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Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains...

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Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains in POST1 using ANSYS LS-DYNA 8.1? I cannot get these to plot for me.
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Please see the model below (which is also attached to this solution database along with the resulting output plots). The model includes both shell and solid elements. The mass was increased by an order of magnitude to speed up the run. A rigid solid cylinder is pulled down onto a deformable (flexible) cantilevered hollow cylinder, which in turn pushes down onto a deformable (flexible) solid cylinder (fixed at the ends). A rigid plate is below all of that. The total equivalent strains are plotted for everything and then just for the deformable solid cylinder, since the strain is much lower in that and it is hard to see when everything is plotted. Finally, the internal energies for the deformable solid cylinder (Part 2) and the deformable hollow cylinder (Part 3) are plotted in POST26. ANSYS 8.1 Service Pack 1 was used for this analysis.

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2/28/2014 7:11 PM

Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains...


fini /clear

/title, ANSYS LS-DYNA 8.1A1 POST26 Example

! ANSYS LS-DYNA 9.0 =>Build 5434 of LS970 ! ANSYS LS-DYNA 8.1 => Build 3858 of LS970 ! ANSYS LS-DYNA 8.0 => Build 3858 of LS970 ! ANSYS LS-DYNA 7.1 => Build 1488 of LS960

/plopts,info,1 /pnum,type,1 /view,,1,2,3 /eshape,1 /num,1

/prep7 et,1,SOLID164 ! rigid cylinder to be dropped ... r,1 ! not used ... mp,ex,1,30.0e6 ! psi mp,nuxy,1,0.30 ! unitless mp,dens,1,0.0074 ! lbf-sec^2/in^4 (10 X mass density) edmp,rigid,1,6,7 ! rigid body with only UY free

et,2,SOLID164 ! single point integration ... r,2 ! not used ... mp,ex,2,30.0e6 ! psi mp,nuxy,2,0.30 ! unitless mp,dens,2,0.0074 ! lbf-sec^2/in^4 (10 X mass density) tb,biso,2 ! bilinear isotropic hardening tbdata,1,20.0e3! yield stress, psi tbdata,2,30.0e3 ! tangent modulus, psi

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2/28/2014 7:11 PM

Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains...

edmp,hgls,2,5 ! stiffness form of hourglass control

et,3,SHELL163,10 ! BWC formulation ... r,3,,5,1.0 ! 5 layers, t = 1.0" edint,5,4 ! save data for all 5 shell layers mp,ex,3,30.0e6 ! psi mp,nuxy,3,0.30 ! unitless mp,dens,3,0.0074 ! lbf-sec^2/in^4 (10 X mass density) tb,biso,3 ! bilinear isotropic hardening tbdata,1,60.0e3 ! yield stress, psi tbdata,2,30.0e4 ! tangent modulus, psi edmp,hgls,3,5 ! stiffness form of hourglass control

et,4,SHELL163,10 ! BWC formulation ... r,4,,5,0.20 ! 5 layers, t = 0.20" edint,5,4 ! save data for all 5 shell layers mp,ex,4,30.0e6 ! psi mp,nuxy,4,0.30 ! unitless mp,dens,4,0.0074 ! lbf-sec^2/in^4 (10 X mass density) edmp,rigid,4,7,7 ! completely fixed rigid body

k,1,0.0,0.0,0.0 wprot,45.0 rectng,-1.63,1.63,-1.63,1.63 wpcsys,-1,0 wpstyle circle,1,3.81 a,2,3,4,5 a,2,9,6,3 a,3,6,7,4 a,4,7,8,5 a,5,8,9,2 vext,1,5,1,0,0,50.0 vatt,1,1,1,0 esize,1.5

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2/28/2014 7:11 PM

Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains...

vmesh,1 esize,1.5 vmesh,2,5,1

vgen,2, 1,5,1, 10,-20,0, 0,0 vsel,s,volu,,6,10,1 allsel,below,volu emodif,all,mat,2 emodif,all,type,2 emodif,all,real,2 esel,all nsel,all vsel,none asel,none eplot

wpoff,-20,-10,25 wprot,0,0,90 cswpla,11,0 cyl4,0.0,0.0,5.0,,,,50.0 vdele,all asel,u,loc,z,10,40 adele,all asel,s,loc,y,-5,5 allsel,below,area aplot wprot,0,0,90 asbw,all aglue,all aatt,3,3,3,0 mshkey,1 mshape,0,3D esize,3.0 amesh,all eplot

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2/28/2014 7:11 PM

Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains...

allsel,all eplot

wpcsys,-1,0 wpoff,-40,-25,-10 wprot,0,90,0 asel,none rect,0,90,0,70 aatt,4,4,4,0 esize,,1 amesh,all allsel,all eplot csys,0 wpcsys,-1,0


edpart,create eddamp,all,,0.02 eddamp,2,,1.0e-4 eddamp,3,,1.0e-4 fini

/solu time,0.10 edrst,50 edhtime,500 cm,n_all,node edhist,n_all vsel,s,volu,,2,3,1 allsel,below,volu cm,e_flex,elem edhist,e_flex

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2/28/2014 7:11 PM

Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains...

nsel,s,loc,x,-20 d,all,ux,0.0,,,,uy,uz,rotx,roty,rotz esel,s,type,,2 nsle nsel,u,loc,z,0.01,49.99 d,all,ux,0.0,,,,uy,uz allsel,all

*dim,etime,,2 *dim,ydisp,,2 etime(1)=0.0,0.1001 ydisp(1)=0.0,-20.0 edload,add,rbuy,,1,etime(1),ydisp(1) ! Part 1 = rigid cylinder ...

edenergy,1,1,1,1 edout,glstat edout,matsum edopt,add,,both save solve save fini

/post1 file,,rst /edge,,1 /dscale,,1 set,last /show,png plnsol,epto,eqv esel,s,mat,,2 nsle plnsol,epto,eqv /show,close allsel,all

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2/28/2014 7:11 PM

Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains...

plnsol,epto,eqv /wait,3 !!! andata,0.50,,0,0,0,5,0,1 fini

/post26 file,,his numvar,200 /edge,,0 eplot edread, 2,matsum,2 ! startingwith variable 2 for Part 2 (flex. solid cyl.) edread,12,matsum,3 ! starting with variable 12 for Part 3 (flex. hollow cyl.) store,merge /show,png plvar,2,12 ! internal energies for Parts 2 and 3 ... /show,close plvar,2,12


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Are there any examples of plotting internal energy in POST26 and strains...

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