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Supreme Court of Georgia. DOWIS et al. v. MUD SLINGERS, INC. et al. S05G0336.No. -- October 24, 2005 Ronal !.

"a#$on, %ecatur, for &ppellant$. Gregor# '. !re$mane$, &m# Roger$ !er(in$, )o*i$, +#le , )urc-, ..C, &tlanta, for &ppellee$. /or t-e rea$on$ 0-ic- follo0, t-i$ Court 0ill not aban on t-e tra itional rule.'-i$ Court grante certiorari to t-e Court of &ppeal$ in %o0i$ *. 1u Slinger Concrete, 262 Ga.&pp. 305, 605 S.4.2 655 620047, to con$i er 0-et-er t-e conflict of la0$ rule le8 loci elicti $-oul be retaine in Georgia. %o0i$ 0a$ in9ure at t-e Ro$0ell pro9ect 0-en -e fell four $torie$ from t-e ba$(et of a tele$copic boom for(lift operate b# Gra*e$."o-nn# 4 0in %o0i$ 6:%o0i$;7, a 'enne$$ee re$i ent, 0a$ -ire b# a 1i$$ouri corporation, 1u Slinger$, <nc. 6:1u Slinger$;7, 0-o$e pre$i ent i$ 1ic-ael Clement Gra*e$ 6:Gra*e$;7, to -ang large $-eet$ of preca$t pla$ter mol ing at a national c-ain -otel in Ro$0ell, Georgia. Sargent <n u$. *. %elta &ir .ine$, 255 Ga. 25, 303 S.4.2 503 652337= $ee al$o 1ullin$ *. 1.G.%. Grap-ic$ S#$tem$ Group, 36> /.Supp. 55>3 6N.%.Ga.52247. <n $o oing, t-e Court of &ppeal$ correctl# note t-at t-i$ Court -a$ a re$$e t-e i$$ue of t-e *iabilit# of t-e rule of le8 loci elicti an -a$ continue to appl# it. '-e Court of &ppeal$ affirme t-e grant of $ummar# 9u gment, -ol ing t-at le8 loci elicti an t-e con$e?uent application of Georgia@$ e8clu$i*e reme # pro*i$ion preclu e %o0i$ from maintaining -i$ tort action in Georgia. 34-2-55 et $e?., an t-e le8 loci elicti rule regar ing t-e applicable $ub$tanti*e la0, t-e trial court grante $ummar# 9u gment to t-e efen ant$. &ppl#ing t-e e8clu$i*e reme # pro*i$ion of t-e Georgia Aor(er$@ Compen$ation &ct, OCG& B %o0i$ argue t-at, un er 1i$$ouri@$ 0or(er$@ compen$ation la0, -e coul collect benefit$ an bring a tort action again$t 1u Slinger$ an Cor Gra*e$. %o0i$ later file t-i$ tort action in Georgia $ee(ing amage$ again$t 1u Slinger$ an Gra*e$. 1u Slinger$ -a 0or(er$@ compen$ation in$urance in 1i$$ouri, 0-ere %o0i$ file -i$ claim an recei*e benefit$. '-e tra itional approac-, fre?uentl# referre to a$ t-e :*e$te rig-t$; approac-, 0a$ $et fort- in t-e Re$tatement 6/ir$t7 of Conflict of .a0$ an e$tabli$-e t-e rule of le8 loci elicti.524. 56 &m."ur.2 Conflict of .a0$ B'-ere are $e*eral principle approac-e$ to t-e re$olution of conflict of la0$ i$$ue$ in tort ca$e$. 5 '-e$e approac-e$ -a*e gaine acceptance in eci ing 0-ic- $tate@$ $ub$tanti*e la0 $-oul appl#.Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, 330 S.A.2 53, 5> 6'enn. 52227. Sub$e?uentl#, ue in part to an attempt to accommo ate t-e increa$e mobilit# of t-e population an inter$tate an international commerce, ot-er approac-e$ emerge 0-ic- 0ere percei*e to be le$$ territorial. Georgia /arm )ureau 1ut. <n$. Co. *. Ailliam$, 266 Ga.&pp. 540, 545, n. 4, 52> S.4.2 430 620047. En er t-i$ tra itional rule, a tort action i$ go*erne b# t-e $ub$tanti*e la0 of t-e $tate 0-ere t-e tort 0a$ committe . 3F25. See &'.&-'OR' B2 '-e fir$t $uc- approac- i$ ba$e upon a concept of :go*ernmental intere$t.;524. 56 &m."ur.2 Conflict of .a0$ B3 Specificall#, t-i$

t-eor# man ate$ t-at a court fir$t i entif# t-e $pecific la0 in eac- $tate bearing upon t-e legal i$$ue in i$pute, t-en etermine t-e preci$e policie$ 0-ic- t-e re$pecti*e la0$ 0ere e$igne to $er*e, an finall#, t-at t-e court e8amine t-e relation$-ip of eac- 9uri$ iction 0it- t-e litigation an etermine 0-et-er t-e applicatio522= $ee )rainer Currie, '-e %i$intere$te '-ir State, 23 .a0 an Contemporar# !roblem$ >54 652637. 56 &m."ur.2 Conflict of .a0$ B< . '-i$ approac-, e*elope b# !rofe$$or )rainer Currie, in*ol*e$ an anal#$i$ of t-e re$pecti*e intere$t$ of t-e in*ol*e $tate$ to etermine t-e la0 t-at mo$t appropriatel# applie$ to t-e i$$ue$ in t-e ca$e= controlling effect i$ gi*en to t-e la0 of t-e 9uri$ iction 0-ic- -a$ t-e greate$t concern 0it- t-e $pecific i$$ue rai$e in t-e litigation, unle$$ a public polic# e8ception ictate$ a contrar# re$ult. Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra at 53, citing Gregor# 4. Smit-, C-oice of .a0 in t-e Enite State$, 35 Da$ting$ ..". 5045, 504> 6523>7= ). Currie, Selecte 4$$a#$ on t-e Conflict of .a0$ 652637.n of a particular $tate@$ la0 0oul be con$i$tent 0it- t-e purpo$e$ i entifie a$ $upporti*e of t-at la0. &not-er approac- i$ t-at of :c-oice-influencing con$i eration$;4 Robert &. .eflar, C-oice-<nfluencing Con$i eration$ in Conflict$ .a0, 45 N.G.E...Re*. 26> 652667= Robert &. .eflar, Conflict$ .a0F 1ore on C-oice-<nfluencing Con$i eration$, 54 Cal. ..Re*. 5534 652667. En er t-i$ t-eor#, fi*e factor$ are e8amine F 657 pre ictabilit# of re$ult= 627 maintenance of t-e inter$tate an international or er= 637 $implification of t-e 9u icial ta$(= 647 a *ancement of t-e forum@$ go*ernmental intere$t= an 657 application of t-e better rule of la0. e$pou$e b# Robert &. .eflar. & t-ir alternati*e to t-e tra itional octrine i$ le8 fori, 0-ic- pro*i e$ t-at t-e rig-t$ an liabilitie$ of t-e partie$ are go*erne b# t-e la0 of t-e forum.5 Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra at 53. /inall#, a ma9orit# of t-e $tate$ t-at -a*e aban one t-e rule of le8 loci elicti -a*e embrace t-e formulation e8pre$$e in t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 of Conflict of .a0$, 0-ic- call$ for an a$$e$$ment of 0-ic- 9uri$ iction -a$ t-e :mo$t $ignificant relation$-ip;6 So t-e initial ?ue$tion become$ 0-et-er t-e approac- of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 of Conflict of .a0$ i$ $uperior to t-e tra itional rule utiliHe in Georgia.Con*erg#$ Corp. *. +eener, 2>6 Ga. 303, 352, 532 S.4.2 34 620037= General 'elep-one Co. of t-e Sout-ea$t *. 'rimm, 252 Ga. 25, 26, 355 S.4.2 460 652347. )ut it i$ 0ell-$ettle t-at Georgia 0ill continue to a -ere to a tra itional conflict of la0$ rule until a better approac- i$ foun . '-e appellant$ %o0i$ urge t-at Georgia 9oin t-i$ group of $tate$ an a opt t-e :mo$t $ignificant relation$-ip; te$t of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 of Conflict of .a0$, an t-u$, allo0 t-em un er 1i$$ouri la0 to procee 0it- t-eir Georgia la0$uit again$t 1u Slinger$ an Gra*e$. 523. 56 &m."ur.2 Conflict of .a0$ Bto t-e i$pute, ba$e upon $e*eral $et$ of factor$. See /itt$ *. 1inne$ota 1ining 1oreo*er, a$ appellant$ ac(no0le ge, le8 loci elicti -a$ t-e *irtue$ of con$i$tenc#, pre ictabilit#, an relati*e ea$e of application. Dall *. Dopper, 234 Ga. 625, 256 S.4.2 332 652>57= $ee al$o <n re ". 1., 2>6 Ga. 33, 25, 5>5 S.4.2 445 620037 6Carle#, "., concurring7. <t i$ e$irable to -a*e $tabilit# an certaint# in t-e la0= t-erefore, $tare eci$i$ i$ a *ali an compelling argument for maintaining t-e octrine. See Sout-ern Rail0a# Co. *. %ec(er, 5 Ga.&pp. 25, 62 S.4. 6>3 652037. '-e octrine of le8 loci elicti -a$ $er*e t-e re$olution of conflict of la0$ i$$ue$ in tort action$ in t-i$ State for nearl# 500 #ear$. , 1fg. Co., 535 So.2

352 6&la.52257= 1ill$ *. Iualit# Supplier 'ruc(ing, 203 A.Ja. 625, 550 S.4.2 230 652237= !aul *. National .ife, 5>> A.Ja. 42>, 352 S.4.2 550 652367. See &le8an er *. General 1otor$ Corp., 26> Ga. 332, 4>3 S.4.2 523 652267= +arimi *. Cro0le#, 5>2 Ga.&pp. >65, 324 S.4.2 533 652347. /urt-ermore, t-e critici$m glo$$e$ o*er t-e fact t-at t-e court$ of t-i$ State -a*e t-e po0er to ameliorate t-e $ometime$ $eeming -ar$-ne$$ of t-e rule 0-en public polic# con$i eration$ ictate t-at t-e# o $o. )# contra$t, appellant$ are a$(ing t-i$ Court to abrogate it$ long-u$e conflict of la0$ rule in or er to b#pa$$ Georgia la0. See )abcoc( *. "ac($on, 52 N.G.2 4>3, 240 N.G.S.2 >43, 525 N.4.2 2>2 652637. <n fact, t-e fir$t eparture b# a $i$ter $tate from t-e u$e of le8 loci elicti accompli$-e t-e application of t-e la0 of t-at $tate. See, e.g., 1ell( *. Sara-$on, 42 N.". 226, 222 &.2 625 6526>7= C-amber$ *. %a(ota- C-arter, 433 N.A.2 63 6S.%. 52227. &$ appellee$ point out, $ome court$ in ot-er 9uri$ iction$ -a*e been moti*ate to epart from t-e tra itional rule in or er to re re$$ percei*e un9u$t re$ult$ b# appl#ing t-eir o0n la0. )ut $uc- critici$m ignore$ $e*eral $alient fact$. /ir$t Nat. )an( in /ort Collin$ *. Ro$te(, 532 Colo. 43>, 554 !.2 354, 35> 652>37. &ppellant$ an ot-er opponent$ of t-e rule criticiHe it$ percei*e rigi ne$$ an argue t-at it$ $trict application i$ in$ufficient to a re$$ t-e comple8itie$ of mo ern litigation an can lea to un9u$t re$ult$, in t-at t-e re$ult$ ma# be :unrelate to t-e contemporar# intere$t$ of t-e $tate$ in*ol*e or t-e reali$tic e8pectation$ of t-e partie$.; '-e c )ut t-i$ ignore$ t-e realit# t-at t-e place of an allege l# tortiou$ act i$ not irrele*ant to t-e conflict i$$ue, in t-at a $tate -a$ an intere$t in 0rong$ committe 0it-in it$ boun arie$. &ppellant$ al$o go $o far a$ to a$$ert t-at t-e rule of le8 loci elicti i$ premi$e upon :ab$olute fortuit#,; in t-at t-e place of t-e inci ent gi*ing ri$e to t-e litigation i$ an entirel# fortuitou$ factor. ru8 of t-e matter in regar to critici$m of t-e tra itional rule i$ t-e common un erl#ing mi$conception t-at t-e re$olution of a conflict of la0$ in comple8 litigation re?uire$ an e?uall# complicate mec-ani$m to o $o. Section 545 pro*i e$ t-e general principle for etermining t-e rele*ant contact$F <t i$ e8pan$i*e= it pro*i e$ a multi-$tep proce ure for ma(ing t-e etermination of 0-ic$tate@$ la0 $-oul pre*ail. '-e approac- ta(en b# t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 of Conflict of .a0$ 652>57 certainl# fit$ a e$cription of comple8it#. 6.'-e rig-t$ an liabilitie$ of t-e partie$ 0it- re$pect to an i$$ue in tort are etermine b# t-e local la0 of t-e $tate 0-ic-, 0it- re$pect to t-at i$$ue, -a$ t-e mo$t $ignificant relation$-ip to t-e occurrence an t-e partie$ un er t-e principle$ $tate in B657 6 to etermine t-e la0 applicable to an i$$ue inclu eFContact$ to be ta(en into account in appl#ing t-e principle$ of B627 t-e place 0-ere t-e in9ur# occurre ,6a7 t-e place 0-ere t-e con uct cau$ing t-e in9ur# occurre ,6b7 t-e omicile, re$i ence, nationalit#, place of incorporation an place of bu$ine$$ of t-e partie$, an 6c7

t-e place 0-ere t-e relation$-ip, if an#, bet0een t-e partie$ i$ centere .6 7 '-e$e contact$ are to be e*aluate accor ing to t-eir relati*e importance 0it- re$pect to t-e particular i$$ue. Section 6 $et$ fort- t-e c-oice-of-la0 principle$F & court, $ub9ect to con$titutional re$triction$, 0ill follo0 a $tatutor# irecti*e of it$ o0n $tate on c-oice of la0.657 A-en t-ere i$ no $uc- irecti*e, t-e factor$ rele*ant to t-e c-oice of t-e applicable rule of la0 inclu e627 t-e nee $ of t-e inter$tate an international $#$tem$,6a7 t-e rele*ant policie$ of t-e forum,6b7 t-e rele*ant policie$ of ot-er intere$te $tate$ an t-e relati*e intere$t$ of t-o$e $tate$ in t-e etermination of t-e particular i$$ue,6c7 t-e protection of 9u$tifie e8pectation$,6 7 t-e ba$ic policie$ un erl#ing t-e particular fiel of la0,6e7 certaint#, pre ictabilit# an uniformit# of re$ult, an 6f7 ea$e in t-e etermination an application of t-e la0 to be applie .6g7 /inall#, Section 546 $pecificall# a re$$e$ per$onal in9ur# action$F

6 to t-e occurrence an t-e partie$, in 0-ic- e*ent t-e local la0 of t-e ot-er $tate 0ill be applie .<n an action for a per$onal in9ur#, t-e local la0 of t-e $tate 0-ere t-e in9ur# occurre etermine$ t-e rig-t$ an liabilitie$ of t-e partie$, unle$$, 0it- re$pect to t-e particular i$$ue, $ome ot-er $tate -a$ a more $ignificant relation$-ip un er t-e principle$ $tate in B < .< . &$ i$ e*i ent, Section 6, 0-ic- i$ t-e con$i eration mo$t i entifie 0it- t-e mo$t-$ignificant-relation$-ip te$t, -a$ t0o component$. < . '-e approac- of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 of Conflict of .a0$ -a$ been e$cribe a$ 0or(ing t-rougt-ree relate function$, :in t-e re*er$e or er of t-eir be$t u$e.; < . '-i$ i$ in contra$t to Re$tatement$ in ot-er area$ of la0 0-ic- ten to pronounce fairl# i$crete rule$. <t -a$ been $ai to function li(e a co e-t-at i$, for an# gi*en problem, $e*eral Secon Re$tatement $ection$ are li(el# to appl#. "ame$ !. George, /al$e Conflict$ an /ault# &nal#$e$F "u icial 1i$u$e of Go*ernmental <ntere$t$ in t-e Secon Re$tatement of Conflict$ of .a0$, 23 Re*. of .itig. 432, 552 6Summer 20047. '-i$ la#ere anal#$i$ -a$ been e$cribe a$ :eclectic; becau$e it repre$ent$ a combination of $e*eral c-oice-of-la0 met-o ologie$. <f none appl#, $ection 6627 li$t$ $e*en none8clu$i*e policie$ t-at ma# i entif# t-e $tate -a*ing t-e mo$t $ignificant relation$-ip to t-e i$puteF Section 6657 gi*e$ i$po$iti*e priorit# to t-e forum@$ $tatutor# c-oice-of-la0 rule$.

/or mo$t c-oice-of-la0 ?ue$tion$, more t-an one $ection 0ill appl#.KSection 546.L 6.; '-e Secon Re$tatement@$ t-ir functional component i$ a number of $ection$ focu$e on $pecific claim$ an i$$ue$. '-e general principle$ for tort$ an contract$ li$t contact$ :to be ta(en into account in appl#ing t-e principle$ of B'-e $econ functional component i$ a $et of t-ree general principle$ for tort$, contract$, an propert#. < . at 552-520. )ut it -a$ it$ $-are of critic$ in t-e court$ an in t-e commentar# of $c-olar$. Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra at 5>, citing Gregor# 4. Smit-, C-oice of .a0 in t-e Enite State$, 35 Da$ting$ ..". 5045, 5046 6523>7. '-e approac- of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 -a$ been prai$e b# $ome court$ an commentator$ for it$ fle8ibilit# an it$ reflection of more :mo ern; t-in(ing on c-oice of la0. '-ere are t-o$e 0-o -a*e criticiHe it a$ a tool for court$ to $impl# engage in :contact counting; 0it-out con$i er'-e *er# fle8ibilit# of t-e approac- of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 -a$ pro*e to be problematic. Ot-er$ fin itF!aul *. National .ife, $upra at 553. <t -a$ been $ai to -a*e :in eterminate language an lac( of concrete gui eline$.; Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra at 53, citing Gregor# 4. Smit-, C-oice of .a0 in t-e Enite State$, 35 Da$ting$ ..". at 5046. ation of 0-at i$ e$pou$e in t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7, t-at i$, t-e intere$t$ an policie$ of t-e $tate$ in ?ue$tion. 4rratic application$ ma# be partl# ue to it$ co e-li(e function, 0-ic- can re?uire t-e application of t0o or more blac( letter $ection$, eac- 0it- multiple anal#tical $tep$ Secon Re$tatement a option$ nece$$aril# a$$ume ifferent form$ in ifferent $tate$, e*en 0it-out aberrational application$. '-e re$ult i$ a $et of c-oice-of-la0 eci$ion$ $o lac(ing in uniformit# t-at t-e Secon Re$tatement@$ balancing te$t -a$ become c-imeric, ta(ing on *a$tl# ifferent form$ in ifferent court$. -a$ t-e iron# of ominating t-e fiel 0-ile be0il ering it$ u$er$. "ame$ !. George, /al$e Conflict$ an /ault# &nal#$e$F "u icial 1i$u$e of Go*ernmental <ntere$t$ in t-e Secon Re$tatement of Conflict$ of .a0$, 23 Re*. of .itig. 432, 425-422 6Summer 20047. /itt$ *. 1inne$ota 1in.'-e a option of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 approac- -a$ not broug-t certaint# or uniformit# to t-e la0. , &$ t-e Supreme Court of &labama note , Iuite t-e contrar#. 1fg. Co., $upra at 323. Ot-er $tate court$ -a*e not been con$i$tent in t-eir terminolog# about 0-at approact-e# are follo0ing, an ot-er$ -a*e retaine primar# emp-a$i$ on t-e place of t-e 0rong in tort ca$e$, e*en 0-ile aban oning t-e le8 loci elicti for t-e Re$tatement Secon Some $tate court$ routinel# li$t Kt-e Re$tatement@$L rele*ant $ection$ in t-eir opinion$ an tr# to follo0 t-em= t-i$ ta$( i$ ea$ie$t 0-en t-e ca$e i$ controlle b# one of t-e Re$tatement Secon @$ $pecific narro0 rule$. < . & re*ie0 of ca$e$ $-o0$ t-at 0-ile t-e rule of le8 loci elicti of t-e original Re$tatement i$ attac(e becau$e of it$ $eeming rigi it# an it$ in$i$tence on t-e application of a fe0 $pecific rule$, t-e approac- of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 fail$ to

pro*i e enoug- gui ance to t-e court$ to pro uce e*en a $emblance of uniformit# among t-e $tate$ follo0ing it$ met-o . < . at 323, ?uoting +a#, '-eor# <nto !racticeF C-oice of .a0 in t-e Court$, 34 1ercer ..Re*. 525, 565-562 652337. /or 9u ge$, c-oice of la0 i$$ue$ ta(e an inor inate amount of time an re?uire a fairl# comple8 anal#$i$. /or attorne#$, t-i$ lac( of pre ictabilit# ma# i$courage $ettlement= it certainl# in-ibit$ an accurate ca$e *aluation. '-e met-o olog# i$ not onl# comple8, but it pro*i e$ no un erl#ing principle ot-er t-an appl#ing t-e la0 of t-e $tate t-at -a$ t-e :mo$t $ignificant relation$-ip; to t-e i$$ue &$ a re$ult, it -a$ become ifficult to pre ict 0-at a court 0ill o 0-en face 0it- c-oice of la0 i$$ue$, an eac- ca$e $eem$ to eman an a -oc etermination. S-irle# &. Aiegan , /ift# Conflict of .a0$ :Re$tatement$;F 1erging "u icial %i$cretion an .egi$lati*e 4n or$ement, 65 .a. ..Re*. 5, 4 620047. Nor -a*e t-e ot-er ma9or approac-e$ mentione earlier pro*en to be a panacea for t-e re$olution of conflict of la0$ i$$ue$.'-e ine$capable conclu$ion i$ t-at t-e approac- of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 of Conflict of .a0$ i$ not $uperior to t-e tra itional rule of le8 loci elicti currentl# u$e in Georgia. > <n fact, t-e arra# of :mo ern; conflict approac-e$ an t-eir $eemingl# unen ing *ariation$ -a*e been e$cribe a$ creating :a *eritable pla#pen for 9u icial polic#ma(er$.;3 '-i$ Court ecline$ to engage in $uc- a polic#ma(ing e8erci$e.S-irle# &. Aiegan , /ift# Conflict of .a0$ :Re$tatement$;F 1erging "u icial %i$cretion an .egi$lati*e 4n or$ement, 65 .a. ..Re*. 5, 4 620047. 2 '-e relati*e certaint#, pre ictabilit#, an ea$e of t-e application of le8 loci elicti, e*en t-oug- $ometime$ lea ing to re$ult$ 0-ic- ma# appear -ar$-, '-i$ Court 0ill retain it$ long--el conflict of la0$ rule not out of blin a -erence but rat-er, out of t-e can i recognition t-at t-e $ub$e?uentl#- e*elope t-eorie$ -a*e $ignificant problem$. < . at 352. Suc- a rule of la0 can fulfill an e$$ential function of concrete 9u$tice. /ir$t Nat. )an( in /ort Collin$ *. Ro$te(, $upra at 352, citing Ree$e, C-oice of .a0F Rule$ or &pproac-, 5> Cornell ..Re*. 355 652>27. EtiliHing a rule in t-e area of conflict of la0$ can $er*e t-e en $ of 9u$tice becau$e it furni$-e$ t-e 9u icial mac-iner# b# 0-ic- li(e $ituation$ are a 9u ge e?uall#. 50 4n re$H *. /rie berg, 24 N.G.2 4>3, 305 N.G.S.2 65, 243 N.4.2 205, 206 652627. &$ t-e Court of &ppeal$ of Ne0 Gor( aptl# note , :0e $-oul not epart from $oun prece ent $impl# for t-e $a(e of c-ange or merel# becau$e ot-er court$ -a*e arri*e at a re$ult ifferent from t-at 0-ic- 0e -a*e e$pou$e .; !aul *. National .ife, $upra at 555= /ir$t Nat@l )an( *. Ro$te(, $upra. are preferable to t-e incon$i$tenc# an capriciou$ne$$ t-at t-e replacement c-oice-of-la0 approac-e$ -a*e 0roug-t. '-e rule of le8 loci elicti remain$ t-e la0 of Georgia, an t-e 9u gment of t-e Court of &ppeal$ i$ affirme .55 "u gment affirme . /OO'NO'4S 5'-e follo0ing ca$e$ from $i$ter $tate$ appl# t-e le8 loci elicti ruleF /itt$ *. 1inne$ota 1in.. , 524, n. 55. See 56 &m."ur.2 Conflict of .a0$ B1fg. Co.,

535 So.2 352 6&la. 52257= .ing *. "an@$ .i?uor$, 23> +an. 622, >03 !.2 >35 652357= Dauc- *. Connor, 225 1 . 520, 453 &.2 520> 652337= +emp *. &ll$tate <n$. Co., 533 1ont. 526, 605 !.2 20 652>27= )ou reau *. )aug-man, 322 N.C. 335, 363 S.4.2 342 652337= %a0(in$ *. State, 306 S.C. 325, 452 S.4.2 40> 652257= R-oa e$ *. Arig-t, 622 !.2 343 6Eta-, 52307, cert. enie , 454 E.S. 32>, 502 S.Ct. 32>, >0 ..4 .2 252 652357= 1c1illan *. 1c1illan, 252 Ja. 552>, 253 S.4.2 662 652>27= !aul *. National .ife, 5>> A.Ja. 42>, 352 S.4.2 550 6A.J., 52367= )all *. )all, >3 A#o. 22, 262 !.2 302 652547. 2'-ere are *ariation$ of t-e$e approac-e$, but for t-e purpo$e of t-i$ anal#$i$, t-e focu$ 0ill be on t-e core concept$ an not -#bri t-eorie$.. 3522, n. 42.'-e follo0ing ca$e$ -a*e utiliHe a :go*ernmental intere$t; anal#$i$F Aalli$ *. 1r$. Smit-@$ !ie Co., 265 &r(. 622, 550 S.A.2 453 652>>7= )ern-ar *. Darra-@$ Club, 56 Cal.3 353, 523 Cal.Rptr. 255, 546 !.2 >52 652>67, cert. enie , 422 E.S. 352, 2> S.Ct. 552, 50 ..4 .2 536 652>67= %i$trict of Columbia *. Coleman, 66> &.2 355 6%.C.Ct.&pp., 52257= Gante$ *. +a$on Corp., 545 N.". 4>3, 6>2 &.2 506 652267= !a ula *. .ilarn !ropertie$ Corp., 34 N.G.2 552, 620 N.G.S.2 350, 644 N.4.2 5005 652247, See 56 &m."ur.2 Conflict of .a0$ B. 4'-e follo0ing ca$e$ -a*e emplo#e :c-oice-influencing con$i eration$; to re$ol*e a conflict of la0$F Clar( *. Clar(, 50> N.D. 355, 222 &.2 205 652667= )u$b# *. !erini Corp., 550 R.<. 42, 220 &.2 250 652>27= Melinger *. State San . , 532, n. 43. See 56 &m."ur.2 Conflict of .a0$ BGra*el Co., 33 Ai$.2 23, 556 N.A.2 466 652637= 5 See Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra at 52.'-e follo0ing ca$e$ -a*e utiliHe a concept of le8 fori= /o$ter *. .eggett, 434 S.A.2 32> 6+#.52>27= Olm$tea *. &n er$on, 423 1ic-. 5, 400 N.A.2 222 6523>7. . 6524, n. 56. See 56 &m."ur.2 Conflict of .a0$ B'-e follo0ing ca$e$ -a*e applie t-e :mo$t $ignificant relation$-ip; approac-F 4-re t *. %eDa*illan &ircraft Co. of Cana a, .t ., >05 !.2 446 6&la$(a 52357= )r#ant *. Sil*erman, 546 &riH. 45, >03 !.2 5520 652357= /ir$t Nat. )an( in /ort Collin$ *. Ro$te(, 532 Colo. 43>, 554 !.2 354 652>37= O@Connor *. O@Connor, 205 Conn. 632, 552 &.2 53 652367= 'ra*eler$ <n em. Co. *. .a(e, 524 &.2 33 6%el. 52257= )i$-op *. /lori a Specialt# !aint Co., 332 So.2 222 6/la. 52307= "o-n$on *. !i$c-(e, 503 < a-o 32>, >00 !.2 52 652357= /uer$te *. )emi$, 556 N.A.2 335 6<o0a, 52637= & am$ *. )uffalo /orge Co., 443 &.2 232 61e. 52327= 1itc-ell *. Craft, 255 So.2 502 61i$$. 52637= +enne # *. %i8on, 432 S.A.2 5>3 61o. 52627= Darper *. Sil*a, 224 Neb. 645, 322 N.A.2 326 6523>7= 1organ *. )iro 1fg. Co., <nc., 55 O-io St.3 332, 4>4 N.4.2 236 652347= )ric(ner *. Goo en, 525 !.2 632 6O(la. 52>47= 1#er$ *. Ce$$na &ircraft Corp., 2>5 Or. 505, 553 !.2 355 652>67= C-amber$ *. %a(ota- C-arter 433 N.A.2 63 6S.%. 52227= Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra 6'enn. 52227= GutierreH *. Collin$, 533 S.A.2 352 6'e8. 52>27= &miot *. &me$, 566 Jt. 233, 623 &.2 6>5 6522>7= )affin .an Corp. *. 1onticello 1otor <nn, <nc., >0 Aa$-.2 323, 425 !.2 623 6526>7. . >Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra at 53-52.Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra at 53= Gregor# 4. Smit-, C-oice of .a0 in t-e Enite State$, 35 Da$ting$ ..". at 5042.'-e concept of le8 fori, b# efinition, re?uire$ t-at t-e la0 of t-e forum go*ern$ t-e rig-t$ an

liabilitie$ of t-e partie$. Data0a# *. 1c+inle#, $upra at 53= Gregor# 4. Smit-, C-oice of .a0 in t-e Enite State$, 35 Da$ting$ ..". 5045, 5043 6523>7..eflar@$ :c-oiceinfluencing con$i eration$; almo$t al0a#$ lea $ t-e forum to $elect it$ o0n la0= it -a$ been e$cribe a$ :plague b# e8ce$$i*e forum fa*oriti$m.; Currie@$ :go*ernmental intere$t; approac- fail$ to a e?uatel# eal 0it- true conflict$ an i$ ea$il# manipulate b# i entif#ing alternati*e go*ernmental intere$t$ of a forum la0, t-ereb# lea ing to forum fa*oriti$m. . 3 S-irle# &. Aiegan , /ift# Conflict of .a0$ :Re$tatement$;F 1erging "u icial %i$cretion an .egi$lati*e 4n or$ement, 65 .a. ..Re*. 5, 4 620047, ?uoting 1ic-ael D. Gotte$man, & rift on t-e Sea of <n eterminac#, >5 <n . ..". 52> 620007= &lfre Dill, /or a '-ir Conflict$ Re$tatement-)ut Stop 'r#ing to Rein*ent t-e A-eel, >5 <n . ..". 535, 533 620007= /rie ric- +. "uenger, & '-ir Conflict$ Re$tatement, >5 <n . ..". 403 620007= !aul *. Nat@l .ife, $upra at 555= /rie ric- +. "uenger, C-oice of .a0 an 1ulti$tate "u$tice 235 652237.'-e current $ituation in t-e area of conflict t-eorie$ -a$ al$o been unfa*orabl# e$cribe a$ :a total i$a$ter,; :c-ao$,; :gibberi$-,; an :a conflict$ mine fiel in a maHe con$tructe b# profe$$or$ run( on t-eorie$.; . 2Con*erg#$ Corp. *. +eener, $upra at 353, 532 S.4.2 34 6Sear$, !. "., concurring7. <n t-e conte8t of e8amining t-e tra itional conflict of la0$ rule le8 loci contractu$, it -a$ been $ugge$te t-at an# a option of t-e approac- of t-e Re$tatement 6Secon 7 of Conflict of .a0$ i$ a matter properl# for t-e General &$$embl#. . 50<t $-oul be note t-at in t-i$ ca$e, t-e claime -ar$-ne$$ of re$ult i$ belie b# appellant$@ o0n a$$ertion t-at t-e# coul -a*e broug-t t-eir tort action in 1i$$ouri or 'enne$$ee.. 55<n t-i$ appeal from t-e grant of certiorari, t-i$ Court oe$ not re*i$it t-e etermination$ b# t-e Court of &ppeal$ regar ing an# public polic# e8ception to t-e rule of le8 loci elicti in t-i$ ca$e.. D<N4S, "u$tice. &ll t-e "u$tice$ concur. - See more atF -ttpFCCca$ela0.fin la0.comCga-$upremecourtC5532522.-tmlN$t-a$-.&(%&m3*f. puf

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