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1 AIM-To study the command of PSPICE software DEVICES C device CapacitorC{name} {+node}{-node}[{model}] {value}[IC={initial}] Examples: CLOAD 15 0 20pF CFDBK 3 33 CMOD 10pF IC=1.5v

D device Diode. D{name}{+node}{-node}{model} [area] Examples: DCLAMP 14 0 DMOD I device Current Source. I{name}{+node}{-node}[[DC]{value}][AC{mag}[{phase}]] Examples: IBIAS 13 0 2.3mA IAC 2 3 AC .001 IPULSE 1 0 PULSE(-1mA 1mA 2ns 2ns 2ns 50ns 100ns) I3 26 77 AC 1 SIN(.002 .002 1.5 MEG) L device Inductor. L{name} {+node} {-node} [model] {value} [IC= {intial}] Examples: LLOAD 15 0 20mH L2 1 2 .2ev-6

LSENSE 5 12 2uH IC=2mA

Q device Bipolar Transistor. Q {name} { c} { b} {e } [{subs}] { model } [area }] Examples: Q1 14 2 13 PNPNOM Q13 15 3 0 1 NPNSTRONG 1.5

R device Resistor.

EXPERIMENT NO. OBJECT: Study of various commands of PSPICE. SOFTWARE USED: OrCAD Family Release 9.2. THEORY: Introduction: OrCAD offers a total solution for your core design tasks:schematic and VHDL-based design entry;FPGA and CPLD design synthesis;digital,analog,and mixed signal simulation; and printed circuit board layout. Whats more,OrCADs products are a suite of applications built around an engineers design flow not just a collection of independently developed point tools. PSpice and PSpice A/D are just one element in OrCADs total solution design flow. List of commands: Function Standard analysis PSpice Command AC (AC analysis) DC (DC analysis) FOUR (Fourier analysis) NOISE(noise analysis) OP (bias point) SENS (sensitivity analysis) TF (transfer) TRAN(transient analysis) Simple multi-run analysis Statistical conditions STEP (Parametric analysis) TEMP(temperature) IC(initial bias point condition) Description frequency response DC sweep Fourier components noise bias point DC sensitivity small-signal DC transfer function transient parametric temperature clamp node voltage for bias point calculation LOADBIAS (load bias point file) NODESET(set apporoximate node Voltage for bias point) to restore a NODESET bias point to suggest a node voltage for bias calculation

SAVEBIAS (save a bias point to file)

to store NODESET bias point Information

Device modeling

ENDS (end subcircuit) DISTRIBUTION(user-defined distribution) MODEL (model definition) SUBCRT(subcircuit)

end of subcircuit definition model parameter tolerance distribution to start subcircuit definition

Output control


to send an analysis plot to output file (line printer format) to send an analysis table to output file to send simulation results to Probe data File

PRINT(print) PROBE (probe)

VECTOR(digital output) WATCH (watch analysis result)

digital state output view numerical simulation results in Progress

Circuit file processing

end of circuit simulation description Expression function definition Include specified file Reference specified library Parameter definition


ALIASES,ENDALIASES(aliase,endaliases) to begin and end an alias definition

EXTERNAL(external port)

to identify nets representing the Outermost(or peripheral) connections To the circuit being simulated

OPTIONS(analysis option)

to set miscellaneous simulation limits

Analysis control parameters and output Characters STILIB(stimulus library file) to specify a stimulus library name containing STIMULUS information stimulus device definition text expression,parameter or file name Used by digital devices to create a comment line (in-line comment) (line continuation) to add an in-line comment to continue the text of previous line

STIMULUS(stimulus) TEXT(text parameter)


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