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Information Content-Based Sensor Selection and Transmission Power Adjustment for Collaborative Target Tracking Modules: ! "etworking Module!

#! Sensor selection module! $! ICTP Module! %! Target tracking Module! &! Average energ' consumed module!

Module (escri)tion: ! "etworking Module!

Client-server computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between service providers (servers) and service requesters, called clients. Often clients and servers operate over a computer network on separate hardware. A server machine is a high-performance host that is running one or more server programs which share its resources with clients. A client also shares an of its resources! Clients therefore initiate communication sessions with servers which await (listen to) incoming requests.

#! Sensor selection module!

"he sensor selection problem onl in terms of coverage and energ -saving aspects, without pa ing attention to detection qualit . #n tracking applications, when selecting the subset of sensor nodes to contribute to the global decision, we have to consider how informative the sensor nodes are about the state of the target.

$! ICTP Module!
#$%O&'A"#O$-CO$"&O(()* "&A$+'#++#O$ ,O-)&

A*./+"')$" (#C",) ad0ustment scheme as the energ -saving strateg , in addition to the '#++ algorithm. "he block diagram representation of the sensor node whose task is distributed target tracking with '#++ and #C",. +ensor observation is transferred to the information e1tractor module to retrieve the information state and the information matri1 denomination values from the received observation using (2), which are then passed to the local information filter module where local target tracking takes place according to the operations

%! Target tracking Module!

*eficienc with this approach occurs for tracking applications if all the sensor node local likelihood ratios fall in the no-send region and no belief about the target state is shared among the nodes. #n this paper, we concentrate on the -+$ part of the C3#+& application depicted in %ig. 4. +ensor nodes tr to collaborativel maintain accurate target position and

speed estimates to report to the /A5 in an energ -efficient manner. -e consider the problem of tracking a single target using immobile sensor nodes that collaborate with each other through a broadcast communication mechanism.

&! Average energ' consumed module!

#f we ad0ust the transmission powers of the sensor nodes according to ,attern 6, on average, we achieve 7.43 times less energ usage with respect to the case in which no transmission power ad0ustment is made .8owever, power ad0ustment, on average, doubles the target locali9ation errors as observed ."he gain in terms of the e1hausted communication energ does not compensate the increase in the target locali9ation error. 8ence, reducing the communication transmission power is not desirable.

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