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EMSO Quick Reference

LastChangedDate: 2007-07-17 11:02:49 -0300 (Ter, 17 Jul 2007) Name volume mass current charge capacitance indutance voltage resistance potency currency mass mol molweight molweight inv dens mol dens mass conc mol inv conc mol conc mass inv conc mass reaction mol reaction mass cp mass cp mol cv mol enth mass enth mol entr mol entr mass heat reaction heat rate heat ux heat trans coe energy energy mass energy mol power ow mass Base positive positive Real positive positive positive positive Real Real positive positive Real Real Real Real dens mol Real dens mass Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real positive Real Real Real Real positive Default 10 10 10 10 10 100 50 10 0 2.5 2.5 75 1 1 1e3 1e-3 0.05 1e3 1e-3 10 1e3 1.0 100 100 500 500 0 0 1e3 1e3 1 1 1e4 1e4 1e4 10 1e3 Lower -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e12 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e3 - -1e-6 -1e-6 1 0 1e-30 1e-30 1e-30 2e-4 1e-30 2e-6 -1e6 -1e3 0.1 1 1 -1e4 -1e9 -1e4 -1e4 -1e8 -1e11 -1e5 -1e-6 -1e11 -1e15 -1e15 -1e8 -1e-6 Upper 1e30 1e12 1e12 1e12 1e12 1e9 800 1e3 1e6 1e6 1e8 1e30 5e3 5e5 5e3 1e30 5e3 1e30 1e6 1e9 10.0 1e3 1e3 1e4 1e9 1e4 1e4 1e8 1e11 1e5 1e3 1e11 1e15 1e15 1e8 1e10 Unit m3 /kg A C F V s/A V ohm kW US$ kg kmol kg/kmol kmol/kg kmol/m3 kg/m3 kmol/m3 m3 /kmol kg/m3 m3 /kg kmol/h/m3 kg/h/m3 kJ/kg/K J/mol/K J/mol/K kJ/kg J/mol kJ/kmol/K kJ/kg/K kJ/kmol J/s kW/m2 kW/m2 /K kJ kJ/kg kJ/kmol kW kg/h

EMSO is the acronym for Environment for Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization. It is a dynamic simulator for general processes. This is the EMSO quick reference card, for detailed documentation please consult the EMSO Users Guide. You can nd the latest version of this document, the EMSO Users Guide, and the software itself at

EMSO Types types.mso

Name Real coecient Constant positive negative fraction percent control signal eciency pressure press delta head mass head temperature temp delta time h time min time sec frequency angle area length length delta volume volume mol Base Built-In Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real pressure Real Real Real temperature positive time h time h positive Real positive positive length positive positive Default 1 1 10 1.0 -1.0 0.5 50 1 0.5 1 0.01 50 50 300 30 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 10 10 Lower - -50 -5e3 -1e-6 - -1e-6 0 -1e9 0 1e-30 -5e6 -1e6 -1e6 27 -1e3 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e-6 -7 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e3 -1e-6 -1e-6 Upper 50 5e3 1e-6 1.00001 100 1e9 1 5e7 5e7 1e6 1e6 5273 1e3 1e4 100 7 1e6 5e6 1e3 1e6 Unit none none none none none none none none none atm atm kJ/kg kJ/kmol K K h min s 1/s rad m2 m m m3 m3 /mol

Gerson B. Bicca

EMSO Quick Reference Name ow mass delta ow vol ow vol delta ow mol ow mol delta ux mol ux mol delta ux mass ux mass delta ux vol ux vol delta vel angular rotation velocity velocity delta acceleration fricfactor moment inertia hookes const conductivity diusivity fugacity viscosity vol mol vol mass spec surface vol spec surface mass surf tens act coe ph Base ow mass positive ow vol positive ow mol positive ux mol positive ux mass positive ux vol Real Real Real velocity Real Real Real Real Real positive positive Real volume mol volume mass positive positive positive positive Real Default 1e3 1 1 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1e3 5e2 1 0 9.81 0.05 100 1e5 1.0 1e-3 0.5 1 10 10 1e5 100 0.05 1 7 Lower -1e10 -1e-6 -1e12 -1e-6 -1e8 -1e-6 -1e4 -1e-6 -1e6 -1e-6 -1e4 -1e5 -1e4 -1e5 -1e3 -1e3 1e-5 1e-3 1 1e-3 -1e-6 -1e-6 1e-30 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e-6 -1e-6 -5 Upper 1e10 1e12 1e12 1e8 1e8 1e4 1e4 1e6 1e6 1e4 1e4 1e5 1e4 1e5 -1e3 1e3 2e3 1e4 1e10 500 1 10 1e5 1e6 1e6 1e15 1e12 1 30 20 Unit kg/h m3 /h m3 /h kmol/h kmol/h kmol/s/m2 kmol/s/m2 kg/s/m2 kg/s/m2 m3 /s/m2 m3 /s/m2 rpm rad/s m/s m/s m/s2 none kg m2 N/m W/m/K cm2 /s none cP m3 /mol m3 /kg m2 /m3 m2 /kg N/m none none Function sinh(Z) cosh(Z) tanh(Z) coth(Z) sin(Z) cos(Z) tan(Z) asin(Z) acos(Z) di(Z) atan(Z) sum(Z) prod(Z) sumt(Z) prodt(Z) transp(Z) exp(Z) log(Z) ln(Z) sqrt(Z)

LastChangedDate: 2007-07-17 11:02:49 -0300 (Ter, 17 Jul 2007) Meaning Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the

hyperbolic sine of Z hyperbolic cosine of Z hyperbolic tangent of Z hyperbolic cotangent of Z sine of Z cosine of Z tangent of Z angle whose sine is Z angle whose cosine is Z derivative of Z with respect to time angle whose tangent is Z sum of components of a vector or matrix Z product of a vector or matrix Z transpose sum of components of a vector or matrix Z transpose product of components of a vector or matrix Z transpose of a matrix Z exponential function, e raised to the power Z base 10 logarithm of Z natural logarithm (base e) of Z square root of Z

Units Of Measurement (UOM)

Fundamental Units
m kg s K A mol cd rad US$ length in meters mass in kilogram time in seconds temperature in Kelvin eletric current in Ampere the amount of substance in mole the luminous intensity in Candela angle measure in radian money in dollar (USA)

Built-In Functions
Function abs(Z) max(Z) min(Z) sign(Z) round(Z) Meaning Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the Returns the magnitude or absolute value of Z maximum value of Z minimum value of Z signal of Z (-1 if Z < 0 e 1 if Z> 0 small integer value of Z

Gerson B. Bicca

EMSO Quick Reference

LastChangedDate: 2007-07-17 11:02:49 -0300 (Ter, 17 Jul 2007) pdl lbf kip gf kgf dyn Length cm mm fermi A mil ftUS fath rd chain miUS nmi mi km au lyr pc Mpc in ft yd Mass u grain ct ozt t tonUK ton lbt 0.138254954376*N 4.44822161526*N 4448.22161526*N 0.00980665*N 1e3*gf 0.00001*N 1e-2*m 0.1*cm 1e-15*m 1e-10*m 1e-6*m 2.54e-5*m 0.304800609601*m 1.82880365761*m 5.02921005842*m 20.1168402337*m 1609.34721869*m 1852*m 1609.344*m 1000*m 1.495979e11*m 9.46052840488e15*m 3.08567818585e16*m 3.08567818585e22*m 0.0254*m 0.3048*m 0.9144*m 1.6605402e-27*kg 0.00006479891*kg 0.0002*kg 0.0311034768*kg 1000*kg 1016.0469088*kg 907.18474*kg 0.3732417216*kg poundal pounds of force kip gram force kilogram force dyne centimeter millimeter fermi angstrom micro mil international foot fathom rod chain US statute miles nautical mile International Mile Kilometer Astronomical Unit light year parsec megaparsec inch foot yard atomic mass unit grain carat troy ounce tonne ton (UK) ton troy pound

Derived Units
Acceleration of Gravity ga 9.80665*m/s2 Angle arcs 4.8481368111e-6*rad arcmin 2.90888208666e-4*rad grad 1.57079632679e-2*rad deg 1.74532925199e-2*rad Area acre 4046.87260987*m2 a 100*m2 ha 10000*m2 b 1e-28*m2 Eletric Wb kg*m2 /A/s2 T kg/A/s2 S A2 *s3 /kg/m2 mho A2 *s3 /kg/m2 Fdy 96487*A*s F A2 *s4 /kg/m2 ohm kg*m2 /A2 /s3 C A*s V kg*m2 /A/s3 Energy J kg*m2 /s2 kJ 1e3*J MJ 1e6*J GJ 1e9*J eV 1.60217733e-19*J MeV 1e6*eV therm 105506000*J Btu 1055.05585262*J cal 4.1868*J kcal 1e3*cal erg 1e-7*J Force N kg*m/s2 standard acceleration of gravity arcsecond arcminute grad degree acre are hectare barn weber tesla siemens mho faraday farad ohm unit of relative current for batteries volt joule kilojoule megajoule gigajoule electronvolt megaelectronvolt therm British thermal unit calorie kilo calorie erg newton

Gerson B. Bicca

EMSO Quick Reference slug oz lb g kmol lbmol Money R$ Power W kW MW hp Pressure Pa kPa MPa inH2O inHg mmHg torr psi bar atm Radiation R Ci Bq Sv rem Gy Temperature degR Time Hz min rpm 14.5939029372*kg 0.028349523125*kg 0.45359237*kg kg/1000 1e3*mol 453.59237*mol US$/3.05 kg m2 /s3 1e3*W 1e6*W 745.699871582*W kg/m/s pascal 1e3*Pa 1e3*kPa 248.84*Pa 3386.38815789*Pa 133.322368421*Pa 133.322368421*Pa 6894.75729317*Pa 1e5*Pa 101325*Pa 0.000258*A*s/kg 3.7e10/s 1/s m2 /s2 0.01*m2 /s2 m2 /s2 K/1.8 1/s 60*s 1/min

LastChangedDate: 2007-07-17 11:02:49 -0300 (Ter, 17 Jul 2007) slug ounce pound gram kilomole pound mole Brazilian money (Real) watt Kilowatt megawatt horsepower h d yr Velocity c knot mph kph Viscosity St P cP Volume st fbm pk bu bbl trp tbsp ozUK oz cu l ml pt qt gal galC galUK 60*min 24*h 31556925.9744*s 299792458*m/s 0.514444444444*m/s 0.44704*m/s 0.277777777778*m/s 0.0001*m2 /s 0.1*kg/m/s 0.001*kg/m/s m3 0.002359737216*m3 0.0088097675*m3 0.03523907*m3 0.158987291928*m3 4.92892159375e-6*m3 1.47867647813e-5*m3 2.8413075e-5*m3 2.95735295625e-5*m3 2.365882365e-4*m3 1e-3*m3 1e-3*l 0.000473176473*m3 0.000946352946*m3 0.00378541178*m3 0.00454609*m3 0.004546092*m3 hour day year velocity (or speed) of light knot mile per hour kilometer per hour stoke poise centipoise Stere board foot peck bushel barrel teaspoon tablespoon uid ounce (UK) uid ounce US Cup liter milliliter pint quart gallon imperial gallon gallon (UK)

Kilopascal megapascal inch of water column inch of mercury millimeter of mercury torr pound per square inch bar atmosphere R curie becquerel sievert rem gray degree Rankine hertz minute revolution per minute

Gerson B. Bicca

EMSO Quick Reference

LastChangedDate: 2007-07-17 11:02:49 -0300 (Ter, 17 Jul 2007)

Modeling Language
Every command enclosed by [ ] is optional. The code a | b | c means a or b or c. Every command between < > is an emphasis in that command. FlowSheet accepts all commands of a Model Optimization and Estimation accept all commands of a FlowSheet

The Model Entity

Model ModelName [as base] ATTRIBUTES Icon ="file name"; Pallete = false | true; Brief ="A shortcut information about the model"; Info ="A detailed information about the model"; PARAMETERS [outer] ParName; [outer] ParName as base; [outer] ParName as base(Brief="brief",Default=value,Lower=value,Upper= value,DisplayUnit=unit); [outer] size as Integer(Brief="brief",Default=value,Lower=value,Upper= value); [outer] ParName(size) as base(Brief="brief",Default=value,Lower=value, Upper=value,DisplayUnit=unit); [outer] ParName(dim1,dim2,...) as base(Brief="brief",Default=value,Lower= value,Upper=value,DisplayUnit=unit); ParName as Switcher(Brief="brief",Valid=["value1","value2",...],Default=" value"); VARIABLES [in | out] VarName; [in | out] VarName as base; [in | out] VarName as ModelBase [(Brief="brief")]; VarName as base(Brief="brief",Default=value,Lower=value,Upper=value, DisplayUnit=unit); VarName(size) as base(Brief="brief",Default=value,Lower=value,Upper=value ,DisplayUnit=unit); VarName(dim1,dim2,...) as base(Brief="brief",Default=value,Lower=value, Upper=value,DisplayUnit=unit); CONNECTIONS varName<in> to varName<out>; EQUATIONS ["equation name"] expression = expression; INITIAL ["equation name"] varName = expression | value; SET ParName = <expression involving only parameters> | value; size = < a integer value >; end

The FlowSheet Entity

FlowSheet FlowSheetName [as base] DEVICES DevName as base [(Brief="brief")]; CONNECTIONS DevName.varName<in> to DevName.varName<out>; SET ParName = <expression involving only parameters> | value ; SPECIFY ["equation name"] DevName.varName = expression | value; INITIAL ["equation name"] DevName.varName = expression | value; OPTIONS Dynamic = false | true; TimeStart = value; TimeStep = value; TimeEnd = value; TimeUnit = unit; SparseAlgebra = false | true; GuessFile = "File Name"; InitialFile = "File Name"; NLASolver(File="sundials" |"nlasolver", RelativeAccuracy=1e-3, AbsoluteAccuracy=1e-6, MaxIterations =100); DAESolver(File="sundials"|"dassl"|"dasslc"|"mebdf", RelativeAccuracy=1e-3,AbsoluteAccuracy=1e-6,EventAccuracy =1e-2); NLPSolver(File="complex"|"ipopt_emso",RelativeAccuracy=1e-3); end

Gerson B. Bicca

EMSO Quick Reference

LastChangedDate: 2007-07-17 11:02:49 -0300 (Ter, 17 Jul 2007) Expressions:

algebraic operations:+, -, *, /, built-In functions: See list above plugin Method: PluginName.PluginMethod(arguments)

The Optimization Entity

Optimization name [as base] MINIMIZE expression1; expression2; MAXIMIZE expression3; expression4; EQUATIONS expression5 < expression6; expression7 > expression8; FREE variable1; variable2; end

Conditional Equations:
if LogicalExpression then ["equation name"] Equations; else ["equation name"] Equations; end switch Valid_Switcher_ParName case "validName": ["equation name"] Equations; [when LogicalExpression switchto "Any validName"]; . . . end UNIT unit

The Estimation Entity

Estimation EstimationName as FlowSheetName ESTIMATE #PARAMETER START LOWER UPPER ParName StartValue LowerValue UpperValue EXPERIMENTS # DATA FILE WEIGTH "FileName1.dat" WeigthValue1; "FileName2.dat" WeigthValue2; . . . OPTIONS . . . end

Relational operations: <, >, <=, >= Logical constants: true, false Logical operations: and, or, not, equal

The experimental data FileName.dat

MEASURE [ UNIT [ VARIANCE DATA time timeUnit timeVar Timevalue Param1 unit1 var1 value1 Param2 unit2 var2 value2 . . . . . . . . . . . . ParamN unitN ] varN ] valueN

Iterative equations:
for index in [StartValue:EndValue] ["equation name"] Equations; end

Simple Equations
["equation name"] expression = expression;

Gerson B. Bicca

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