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The Black Pimpernel

TASK: Rewrite the story . Put the verbs in the passive form .(BE irregular verbs!

+ V-PP).Mind the tenses and

The Black Pimpernel is a comic trip which ( write) b !a"n#s Ber"mar an$ !arlene %inber" & 't tells the stor o( )elson !an$ela & *olihlahla (be born ) in a small +illa"e in Transkei , on -#l ./ th, .0./ to So#th A(rican parents , )osekeni an$ 1a$la , a chie( amon" the Themb# people & *olihlahla .. (be born) to be a 2tro#blemaker3 & 4e .. (bring up) awa (rom the bi" cit s#rro#n$e$ b cattle an$ wil$ animals& As a chil$, he . (tell) abo#t war heroes b his (ather , an$ he (teach) abo#t the +al#e o( bein" h#man an$ help(#l b his mother & %hen he was 5, )elson (send) to school an$ (give) an En"lish name b his teacher& 6rom then on , he .. (call) )elson beca#se the %hites wante$ them to ha+e En"lish names& %hen he t#rne$ .7, it was time (or )elson to become a man& Bo s (take) to h#ts b the ri+er an$ .. (expect) to $o somethin" $arin"& 4e $i$ an$ he (give) 8 hei(ers an$ 9 sheep & 4owe+er, )elson . (disturb) b the :hie(;s wor$s who ha$ remin$e$ him that So#th A(rica . (conquer) b E#ropeans an$ that all Blacks were sla+es in their own co#ntr & %hen he "ot to -ohannesb#r", )elson reali<e$ what the :hie( meant & Black people (keep) o#t o( the white men;s worl$& Blacks .. (give) passes to mo+e abo#t in their own co#ntr & At that time, )elson !an$ela opene$ a law (irm to help black who were +ictims o( the aparthei$ laws& %hen )elson . (introduce) to the A): = the A(rican )ational :on"ress ), which ha$ been (i"htin" (or their ri"hts since .0.8, he $eci$e$ to >oin the part & Blacks (ask) to re(#se to obe these +icio#s laws& )elson !an$ela . (irst (ban) (or ? ears (or hi"h treason = a banne$ person (not/ allow to) meet with two persons at a time)& Since he .. (ban) , he co#l$ not atten$ 2the People;s :on"ress3 which .. (hold) in .0?? an$ where all races .. (represent) & )elson helpe$ write the 6ree$on :harter that .. (adopt) !an$ela .. (arrest) alon" with the A):;s lea$ers an$ (prosecute) & )elson an$ %innie (marry) e+en tho#"h he was still #n$er prosec#tion& 'n !arch .07., the (find) not "#ilt & That same $a he $eci$e$ to "o #n$er"ro#n$ an$ he became a ni"ht creat#re & %innie (leave) alone with their two little "irls while )elson li+e$ as an o#tlaw in his own co#ntr & 4e (name) 2the Black Pimpernel3 b the newspapers a(ter the 2Scarlet Pimpernel3, a literar hero who alwa s "ot awa & At that time he worke$ as a cha#((er, a cook or as a "ar$ener an$ .. (know) as @a+i$ !otsama i A he tra+elle$ to man A(rican co#ntries to "et s#pport (or their str#""le& B#t on A#"#st ?, .078, a(ter .5 months o( (ree$om , )elson an :ecil %illiams .. (arrest) & 6ort#natel his notebook . (find) , otherwise man people wo#l$ (arrest) 4e (sentence) to ? ears & A ear later, he .. (accuse) o( sabota"e an$ (sentence) to li(e imprisonment on *obben 'slan$, the prison (rom which no one escape$& Twice a ear, the "ot to recei+e an$ sen$ letters which all (censored) & )elson an$ his wi(e . (separate) a"ain (or 88 ears& 'n .0/8, !an$ela an$ his (rien$s .. (move) to another prison& At that time the .. (support) b people (rom aro#n$ the worl$ an$ the So#th A(rican 1o+ernment (ask) to (ree !an$ela & Se+eral times )elson (offer) his (ree$om i( he $eno#nce$ +iolence& 'n .0/?, his (irst messa"e in 8. ears (read) to the people b his $a#"hter Bin$ai & )elson .. (release) (rom prison a(ter his meetin" with the new Presi$ent @e Klerk & Cn 6ebr#ar .., .00D, a(ter almost 8/ ears in prison he was (ree& 'n .00E, presi$ent @e Klerk an$ )elson !an$ela (award) the )obel Peace Pri<e& E ears later, on 85 April .009, all the Black people (allow) to +ote (or the (irst time an$ )elson !an$ela .. (elect) P*ES'@E)T o( So#th A(rica& %hen )elson !an$ela set #p )elson !an$ela :hil$ren;s 6#n$ , a thir$ o( his presi$ential salar (donate) to the or"ani<ation& Thanks to the :hil$ren;s 6#n$, all chil$ren .. (allow) to "o to school an$ li+e in $ecent ho#ses&


'n this list o( ke e+ents in !an$ela;s li(e , hi"hli"ht all the Passi+e 6orms &

Since the beginnings of imperialism and the Dutch and British presence in South Africa, the native Africans have been treated as second-class citizens in their own land by the white settlers, known as Afrikaners. H.0.E - he !ative "and Act was instituted, which prohibited Africans from owning land anywhere in the country e#cept the ranskei. H.09/ - the African !ationalist $arty came to power with a campaign promising the white people that there would be a complete separation of the races. hey stayed true to their promise by creating what they called Apartheid, laws that re%uired separation of the races in all aspects of life and created a society completely ruled by the Afrikaners. H.0?. - &andela was elected the president of the A!' and campaigned for the repeal of discriminatory laws. H .0?7 - !elson &andela, plus ()) other anti-Apartheid activists, were charged with treason during the reason rial and were sentenced to five years in prison. H .0?0 - he *omelands $olicy was instituted, creating separate Bantustans +homelands, for the ma-or South African black groups. H .0?0 - every black citizen not living in the Bantustans +and eventually every African citizen,, was re%uired to carry a passbook as identification, limiting their access throughout the country. H .07. - .n &arch /(, in Sharpeville, South Africa, white police officers killed si#ty-nine unarmed protesters in front of the Sharpeville police station. H .078 - !elson &andela was once again arrested and sentenced to another five years of prison, this time for leaving the country against the limits of his passbook. H .07E - &andela and (0 other members of the A!' were arrested and put on trial for high treason in the 1ivonia rial when the underground A!' was raided by the government. H .07E - &andela and (0 other members of the A!' were sentenced to life in prison. *is sentence began on 1obben 2sland, doing intense labor. he latter part of his /0-year sentence was in $ollsmoor $rison, where he was placed in solitary confinement. H .05E - the 3nited !ations passed a resolution condemning Apartheid.

H .057 - Students in Soweto, South Africa protested because ever South African citizen was now being re%uired to speak the Afrikaans language in secondary schools. H !i$-.0/Ds - the 3nited Democratic 4ront was formed in South Africa, which was led by Bishop Desmond utu and 1everend Allan Boasek. his organization helped spread the word worldwide about the problem of Apartheid. ~ 1990 - anti-Apartheid activist !elson &andela was released from prison by $resident 4redrick 5illem de 6lerk .

4ere are some ke (acts in )elson !an$ela;s li(e & T#rn the (ollowin" sentences into passi+e (orms & !in$ the chan"esG (- !elson &andela led the fight against apartheid in South Africa for several decades.

/- *e spent /7 years of his life in prison for his efforts.

8- hey freed him in (99:.

;- $eople know !elson 1olihlahla as one of the greatest South African statesmen.

5- hey had taken his freedom from him .

7- 5hite culture first affected his life on his first day at school.

0- After his father<s death they sent him to live with of the king of the ranskei people .

=- he 1egent +> the 6ing, trained !elson for leadership.

9- 5alter Sisulu , a member of the A!' , first introduced him to the rights movement.

10- 5alter involved &andela with the committee in (9;;. 11- hey made him, by the law, a criminal.

(/- &andela led anti-apartheid organizations and movements that included nonviolent civil disobedience and underground fighting.

(8- 2n (9;= , the African !ationalist $arty created Apartheid laws.

Take a look at the time line again and write a QUIZ about Nelson andela to be !om"leted in the ne#t lesson$ %a!h o& the 'uestions must be written in the (assi)e *orm $







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