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Appendix 7 Helpful Phrases for Communicating in Spanish

Greeting the patient and orienting to the unit Hello, . . . Hola . . .! Oh-lah . . . Good morning . . . Buenos das . . .! Boo-eh-nohs dee-ahs . . . Good afternoon . . . Buenas tardes . . .! Boo-eh-nahs tahr-dehs . . . Good evening . . . Buenas noches . . .! Boo-eh-nahs noh-chehs . . . Mr. Seor Seh-nyohr Mrs. Seora Seh-nyor-rah Miss Seorita Seh-nyor-ree-tah I am the nurse. Soy la enfermera. Soy lah ehn-fehr-meh-rah. My name is . . . Me llamo . . . Meh yah-moh . . . Please sit down. Por favor, sintese. Pohr fah-bohr, see-ehn-the-seh. Do you speak English? Habla usted ingles? Ah-blah oo-stehd een-glehs? Speak more slowly, please. Hable mas despacio, por favor. Ah-bleh mahs dehs-pahsyoh, pohr fah-vohr. I dont understand. No entiendo. Noh ehn-t-yehn-doh. Do you understand? Entiende usted? Ehn-t-yehn-deh oo-stehd? Change into this gown. Pngase esta bata. Pohn-gah-seh ehs-tah bah-tah. Here is the call light. Aqui esta la luz para llamar a la enfermera. Ah-kee eh-stah lah looss pah-rah yah-mahr ah lah ehn-fehr-meh-rah. This is the call bell. Esta es la campana. Ehs-tah ehs lah kahm-pah-nah. This is the television Este es el control de la control. television. Ehs-teh ehs ehl kohntrohl deh lah teh-lehvee-s-yohn.

This is the bed control.

These buttons move the bed up/down.

Dont get out of bed by yourself.

You may not eat or drink anything more before surgery.

Please do not eat after midnight.

Visiting hours are from 2 P.M. to 8 P.M.

You can make local phone calls.

Do you want me to call a friend or relative for you?

Are you comfortable? Are you cold? Are you hot?

Adapted from Joyce, E. V., & Villanueva, M. E. (2000). Say It In Spanish: A Guide for Health Care Professionals. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; deWit, S. C. (2003). Saunders Student Nurse Planner, Revision 3. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; and Leifer, G. L. (2003). Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, (4th ed.). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Very good. I will return shortly.

Este es el control de la cama. Ehs-teh ehs ehl kohn-trohl deh lah kah-mah. Estos botones mueven la cama hacia arriba/abajo. Ehs-tohs boh-toh-nehs moo-eh-behn lah kah-mah ah-see-ah ah-rree-bah/ah-bah-hoh. No se baje de la cama solo(a). Noh seh bah-heh deh lah kah-mah soh-loh(ah). No comera o bebera nada antes de la cirugia. Noh koh-meh-rah oh beh-beh-rah nah-dah ahn-tehs deh lah see-oo-hee-ah. Por favor, no coma despues de medianoche. Pohr fah-bohr, noh koh-mah dehs-poo-ehs deh meh-dee-ah-noh-cheh. Las horas de visita son de las dos a las ocho de la noche. Lahs oh-rahs deh bee-seetah sohn deh lahs dohs ah lahs oh-choh deh lah noh-cheh. Puede hacer llamadas locales. Poo-eh-deh ah-sehr yah-mah-dahs lohkah-lehs. Quiere que yo le llame a una amistad o pariente? Kee-eh-reh keh yoh leh yah-meh ah oo-nah ah-mees-tahd oh pah-ree-ehn-the? Est cmodo(a)? Ehs-tah koh-moh-doh(a)? Tiene fro? Tee-eh-neh free-oh? Tiene calor? Tee-eh-neh kah-lohr? Muy bien! Moo-ee bee-ehn! Regresare enseguida. Reh-greh-sah-reh ehn-she-gee-dah.

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APPENDIX 7 Helpful Phrases for Communicating in Spanish

Gathering data (history and physical) Why have you come to the Por qu ha venido al hospital? hospital? Pohr keh ah beh-nee-doh ahl ohs-pee-tahl? What happened to you? Qu le pas? Keh leh pah-soh? What can I help you with? En qu puedo ayudarlo? Ehn keh poo-eh-doh ah-yoo-dahr-loh? You need to sign this form. Debe rmar esta forma. Deh-beh feer-mahr ehs-tah fohr-mah. Please sign here. Por favor, rme aqu. Pohr fah-bohr, feer-meh ah-kee. How long have you been Desde cundo est usted sick? enfermo(a)? Dehs-deh koo-ahn-doh ehs-tah oos-tehd ehn-fer-moh(mah)? What is your occupation? Qu clase de trabjo tiene? Keh klah-she deh trah-bahhoh tee-eh-neh? What is your religion? Cul es su religin? Koo-ahl ehs soo reh-lee-hee-ohn? Do you wear glasses? Usa(s) anteojos?/lentes? Oo-sah(s) ahn-the-oh-hohs/ lehn-tehs? What medicines do you Que medicinas toma take? usted? Keh meh-deh-see-nahs tohmah oo-stehd? Do you take any Toma medicamentos? medications? Toh-mah meh-dee-kahmehn-tohs? Are you allergic to anything? Es usted alergico(a) a cualquier cosa? Ehs oo-stehd ah-lehr-heekoh(kah) ah kwahl-k-yehr koh-sah? Are you on a special diet? Hace dieta especial? Ah-seh dee-eh-tah ehs-peh-see-ahl? Is your appetite good? Tiene buen apetito? Tee-eh-neh boo-ehn ah-peh-tee-toh? How many hours a night do Cuntas horas duerme por you sleep? la noche? Koo-ahn-tahs oh-rahs doo-her-meh pohr lah noh-cheh? Do you smoke? Fuma? Foo-mah? You cannot smoke in here. No puede fumar agu. Noh poo-eh-deh foo-mahr ah-kee. Do you drink alcohol? Toma bebidas alcohlicas? Toh-mah beh-bee-dahs ahl-koh-lee-kahs?

How much do you drink per day?

Have you ever had surgery?

Do you have any special problems?

What is the main reason you are here today?

Is there anything that worries you?

Do you know what day today is? Are you nauseated?

Do you have vomiting? Do you have diarrhea?

Are you constipated?

Have you lost weight? Do you have pain? Do you have pain here?

What is hurting you? If it hurts, tell me.

I am going to listen to your lungs.

Dont talk. I am going to listen.

Take a deep breath in, please. Exhale.

Cunto alcohol toma por da? Koo-ahn-toh ahl-kohl toh-mah pohr dee-ah? Ha tenido operaciones? Ah the-nee-doh oh-peh-rahsee-ohn-ehs? Tiene problemas especiales? Tee-eh-neh proh-bleh-mahs ehs-peh-see-ah-lehs? Cul es la razn principal por la que est aqui? Koo-ahl ehs lah rah-sohn preen-see-pahl pohr lah keh ehs-tah ah-kee? Hay algo que te/le preocupa? Ah-ee ahl-goh keh teh/leh preh-oh-koo-pah? Qu dia es hoy? Keh dee-ah ehs oh-ee? Siente el estomago revuelto? S-yehn-teh ehl ehs-tohmah-goh reh-vwehl-toh? Tiene vomito? Tee-eh-neh boh-mee-toh? Tiene diarrea? Tee-eh-neh dee-ah-reh-ah? Esta estrenido/-a? Ehs-tah ehs-treh-nyeedoh/-dah? Ha perdido peso? Ah pehr-dee-doh peh-soh? Tiene dolor? T-yeh-neh doh-lohr? Tiene dolor aqui? Tee-eh-neh doh-lohr ak-kee? Qu le duele? Keh leh doo-eh-leh? Si le duele, aviseme. See leh doo-eh-leh, ah-bee-she-meh. Voy a escuchar los pulmones. Boy ah ehs-koo-chahr lohs pool-moh-nehs. No hables. Noh ah-blehs. Voy a auscultar/escuchar. Boy ah ah-oos-kool-tahr/ ehs-koo-chahr. Respire profundo, por favor. Exhale. Reh-spee-reh proh-foondoh, pohr fah-vohr. Ehks-ah-leh.

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APPENDIX 7 Helpful Phrases for Communicating in Spanish


Take a deep breath. Hold it!

Breathe! Now cough. I am going to listen to your heart. Please lie down.

I am going to examine your abdomen.

Tell me if it hurts. I am going to take your radial pulse. When was your last bowel movement?

Does it burn when you urinate? It is time for your bath.

You need a catheter in your bladder.

Do you wish to use the bedpan? I will need to measure your urine.

We need a urine sample.

Every time you urinate, you must place the urine in this container.

Respire profundo. Detnlo! Reh-spee-reh proh-foon-doh. Deh-tehn-loh! Respira! Rehs-pee-rah! Ahora tosa. Ah-or-a toh-sah. Voy a escuchar el corazn. Boy ah ehs-koo-chahr ehl koh-rah-sohn. Acustate, por favor. Ah-koo-ehs-tah-the, pohr fah-bohr. Ahora, voy a revisar tu abdomen. Ah-oh-rah, boy ah reh-bee-sahr too ahb-doh-mehn. Dime si duele. Dee-meh see doo-eh-leh. Voy a tomar tu pulso radial. Boy ah toh-mahr too pool-soh rah-dee-ahl. Cundo tuvo su ultimo excremento? Koo-ahn-doh too-vah soo ool-tee-moh ehks-kreh-mehn-toh? Le arde cundo orina? Leh ahr-deh koo-ahn-doh oh-ree-nah? Es hora de su bao. Ehs oh-rah deh soo bahn-yoh. Usted necesita una sonda en la vejiga. Oos-tehd neh-she-see-tah oo-nah sohn-day ehn lah beh-hee-gah. Quiere el pato/el bacn? Kee-eh-reh ehl pah-toh/ehl bah-seen? Es necesicito que yo mediria su orina. Esh nehs-ees-see-toh keh yoh meh-deh-ree-ah soo oh-ree-nah. Necesitamos una muestra de orina. Neh-she-see-tah-mohs oo-nah mwehs-trah deh oh-ree-nah. Cada vez que vaya a orinar, debe poner la orina en el recipiente. Kah-dah behs keh bah-yah ah oh-ree-nahr, deh-beh poh-nehr lah oh-ree-nah ehn ehl reh-see-peeehn-teh.

Do not pull on the tube. Sit up, please.

Do you have any questions? Do you want to see a social worker?

Do you want to see a priest? Thank you very much! Good Luck! Goodbye! Medication Instructions I have some medications for you to take.

No jale el tubo. Noh hah-leh ehi too-boh. Sintese, por favor. S-ehn-teh-seh, pohr fah-bohr. Tiene preguntas? Tee-eh-neh preh-goon-tahs? Necesita ver a la trabajadora social? Neh-she-see-tah behr ah lah trah-bah-hah-doh-rah soh-see-ahl? Necesita ver al sacerdote? Nah-she-see-tah behr ahl sah-sehr-doh-the? Muchas gracias! Moo-chahs grah-see-ahs. Buena suerte! Boo-eh-nah soo-her-the! Hasta luego! Ahs-tah loo-eh-goh! Tengo unas medicinas para que usted tas tme. Tehn-goh oo-nahs meh-dee-see-nahs pah-rah keh oo-stehd lahs toh-meh. Usted necesita tomar medicina. Oos-tehd neh-she-see-tah toh-mahr meh-deesee-nah. Tme la con un vaso lleno de agua. Toh-meh lah kohn oon bah-soh yeh-noh deh ah-goo-ah. Tme toda la medicina de esta receta. Toh-meh toh-dah lah meh-dee-see-nah deh ehs-tah reh-she-tah. Tme la con el estmago vacio. Toh-meh lah kohn ehl ehs-toh-mah-goh bah-see-oh. Tme la una hora antes de comer. Toh-meh lah oo-nah oh-rah anh-tehs deh koh-mehr. Tme la medicina con comida. Toh-meh lah meh-dee-seenah kohn koh-mee-dah. Tmese estas pastilles despus de la cena. Toh-meh-she ehs-tahs pahstee-yahs dehs-poo-ehs deh lah she-nah.

You need to take medication.

Take it with a full glass of water.

Take all the medicine in this prescription.

Take it on an empty stomach.

Take it one hour before eating.

Take the medicine with food.

Take these pills after your meal.

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APPENDIX 7 Helpful Phrases for Communicating in Spanish

Three times a day. Four times a day.

This medicine is a pain killer.

Tres veces al dia. Trehs beh-sehs alh dee-ah. Quatro veces al dia. Koo-oh-troh beh-sehs alh dee-ah. Esta medicina alivia el dolor. Ehs-tah meh-dee-see-nah ah-lee-bee-ah ehl doh-lohr.

I am going to give you an injection.

You will feel pain, like a pinprick.

Le voy a poner una inyeccion. Leh voy ah poh-nehr oo-nah een-yehk-s-yohn. Sentir dolor como una picadura. Sehn-tee-rah doh-lohr koh-moh oo-nah pee-kahdoo-rah.

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