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INGLES III Perfil Salir

Act. 2 : Vocabulary Assignment Revisin del intento 1

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Com enzado el jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013, 20:37 Com pletado el jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013, 20:55 Tiem po em pleado Puntos Calificacin Com entario 17 minutos 58 segundos 6/10 12 de un mximo de 20 ( 60%) Muy bien! Su apropiacin de los contenidos es buena.

P untos : 1

Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live Select the correct word after reading the definition: a house in a tow n or city, usually a comfortable, expensive one in a fashionable area. Seleccione una respuesta. a. condo b. apartment c. unit d. tow n house Incorrecto Incorrect! Sorry, this w ord is not the right one taking into account the definition.

Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

P untos : 1

Unit 6 : Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs Read the description and choose the correct phrasal verb: That's w hy vehicles can't move. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Run out of sugar b. Run out of petrol c. Run out of w ater d. Run out of cash Intersemestral 2013-2 90121 Cuestionarios Act. 2 : Vocabulary Assignment Revisin del intento 1 C orrecto Well done! it is neccesary to move a car.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

P untos : 1

Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live Read the description and choose the correct sentence: People usually sleep at night and take a nap after lunch there. Seleccione una respuesta. a. bathroom b. livingroom c. diningroom d. bedroom Correct! This w ord is the right one taking into account the picture. C orrecto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Unit 1 : Places


P untos : 1

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. building b. house c. room d. apartment Incorrect! Sorry, this w ord is not the right one taking into account the picture.


Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

P untos : 1

Unit 1 : Places Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. House b. Condo c. Flat d. Apartment Incorrect! Sorry, this w ord is not the right one taking into account the picture.


Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

P untos : 1

Unit 7:Expressions to talk about car-break downs, accidents, and insurance Read the description and choose the correct word: When people suggest someone to make a decision about something. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Advise b. Threaten c. Silly d. Rule C orrecto Well done! Because it's a suggestion.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

P untos : 1

Unit 6 : Past Progressive Vs Simple Past Select the correct option according to the picture:




Seleccione una respuesta.

a. While they w ere w atching tv, someone knocked the door. b. They w atch tv w hile someone w as knocking the door. c. When w e w ere w atching tv, someone w as knocking the door. d. We w ere w atching tv w hen someone knocked the door. Excellent! This is the correct option

C orrecto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

P untos : 1

Unit 7 : After a car accident or break-down Select the correct word after reading the definition: Destruction or harm to a person's property. Seleccione una respuesta. a. claim b. fill up c. fill out d. damage C orrecto Correct! This w ord is the right one taking into account the definition.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

P untos : 1

Unit 6 : Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs Read the description and choose the correct phrasal verb: We usually do this action w hen w e are so tired and w e don't w ant to listen any noise. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Turn up b. Turn off c. Turn dow n d. Turn on Incorrecto Wrong! Because w e w ouldn't rest.

Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

P untos : 1

Unit 4 : Use lack / lacking / enough Read the description and choose the correct sentence: When the city doesn't have a good restaurant, it's necessary to have one. So that, w e use that sentence. Seleccione una respuesta. a. The city is lacking a good restaurant. b. The city has a good restaurant. c. It doesn't have enough restaurants. d. There aren't enough restaurants. C orrecto Well done!! because w e w ould like to have one.

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

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U s ted s e ha autentific ado c omo M Y RI A M C O ST A N ZA C O RRE D O R (Salir)



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