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Du! Dat!: W!i-3ti$-: L!$-t3:

Mo$(a4 % S!.t!#b!r (Wk 7) 5&6 1%&& 'or(s

Task This essay assesses your ability to undertake historical synthesis, drawing on secondary sources to produce a coherent, focussed and structured piece of writing. It is based on the lectures, tutorial discussions and dossier readings from Weeks 2 and 3. You must write an essay in response to O ! of the following "uestions# $. What factors contributed to the rise of Islam and its subse"uent diffusion across !urasia %&'()$2&* +!,O. 2. Who were the /ongols- What accounted for the formation and rapid e0pansion of the /ongol empire in !urasia %c. $2(()$1(( +!,List o R!"uir!#!$ts $. The essay must be no more than 1%&& 'or(s in length %e0cluding bibliography,. 2. Your $a#! and stu(!$t $u#b!r as well as your tutor)s $a#! and tutoria* ti#! must be written clearly on the co2er sheet. 3. The "uestion you choose to answer must be listed clearly and in full at the top of the first page of your essay. 1. The essay must consist of an introduction, main body, and conclusion, and it must also ha2e a coherent structure. &. 3ll sources used in your response must be cited appropriately and listed I 4566 in a bibliography %as outlined in the 7uide to .eferencing in the front of the 8ossier,. 9. You must use a minimum of + sour,!s. You may use sources from the 8ossier, but only 2 8ossier sources can count towards your total number of sources. '. 5nacceptable sources include lecture notes, encyclopaedias, and un2erifiable internet sources %e.g. Wikipedia,. *. You must submit your essay online using Sa !Assi-$. There is a link to :afe3ssign on the course website, ;ust below this assessment item. <. !ach essay must be written in at least 1% .oi$t o$t, with appropriate margins and at least $= spacing. /LA0IARISM 'i** r!su*t i$ a$ AUTOMATI1 2AIL or t3is ass!ss#!$t it!#

Marki$- 1rit!ria In assessing this essay, academic staff will be looking for demonstrated effort, skills and ability in the following areas# $. +O T! T# Is the information accurate- Is it rele2ant to the "uestion- Is there e2idence of breadth of reading2. 5 8!.:T3 8I 7# Is there a coherent response to the "uestion- >a2e the sources used been well understood- Is there e2idence of ;udgement of the significance of material3. :T.5+T5.! and O.73 I:3TIO # Is there a coherent structure- Is there a logical se"uence of ideas1. !?@.!::IO # Is the essay well written- 8oes the writing display fluency, clarity and grammatical correctness&. .!4!.! +I 7# >a2e the sources been cited according to appropriate scholarly con2entions- Is the bibliography correctly formatted@3::# This le2el will be reached if the essay ade"uately responds to the "uestion by pro2iding sufficient and accurate information. There will be a satisfactory le2el of fluency to the writing, and the piece as a whole will ha2e a structure. The sources used must be cited appropriately and appear in a bibliography. +.!8IT# To obtain this le2el, the essay must con2ey good understanding by considering the "uestion thoughtfully and displaying a ;udicious selection of information. The writing will possess a coherent structure and a greater degree of fluency. The sources used must be cited appropriately and appear in a bibliography. 8I:TI +TIO # This le2el will be reached if the essay demonstrates a clear and thorough understanding of the material. It will display a skilful synthesis of historical information, supported by rele2ant e2idence or e0amples. It will also ha2e a clear, coherent and effecti2e structure. The prose will demonstrate a high le2el of fluency and grammatical accuracy. The sources used must be cited appropriately and appear in a bibliography. >I7> 8I:TI +TIO # To achie2e this le2el, the essay must meet all of the criteria for a 8I:TI +TIO , plus demonstrate a breadth of reading. It may also critically e2aluate the sources used. The essay will ha2e a superior, cogent structure, which builds up to a substanti2e conclusion. 4luency will be e0cellent# the prose will be precise and lucid. The sources used must be cited appropriately and appear in a bibliography.

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