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FOI 94-2013

February 25, 2014

Ms. Claire Brownell The in!sor "#ar 300 Ouelle##e $%enue in!sor, On#ario &9$ 'B4 (ear Ms. Brownell) Re: Freedom of Information request FOI 94-2013 *n!er #he +ro%ision o, #he Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act , an! ,ur#her #o your a++eal wi#h #he O,,i-e o, #he In,or.a#ion an! /ri%a-y Co..issioner0On#ario, you sub.i##e! a narrowe! a--ess re1ues# #o #his o,,i-e on 2anuary 10, 2014 in whi-h you as3e! ,or #he ,ollowin4 -or+ora#e re-or!s) Spreadsheet files created from calls about basement flooding made to the citys 311 line bet een !"11 and !"13# According to a $ov# 1% email from manager of geomatics Marian &rouillard' these spreadsheets can be found in a server called (uc)er* +urrent,-*.Flooding# Its not entirely clear from the email' but these records may include /but may not be limited to0 three spreadsheets attached to an email sent from Marian &rouillard to +huc) Scarpelli on $ov# !1# It appears the geomatics department sometimes consolidates data from the same flood event to remove duplicates# If multiple spreadsheets ere created in relation to the same flood event' I am interested in the one that represents a complete database of all recorded flooding incidents for that flood event ith the duplicates removed# 2eo3databases the city created to map flooding calls from !"1"# Again' if multiple spreadsheets ere created in relation to the same flood event' I am interested in the one that represents a complete database of all recorded flooding incidents for that flood event ith the duplicates removed# Marian &rouillards $ov# 1% email suggests that spreadsheets of flooding incidents prior to !"1" may have been lost or destroyed# If that is in fact the case' I am interested in the maps &rouillard refers to as measles maps4 of all flooding events prior to !"1"' preferably in electronic format# In the past' +huc) Scarpelli has told me he ould be prepared to provide those maps' but ith the street names redacted# I cant see any reason hy the names of the streets or anything else on these maps should be e5empt from the Act#4

Ms. Claire Brownell The in!sor "#ar /a4e 2 5FOI 94-20136

February 25, 2014 "ubse1uen# #o #his, a ,ee es#i.a#e le##er was sen# #o you by #his o,,i-e, !a#e! 2anuary 31, 2014, ou#linin4 #he ,ees asso-ia#e! wi#h your narrowe! re1ues# o, whi-h you +ai! 507 o, #he ,ee u+ ,ron# 58'5.006 on February 5, 2014. This +ay.en# allowe! us #o +er,or. #he a-#ual sear-h an! ob#ain #he re-or!s ,ro. #he res+onsi%e !e+ar#.en#. e ha%e re#rie%e! #he re-or!s +er#ainin4 #o your re1ues# ,ro. #he /ubli- or3s (e+ar#.en# howe%er #he Ci#y9s ,inal !e-ision is non-disclosure o, #he re-or!s. /lease #a3e no#e #ha# #he Ci#y relies on se-#ion 10516 :Thir! /ar#y In,or.a#ion; an! se-#ion 115a6, 5-6, 5!6 :<-ono.i- an! O#her In#eres#s; o, #he Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act , as ou#line! in #he e=-er+#s o, #he $-# a##a-he!. For your in,or.a#ion, #hese re-or!s -onsis# o, ,our 4rou+s o, ele-#roni- re-or!s as ,ollows) 1. Ma+ o, "#or. >elie, "ewer Cons#ru-#ion /riori#ies, 2000 ? 200' Base.en# Floo!in4 Ma+@ 2. Floo!in4 Calls 5$ll6, 2010@ 3. Base.en# Floo!in4, 2012@ 4. Floo!in4, 2013 /lease no#e #ha# no in,or.a#ion is a%ailable ,or #he year 2011. *n!er #he Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act , se-#ion 455!6 an! On#ario >e4ula#ion A23 se-#ion A51.6, #he +re+ara#ion ,ee is no lon4er a++li-able in #his -ase an! has #here,ore been wai%e! !ue #o #he non-!is-losure o, #he re-or!s, howe%er #he sear-h +or#ion o, #he ,ees re.ains a# 830.00. You will recei e a refund from t!is office in t!e amount of "4#$00 s!ortl% after recei&t of t!is letter. Bou .ay as3 ,or a re%iew o, #his !e-ision wi#hin 30 !ays o, re-ei%in4 #his le##er by wri#in4 #o) The In,or.a#ion an! /ri%a-y Co..ission0On#ario, 2 Bloor "#ree# <as#, "ui#e 1400, Toron#o, On#ario, M4 1$A, Tele+hone) 41C-32C-3333 or #oll ,ree 1-A00-3A'-00'3. I, you !e-i!e #o re1ues# a re%iew o, #his !e-ision, +lease +ro%i!e #he Co..issioner9s O,,i-e wi#h #he ,ollowin4) D D D D The ,ile nu.ber lis#e! a# #he be4innin4 o, #his le##er@ $ -o+y o, #his !e-ision le##er@ $ -o+y o, #he ori4inal re1ues# ,or in,or.a#ion you sen# #o our ins#i#u#ion@ an! The reasons why you belie%e #he re-or!s e=is# 5if the decision as that no records e5ist6.

Ms. Claire Brownell The in!sor "#ar /a4e 3 5FOI 94-20136 February 25, 2014 In a!!i#ion, you .us# sen! an a++eal ,ee #o #he Co..issioner9s O,,i-e. I, your re1ues# was ,or your +ersonal in,or.a#ion, #he a++eal ,ee is 810.00. The a++eal ,ee ,or all o#her re1ues#s ,or in,or.a#ion is 825.00. /lease in-lu!e #he ,ee wi#h your le##er o, a++eal - a++eal ,ees shoul! be in #he ,or. o, ei#her a -he1ue or .oney or!er, +ayable #o #he Minis#er o, Finan-e. Bours %ery #ruly,

Chu-3 "-ar+elli Mana4er o, >e-or!s E <le-#ions an! Free!o. o, In,or.a#ion an! /ri%a-y Coor!ina#or C"0b. -.-. "uFanne Tar!i,, Me!ia#or Tribunal "er%i-es (e+ar#.en# In,or.a#ion an! /ri%a-y Co..ission o, On#ario 1400-2 Bloor "#ree# <as# Toron#o, On#ario M4 1$A

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