d(q)=(v(q)-e(q))^2/e(q); end T=sum(d) %Calculated Test statics for Chi square method% Z=input('enter the value of critical chi sqre value z(a/2): '); if T<=abs(Z) disp('Ho:failure to reject the null hypotheshis') else disp('H1:reject the null hypotheshis') end


enter modulus value:128 no. of samples to be generated100 enter increment value:1 enter int_value to generate a:1,a =5

enter seed value:1 again How Many samples Want to Generate: 100 Probability of Success:.2 No of Trials:15 T =1.9310 enter the value of critical chi sqre value z(a/2): 1.96 H0:failure to reject the null hypotheshis

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