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Q.1) What is meant by saying that where the chairman should able to deal with
Hidden Agenda, and Mention some advantage and disadvantage of
committee meeting, conference meeting.

Ans: The chairman should be able to recognize all the members present and
should make it a point to introduce newcomers to those present. His greatest
skill lies, however, in his ability to deal with the “hidden agenda”. The
formal agenda is placed before the meeting by the secretary and its items
will be discussed at an “intellectual level” by the members at the instance of
the chairman, but what is not placed before the members is the hidden
emotional agenda. By this hidden emotional agenda is means the feelings,
ambitions, and beliefs of the members present. These feelings and emotions
are never openly expressed but they influence the direction the discussion
takes. The chairman must learn to recognize the items of the hidden agenda
present and make correct judgments about when to suppress them and when
to encourage their open expression.

Advantage of committees meetings: -

1. Effective Communication is achieved: When a problem is tackled by many
heads a solution is likely to be found. We have already seen that according to
research, a committee of seven persons is said have a composite experience
of 150 years. There is face to face communication and immediate feedback.
2. Reactions can be obtained: If a committee contains customers, clients,
employees, casual workers and trade union representatives, the management
is in a better position to understand how its decisions will be received and
will come to know the problems faced by these groups.
3. Improves employer-employee relations: If employees are included in
management and other organizational committees, they get a sense of
participation and this greatly help to improve employer-employees relations.
4. Co-ordination and decision-making: Periodic meetings of departmental
heads can help to achieve co-ordination between the different departments.


Committee meetings at the level higher management help to take proper and
effective decisions regarding the working of the whole organization.
Disadvantage of committees meetings: -
1. Both, formal and informal meetings can be time – consuming and expensive.
A great deal of money and time has to be spent on making preparations and
on the actual conduct of a meeting.
2. A meeting may end without any useful conclusion if there is much
disagreement among the participants.
3. There may not be any useful outcome. Several persons take meetings lightly
and attend without preparation, just for the sake of spending some time
away from their work place.
4. If the chairperson is not skilled in conducting a meeting, there may be a
great deal of useless talk from the chair, causing other to feel frustrated if
they do not get an opportunity to respond or to express their views.
5. Recent research in group activity has shown that leader and participants can
be trained in group activity and discussion. The disadvantages can be
overcome with training of organization members.
Advantages of Conference: -
1. They encourage the exchange of ideas and opinions.
2. They bring out the many facts of a problem or situation by
3. They provide valuable practice in analyzing situations and help to
determine what should be done.
4. Like committee meetings, they provide an opportunity for face to face
communication, personal observation and conversation.
5. They provide an opportunity for consultation with parties like
customers, clients, trade union representatives and enable
management to gather their reactions.
6. They increase employee motivation by employee participation.

Disadvantages of Conference: -


1. When conferences are held often with subordinates they might give
the subordinates the impression that the management is unable to
arrive at a decision on its own.
2. If a subordinates is called to a conference on a subject which is out
side his scope of experience it will only make him feel frustrated and
3. Sometimes, when conferences are badly chaired they might only
result in clouding as issue or complicating a problem.

Q.2) How would you prepare yourself to take part in common meeting and
conference and what will you do for the meeting to be in the progress?
Ans: - Preparation for Taking Part in the Common and Conference Meetings
A meeting needs the support of written communication in the form of
notice of the meeting, agenda of items to be discussed at the meeting and
minutes which are a record of the proceedings of the meeting.
The seating arrangements and the duration of the
meeting depend upon the number of participants, the subject of the meeting
and the objective of the meeting. It may be a small committee meeting or
large conference meeting, or a group discussion meetings; its success
depends on the preparation and arrangements made by those in charge and
responsible for calling the meeting and conducting it. The convener,
chairman or leader has the responsibility to ensure that the arrangements
are made properly. A secretary or any member of the staff may be assigned
the duty of arranging for the meeting; the person making the arrangements
must be briefed properly and given a check – list to work from.

Checklist for Meeting Arrangements: -

 Sufficient number of chair properly arranged.
 Names plates for participants and name boards for seating
 Writing material and pointers.
 Pins, clips, paper-weight, paper cutters, staplers, punches.
 Sounds equipment to be tested.


 Projection equipment:
a. Plugged in, tested.
b. Focused and properly leveled.
c. Properly cleaned lenses.
d. Spare lamps and fuses.
 Facilities for display
a. Screens
b. Blackboard, Chalk, Dusters.
c. Easel, Crayons.
 Extension cords placed properly so that no one will trip over them.
 Provision for darkening the room if necessary.
 Exhibits, projection material, arranged in required sequence.
 Water and glasses.


The discussion can be passed on the participants by putting a general
question to group; if this does not work, a specific question may be
addressed to particular person. Some leader takes pains to brief a member,
in advance, to raise certain points to get the discussion started.
The leader should talk as little as possible, and not take
up more than % of the total meeting time; the leader’s job is to guide the
discussion, to see that it does not get out of point, that it does not get stuck,
or limited to just two or three persons.
The leader must never pose as an expert or authority
on any matter. The group must be encouraged and helped to take the
decision as far as possible. The leader can direct their thinking through
skilful use of questions, summaries and examples.
A major task of the leader is to deal with difficult
participants; there may be the professional opposes the non-contributors,
the show-stealers, complainers and ramblers. The leader must master the art
of asking questions and the art of interrupting without giving offense or


being discourteous; the leader needs patience, alertness, knowledge of the

subject and a cool head.

Q.3) NOTES: -


A committee is a small group of persons entrusted with a special
business task appointed by a bigger group or someone in authority. A
committee is a tool of administration and management and is expected to
complete a given task in the given time. It meets as often as is required for
the task, and maintains the minutes of its meetings. It is expected to prepare
a report of its conclusions and submit it to the appointing authority.
The size of committee usually affects its working; sometimes a large
committee may not arrive at decisions owing to too many differences of
opinion; on the other hand, a very small committee may find that it lacks the
information it needs.

There are several types of committees: -

a. Sub-committee.
b. Ad hoc committee.
c. Standing committee.
d. Special committee.


Sales managers have weekly conferences with their assistants and
sales representatives to review the week’s work and prepare for the next
week on the basis of oral reports and the views given by the salesmen.
Similar conferences may be held by the advertising, research and pricing
departments. The forecast made at these conferences are submitted to top
management for consideration and decision making.

Case Example of Sales Forecasting: -


The sales department of the Xandu Medicines was not functioning

properly. Some salesmen reported good sales in their assigned localities
while others did not seems to be able to sell anything. The sales manager
decided to call a conference of the representatives every Saturday afternoon.
At this conference, all the salesmen were required to report on their
activities during the week. They were encouraged to discuss the problems
raised by the reports. It was found that the salesmen were picking up
valuable tips from one another and within a few months the sales figures

A seminar is a discussion group before whom the findings of some
research or advanced study are placed in the form of oral or written reports
and then discussed in detail. Generally one scholar or researcher reads or
presents a paper and this is followed by a healthy interchange of ideas. It is,
however possible to have a seminar at which more than two papers are read
by different persons before the in-depth discussion is allowed by the
chairman. Seminars are held for specialized people on specialized topics in
order to bring about a cross-fertilization of ideas. There may or may not be
an audience. A seminar could continue for two or three days, and be divided
into a number of sessions. A seminar usually begins with a key note speech
or addresses by a person who is prominent or an expert. His speech sets the
tone and quality of the whole proceedings.

At a panel discussion no papers are presented or read out. The participants
speak spontaneously, expressing their points of view, on an announced topic.
There is usually a moderator for the discussion who ensures that all the
participants are heard by posing specific questions. Panel discussions are
very popular on radio and TV.

Motivation may be defined as inspiring a person to intensify his willingness
to work harder for the achievement of desired objectives.


According to William G. Scott, “Motivation means a process of stimulating

people to action, to accomplish desired goals”.

Five type of motivating human behavior: -

a. Physiological needs
b. Safety needs
c. Social needs
d. Esteem needs
e. Self-actualization needs

Q.4) Explain the terms notices of meetings, agenda and resolution and
why it’s important.

Ans: - Notices of meetings: -

Sending a notice is the first step in convening a meeting. In the case of
official meetings like those of companies a meeting is not said to be legal
unless a proper notice has been issued. To a lesser extent this is also true of
semi-official and informal meetings.
A notice is written intimation of the date, time, place and the business to be
transacted at the meeting to all persons who are entitled to get it. The notice
is sent by the secretary of the association or company and it can be posted or
inserted in the newspapers in the form of an advertisement.
The notice of a meeting must be sent a certain number of days before it is
held so as enable the persons attending the meeting to have some time to
think about the matter to be considered and decided at the meeting. Notices
should therefore be sent at least two weeks in advance. In the case of
company meetings the usual prescribed period is 21 days. The following
points should be noted about the issuance of notice: -
a) It should be issued by a competent authority like the secretary after
obtaining proper authority from the managing committee or board of


b) It must send to all the members, without exception, and also to others like
auditors who are under the rules entitled to attend the meeting.
c) The place that is mentioned in the notice for holding the meeting should be
one that is convenient for all attend, as also the time.

Preparation of Agenda: -
It is the secretary of the association or company who undertakes the work of
preparing the agenda of the meeting. He does this in consultation with the
president or chairman.
An agenda is list of items to be discussed at a meeting. The items should be
arranged in logical order and should be within the scope of the business to
be transacted at the meeting. At the meeting the chairman takes up the items
in the agenda, one by one, in the same order. The agenda is usually sent to
members along with the notice. The main purpose is to provide advance
information to the members of the matters to be discussed at the meeting. It
helps the chairman to guide discussions during the meeting and the
members can prepare themselves properly in advance.
The first item in the agenda is usually reading and approving the minutes of
the last meeting. The last item on the agenda is ‘vote of thanks to the chair’.
In between the main business of the meeting is arranged. Routine items like
passing of audited statements and opening of bank accounts should be
placed earlier. Items requiring discussion and debate should be placed at
end. This done so that the chairman can adjourn a discussion that is
becoming interminable and so that routine but important items do not

Resolutions: -
A resolution is formal expression of opinion by a meeting. It means a firm
decision or opinion formally expressed by a group of people, unanimously or
by a simple majority. It is, in fact, the act of resolving a problem. A question
on which a vote is to be taken is called a “motion”. A motion begins with the
word “that”. The wording of the motion is positive and it must be clear and
concise. When a motion is passed by voting at a meeting, it becomes a


resolution. An association or company conducts its business by passing

resolution at meetings.
According to the companies act of 1959, resolutions can be of three kinds: -
(a) ordinary resolutions, (b) special resolution, (c) Resolutions requiring
special notice. Resolutions are voted upon and passed or rejected by those
attending the meeting. A resolution is proposed by one of the members
present, seconded by another member, and then voted upon after discussion.

Q.5) Draft a notice conveniently the meeting of co- operator society or

limited company.

Ans: -


36, Sunder nagar,
New Delhi
Mr. B.K.Lohia
59, nariman bhavan
Mumbai – 21
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that a meeting of the board of director of the company will be
held in the board room of the registered office the company on the 18th of August
at 10:45 a.m. when you are requested to be present. The agenda for the meeting is
Yours faithfully
Encl: As above

Q. 6) Draft the notice with agenda for the special meeting for the executive
committee for ACC Company which is facing financial problem.


32, R.C. Studio Road,
Chembur, Mumbai.


Notice is hereby given that a special general meeting of the
Keraleeya Co-operative Bank Ltd. Chembur (Mumbai) will be held at the
premises of the bank at Chembur on Wednesday 21st March 2003 at 2:30
p.m. to transact the following business.
1. To consider, and if approved, adopt the suggestion contained in the
report of the loan sub-committee.
2. To approve the rate of dividend recommended by the managing
3. Any other business that may be brought forward for which due
notice has been given.
By order of the managing committee
(K. T. Vailankanni)

Q.7) Draft carefully resolution for the appointment for sub–committee to collect

Ans: - Resolution for collecting fund

Resolved that the ACC Company has appointed the sub-committee
member collecting fund for a period of commencing from 12th July
2006 on the same terms and condition as were embodied in the
agreement dated 14 July2001.

Q.8) Basic technique of holding interview. What is meant by WASP and briefly

Ans: - Interview Techniques

The basic technique of conducting an interview has already been described
by the mnemonic WASP (Welcome, Acquiring Information, Supply


Information, and Parting). In addition, we must consider some other

techniques (good and not so good) that organization adopt.
Screening:- Under conditions of unemployment there are likely to be a large
number of applicants for any post that is advertised. It would be a waste of
time and energy to call all the applicants for an interview. The applications
are therefore first screened by an official who rejects all those that do not
fulfill the requirements of age, previous experience, qualifications and
Reliance on tests:- In the last fifty years psychological testing has come to be
accepted as a technique for selection in business houses. Some of these tests
are written and designed to find out the intelligence, general knowledge,
mathematical proficiency and speed of thought of the candidate. Other test
like personality and leadership test are conducted in a the course of the
Reliance on experience:- Some interviewer in some organization give
exceptional importance to practical experiences and regard paper
qualification as just so much rubbish. This is an undesirable attitude as it
results in the rejection of many applicants who could have made enthusiastic
and dedicated workers.

Reliance on random appearance:- Some employer of the old school reject the
technique of screening and believe in calling up applicants straights for an
interview in the beliefs that “the man is important than the application”.

Q.9) Name the different type of interview and elaborate. Drawback the interview.

Ans: - Different types of interview

Promotion interview: - A person due for promotion is interview even if there
is no competition. The interview is likely to be informal and serves as an
induction into a new team, with new responsibilities.
Appraisal or assessment interview: - Appraisal interview is one of the
methods of periodical assessment employees. There are method like
completion of self-assessment forms and assessment by supervisor. But


annual appraisal interview is the best method for judging employees

Exit interview: - The organization can get feedback on employee’s attitude to
and opinion of the organization policies. An employee who is leaving has no
fear of the bosses displeasure and is likely to express his opinion of the
organization employee relation, public relation, sale policies etc.
Problem interview: - A problem interview is a meeting with a problem
employee. An employee whose performance or behavior is unsatisfactory in
spite of warning represents a problem. An interview is more likely to suggest
a solution than a warning and notices.
Stress interview: - As the name suggest, stress interview puts the candidate
into difficult situation in order to test his reaction to stress. This method is
used for selection for position in which the person must be able to face
difficult situation without getting upset.
Selection interview: - The interview is the basis for important decisions for
both, the employer and candidate. The interviewer has to decide whether the
candidate be appointed; an organization wants to find right person for
employment and the selection can affect the organization.

Drawbacks of interviewing
Most interviews fails as a mean of communication on account of three
a) The interviewer does not prepare properly and dose not conduct the
interview with skill.
b) The person likes and dislikes of the interviewer do not allow him to
make a proper assessment of the candidate. These likes and dislikes
may be on the basis of race, religion, educational background or even
the behavior of the candidate, like his posture or way of talking.
c) At an interview the stress is usually on making the candidate may
“speak out” while what the job may call for is a “good

Q.10) Give your advice for the candidate appearing for a interviewer committee.


Ans: - Candidate’s preparation: -

The candidate must be physically, mentally and psychologically
prepared for the interview. It is not only information and knowledge of the
candidate that is assessed at an interview; the whole personality is assessed.
a) Physical preparation: - The candidate is expected to be properly groomed
and formally dressed. Clean and well-cut nails, properly combed hair and
general personal hygiene are very important. Well-laundered and well-
fitting clothes, neat footwear, and a suitable hand bag or brief case are the
normal requirements of formal appearance. Posture, that is, carriage and
bearing develop over the years; it cannot be changed in short time. Those
who find that their posture is poor must practice to improve it. The way a
candidate carries him-self while standing, walking and sitting reveals a good
deal about him. Self-confidence, nervousness or over-confidence, are all
reflected in the posture and bearing of the candidate. Note your body
movements, and take care to stop any bad habitual movements.
b) Mental preparation: - For new job-seekers, it is necessary to revise subjects
studied for the completed examinations and courses. Knowledge in the field
of specialization must be up to date. It is absolutely necessary to take look at
the bio-data, and be prepared to give more information about all items
including hobbies and other interests, mentioned in it. Current events,
important current issues in the country and in the word will be subjects at
the interview. Regular reading if newspapers, listening to TV news and
discussion on current issues are useful in being well-informed. Some
personal views and opinions on current issues may be asked for; candidates
must be able to discuss issues intelligently and support their opinions with
well considered reasons.
c) Psychological preparation: - Several situation or questions during an
interview can cause discomfort or embarrassment to the candidate. It is
better to anticipate some, and be prepared to handle such situations or
questions. Balance of mind is needed to deal with a discouraging situation.
Psychological prepared has to be built up slowly and gradually. It is part of
personality and character development during education.
d) Self-assessment: - Anyone who wants to be successful in life, make a good
self-assessment. Knowledge of one’s strong points and weaknesses is very


useful in gaining self-confidence. Self-assessment takes time and should be

done carefully and patiently. Parents and close friends can help in pointing
out faults and in correcting them and also in finding out strong points and
strengthening them.

Q.11) Write the letters: -

a. Letter to the overdraft facilities.
b. Cash credit facilities inadequate overdraft facilities.
c. Unpaid balance on a overdraft accounts.
d. Requesting the customer to close the accounts.
e. Confirming services to the staff member.
f. Letter to the branch office asking for conformation of overdraft
which is not allowed.

Ans: - A) The bank of Bharat ltd.

7, Museum Street,
12 June 2006
Mr. H.D.Hoskot
90, Zociah Street,

Dear Sir,

Re: Your application for overdraft dated 1st June 2006.

With reference to your above mentioned application it
gives me pleasure to inform you that the board of directors has
sanctioned limit of Rs. 1, 00,000/- this limit carries an interest of 3.5%
over the bank rate subject to a minimum of 9.5%. This facility is the
purpose of purchasing office furniture and fixtures.
Please send a draft of the guarantee policy from the golkunda
assurance company to enable us to proceed further in the matter. As
a valued customer of our bank I would like to size this opportunity to


congratulate you and wish you the best of luck in your new office and
Very truly yours

b.) Cash credit facilities inadequate overdraft facilities.

The bank of Bombay ltd

Bombay house
8, West Street,
7th July, 2005
The manager
Relax industries ltd.
10, Circle Avenue,

Re: Your application for cash credit facilities.

Dear Sir,
This has reference to your letter No CCH/0987 dated 28 June 2003. I regret
that the head office has not seen its way to allow you cash credit facilities
against a pledge of petrol pump parts as suggested by you. It is the
considered policy of this bank not to allow cash credit facilities against
stocks of parts and equipment not imported through it. If you can make
alternative arrangements for security I shall be glad to place your case
before the head office for review.
Yours faithfully
c.) Unpaid balance on an overdraft accounts.
The bank of Bombay ltd
9, Nicola Street,
Bombay 400004
9th July, 2003


Mr. P.M.chainani
Causeway house,
5, colaba causeway,

Dear Sir,
In the past two months we have sent you several reminders about your
delinquent account. We regret to note that you have neither paid up the sum
on your overdraft account nor have you bothered to reply to our letters. We
have, we believe, given you sufficient opportunity to co-operate with us and
now we will have no recourse but to refer the matter to our legal
department. We sincerely hope you will take advantage of this last letter. If
we do not receive the money within the next six days the matter will be
referred to our legal department for further action.

Yours Faithfully,

d.) Requesting the customer to close the accounts.

The Bombay bank ltd.

8, marina beach,
12th may, 2003
Mr. R.T.Sampat
16 Rao Street,

Re: Your application for cash credit facilities.

Dear Sir,
I am instructed by my directors to communicate their request to you to close
your current account No.6543 on or before the 30th June. My directors were


reluctantly compelled to arrive at the decision to terminate your account

after going through the record of your account.
Since 10th Nov 2003 it has been necessary to return unpaid ten cheques of
yours. The last cheque of this nature was presented for payment only a week
ago and had to be returned owing to sufficient funds. This mode of operating
the account harms not only the reputation of the drawer but also that of the
bank. You will, therefore, please make alternate arrangements and
terminate the account by the 30th June.

Respectfully yours,

e.) Confirming services to the staff member.


9 Raobahadur Street,
8th MAY, 2003
The manager,
Branch Control Dept.,
Good luck Bank Ltd.,
Head Office, M. Gandhi Road,

Dear Sir,
Subject: Confirmation of Mr. L.D’Souza.
Mr. L.D’Souza joined our branch as an assistant accountant on 7th May,
2003. He was to have remained on probation for one year. As Mr. D’Souza
completed the period of probation yesterday, I recommend that he be confirmed as
a permanent member of the staff.
Mr. D’Souza has given his immediate supervisors complete
satisfaction with his work and I have found him hardworking and a prudent young


Yours Faithfully

f.) Letter to the branch office asking for conformation of overdraft which is not


Palace Street
9th July, 2003
The Manager,
Branch Control Dept.,
The Bank of Bombay Ltd.,
6, Nicola Street,
Bombay – 400001

Dear Sir,
Subject: Messer Lalubhai and Ghelabhai.
Messrs Lalubhai and Ghelabhai, valued customer of ours had informed us
that they were expecting a cheque of Rs. 84,755 from Mehta & Co. in payment of
their bill.
They requested us to allow them a temporary overdrawing facility in their current.
Account with us in anticipation of the cheque. We have allowed them an overdraft
facility of Rs.15, 960/- for two days. The account was fully adjusted today. We shall
be glad if you confirm our action in this matter as a special case.
Yours Faithfully

Q.12) What are the different services to its customer?

Ans: - Type of different services to its customer: -

a) Accepting Deposits (Current, Saving account, fixed, recurring,
Cumulative Time Deposit etc.)


b) Giving Credit (Loans, cash Overdraft, discounting Bills)

c) Collecting Cheque, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Hundies and
Promissory Notes.
d) Purchasing Bills.
e) Foreign Exchange Transactions.
f) Paying Taxes, Insurances premiums, subscription.
g) Acting as a guarantor.
h) Giving Safe Deposit Vault Facilities.
i) Travellers’ and Gift Cheque
j) Purchase and sale of securities.
k) Acting as executives and trustees.
l) Advising on Investments.

Q.13) What is a report? Why is report writing is essential in the modern


Ans: - A report is a logical presentation of facts and information. The

information is needed for reviewing and evaluating progress, for planning
future course of action and for taking decisions. Report provides feedback to
the managers on various aspects of the organization.
Reports are written for various purposes. They may be required to
review performance, keep a check on a continuing activity, plan for the
future needs of the organization, survey the market, submit standardized
information, etc.

Essential in the modern:

Report writing is the direct outcome of the gigantisms and complexity of
modern business organizations. Before the industrial Revolution in Europe,
when department and branches were unheard of, report writing was not
required. The sole trader knew all about his sales and purchases personally.
If he was fortunate enough to have a large establishment or shop, he
gathered his assistants around him in the evening and asked them what
business had been transacted during the day. His assistants would then
submit an oral report to him.


A report written by an individual may be sending in the form of a

letter. If, however, the report likely to be a long one with several sub-title
and sections then it should be return in the form an impersonal statement
with a covering letter.
Reports by individual must be written in the first person singular and
there of great use to the report writer himself as they unable him to give
expression to his talent and ability. Report by secretaries and experts come
in these category. The report must be signed by the individual by writing it.

Q.14) What is essential different between a report writing by individual and a


Ans: - Report written by individual: -

A report written by an individual may be sending in the form of a

letter. If, however, the report likely to be a long one with several sub-title
and sections then it should be return in the form an impersonal statement
with a covering letter.
Reports by individual must be written in the first person singular and
there of great use to the report writer himself as they unable him to give
expression to his talent and ability. Report by secretaries and experts come
in these category. The report must be signed by the individual by writing it.

Report written by committee: -

Reports written by committees or sub-committees are more
impersonal in tone and formal in phraseology. They usually contain phrases
like “the committee came to the conclusion” or “the committee was of the
opinion”. The report is signed by the chairman on the behalf of the
committee or by the members of the committee themselves, if they are not
too many. While drafting such reports care should be taken to see that if any
member of the committee has dissented from the general opinion of the
committee a NOTE OF DISSENT, containing the member’s views, is
attached to the report.


As committees in the business world, which submit the reports are

not political bodies, no importance is attached to unanimity. Indeed
committee members who express dissent often gives the authorities a clearer
When the matter to be investigated is of a complex nature its
usual to appoint a committee or sub-committee. The committee consists of 3
or 4 persons who are specialists in different fields. The committee is so
constituted that the same problem may be viewed from several angles and in
its different aspects. For instance, if a new factory has to be started in a
distant state a sub-committee consisting of a engineer, transportation expert,
labour expert and financial expert will certainly submit a better report than
an individual or a sub-committee consisting of only a financial expert and an
administrator who would view the project from their own specialized view
points only.

Q.15) Write two feature of annual progress report, committee report.

Ans: - Progress report or annual report: -

A progress report is reports usually send by an employee to

his employer showing the advance or development in any project or work
assigned to him. It could also take the form of a secretary or an outside
expert reporting to the Board of Directors on the state of affairs in the
company or the “progress” made in any particular department or venture.
Progress reports are usually written by individual and are send in letter
from. If progress reports are prepared at regular intervals, as is done in
some organizations, there are known as periodic reports.

Committee Reports: -

Reports by the committees are best written in the report form

and not in letter form. The report form is also sometimes referred to as the
schematic form. According to this form the title of the report is given first.
This is followed by the other items mentioned in the section “what a report


usually contains” earlier in this chapter. The order of items given above may
sometimes not be adhered to in strict fashion and sometimes the
recommendations of the committee may be placed at the end of each item
which presents the data. All committees report usually accompanied by a
covering letter which is signed by the chairman of the committee.

Q.16) A committee has been appointed to investigation to starting manic

chand company. Submit file to the company.

Ans: - Committee Report on starting of manic chand: -

The signatories to this report formed themselves into a sub-

committee in accordance with the instruction contained in resolution No.
97/2003 of the board of directors dated 17th October 2003, to study and
report on the desirability of starting of factory of the manic chand Co. ltd. in
In the second week of November your committee visited
navsari, Ahmedabad and Surat. It discussed the project with several
businessmen and industrialists of these towns. After due deliberation the
committee is of the unanimous opinion that Navsari would be the best
location for the proposed factory, for three reasons: 1. The city is rapidly
developing and advancing industrially, 2. the large number of small-scale
industries that have come up in recent years will enable us to find a ready
market for our products, 3. electrical power and transport facilities are
easily available.

After inspecting a number of plots of lands in and around
Navsari your committee recommend a vacant plot which is available in the
Jojoba Estate. The plot admeasures 10000 sq.yards and is available for
Rs.20, 00,000 which on verification we find is the correct prevailing market
price. The land is sufficient to accommodate the factory plant, go down and


a few worker’s quarters. The land is adjacent to other industrial estates and
has easy access to electric power and transport facilities.

Labour Position:
Navsari Mumbai Ahmedabad
Skilled Rs. ______ per day Rs._____ Rs. _______
Unskilled Rs.____ per day Rs._____ Rs._________


If the proposed factory is started in Navsari the company will

have an initial advantage as the nearest factory manufacturing similar
products in Baroda in the north and in Mumbai in the south. Dealers and
consumers in the neighboring areas would, therefore, prefer our product to
save the cost and time of delivery.
In view of the information given above the committee is of the considered
opinion that manic chand Co. should start a factory at Navsari.
8th December 2003


Q.17) What are the different factors that will influence decision making and

Ans: - Factors that will influence decision making: -


Decision Making: -
A decision is a choice or a resolution on a problem, a selected
alternative. Managerial function involves deciding, determination of
objectives, policies, programs, strategies etc. It is the selection of course of
action from among alternatives available. A decision is the end result
processed by deliberations and reasoning.

1. The authority: - The authority under which the report is being written is
mentioned first. Thus an individual submitting a report must mention the
person or resolution by which he has been authorized to write the report.
Similarly sub-committee or committee reports mention the resolution of the
board of directors by which they have formed themselves into a committee.
2. Terms of reference: - This section clearly spells out what aspects are to be
covered by the report and helps the report writers by focusing their
attention on the main issue. Thus the terms of reference of a committee
might be to report on the poor quality of work put in by the workers in the
factory. This means that the committee will have to address itself to this
problem and should not stray into the field of economics or finance or the
disadvantages of location, etc.
3. Procedure: - Here the report writers mention the procedure they followed in
obtaining their data or information. How and when they visited different
places, whom they met, with whom they corresponded and the details of the
questionnaires issued, if any.
4. Findings: - Based on the data, facts and information collected the report
writers will draw definite conclusions which are called ‘findings’. The
findings are summarized statements of all the data collected.
5. Recommendations: - Based on the findings the report writers will give their
recommendations or suggestions as to the best course of action to be
followed. It is in this section that real skill and intelligence of the report-
writers is revealed.

Q.18) New customer has requested for the credit facility of Rs. 1lakh for one
month. Give reference of trader and that of his bank. Write a letter taking
up bank reference.


Ans: - TO 32/RatanaSwami
The Gopal Rao, Building, Opp.To
Manager of Bank, Kanta Shop.
Dena Bank, Nr. Charni Road-28
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai -23

Date: - 24/07/06

Subject: Application for credit facility with reference.

Respected Sir,
I Babu Rao customer of your bank had already requested for the
credit facility of Rs 1 lakh for one month, but you said that have a reference
of trader of the bank. And I had the reference of trader. In which trader
himself written an application of reference to me. And myself attaching that
reference letter with signature of trader, name as Shyam Lal. Who is going
to take the responsibilities of my credit facility of Rs. 1lakhs for one month.
And also Shyam Lal declares that I Babu Rao will return Rs.1lakh in
between the given period credit Rs.1lakh to the bank. So kindly accept my
request with the reference of Shyam Lal trader of bank.
Thanking You
Yours Faithfully
Babu Rao.

Q.19) What is tone & style should be used while writing to: -

a. Customers
b. Banks
c. Head Offices
Ans: - To
Dear Customers,


Here by informed you about that the bank had introduced the new scheme
for all to give benefit to you all. So kindly contact to bank for further inquire
or detail of the scheme, which is for limited period.

Respected Sir,
I Raj Kumar customer want to close my account in your bank. I am not
happy with bank services and also not satisfied with your bank performance
of last 2 years. So kindly pay back my money or transferred it to DENA
BANK. And the A/C No. is 2786541. So please do it fast.

To, Head office

Respected Sir,
I Arvin Roy head of the society, by writing this letter to you for informing
you about dissatisfaction of our society with BMC progress. In the raining
season one person sonu desai fell into road dumps and also injured seriously.
But after rained season over, dumps on road still there and BMC is not
helping us properly. So please help us quickly as possible with next three
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully
Q.20) Write a letter notifying your insurance of fire that destroy your warehouse
and the goods stock therein and request their to expectable the settlement of
your claim.

Ans: - The Bombay Manufacturers

876, M. Gandhi Road,
Fort, Bombay - 400001

10 August 2006
The Manager,
Life Assurance Co. Ltd.,
45, D. Nairobi Road.,


Fort, Bombay – 400001

Dear Sir,
Subject: Fire policy No.7654321

The goods insured under the above mentioned policy were

destroyed last night by fire in the warehouse at Thane. It is difficult to
ascertain at present the exact cause of the fire but I guess it was caused by a
“rocket” cracker which may have been fired from a neighboring building
terrace and which may have found its way into the warehouse through an
open ventilator. The burnt out end of such a rocket was found after the fire
brigade brought the flames under control at about 3 a.m. I arrived on the
scene at 1.30 a.m. having rushed there after receiving a phone call from the
night watchman. The watchman discovered the smoke and flames at 1 a.m.
and immediately summoned the fire brigade.
According to my estimate, paper and stationery stock worth
Rs.75, 000 has been burn, lost and destroyed. You may, however, send your
surveyor to inspect the damage at first hand. I shall thank you to send me
the relevant papers to be filled in.
Yours Faithfully
Paper and Pen Company

Q.21) Explain brief fire insurance, marine insurance and life insurance.

Ans: - Fire Insurance: -

A person who wishes to insure his goods or property against the risk of fire
must apply to the insurance company giving full particulars on a “proposal
form”. The company after examining the proposal will send its inspector to
inspect the property or goods. Upon receiving the report of the inspector the
company decides whether to accept the proposal or not. Of the proposal is
accepted a premium is fixed and a cover note is issued to the assured party.


A cover note is an undertaking in writing to cover the risk till the actual
policy is issued.

A fire policy, being a personal contract between a party with an insurable

interest and the insuring company, cannot be assigned to anyone. In the
event of a fire taking place the client must inform the company and file his
claim within fifteen days. The company may send its “surveyor” to assess the
actual loss before payment is made. If there is a dispute the claim is referred
to arbitrators.

There are four types of fire policies: -

1. Average Policy: - Under an average policy the assured party gets a
rate able portion of the loss if the goods are underinsured. Suppose a
structure worth Rs. 75, 000 is insured for only Rs. 50, 000 and the
actual loss or damage by fire is Rs. 30, 000 then the assured party will
not be paid the full extent of loss but only a rate able proportion.
2. Specific Policy: - Under a specific policy the assured party gets the
full amount or extent of loss even if the property is underinsured. In
the example given above the party would get the full amount of Rs.
30, 000.
3. Floating Policy: - When goods are not stored in one plce but in
various places and policy is made out to cover all the goods then it is
called a floating policy.
4. Valued Policy: - In a valued policy the businessman and the company
arrive at an agreement on the value of the goods and the amount to
be paid in the event of their total loss or damage.

Marine Insurance:-
A marine insurance policy seeks to safeguard the insured party
against loses incidental to sea voyages, in the terms and to the extent
specified in the policy. The insurer in such contracts is known as the
underwriter. As in fire insurance the party wishing to benefit by the
insurance must have an insurable interest. An insurable interest may be


acquired by a party during the currency of the policy and he need not have
it form the start or the period when the policy is drawn up.

There are seven kinds of marine policies: -

1. Valued Policy: - A valued policy is the same as in fire insurance. The
amount to be paid in the event of loss is decided upon in advance
between the insured and underwriter.
2. Unvalued Policy: - Under this policy the amount to be paid is not
fixed in advance but is estimated after the loss and is subject to the
limit of the sum assured.
3. Voyage Policy: - Under this policy the cargo is insured only for a
specific voyage, say, Sydney to Bombay.
4. Time Policy: - Parts of a ship are usually insured under such policies.
The policy insures goods or articles for specific periods of time, say,
noon 3rd February,2002 to noon 3rd February 2003.
5. Mixed Policy: - This policy has the characteristics of the voyage and
time policies jointly. It includes the risk for a specified voyage for a
definite period.
6. Floating Policy: - Under this policy the cargo or goods insured are not
in one ship but scattered among several vessels. The policy is issued
for a round sum about the value of the total goods for a definite
period of time.
7. Open Policy: - Under this policy an undertaking is given to insure
goods to be shipped to specific ports during a period of time, say,
about twelve months.

Life Insurance: -

Under a life insurance contract the insurer agrees to pay a certain

sum to the insured party on his reaching a particular age or those
entitled to the amount in the event of his death. The consideration
paid by the insured may be a lump sum or by periodic payments and
is known as “premium”.


Life insurance in India is a nationalized business and the life

insurance corporation of India has introduced several kinds of life
policies. The better known types of policies are:

1. Whole Life Policy: - This policy matures only at the death of the
insured party. Premium may be paid for a fixed number of years or
for the entire period for the insured party’s life.
2. Endowment Policy: - The policy matures after a fixed period of time
and premiums have to be paid for that time. In the event of the
insured party’s death before the expiry of the period the amount will
be paid to his heirs or nominees.
3. Joint Life Policy: - These policies are usually taken out by
partnership firms in which the lives of two partners are jointly
insured. The firms pay the premiums and in the event of the death of
one partner the assured amount becomes payable to the survivor.
4. With Profit Policy: - The policy stipulates that the policy-holder can
participate in the profit made by the insurance company from year
to year.
5. Anticipatory Policy: - This policy gives back the total insured
amount to the assured party in installments at regular intervals of
five years or so depending on the duration of the policy.

Q.22) A letter from policy holder to LIC wishing to surrender his policy for
personnel reason.

Ans: - Clare Road, Byculla,

3, Star Chambers,

15 October 2009
The Divisional Manager
Life Insurance Corporation,
M. Camas Road.,


Mumbai- 1

Dear Sir:
RE: My life policy bearing No. 87554112

I am planning to migrate to Canada next year and I need all

the money I have to pay for my passage and to meet other expenses. I would,
therefore, like to surrender my policy and recover some money. Please let
me know how much I am entitled to get.

Yours Faithfully
Lamar Singh

Q.23) A letter from co-operation advising him against the step & recommending
applying for loan.

Ans: - The Life Insurance Corporation

“Gules tan”, Napier

Mumbai – 1
15 October 2009
Mr. P. K. Mehta
Hill Heaven,
Hill Road, Bandra,
Mumbai – 50

Dear Sir,
RE: Policy No. 4548724 own life.
We have received your letter dated 18th March and are pleased to inform
you that your above mentioned policy entitles you to a maximum loan of Rs.
The loan will be granted to you on production of satisfactory and
unencumbered title. You are liable to repay the loan amount with interest on


it upon being given three month’s notice by the corporation. You will be
required to assign the policy to the corporation which will hold at it as a
security for the repayment of the loan amount and the interest thereon and
also of any incidental expenses incurred by the corporation in this
You will be required to pay interest at 7% half yearly to the corporation. In
case the policy matures before the loan is repaid the corporation retains the
right to adjust the outstanding loan amount along with interest thereon
against the policy amount and only the balance shall payable under the
To enable us to sanction the loan at an early date and prepare the loan bond,
please send us immediately:
a) Your original policy.
b) Proof of age, if the same has not been admitted
c) Assignee’s consent on the enclosed form.
d) A remittance of Rs____________ as a stamp fee.

Yours Faithfully
Divisional Manager

Q.24) What is public relationship and how it’s related to communication.

Ans: - Public Relationship: - Public relations are the effort to establish and
maintain a company’s image with the public. It means carrying out activities
and communications for the purpose of promoting goodwill with the
community, the employees, the customers, etc. A simple definition of public
relation would be that it is good performance well communicated. It has two
elements; action and expression; it begins with good acts and is expressed
with good communication. Public Relation activities may carry out by
corporations, government, organizations and individuals. The art and
techniques of promoting such goodwill is also called Public Relations.

It’s related to communication in the PR: -

1. Publics for the PR of a school.


a. Teachers
b. Office staff
c. Staff and trade unions
d. Students
e. Parents of students
f. Past students
g. Hospitals and doctors in the neighborhood
h. Ministry of education

2. Publics for the PR of a voluntary organization.

a. Members
b. Office staff
c. Donors
d. Local authorities
e. Government departments
f. Opinion leaders
g. Critics and opponents
3. Publics for the PR of a bus services.
a. Staff
b. Trade unions
c. Schools and colleges
d. Tourist agencies and holiday trade
e. Hotels
f. Motor insurance companies
g. Traffic police and R.T.O

4. Publics for the PR of a cosmetics manufacturer.

a. Beauty parlors
b. Wholesalers
c. Retailers
d. Staff
e. Community around the factory
f. Food and drugs administration


Obviously, the same communication would not be adequate for all the
groups. Communication activities required for PR with each of the
groups/publics must be carefully planned. However, while most of the
groups are outside the organization, the staff is inside and forms the internal

Q.25) Explain the internal and external public relation briefly.

Ans: - Internal Public Relation: -

An organization needs good internal public relations with employees
and members as much as it needs good external public relations.

Employees: -
Different categories of employees form the internal public of an
organization. They are the most concentrated and nearest public of an
organization. This is also the smallest public. Good employee relations are
essential for any business; it is even more important to create a feeling of
loyalty among employees. For this purpose, companies have employee
welfare schemes.

Counseling and Advice: - Companies have counseling services to help

employees to adjust themselves to their jobs and environment, and also give
advice on personal matters.

Suggestion Schemes: - The opportunity to make suggestions about their

work and the equipment they handle gives psychological satisfaction to
employees; this is an important for their ideas as well as skills and abilities
are recognized and used by their organization.

A suggestion scheme must have: -

a. Provision of suggestion forms and suggestion boxes;
b. A set of rules indicating who is eligible, what is the procedure
examining and assessing suggestions, what is the basis for awards;
c. A committee for working the scheme;


d. A system of awards.

Publications: - Publications intended specifically for the staff are house organs,
bulletins, and news letters. There may be regular posters, manuals etc. which
inform, educate, and entertain the employees. The public relations department is
usually in charge of these publications.

External PR
Customers: - Customers form the most various and widespread public. Their
relationship with the organization is as buyers or users of the service provided;
what they think of the organization will depend on their opinion of its products and
its services. Service includes promptness in delivering goods, issuing receipts, giving
after-sales service, besides courteous behavior by employees.

Financiers: - Organization like banks, creditors, shareholders, donors, sponsors, of

the organization and its work are all included in this group.

The General Public: -The general public is the largest, the most diffuse and the
least known of the groups that form an organization’s public. It is the entire society
in which the organization exists and functions.

Other Organizations: - Organizations like NGOs, educational institutions, interest

groups, professional associations, etc.., are clearer groups than the general public;
these are engaged in definite activities and have definite views and goals.
Educational institutions, particularly professional institutes, are a source of trained
personnel for a company.

Q.26) Give explain showing that it’s a two way communicating process based on
future understand.

Ans: - Two ways of communication process based on future understanding

Image building


Building a favorable image in the eyes of the public is very important for a
corporate organization. In times of distress a good public image has known
to come to the rescue of many companies. Many tools are used to build a
favorable image.

Audio-visual media
Both radio and television are important media of mass communication in
India is very few people can read and write. Public relations with the help of
those media does not help of this media does not mean direct advertising but
also sponsoring of educational programs, quiz contests, talks or discussions
by scholars and scientists.

Internal public relations

The public relations department has also to concern itself with the problem
of two ways communication with in the organization. Internal public
relations may be described as the selection and the use of such channels and
media of communication, within the organization, as will achieve the
objective of maximum fraternal feeling, co-operation and the boosting of the
morale of the members of the organizations.
Men and women working within an organization are naturally interested to
know the happenings and developments around them interested to know the
happenings and developments around them and there place of work. They
want to know all about their fellow workers, their supervisors, their working
methods and conditions, their pay and taxes will affect their pay-pocket, the
products they are making and how these products sell in the market. It is the
task of the PR department to relay as much accurate and congenial
information as possible about these matters to the employees in the
organizations. In addition the PR department has to convey the reactions
and response of the employees to the management

Two ways of communication process based on future understanding

Film shows


A regular display of colored instructional films and newels could go a long

way to educate the employees and improve their working skills.

If radio sets located in the workers canteens and clubs, they would help to
provide entertainment with education to the employees during intervals.

Q27) Mention some method of making PR program effective. Define crisis

management and how it’s help to improve the organization.

Ans: -

Method of making PR program effective: -

1. Active
2. Opinion
3. Leader
4. No political leader
5. Reaction of the public

Crisis management: - Crisis is a time of danger, difficulty and anxiety. It may be

brought about by an accident or any unforeseen event; a large fire in a factory,
collapse of a business building causing harm to employees and customers, a shoot-
out by robbers who break in, are examples of a crisis. Gas leaks, explosions and
other disasters have occurred in many parts of the world. The bomb explosions and
in the Bombay stock exchange in 1992 is a familiar example.
There is growing awareness that the management and the employees need to
be trained in disaster and crisis management. A circus elephant once ran amok in
Mumbai; there was no loss of life or property as the elephant was caught before it
could do damage. But it was an emergency and a crisis for the management of the
circus because people became fearful, lost confidence in the circus management’s
ability to keep its animals under proper control, and felt hostile towards a show


business that had caused so much panic and disturbance in the city. The circus
management’s public image was damage.

Improve the organizations: -

Crisis management is about managing a situation like this, when panic is the
natural reaction. What steps can the management or the owner of a small
enterprise take?
First of all, huddle all the top persons together; a real crisis outstrips one person’s
ability to manage. Take a team approach.
Collect all information which will help to solve the problem; there will be a time of
ambiguity as to what caused the problem; ambiguity is a part of a manager’s or
entrepreneurs functioning.
Communicating for crisis control is a severe test of a person’s ability; only prior
training, preparedness and planning for emergencies can ensure good performance.

Q.28) Draft a letter a foreign visitor to yours and what will be the VIP treatment
provided by him.

Ans: - To,
The Foreign Department Head,
Mr. Teary Johan
Rumbas Road,
Mumbai -54

Date: - 12/06/06

Dear Sir,
I Mike tiara the foreign visitor of the Holland and I want to know
about the VIP treatment in India for us. So please reply me quickly
about the VIP facilities and detail of it.
Thanking You
Yours Faithfully


Q29.) As a proprietor of AC theater. Write to a firm to interior decoration,

inviting them for renovation of the auditorium.

Ans: - Invitation to Interior decoration

I Rakish Swathe proprietor of AC theater and my theater is

not well looking now a day. I want to change the design and style of the
theater into new or better look for the future. So I inviting best interior
decoration from your firm, I will be waiting for the call. And my phone
number is 9869545485.

Q.30) Write a letter to inquire to wholesaler market asking 500 readymade T-shirt.
Ask for price and literature.

Ans: -
The Wholesaler, 530, complex
Marine Line, Building, RGPvt.
Nr. SBI Bank, Ltd.CompanyMumbai– 12
Date: - 02/11/06

Subject: Applying for inquire of 500 Readymade T- Shirt.

Respected Sir,
I Raja Bali owner of the R.G. Pvt Ltd Company. In the
company the stock of readymade T-shirt is going too finished in next month.
For these I want to purchase 500 readymade T-shirt and for that I want to
know the current price and literature of the readymade T-shirt. So please
reply me about these inquire.
Thanking You
Yours Faithfully
Raja Bali


Q.31) Draft the letter to a customer who has placed order for goods now wishes to
cancel the order on account of lack of storage place. Draft the letter with
suitable reply.

Ans: -

The J. J. College Of Commerce

14 A, Nanabhai Lane,
June 12, 2003
The Proprietor
The popular Sweet Depot
Mishawaka Lane

Dear Sir,
Last week I placed a large order for sweets which were to have been
sent to us yesterday by 4p.m. for our college social.
Your man delivered the sweets this morning and I have returned
them. I wish to inform you that the order stands cancelled as the sweets not
delivered in time.
Yours Faithfully,
P. L. Dalal
Hon. Secretary
Student welfare board

Q.32) You have reassembling order of consignment of 20 room quarter of Colton

bleb received Mumbai court and you found bleb are of inferior reply. Draft
a letter of complaint and mode of resolution.

Ans: -
The excellent bank ltd


5 museums Road
10th May, 2003
The proprietor
Ideal Furniture Mart
5, Wood Lane

Dear Sir,
I am very disappointed with the quality of work that went into
the making of the desk-cum-counter for our office. The piece that you have
made for us is shabby and lacks finish and polish. It is quite different from
what you have shown in your glamour’s advertisement. I can see no reason
why normal standards of business efficiency cannot be maintained by your
I am withholding payment of the sum of Rs. 16000/- due to you
as I feel that your workmen should call again and give the desk a better
finish with a touch of polish.
Yours faithfully,

Q.33) ABC company have complain to you they have received their last
consignment in a partly damaged condition on account of lose packaging.

Ans: -
The exporting corporation
3, Palace Street
My sore
14th September, 2003
The Famous Trading Co.
Sattar Street


Dear Sir,

Subject: Your order NO IM/6543 for plastic ware.

We are sorry that the consignment of plastic ware reached you in

such a damaged condition. On our side we had packed the goods with the
greatest care and the only conclusion that we can arrive at is that the goods
must have been handled very badly on board the ship. We have taken up the
matter with the insurance company and must request you to hold the
damaged goods at our disposal till the matter has been settled with the
insurers. We shall give you credit for the ten sets which are in an un-saleable
We have already dispatched ten other sets to replace the damaged
ones aboard the SS Hiroshima and the sets should reach you in the first
week of October.
Yours faithfully,
The exporting corporation

Q.34) Draft a petition inform of letter to be presented in district forum you

brought videocon from reputed co. and he is making loud noise and does not
giving proper service. Explain how you have fail and get your complain
redressal of several defenders.

Ans: -
The President,
The District Consumers’ Redressal Forum,
New Administrative Barrack No. 11,
Free press Journal Marg, Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021

Complainant : Mr. S.K. Sunder aged 52 years, residing at No. 7,

Belle Craft, Tambrands Lane Mumbai-1


Opposite Party : Messrs Patil and Ghogte, having their offices at 5,

Rakish Chambers, Kalbadevi, Mumbai 2

Nature of complaint : Videocon TV making loud noise and not giving the
Proper service.

Messrs patil and ghogte having their office of Videocon Color TV showroom
at Rocha district rantnagiri, TV for Rs. 12000. The amount included a service
contract for three years in which TV warranty and guarantee looked after in
between the three years. But the TV now is not in good condition, making loud
noise and the videocon showroom are not give the proper service. As it in the
warranty and guarantee period of the TV.
I have visited the site of the showroom on two occasions, on all two occasions
I was not getting proper attention in the showroom. I have frequently spoken to Mr.
Patil and Mr. Ghogte and they have evasive answers and no action has been taken
though it is now three month since I entered into the agreement.
I am enclosing Xerox copies of the receipts and warranty certificate of the
TV purchase day and time. I sent by registered post but which have remained


1. That Messrs Patil and Ghogte should replace the TV from the date of
handling over the money till the date of judgments of this petition.
2. That I should be compensated with a sum of Rs. 2000 for the
inconvenience caused.
3. That I be reimbursed for the cost incurred by me in pursuing this case by
a sum of Rs.400.

I submit that this petition comes under the preview of the consumer
Protection Act and that it is being field within one year of the cause of action having
taken place. I request that prompt action be taken in this case and justice granted
to me.


(S. K. Sunder)

Q35.) Write a sales letter to promote the sale of following: -

1. Dental Cream
2. Ice Cream
3. Dairy Milk

Ans: - Dental Cream

Dome Cream Ltd
Goutam Street
Mumbai – 400001
7th September, 2003
Dear Users,

You may like to risk your own face, but have you the right to take right
decision for your life. A recent research project undertaken by a panel of
medical experts has shown that those using low brand dental cream for
shaving in cities have lost their good face.
High quality is too expensive. We offer you an easy and ready way of getting
quality cream in cheap price to you. Our Dome Cream Ltd is the result of
several years of experimentation. It contains top branded and it will not
affect the face of yours.
The shaving cream in all size and price as per your requirement for now.
The enclosed catalogue will give you all the other details.
Buy today and make your face glowing all the time.
Yours sincerely,
The Dome Cream Ltd.


2. Ice-cream

Softy Cream Ltd

Goutam Street
Mumbai – 400001
7th September, 2003
Dear Users,

You may like to risk your own life, but have you the right to risk the lives of
your loved ones? A recent research project undertaken by a panel of medical
experts has shown that those eating the ice cream from the road in the cities
shorten their lives by several years.
For better and good quality ice cream should be purchased in high price is
your problem than, we offer you an easy and steady way of getting quality
ice-cream in cheap price to you. Our Softy Cream Ltd is the result of several
years of experimentation. It contains top branded and it will not affect your
health by eating and you will be satisfied with our new scheme of softy ice
The soft ice cream rate starts from Rs. 7 to Rs. 12 only and you can easily eat
our softy ice cream. The enclosed catalogue will give you all the other details.
Buy today and fulfill your needs with our softy ice cream.
Yours sincerely,
The Softy ice Cream Ltd.


3. Dairy Milk

Dairy Milk Ltd

Gautam Street
Mumbai – 400001
7th September, 2003
Dear Users,

You may like to risk your own life, but have you the right to risk the lives of
your loved ones? A recent research project undertaken by a panel of medical
experts has shown that those drinking the plastic milk from the road in the
cities shorten their lives by several years.
For better and good quality milk should be purchased in high price is your
problem than, we offer you an easy and steady way of getting quality dairy
milk in cheap price to you. Our Mother dairy Ltd is the result of several
years of experimentation. It contains top branded and it will not affect your
health by eating and you will be satisfied with our new scheme of softy ice
The soft ice cream rate starts from Rs. 7 for small packets and Rs. 12 for
large and you can easily drink our Mother dairy milk. The enclosed
catalogue will give you all the other details.
Buy today and make your health better for future.
Yours sincerely,
The Mother Dairy Milk Ltd

Q36.) Name the different steps in writing a letter of inquiry?

Ans: - The different steps in writing a letter of inquiry are as follows:

1) One should clearly indicate the quantity and quality of goods required or
nature of the services needed. This avoids re-inquires from the seller.


2) The seller should be informed of the purpose for which the goods are
required as this will help him serve you better.

3) Mention the date by which the goods must be delivered.

4) In some cases you may quote your own price but this is not always advisable
as unscrupulous sellers might be tempted to supply you cheaper goods at the
price mentioned by you.

5) If the same letter is being sent to several sellers this should be mentioned in

6) You should conclude a letter of inquiry by tempting the seller either with the
prospect of a bulk order or the hope of future orders. This may induce him
to quote a lower price.

7) Ask for samples, designs, catalogues or price-lists.

8) In America it is common practice to enclose a questionnaire with the letter of

inquiry which the seller can conveniently fill in and return.

9) Ask for prompt reply.

Q37.) Define solicited and unsolicited letters?

Ans: - When a letter of inquiry is sent in reply to an advertisement (newspaper,

radio or television) it is known as solicited letters. In such letters it is always
proper to mention or refer to the advertisement that has attracted the
attention of the letter writer.

Unsolicited letters of inquiry are sent out by the letter writer on his own. He
usually refers to directories, trade journal and then addresses his letters.
Such letters are often sent out when the letter writer is starting his own
business and requires information and supplies. It helps to enclose a self-
addressed and stamped envelop for a quick reply.


Q38.) What is meant by trail, routine, conditional, approval, time-bound and

cancellation of orders?

Ans: - Trial order: No buyer places a very large order with a new seller for the first
time. The first order is therefore, usually a trial order. A trail order is often
placed either to test the efficiency of the seller or to test the marketability of
the goods in question. Usually a trial order is the result of a sales drive on
the part of the seller either in the form of a voluntary offer or a newspaper
advertisement. A trial order usually contains a reject clause.

Routine order: Once the buyer is satisfied with the efficiency of the seller
and the demand for the goods in the market he will place order at regular
intervals. Such orders are called as routine orders. To save time, such orders
are usually sent in the form of very short letters or in order forms that have
been printed.

Conditional order: A conditional order is an order which asks for goods to

be delivered on certain conditions only. The conditions usually are about
safe packing, special discount for bulk order, free delivery or payment
facility. A letter containing a conditional order must be persuasive in tone as
the letter has to persuade the seller to grant the concession or special
attention that has been asked for.

Time bound: In most orders time factor is important and they specify a time
limit by which the order must be executed. If the order is not carried out in
time the buyer has the right to cancel and reject the goods. Orders that
contain time limit or date by which the goods should be delivered are called
time bound orders.

Approval of orders: If the goods are sold on approval the buyer can return
them without obligation his part within the stipulated period. If however the
buyer keeps the goods more than the reasonable period or beyond the
stipulated period then he is said to have accepted them and has to pay


Cancellation of orders: An order is usually cancelled by the buyer for one of

the following reasons:

1) If the order is not executed by the due date.

2) Inability to supply ex-stock.

3) Goods not matching the sample.

4) Inferior quality making sales impossible.

5) Substitution of another item.

If for any reason mentioned above an order is cancelled the party canceling
the order must inform the seller immediately by telephone or fax. In the
letter of cancellation that he sends later he must clearly show regret for the
inconvenience he is causing the seller.

Q39.) What are the points to be covered by a letter containing an order?

Ans: - When a company places an order the following points are to be covered:

1) The quality of the goods required.

2) The quantity of goods needed should be made clear.

3) The type of packing required.

4) The price and mode of payment.

5) The time and place of delivery should be made very clear.

6) Insurance of the goods during transit.

7) The mode of transportation should be clear.

8) The right to reject the goods on account of a defect in quality or delay in the


While it is not exactly a contract, it has a legal significance in the sense that a
buyer cannot hold a seller responsible for not doing something which is not
clearly mentioned in the letter containing the order. In the same way the
seller cannot accept the buyer to pay more or accept goods different from
those mentioned in the order.

Q40.) What are the different adjustment policies adopted by the company and
explain briefly?

Ans: - Since a letter of complaint makes a demand for adjustment the company
that receives the letter will have to decide upon the policy it proposes to
adopt towards such letters. Usually a company adopts one of the following

1) Caveat emptor (buyer beware): It points our very politely that this is a
principle in the commercial transaction and hence the complainant has no
remedy. This policy is highly dangerous one to follow for in the long run, it is
certain to result in the loss of goodwill and customers. In point of fact this
policy means a refusal to adjust. To avoid the loss of goodwill which such a
policy involves the company should give a soft answer and try to convince
the complainant that refusal to adjust is only fair under the circumstances
for the cases.

2) The customer is always right: This is the policy adopted by firms that
deal with highly priced goods and luxury articles like electronic goods, T.V
sets, refrigerators, pianos etc. Since they deal with clients who are highly
influential they do not wish to risk antagonizing a single one. Even if the
demand is a ridiculous such companies do not mind satisfying the customers
for the cost of their products runs in thousand of rupees and pleasing a few
hundreds once in a way to please an erratic or fussy customer is considered
good policy.

3) Fair claims, fair adjust: Each complaint is judged on its merits. If the
claim is fair one then immediate adjustment follows. If it if an unjustified


then the claim is refused. This policy suits the small businessmen who would
soon have to run to a bankruptcy court if he adopted the “the customer is
always right” policy with respect to all complaints. This policy is also in
keeping with the principle that an adjustment policy should be drawn up
with a view to protecting the customer who is in the right and who is in the

Q41.) Name the different kind of complain that the consumer have about the goods
and services?

Ans: - The different kinds of complain that the consumer have about goods and
services are as follows:


1) The quality of the goods are not as per the standard, they are of substandard

2) The price charged for the goods are very high.

3) There is dishonesty in vending

4) The weights and measures are never proper, they are incorrect.

5 5) The adulteration process is carried out. The products are not pure.

6) There is non availability of most of the daily usage goods.

7) Sometimes even if there are goods they may say that the goods are not

8) The goods are very poor after sales service.


1) The service provides s mostly of poor quality.

2) But the price charged for such poor service is mostly high.


3) The service consumes more time than expected and is slow timing.

4) After providing such poor services they do not show courtesy to the
customers. They give discourteous treatment to the customers.

Q42.) Explain consumer guidance cell for Redressal function?

Ans: - Complaints to the forum have to be made in writing in Hindi, English or the
state language. Services of a lawyer are not required nor has any stamp duty
or court fee to be paid. The complaint can be lodged at the pace of the
transaction at the nearest forum. Before writing the complaint the person
should collect all the relevant facts and evidence. The facts should be
properly organized. The party or person or person authorized to solve the
problem should also be mentioned. Strong arguments should be through out.

The complaint should be precise and in brief. It should clearly mention the
reason for the dispute and why the forum is being approached, and how the
claim can be settled. The complaint should contain all relevant details like
name, address, brand, bill number and guarantee period, if applicable. The
complaint should be taken to the forum and handed over to the register that
will acknowledge the same and give a date for a preliminary hearing. If the
complaint is about a simple defect or deficiency in services the court is
accepted to resolve the matter within 90 days after the complaint is lodged.
In cases where laboratory test or other investigation is to be made the matter
is supposed to be resolved within 150 days.

Q43.) What is meant by stress management and how it is different from crises


Ans: - Related to the idea of crises management is the idea of stress management.
When an individual experience the crises himself he under goes mental stress
and the successful businessmen has to learn how to manage this stress. A
businessmen or manager could be under stress on account of huge inability
to communicate with outsiders and employees, on account of failure to attain
set goals, on account of failure to motivate subordinates, on account of
information overload, on account of environmental conditions, on account of
inability to attain job expectations or just his inability to deal with work
pressure. Stress can be managed by

(a) learning yoga’s

(b) setting attainable goals

(c) reducing anxiety and improving personal relationships

(d) improving communication skills

Q44.) What are the 5’ W and H of report writing give example?

Ans: - The lead is the opening of a news item. It may consist of two words, two
sentences or even a paragraph. It is important as it determines the entire
structure of the story introduces the topic and attracts and repels the reader.
It summarizes the news and thus helps the newspaper to perform the basic
function of conveying information. Rudyard Kipling, journalist and author,
advised sub-reporter to be sure that the lead itself answers the six basic
questions what, where, why, when, who, and how, the “who” is frequently
the opening element, This is true sometimes even when the who carries less
importance than the other elements. The reason is apparent: who is the
human element in the story and it may introduce the characteristic
prominence. If a famous man does something, say the opening of a clinic, the
story should begin with that person’s name. The name is a magnetic
attention getter.


Q45.) What is press handout who prepare it and why?

Ans: - A press release is a document sent out to the press or other media setting out
what its authors would like others to read or hear about. Earlier press
releases were sent by hand delivery or post to newspaper offices. Today most
are sent by fax.

The press hand-out or press releases is the chief way in which a business
organization can transmit news to newspaper and magazines. Unfortunately
most press releases are so badly drafted that they end in the wastebasket,
without being printed. If the press releases are prepared with a little extra
care are effort they would find their way into print and perform the very
useful function of communicating news and information about the business
organization to the public. It should be remembered that a press release is
not a advertisement. For an advertisement the company has to buy space. A
press release is information that is printed by the newspaper by way of news
on the ground that this information will be of interest and value to the
reading public. No doubt a press release does indirectly give ‘publicity’ to
the company and it should be noted that this kind of publicity, that comes in
the form of a short report in the regular columns of the newspaper, is far
more effective than a full page advertisement inserted at great cost in the
same newspaper. This is because while people suspect the claims made in
advertisements, by tradition they expect newspaper reports to be objective
and informative

Q46.) What should a press handout contain and? What are the do’s and don’t of a
good press handout

Ans: - The do’s and don’t of a good press handout


1. Do use clear, bold, easy- to- read type for printing. Provide for pictures,
cartoons, photographs and puzzles or other items of entertainment.

2. Do avoid monotony. Every issue should be different from the other not only
in the substance of articles and features but, if possible, also in type of
printing, color and layout.

3. Do use journalistic language. The headlines should be attractive and eye


4. Don’t use pompous language and lengthy messages. Do not reproduce long
messages and lofty advice from superior officers or outsiders. Summaries
what they have to say in simple, lucid, language. Never talk down to the

5. Do make the organ “theirs”. The employees should feel that the organ
represents them their views and is not a mere propaganda agent of the

6. Do use humor. The tone of the writing should be friendly and, were possible,
humorous. It should never be “preachy” as most people resent such an
attitude. Avoid sarcasm or downright ridicule of anyone connected with the

Q47.) Explain the 4 C’s of credit letter?

Ans: - A business- man while thinking of giving credit has to apply his mind to the
4 C’s of credit, which are as follows:

1) Circumstances

Are the conditions or circumstances in the market favourable to the giving

of credit. If it is the festival season should he give credit and lock up his
money and lose his other business where he has to invest his money.


2) Capital

By giving credit he has think how much of his capital will be blocked and
how much that blockage might affect his business.

3) Capacity

He has to think that does the buyer has the capacity to pay the money even
at a future date. He even has to see what the reports say about his financial

4) Character

The businessman that even if the buyer has the capacity to pay the money
even at a future date is he honest and trustworthy in his dealings or is he a
person who will not pay because he likes to run the business with other
peoples money.

Q48.) What are the different types of debtors?

Ans: - The different types of debtors are as follows:

1) Careless Debtors:

He is the one who forgets to pay unless he is reminded to pay.

2) Reluctant Debtors:

He is the one who will not pay until he is forced to do so. He is always ready
with excuse for not paying.

3) Installment Debtors:


He is a type of debtor who piles up large sums of credit and then sets about
meeting his obligations in small installments.

4) Good-Risk Debtors:

This type of debtor pays his debts even before they are asked for. He can be
called as “gilt-edged debtor”, like a “gilt-edged security”.

5) Poor-Risk Debtors:

This type neither has the capacity nor capital to pay. He is constantly over-
trading and short of funds. Such people should not be given credit.

Q49.) What references are of those is meant by Trade References?

Ans: - Trade cannot be carried out without credit and credit granting involves a
risk. The successful businessman tries to safe guard himself against losses by
requesting the would-be buyer to give references before he grants credit.
The persons who command some respect in the business circles or known to
the seller. If the reply to the status inquiry is favorable then the credit is
granted and is the status inquiry is unfavorable then the credit is refused.

A point blank refusal is not only in bad taste but also very poor business
tactics; it will annoy the buyer and generate ill-will. The letter should instead
emphasis the benefits of cash payments and should tempt the buyer to pay
cash by offering him cash discount. Another situation that demands careful
handling may arise when the buyer who is not known to the seller places a
large order without making any reference to the terms on which it proposes
to pay. It would be indelicate to suggest that the party is not reliable and is
not worth giving credit. In such cases the letter should be tactfully point out
the advantages of cash payments and also stress that if credit is to be granted
then the buyer will have to provide at least two references.


Q50.) Draft a questionnaire to determine the popularity of 5 year old managerial.

Ans: -

NAME ______________________ Male/ Female

Address______________________ Married

______________________ Unmarried

Age: _________________________ Phone No. ________________

Educational: Undergraduate Graduate/Postgraduate

Occupation: ____________________________________________

Designation: ____________________________________________

Is the house live in owned by you rented, leased?

Detail of managerial skill: _________________________________

How much expense incurred _______________________________

How much profit getting in 5 years _________________________

What was the success year for the company_________________?

What are the future ideas for company popularity ___________?

Q51.) Name the three type of company publication?

Ans: - Company publication can be of three types: -

a) External
b) Internal
c) Those that combine both functions.
Some large business houses produce excellent external house magazines
printed on the finest quality paper, full of interesting articles with artistic
photographs and although they are expensive to produce, they do much
to enhance the prestige of the company. They are usually sent to


shareholder, who feels proud to receive them. The internal house

magazine is meant for distribution to the employees of the company. The
third type, which combines both functions, is really not advisable as the
two functions are in fact difficult to combine. The prestige magazine will
be of little interest to shareholders if it contains news about the marriage
of Rakesh desai of the printing department to Anjou Patel of the packing

Q52.) Difference between house organ and bulletins?

Ans: - House organ: - The House organ or journal is a powerful mean of

communication within an organization and promotes healthy internal public
relations. The propose of the house organ should be to entertain, interest,
amuse, instruct and inform. And it goes without saying that the house organ
yields better results if the interval between two assume is not more than
fortnight. Formally house – journals used to be personality oriented and
highlighted the founder, directors and manager. Modern house journals
highlight the worker for their performance.

Bulletins: - Since newspaper reading is a popular habit with most literate

people some company bring out their house organ along the line of
newspaper and call them bulletins instead of journals or magazines. The
difference between a house journal and a bulletin is not of content but a
firm; the one being bound like a magazine the other been printed on large
sheet like a newspaper.

Q53.) Shorts Note on: -

Ans: - Document against payment: - The documents about the goods for delivery
purpose will only be given when the bill is paid.
An advice note is written intimation sent by a supplier to his customer
advising or informing him of he dispatch of goods. The advice note should
reach the buyer before the goods reach him for the purpose of the note
prepare him to take delivery.


A debit note is sent by a buyer to seller when he finds that he has received
fewer goods than he had ordered. The note debits his account for the amount
of goods not received.
A credit note is sent by the seller when he finds that fewer goods have been
sent to the buyer than were ordered. The note is method of canceling the
extra debit given by the buyer according to the original order.

Cash with order (C.W.O): - This is a type of advance payment. It means that
cash must be sent when the order is placed and not when the goods are

A firm offer: - A firm offer is an offer made by a supplier or seller to sell

goods at a certain price within a specified period, irrespective of market
fluctuations. The chief advantage of making a firm offer is that it helps to
create goodwill between buyers and sellers. A firm offer is usually made in
connection with articles or commodities whose price is expected to rise or for
which there is a great demand. For example, business circles may expect a
rise in the price of steel articles in view of the union budget which is expected
to be announced within the next twenty days.

Q.54) A good businessman welcome complains instead of resending them.

Ans: - A good businessman always welcome complains instead of resending them:-

a) First of all analysis the problem carefully, through which complain arise.
b) Than have discussion on the problem with other member of organization.
c) Conduct a meeting under these have a discussion on the complaint which is
made by customer.
d) And the meeting should be decision making.
e) At last the reason behind the complaint should be justified and see that same
problem never come again.


Q55.) A tactfully written letter of complain will alone bring a proper adjustment

Ans: - A tactfully written letter avoids entering into a controversy or argument

with the customer. No matter how much in the right you may be it never
profits getting into a heated argument with him. You may win the argument
but lose a great amount in the bargain. The best policy is to simply state
your case and explain the grounds on which you are refusing to adjust his
complaint. It is also very poor policy to pretend great surprise over the
complaint. Avoid taunts like “in our thirty years of experience of dealing
with all kinds of customers this is the first time that some one has
complained of…”
The aim of an adjustment letter should be threefold; (a) it should try to
make the complaint believe that he is being fairly treated, (b) it should try to
re-establish the confidence of the complaint in the goods, products or
services of the seller and (c) it must regain his goodwill.

Q56.) What is meant by persuasion? How is it use in sales letter?

Ans: - There are two ways of making a person do what you want – force and
persuasion. If you compel a person to do your bidding you are behaving like
a despot, tyrant or bully; this is undesirable. Persuasion is better way.
Persuasion is the process by which a person’s attitude and behavior towards
something are influenced by another person’s communication. Messrs
Houseman, Lahiff and Penrose define it as “the art of getting people to do
something that they wouldn’t ordinarily do if you didn’t ask”, while a
dictionary defines it as “causing an individual to believe or do something by
reasoning with him/her.
To achieve the objective of persuasion you can use the following approaches:
a) Do not rush the receiver of your communication by overwhelming him with
your arguments. Give him hints and suggestions and then allow him enough
time to think the matter over by himself.


b) If you find the person holding views contrary to your own try to meet him
half way, do not attempt to impose your views on him.
c) Find out the beta noire or thing that the person dislikes and avoid that topic
or theme.
d) Argue from the viewpoint of the person you are persuading so that the
experience and arguments have a familiar ring for him or her.
e) Do not make the person feel a fool because he does not share your point of
view. Request and appeal whenever possible.

Q57.) Name the essential quality of sale letter and how will you achieve the

Ans: - As there is a direct relationship between sales and profits, the sales letter is
perhaps the mot important letter that a businessman has as draft.

A sales letter, as the name suggests, is a letter that attempts to sell something.
A circular is a printed or duplicated letter, of which several copies are made
and sent out. It is used when the same message has to be given several people
and individual letter writing becomes tedious and time consuming. A sales
letter is usually sent out in circular form.

Since a sales letter is a letter to sell something it has often been compared to
a salesman. Though a sales letter cannot posses the personal touch that a
salesman has , it has several other distinct advantages over its human
counterpart. It is less expensive than the salesman. It reaches the client
however busy he may be, while a salesman has to repeatedly and sometimes
unsuccessfully request interviews.

Q58.) What is meant by status inquire. Explain purpose and procedure of status

Ans: - Status Inquiries: - After the trade reference has been provided and the
status inquiry made, the completion of the transaction depends upon the
reply that is given by the referee to the status inquiry. The referee should


take great care while drafting a reply to letter of status inquiry. As far as
possible specific figures should not be mentioned and only general
statements about the creditworthiness of the party should be made. If an
unfavorable reply is to be sent it should be based on the personal experience
of the letter writer or that of the firm and not on hearsay. The rely to the
status inquiry should not read like a letter of instructions. It should not
attempt to plead or persuade the granting or refusal of credit. It should
merely indicate what the writer of the letter would have done in the


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