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P Ministry of high Education and Scientific Research Foundation of Technical Education Technical Institute / Babylon

Training package in



Students of first class Civil Techniques Department


$uhair %haher "abeeb

#ssist &ecturer
Technical Institute / Babylon

Feb. 2011

Course Weekl !utline " Week 1 2 & ( * + . / 10 11 12 1& 1( 1* 1+ 11. Topics Covered Definition of mechanics #force and tri$onometric ratios %nal sis of forces Trian$le force and parallelo$ram la's )oment of forces Couples ,esultant of concurrent forces ,esultant of non concurrent forces Distributed loads 0quilibrium in concurrent forces 0quilibrium in non concurrent forces T pes of beams and supports %nal sis of trusses b method of 1oints %nal sis of trusses b method of sections Friction #friction theor 2a's of friction #t pes of friction #applications Centroids of simple shapes Centroids of comple3 shapes )oment of inertia for the simple shapes

Week 1/ 20 21 22 2& 2( 2* 2+ 22. 2/ &0

Topics Covered )oment of inertia for the comple3 shapes %pplications Stren$th of materials #definition of stress #t pes of stresses factor of safet Strain #hook s la' 2ateral strain #poison s ratio #applications Shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams %pplications 4endin$ stress for beams Shear stress for beams # %pplications 4eams 'hich makin$ from t'o materials ,einforced concrete beams %pplications


'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,)echanics is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the portions of mechanics classifications of forces and tri$onometric ratios of an$les# for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,1 5Definition of mechanics 2 5The portions of mechanics & 5Definition of force ( 5Classification of forces * 5Tri$onometric ratios of an$les

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ second modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the first modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the first modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define the mechanics and its portions. 25Define the force and its classifications. &5Determine the tri$onometric ratios for an$les .

1/ Pre test ,15Define the force . 25Write the values of 8Sin &09#Sin (*9#Cos +09: .

2/ the te3t ,-

)echanics" is that branch of ph sical sciences 'hich describes the motion of bodies 'ith rest bein$ considered a special case of motion . )echanics of ri$id bodies" is divided into to' portions" 15Statics"deals 'ith bodies at rest 25D namics"deals 'ith bodies in motion ;h sical <uantities "is classified to" 15Scalar quantities "have onl ma$nitude8mass #volume: 25=ector quantities "have both ma$nitude and direction8couple #force:

F(R!E "an action 'hich chan$e or tr to chan$e the shape #volume or the motion of a bod . Classification of forces " 15Collinear 25;arallelforces &5Concurrent forces (5>on parallel #non concurrent forces ",i$ht an$le trian$le

Sin ?@4C 4 %C

A 4C@%C Sin ? Cos ?@%4 B %C ? A %4@%C Cos ? %


Tan ?@4C B %4 8%C:C@8%4:C D 84C:C

5/ Post test ,15Define the vector quantities 25Classif the ph sical quantities .

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15 %s in te3t 25 Sin &0@0.* #Sin (*@0.-0- #Cos +0@0.*

.- Post test ,15 %s in te3t 2- %s in te3t

7/Sources ,-

15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall

'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,%nal sis of forces is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the principles of determination of components for the forces# for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,1 5Determination of the horiHontal and vertical components of forces 2 503amples

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ third modular unit .


$et less than / # $o back and stud the second modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the second modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine horiHontal and vertical components of forces

1/ Pre test ,15Define mechanics . 25'hat are the t pes of forces .

2/ the te3t ,03ample" ,esolve the 81000>: force sho'n in fi$ure into t'o ;erpendicular components .
1000 >

Solution" &09 Sin &0@< I 1000 A <@*00 > Cos &0@; I 1000 A ;@.++ > 1000 > <



03ample" ,esolve the 8&/0 >: force sho'n in fi$ure into t'o ;erpendicular components . Solution" *I1&@<I&/0 A <@1*0> 12I1&@;I&/0 A ;@&+0 > <
* 12

&/0 > *


&/0 > p

03ample" ,esolve the 8+00>:force sho'n in fi$ure into t'o components one of them perpendicular on the inclined surface and the another parallel to it . +00> Solution" ( Sin @; B+00 &I*@;B+00 A ;@&+0 > Cos @< B +00 & ( B *@< B +00 A <@(.0> ; < ( +00> &

5/ Post test ,100> 15,esolve the 8100>: into t'o perpendicular components as sho'n in fi$ure . < +09 ;


6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15 %s in te3t 25 %s in te3t

.- Post test ,15 ;@*0> # <@.+.+>

7/Sources ,-

15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,;arallelo$ram la's are ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the principles of determination of non perpendicular components for the forces# for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of non perpendicular components of forces 2503amples on Sin and Cos la's

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ fourth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the third modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the third modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine the non perpendicular components of forces 2.Gse the Sin and Cos la's

1/ Pre test ,15,esolve the 8&/0 >: force sho'n in fi$ure into t'o ;erpendicular components . * 12 *00 >

2/ the te3t ,Parallelogra/ " Cos. 2a'" ,C@;C D <C 5 2;< Cos81.055? : Sin. 2a'" , B Sin81.055?:@< B Sin @; B Sin ? , < ; ; < ? ? ,


03ample ",esolve the 8&00>: force into t'o components as sho'n in fi$ure . Solution " < (*9 2*9 1.05(*52*@1109 ; &00 I Sin 110 @ ; I Sin (* A ;@22*.- > &00I Sin 110 @< I Sin 2* A <@1&(.+/ > < ,@&00 > ,

; 03ample" Determine the ma$nitude of resultant for the t'o forces sho'n in fi$ure .


,C@;C D <C 5 2;< Cos81.055? : @8.:CD8*:C52K.K*KCos 812/: @1&/.&( ,@11..>


5/ Post test ,1*0> 15,esolve the 81*0>:force into t'o components as sho'n in fi$ure . < 209 (&9 ;


6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15 F3@(+1.*&> #F @1/2.&>

.- Post test ,15 ;@*-.*-> # <@11(..1>

7/Sources ,-

15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,)oment of forces is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about determination of the moments for the forces about an point or a3is# for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of moments 'hen the perpendicular distance is kno'n 25Determination of moments b usin$ =ari$nan s theor .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ fifth modular unit. $et less than / # $o back and stud the fourth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the fourth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine the moments of forces 2.Gse =ari$nan s theor .

1/ Pre test ,15Determine the ma$nitude of resultant for the t'o forces sho'n in fi$ure .
.J> ++9 *J>

2/ the te3t ,Mo/ent (f Forces" is a measure to its tendenc to turn a force about a point or a3is )athematical e3pression of moment" F )a@F.d d

F@the ma$nitude of force. a d@moment arm@the perpendicular distance bet'een the force and the point.


Direction of )oment" Clock 'ise Counter clock'ise

5 D

Gnits of )oment" >.cm # >.m # Jn.m # . =ari$nan s Theor " the moment of a force about an point or a3is is equal to the vector sum the moments of its components about the same point or a3is . 03ample" Determine the moment of the 8100>: force sho'n in fi$ure about the a3is throu$h ;oint % . D Solution" )a@F . d @5 100 L *0@5*000>.cm @*000>.cm 100>
r@*0 cm

03ample" Determine the moment of the 81&0>: force sho'n in fi$ure about the a3is throu$h ;oint % . Solution" F3@1&0L 12 B 1&@120> F @1&0L * B 1& @*0>
100Cm F3

F 12 1&0> E

M@100L ( B *@.0Cm
* & (

E@100L & B *@+0Cm D )%@5120L +05*0L .0@511200>.Cm @11200>.Cm %


5/ Post test ,15Determine the moment of the 81*0>: force sho'n in fi$ure about the a3is throu$h ;oint % . 1*0 >
r@(0 cm %

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15,@11.02>

.- Post test ,15 )@+000>.cm

7/Sources ,-

15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Couples are ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about determination of the moments for the forces 'hich have parallel line of action and opposite senses for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of moments the forces 'hich have parallel line of action and opposite senses . 25,esolution of a force into a force and a couple .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ si3th modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the fifth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-


%fter stud in$ the fifth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine the moments of forces 'hich have parallel line of action and opposite senses 2.,esolution of a force into a force and a couple

1/ Pre test ,15Define the moment 25What are the units of moment

2/ the te3t ,-

!oupls" % couple cosists of t'o equal forces 'hich have parallel line of actions and apposite Senses and 'ork on turn the bod . )oment of a couple" )c F )c@ F . d )c"the sum of the moments of the forces . d " the perpendicular distance bet'een the forces . d F

Transformation of a couple" .0>



*Cm .0> D )c@5.0L *@5(00>.Cm D

(Cm 100> )c@5100L (@5(00>.Cm

>!T0" the moment of a couple about an point is equal . 03ample" Determine the moment of the couple sho'n in fi$ure about the a3is throu$h ;oints %#4#D . 1000> 4 (0Cm % (0Cm 1000> Solution" D D D )c8%:@1000L (0D1000L (0@.0000>.Cm )c84:@1000L 8(0D(0:@.0000>.Cm )c8D:@1000L 8(0D(0D*0:51000L *0@.0000>.Cm *0Cm D

>!T0" t'o or more couples ma be replaced b a sin$le couple have the same ma$nitude and direction of moment results b the summation of moments of the ori$inal couples .

03ample" ,eplace the follo'in$ couples sho'n in fi$ure b a sin$le couple its forces 2effects horiHontall at points 4#D .

Solution" 100> D )c@5200L 20D100L &0D*0L (0 @1000>.Cm 20Cm )c@F . d 1000@F L 20 20Cm *0> F@*0> 20Cm (0Cm *0> ,esolution of a force into a force and a couple" % force can be replaced b a parallel force at an different point and a couple b addition of t'o equal collinear forces of opposite senses to the force s stem. 03ample" ,eplace the8-0>:force sho'n in fi$ure b a force 'hich acts at point % and a couple 'hose forces act verticall at points 4#D . Solution" D )c@-0L +0@(200>.Cm )c@F . d (200@F L (2 -0> F@100> -0> -0> 4 100> D 100> % -0> 4 D (2Cm % +0Cm -0> *0> *0> 200> 4 20Cm D 200> 100> &0Cm


5/ Post test ,15Determine the moment of a couple consists of to' equal forces have parallel line of action and opposite senses the ma$nitude of each one is 8-*>: and the distance bet'een them is 8&*cm: .

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15%s in te3t 25%s in te3t

.- Post test ,15 )@2+2*>.cm

7/Sources ,-

15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,,esultant is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about determination of the resultant for the concurrent forces for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of resultant of concurrent forces

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ seventh modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the si3th modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the si3th modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine the resultant of concurrent forces

1/ Pre test ,15 Determine the moment of the couple sho'n in fi$ure about the a3is throu$h ;oints %#4#D . *00> 4 &0Cm % &0Cm *00> +0Cm D

2/ the te3t ,-

Resultant" the resultant is the simplest force 'hich can replace the ori$inal force s stem 'ithout chan$in$ its e3ternal effect on the bod . if ,@0 the bod is in equilibrium . if ,N0 the bod 'ill be accelerated . 1",esultant of concurrent forces " e3pected resultant is a force .


03ample" Determine the ma$nitude and direction of the resultant for the force s stem sho'n in fi$ure . E 200> Solution"


,3@200L 2I O * D/0Cos (*5100Cos +0 @1/2.*> , @200L 1I O * 5/0Sin (*5100Cos+0 @5+0.-.>@+0.-.> , @ O8,3: C D8, : C ,@ O 81/2.*:CD8+0.-.:C @ 201..+ > @ Tan 1 , I,3 @1-.*9 , +09 100>

M (*9 /0>


03ample7 Determine the ma$nitude of forces 8;:and8<:#if the resultant is 8200>:as sho'n in fi$ure . E D D Solution" ,3@200L (I*@1+0> , @5200L &I*@5120>@120> ,3@<5; Cos+0 1+0@<50.*; 555555 1 , @5; Sin+0 5120@5; Sin+0 ;@1&..*+> Substitute in equation 1 1+0@<50.*L 1&..*+ <@22/.2.>
< +09 ; & ( ,@200> *


5/ Post test ,E *0> 15Determine the ma$nitude and direction of the resultant for the force s stem sho'n in fi$ure . +09 & ( M (*9 -*> 2*>

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15)%@)4@)D &0000>.Cm

.- Post test ,15 ,@.&.(/> # @&2.&*9

7/Sources ,-

15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,,esultant is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about determination of the resultant for the non concurrent forces for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,1 5Determination of resultant of non concurrent forces

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ ei$hth modular unit. $et less than / # $o back and stud the seventh modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the seventh modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine the resultant of non concurrent forces

1/ Pre test ,15 Determine the ma$nitude of forces 8;:and8<:#if the resultant is 82*0>:as sho'n in fi$ure . E
< +09 ; & ( ,@2*0> *

2/ the te3t ,-

25,esultant of non concurrent #non parallel forces" if , N 0 the resultant is a force if , @ 0 the resultant is a couple and )c @P )o


03ample" Determine the resultant of the forces and the couple sho'n in fi$ure and locate it 'ith respect to point 8%: .
& 2*0 >

Solution" D ,3 @2*0L &I*5*20L 12I1&5(00 @5-&0 >@-&0> , @2*0L (I*5*20L *I1&@ 0 ,@-&0 > ,L d@ P)a -&0L d@52*0L &I*L &0D(00 L &0 , 5*20L *I1&L (0D2-00 d @& Cm d &",esultant of parallel force s stem" 6f , N 0 then the resultant is a force 6f , @ 0 then the resultant is a couple and )c @ P )a
&0 Cm

( 2-00 >.Cm

(00> *20> *

(0 Cm

03ample" Determine the resultant of the parallel forces sho'n in fi$ure# and its 2ocation from point 8 a : . .0> /0> Solution" D ,@PF a @*0D/05.05/0@5&0>@&0> D ,L d@P)a 5&0L d@5.00L 20D*0L *0D/0L .05/0L 100 d@&0 Cm
20 *0> &0 &0 /0> 20

Cm Cm Cm Cm d ,

a 03ample" Determine the resultant of the parallel forces sho'n in fi$ure# and its 2ocation from point 8 a : . Solution" .0> +0> D ,@PF a @*0D/05.05+0@0 The resultant ma be a couple
20 *0> &0 &0 /0> 20

D )c@P) cm cm cm cm @5.0L20D*0L*0D/0L .05+0L 100@2100>.Cm

5/ Post test ,-


15Determine the resultant of the forces and the couple sho'n 2*0> in fi$ure and locate it 'ith respect to point 8%: .
( & 2-*0>.Cm &0 Cm 12 (0Cm (20> *20> *

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15;@1-&.2> # <@2.+.+>

.- Post test ,15 ,@-*0> # d@&

7/Sources ,-

15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Distributed loads is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about determination of the resultant for the distributed load and its location for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of resultant of distributed loads . 25 Determination of location of resultant of distributed loads .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ ninth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the ei$hth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the ei$hth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine the resultant of distributed loads . 2.Determine the location of resultant of distributed loads .

1/ Pre test ,15Determine the resultant of the forces and the couple sho'n 2*0> in fi$ure and locate it 'ith respect to point 8%: .
( & &000>.Cm &0 Cm 12 (0Cm (20> *20> *


2/ the te3t ,D6ST,64GT0D 2!%DS " 1"Gniforml Distributed 2oads or rectan$ular loads ,@WIG.2 K 2 ," resultant of the total 'ei$ht of construction WIG.2" the 'ei$ht for unit len$th 2" the len$th of construction >!T0" the location of 8,: is in the middle i.e 2I2 from % and 4
% 2I2 2I2

G. D. 2

% 2 ,

2"=ar in$ 2oads or trian$ular loads W ,@1I2 K W K 2 % >!T0 "the location of 8,: is" 2 I& from point 4 and 22 I& from point % % 2I&2 2I& 2 , 4 4


03ample" Determine the resultant of the distributed loads sho'n in fi$ure and indicate its location from point 8%: .


,1@*0L /@(*0> ,2@1I2L *0L /@22*> ,@,1D,@(*0D22*@+-*> ,Kd@,1K(.*D,2K+ +-*Kd@(*0K(.*D22*K+ d@*m

% /m



5/ Post test ,"

15 Determine the resultant of the distributed loads sho'n in fi$ure and indicate its location from point 8%: .
1*0J>Im -*J>Im %



6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15,@-*0> # d@(.1&cm

.- Post test ,15 ,@&+00> # d@1.1cm

7/Sources ,-

15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,0quilibrium is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about determination of the forces effect on bodies and dra'in$ the free bod dia$ram for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of the forces effect on bodies . 25Dra'in$ the free bod dia$ram .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ tenth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the ninth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the ninth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine the forces effect on bodies . 2.Dra' the free bod dia$ram .

1/ Pre test ,15Determine the resultant of the distributed loads sho'n in fi$ure and indicate its location from point 8%: .
1(0J>Im -0J>Im %


2/ the te3t ,-

E89I&IBRI9M" 6s the condition of the bod 'hen the resultant of forces actin$ on it is equal to8Q0,!: Free 4od Dia$ram" F.4.D 6s a dia$ram sho'n all the forces actin$ on the bod .


T pes of supports" T pe of support 15 0arth 4od dia$ram




25 Smooth surface

> ;lane &5 ,ou$h surface



> F F > > F3 F3 F F

;lane (5 Fin$e


*5 ,oller F F +5 Fi3ed F3 F -5 6nternal hin$e F3 F .5 Cable T F )


1"0quilibrium of concurrent forces" The resultant of this s stem is a force can be calculated b ,@ O ,3C D, C 6n equilibrium condition ,@0 then" ,3@P F3@0 5555555581: , @PF @0 555555582:

03ample" Find all forces 'hich effects on the c linder 8%: sho'n in fi$ure if all concurrent surfaces are smooth #and the 'ei$ht of c linder8%:is8*00>:#and c linder 84: is 8&00>: . Solution" From F.4.D of c linder 84: " PF @0 FH Sin(05&00@0 FH @(++.-1> From F.4.D of c linder 8%: " : 8 D PF3@0 Q 4 Fs5(++.-1 Cos (0@0 Fs@&*-.*2> PF @0 ( (09 8%: Fk5*005(++.-1 Sin (0@0 Fk@.00> S

FH >00* Fs FH Fk (09 0& >0 (09 FD

F.4.D of c linder 8%:

F.4.D of c linder 84:


5/ Post test ,15Find all forces 'hich effects on the c linder 8%: sho'n in fi$ure if all concurrent surfaces are smooth #and the 'ei$ht of c linder8%:is8**0>:#and c linder 84: is 8&*0>: . Q
(09 4 : 8 D

8%: &.9

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15,@-*0> # d@(.1&cm

.- Post test ,15FH@*+..(/> # Fs@((-./-> # Fk@/00>

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,0quilibrium in non concurrent forces is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about determination of reactions at supports and dra'in$ the free bod dia$ram for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of reactions at supports . 25 Dra'in$ the free bod dia$ram .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ eleventh modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the tenth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the tenth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Determine the reactions at supports . 2.Dra' the free bod dia$ram .

1/ Pre test ,15Define "8equilibrium # free bod dia$ram:

2/ the te3t ,-

2"0quilibrium of non concurrent forces " The resultant of this s stem is" % force can be calculated b ,@O ,3C D, C 'hen ,N 0 !, % couple can be calculated b )c@P) 'hen ,@ 0 6n equilibrium condition ,@0 and )c@0 then" ,3@PF3@0 555555555581: , @PF @0 555555555582: )c@P)@0 55555555558&:


03ample" Determine the reactions at supports 8%: and 84: for the beam loaded as sho'n 6n fi$ure . Solution" 10J> ,@*L*@2*J> *J>Im
& (

F3@10L (I*@.J> F @10L &I*@+J> PF3@0 .543@0 P)%@0 43@.J> 4 @1(./J>



4 L *5+L 252*L 2.*@0 PF @0

F F3

, 43

% D1(./52*5+@0

% @1+.1J>
2m 2.*m


5/ Post test ,15Determine the reactions at supports 8%: and 84: for the beam loaded as sho'n 6n fi$ure .
1(J> +J>Im * 12 % 2.*m &.*m 4


6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15%s in te3t

.- Post test ,15% @21.1( ># 43@12./2 ># 4 @20#2(>

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,T pes of beams and supports is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about dra'in$ the free bod dia$ram for different beams #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15t pes of beams . 25 t pes of supports .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'elfth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the eleventh modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the eleventh modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 1.Dra' the free bod dia$ram for different beams .

1/ Pre test ,15Dra' the F.4.D for five t pe of supports .

2/ the te3t ,-

T pes of beams R supports"

Simpl supported beam

!ver han$in$ beam

Cantilever beam

;ropped beam


Fi3ed beam

Continuous beam

5/ Post test ,15Dra' three t pes of beams .

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15%s in te3t

.- Post test ,15%s in te3t

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Trusses is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the definition of truss and the anal sis of trusses b usin$ the method of 1oints #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Definition of truss . 25%nal sis of trusses b usin$ the method of 1oints .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ thirteenth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'elfth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the t'elfth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define of truss . 25anal sis of trusses b usin$ the method of 1oints .

1/ Pre test ,15Dra' the F.4.D of overhan$in$ beam .

2/ the te3t ,T,GSS0S" % truss is a structure composed of a number of members 1oined to$ether at their ends to form a ri$id bod . %nal sis of trusses " is ho' to determine the forces in each member of the truss . 1"5 )ethod of 1oints " 6n this method a sin$le 1oint is isolated as a free bod dia$ram and appl in$ the equations of concurrent forces PF3@0#PF @0.


03ample" Determine the forces in each member of the truss sho'n in fi$ure and 6ndicate 'ether the member is in tension or compression . Solution" PF3@0 %3@0
*00> *00> D C % %3 &00> % 2m 2m 0 0


0 L (5*00L 15*00L &5&00L 2@0 0 @+*0> PF @0 % D&00D+*05*005*00@0 % @+*0> Soint 8%: " PF @0 +*0DF%4L1.*I1..@0

1.* m

F%4 1.* 1 F%C +*0>

F%4@5-.0>@-.0> 8C: PF3@0 F%C5-.0L 1I1..@0 F%C @(&&.&> 8T: Soint 84: " PF @0 -.0L 1.*I1..5*005F4CL1.*I1..@0

*00> F4D F4C

F4C @1.0> 8T: -.0> PF3@0 -.0L1I1..DF4DD1.0L 1I1..@0 F4D@5*&&.&>@*&&.&> 8C: Soint 8C: " PF @0 1.0> FCD 1.0L 1.*I1..DFCDL 1.*I1..5&00@0 FCD@1.0> 8T: PF3@0 (&&.&> FC0 &00> FC051.0L 1I1..D1.0L 1I1..5(&&.&@0


FC0@(&&.&> 8T: Soint 80: " PF @0 +*0DF0DL 1.*I1..@0 F0D@5-.0>@-.0> 8C: (&&.&>



5/ Post test ,15Define " truss # method of 1oints

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15%s in te3t

.- Post test ,15%s in te3t

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,%nal sis of trusses b method of sections is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the definition of method of sections and the anal sis of trusses b usin$ the method of sections #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Definition of method of sections. 25%nal sis of trusses b usin$ the method of sections .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ fourteenth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the thirteenth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-

%fter stud in$ the thirteenth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define of method of sections. 25%nal sis of trusses b usin$ the method of sections.

1/ Pre test ,15Determine the forces in members 8D0#C0: of the truss sho'n in fi$ure and 6ndicate 'ether the member is in tension or compression .
-*0> 4 1.* m C % 1.*m *00> 1.*m 0 -*0> D


2/ the te3t ,2"5)ethod !f Sections " When t'o or more 1oints are isolated and appl in$ the equations of non concurrent forces PF3@0# PF @0 #P)@0 . 03ample" Determine the forces in members 8CJ#4J#4S: for the truss sho'n in fi$ure and indicate 'ether the members are in tension or compression . Solution"
4 4 % 0 (00> C CJ &00> 8sec. a5a: 4S 4J 120 Cm %3 C &00 % > 120 120 Cm Cm % S J +00 > 120 Cm 0 0

PF3@0 %3@0 P)0@0 +00L 120D&00L 2(05% L &+0@0 % @(00> PF @0 (00D0 5&005+00@0 0 @*00> From Section 8a5a: " P)4@0 CJL 1205(00L 120@0 CJ@(00> 8T: PF @0 (005&0054JL 1IO2 @0 4J@1(1.(> 8T: PF3@0 (00D4SD1(1.(L 1IO2 @0 4S@5*00>@*00> 8C:


5/ Post test ,1"Determine the forces in members 8CJ#4J#4S: for the truss sho'n in fi$ure and indicate 'ether the members are in tension or compression .
4 120 Cm % C +00 > 120 120 Cm Cm S J +00 > 120 Cm 0

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15F0D@1(1(.21>8C: #FC0@1000>8T:

.- Post test ,154J@0 # CJ@+00>8T: # 4S@+00>T

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Friction is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the definition of friction and friction theor #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Definition friction. 2503planation of friction theor .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ fifteenth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the fourteenth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-

%fter stud in$ the fourteenth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define the friction. 2503plane the theor of friction.

1/ Pre test ,-

15Determine the forces in members 8CJ#4J#4S: for the truss sho'n in fi$ure and indicate 'ether the members are in tension or compression .
4 12* Cm % C +*0 > 12* 12* Cm Cm S J +*0 > 12* Cm 0


2/ the te3t ,F,6CT6!>" 6s the force tan$ent to the contact surface 'hich resists the motion 'hen a bod slides or tends to slides on another bod . Friction Theor " 2et a block of 'ei$ht 8W: rests on a horiHontal plane as sho'n in 8 Fi$ure 1: #and a horiHontal force 8;: is applied on it as sho'n in 8 Fi$ure 2: " 1"5When 8;@0: the frictional force 8F@0: and the block is in equilibrium . 2"5When 8;: increased the frictional force 8F: is also increased in the same value to prevent motion . &"5When 8F: reach its ma3imum value 8Fma3.: an increase in 8;: 'ill cause motion . ; F > Fi$ure 2


Fi$ure 1 W

5/ Post test ,15Define the friction . 2503plane the theor of friction .


6/ key ans*er ,-

'- Pre test ,15 4J@0 # CJ@+*0>8T: # 4S@+*0>8C:

.- Post test ,15%s in te3t

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,2a's of friction is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the determination of ma3imum frictional force and the t pes of friction #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of ma3imum frictional force. 25T pes of friction .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ si3teenth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the fifteenth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-

%fter stud in$ the fifteenth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define the ma3imum frictional force. 2503plane the t pes of friction .

1/ Pre test ,15 When the bod 'ill be move . 256F the e3ternal force 8;: is Hero .What is the ma$nitude of the frictional force .

2/ the te3t ,-

2a's of friction" The ma3imum frictional force 8Fma3.:is proportional 'ith the normal force 8>: bet'een the contact surfaces . Fma3. ? > Fma3.@UK> U@Fma3.I>


%n$le of friction " Tan @Fma3.I > U@Fma3.I > Tan @ U ; Fma3. , > 03ample" Determine the frictional force e3erted on the 8200>: block 'ei$ht b the 6nclined surface sho'n in fi$ure if the block is sub1ected to 8-0>: force 8U@0.2: . Solution" W3@200L Sin&0@100> W @200L Cos&0@1-&.2> %ssume the block 'ill move up'ard PF3@0 -051005F@0 F@5&0> -0> &09 W

That means the block is tr to move do'n'ard 8F: must be equal or less than8 Fma3.: Fma3.@UK>

W W3 W

-0> PF @0 >5-0@0 >@-0>

F >

Fma3.@0.2L 1-&.2@&(.+(> &0> F@&0>


03ample" Calculate the force 8;: required to move the 8*00>: block 'ei$ht up the inclined surface sho'n in fi$ure #if the block is sub1ected to 8200>:force assume 8U@0.* : . p Solution" W3@*00L Sin&0@2*0> W @*00L Cos&0@(&&> PF @0 200> >5(&&@0 >@(&&> &09 Fma3.@UK>@0.*L(&&@21+.*> PF @0 200Dp52*0521+.*@0 Fma3.@2++.*> W3 W W ; Fma3 ; > 03ample" % c linder of 8100>: 'ei$ht is to entrust to a horiHontal surface its coefficient of friction 8U@0.(: and a smooth vertical surface as sho'n in fi$ure .Determine the frictional force . Solution" From F.4.D of c linder %ssume F4 to the ri$ht as sho'n (/00>.Cm P)Q@0 % Q 5(/00DF4L -0@0 F4@-0> r @-0Cm F4 must be equal or less than Fma3. Fma3.@UK> PF @0 >45100@0

(/00 >.Cm >001 F4 Q >%

Fma3.@0.(L 100@(0> -0> F4@(0>

>4 F.4.D of c linder


03ample" % ladder 8&00>: 'ei$ht is rest as sho'n in fi$ure #if the vertical 'all is smooth and the horiHontal surface has 8U@0.2:.Determine the distance from point84: 'hich make the ladder move 'hen a bo of 81*0>:'ei$ht tr to $oin$ up the ladder . Solution" From F.4.D of ladder" PF @0 >5&0051*0@0 >@(*0> Fma3.@UK> @0.2L (*0@/0> Q@ O82.+:C582.(:C P)4@0 5(*0L 1D&00L 0.*D+-.*L 2.(D1*0L M@0 &00> M@0.*+m > Fma3. Q@1m F.4.D of ladder 1*0> @1m M 43 % 4 2.+m 2.(m


03ample" Determine the force 8;: required to move the 8(00>: block 'ei$ht sho'n in fi$ure if the horiHontal surface has 8 U @0.&( : .
20 Cm

Solution" The block is either slides or overturn


15the block is slides From 8F.4.D 1 : P F3 @ 0 ; @ Fma3. PF @0 >@(00>


Fma3.@ UK>@0.&(L (00@1&+> ;@1&+> ; 25the block is overturn From 8F.4.D 2 : Fma3. P )%@ 0 2*L p5(00L 10@ 0 ;@1+0>
; (00>

> F.4.D 1

The block is slides and ;@ 1&+>




F.4.D 2


5/ Post test ,15 Calculate the force 8;: required to move the 8+00>: block 'ei$ht up the inclined surface sho'n in fi$ure #if the block is sub1ected to 82*0>:force assume 8U@0.* : . p

2*0> &09

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15 %s in te3t . 25 %s in te3t .

.- Post test ,15;@&0/..> .

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Centroid is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about locate the position of the centroid of different simple shapes #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,1 Vlocation of centroid of different simple shapes.

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ seventeenth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the si3teenth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-

%fter stud in$ the si3teenth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 152ocate the centroid of different simple shapes.

1/ Pre test ,15 Calculate the force 8;: required to move the 8+*0>: block 'ei$ht up the inclined surface sho'n in fi$ure #if the block is sub1ected to 8&00>:force assume 8U@0.* : . p

&00> &09

2/ the te3t ,-


C0>T,!6D " 1"5Centroids of simple shapes" Shape 15,ectan$le E 5


%rea 8ai: 2L b

5 M 2I2

5 E bI2




1I2L bL h




M b

bL h 2
h 5 E 5 M




Shape &5Circle E

%rea 8ai : W rC

M r

E r


M 5

(5Falf circle E W rC r 2 5


M 5

*5<uarter circle E

WrC (




M 5


5/ Post test ,152ocate 'ith dra'in$ the centroid of rectan$le . 25 2ocate 'ith dra'in$ the centroid of a half circle .

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15 ;@&/+.*2> .

.- Post test ,15%s in te3t . 25%s in te3t.

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Centroid of comple3 shapes is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the la's and determination of centroid of different comple3 shapes #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,1 VDetermination of centroid of different comple3 shapes .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ ei$hteenth modular unit .


$et less than / # $o back and stud the seventeenth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-

%fter stud in$ the seventeenth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Determine the centroid of different comple3 shapes.

1/ Pre test ,152ocate 'ith dra'in$ the centroid of trian$le. 25 2ocate 'ith dra'in$ the centroid of a quarter circle .

2/ the te3t ,-

2"5 Centroids of comple3 shapes "

5 5

>!T0" the coordinates 83 # : of centroid of an non uniforml area about M and E a3es can be found b "


5 M@

Pai3i Pai

5 E@

Pai i Pai

03ample " Determine the centroid of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 8M: and 8E: a3es . Solution"


ai (L +@2(

3i 2 &

ai3i (.

ai i -2

(L +I2@12 5 W81:C@5&.1( P &2..+

*.&& 2

2 &

+( 5+.2. 10*.-2

2( 5/.(2 .+.*.

5 M@ 10*.-2I&2..+@&.2 Cm 5 E@ .+.*.I&2..+ @2.+ Cm

&Cm 1cm &Cm

2Cm 2Cm (Cm


03ample " Determine the centroid of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 8M: and 8E: a3es . E





Solution" Fi$. ai (L /@&+ 1I2L +L /@25W82:CI2@5+.2.& 0 51.* 58(.*50.(2(L2: @5&.+*2 3i 2 52 2 i ai3i 0 5(0.* 22./(* ai i -2 5*( 512.*++

5+.2.& P *0.(&(


522./(* 5(0.*

512.*++ 5-.1&2


5 M@5(0.*I*0.(&(@50..0&Cm

5 E@5-.1&2I*0.(&(@50.1(1Cm

03ample" Determine the centroid of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 8M: and 8E: a3es .


&Cm M





ai (L +@2(

3i 2

i &

ai3i (.

ai i -2

1I2L &L +@/




5W8&:CI(@5-.0+/ (580.(2(L&: @2.-2. P 2*./&1

+580.(2(L &: @(.-2.





5 M@1/.-&I2*./&1@0.-+Cm

5 E@*+.+I2*./&1@2.1.Cm


5/ Post test ,15 Determine the centroid of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 8M: and 8E: a3es . E

&.* Cm 1cm &.* Cm M

2.*Cm 2.*Cm


6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,15%s in te3t . 25%s in te3t .

.- Post test ,-


15M@&.+-Cm # E@&.1(Cm .

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,)oment of inertia is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the definition and the la's of moment of inertia for different simple shapes #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,1 VDefinition of moment of inertia . 25The la's of moment of inertia for different simple shapes .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ nineteenth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the ei$hteenth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the ei$hteenth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define the moment of inertia . 25Write the la's of moment of inertia for different simple shapes.

1/ Pre test ,15Determine the centroid of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 8M: and 8E: a3es .


(Cm M (Cm *Cm


2/ the te3t ,)oment of 6nertia " 86: The moment of inertia of an area is equal to the product of this area b the square distance about the a3is of rotation . 6@%KdC Transfer formula for moment of inertia " 5 63@63D %KdC

Gnits of moment of inertia " mm ( # ;olar moment of inertia " 61o@63D6 ,adius of $ ration " J3@O 6 I % J 3 J3 61 0
Cm (


d 3


1"5)oment of inertia for the simple shapes "

Shape 5 h 3 3 b 5 3 3

)oment of inertia 86: 5 63@ bh & I12 63@bh I&


,adius of $ ration 8J: 5 J3 @h I O 12 J3 @h I O &

5 63 @bh & I&+ h 63 @bh & I12 b 5 5 5 63@6 @W r ( I( 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 63@6 @Wr ( I1+ 5 5 63@6 @0.0**r ( 5 63@0.11r ( 5 63@6 @W r ( I.

5 J3 @ h I O1.

J3@ h I O+

5 J3@rI2

5 3

5 J3@J @rI2 5 J3@0.2+(r

5 3

5 3

J3@J @rI2 5 5 J3@J @0.2+(r


5/ Post test ,15Define the moment of inertia . 25What is the unit of moment of inertia .

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test ,5 5 15M@0..*Cm # E@2..(Cm .

.- Post test ,15%s in te3t . 25%s in te3t .

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,)oment of inertia for comple3 shapes is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the determination of moment of inertia for comple3 shapes about an a3is #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of moment of inertia for comple3 shapes about an a3is .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'entieth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the nineteenth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the nineteenth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Determine the moment of inertia for comple3 shapes about an a3is .

1/ Pre test ,5 15% rectan$le its dimensions 8&0K*0:cm .Determine 863: .

2/ the te3t ,03ample" For the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure .Determine the moment of inertia about 8b5b:a3is if the moment of inertia about 8a5a:a3is is 8. cm ( :. Solution" 5 6a@63D %dC
2Cm 5 &Cm


a 3

3 . @63D82K&:K81:C

5 63@2Cm

6b @63D%dC @2D +K82:C@2+ cm ( >!T0" 'hen 6a is unkno'n in e3ample " 6b @ bh & I12D%dC@&K82:XI12D+K82:C @2+ cm (


03ample" Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 83i53i: a3is . Solution" %1@12L &@&+CmC %2@1*L &@(*CmC


For 8%1:" 5 63i@63D%dC @bhXI12D%dC @&K812:XI12D&+K81&.*:C @+//& cm ( 8D:



+Cm &Cm +Cm (.*Cm


For 8%2:" 5 63i@63D%dC @bhXI12D%dC @1*K8&:XI12D(*K8+:C @1+*&.-* cm ( 8D: 63i 8total: @+//&D1+*&.-*@.+(+.-* cm ( 03ample" Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to83: a3is . Solution" %1@(L +@2(CmC %2@1I2L &L +@/CmC %&@W8&:CI(@-.0+CmC &Cm


8%1: 8%&:

&Cm 3

&Cm For8%1: " 63@bhXI12D%dC @(K8+:XI12D2(K8&:C@2..Cm ( 8D: For8%2: " 63@bhXI&+D%dC @&K8+:XI&+D/K82:C@*(Cm ( 8D: For8%&: " 63@0.0**8r: ( D%dC @0.0**K8&: ( D-.0+K8(.-2.:C@1+2.2-Cm ( 638total:@2..D*(51+2.2-@1-/.-&Cm (




5/ Post test ,15 For the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure .Determine the moment of inertia about 8b5b:a3is if the moment of inertia about 8a5a:a3is is 8. cm ( :.

2.*Cm 5 5

a 3

1.*Cm b

6/ key ans*er ,-

'- Pre test ,- 1563@0.&1K10 .- Post test , 156b@+-.* cm

cm (

7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Solvin$ more applications about moment of inertia for comple3 shapes is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the determination of moment of inertia for comple3 shapes about an a3is #for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of moment of inertia for comple3 shapes about an a3is .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5first modular unit. $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'entieth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the t'entieth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Determine the moment of inertia for comple3 shapes about an a3is .

1/ Pre test ,-

15Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 83i53i: a3is .





(Cm -Cm *.*Cm




2/ the te3t ,-

03ample" % column its dimensions 8&0L +0:cm and 82.*m:hei$ht as sho'n in fi$ure 6ndicate the suitable case to resist a 'ind from east . Solution" C%S0 1" 5 6 @hbXI12

@&0K8+0:XI12@*(0000 cm

+0 Cm

C%S0 2" 6 @+0K8&0:XI12@1&*000 cm ( We choose case1 because the resistance


C%S0 2 is more than case 2 i.e the smaller dimension put in the face of the 'ind

03ample" Determine the polar moment of inertia861 0 :for the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure. %ssume 8 r1@&0Cm # r2@(0Cm : .

Solution" 86 x :1@ 86 y :1 @ Wr ( I(@WK8&0: ( I(@0.+&K10 + cm ( 85: 86 x :2@ 86 y :2 @ Wr ( I(@WK8(0: ( I(@2K10 + cm ( 8D: 861 0 :1 @86 x :1D86 y :1@ 1.2+ K10 + cm ( 85: 861 0 :2 @ 86 x :2D86 y :2@ (K10 cm 8D: 861 0 :total@861 0 :1D861 0 :2@2.-(K10 + cm (

r1 r2 0


03ample" Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 8n5n: a3is . Solution" %1@+L /@*(CmC %2@1I2L (L /@1.CmC %&@W8&:CI2@1(.1(CmC
&Cm 8%&:

/Cm -Cm M 10 Cm 8 %1: 8% 2:

For8%1:" 6n@bhXI12D%dC @+K8/:XI12D*(K82.*:C@-02 cm ( 8D: For8%2:" 6n@bhXI&+D%dC @(K8/:XI&+D1.K8(:C@&+/ cm ( For8%&:" 6n@0.11 r ( D%dC @0.11K8&: ( D1(.1(K8&.2-2:C@1+0.2/ cm ( 8D: 6n8total:@-02D&+/D1+0.2/@12&1.2/ cm ( 8D:


5/ Post test ,15Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 8M: a3is . E

& Cm 1cm & Cm M

2Cm 2Cm


6/ key ans*er ,-

'- Pre test ,- 1563i@*1.+.&& cm .- Post test , 1563@&&0./+ cm


7/Sources ,15Sin$er # Ferdinand 2. #1/-* 0n$ineerin$ )echanics #&rd edition #>e' Eork #Farper and ,o' publisher 25Fi$don %rchie and William 4. 1/+. 0n$ineerin$ )echanics &rd edition # Gnited States # prentice 5Fall



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Stren$th of materials is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the definition of stress# t pes of stresses # factor of safet for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15 Definition of stress. 25T pes of stresses . &5Definition of factor of safet .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5second modular unit. $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5first modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5first modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define the stress # t pes of stresses . 25Define the factor of safet .

1/ Pre test ,-

15Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area sho'n in fi$ure 'ith respect to 8>5>: a3is .

&Cm 8%&:

10Cm .Cm M 12 Cm 8 %1: 8% 2:


2/ the te3t ,-

ST,0>YTF !F )%T0,6%2S
Deals 'ith relations bet'een e3ternal loads and their internal effects on bodies .

ST,0SS "

6s the unit stren$th of a material and can be calculated b "


; " a3ial force %" cross sectional area Gnits of stress " >ImC@ pa. 8pascal: )pa.@me$a pascal @ 10 + pa. @ >ImmC T pes of stresses " ; 1"5 Tensile stress 2"5 Compressive stress ; ; ;

03ample" %n aluminum bar of 8(0mm: diameter carries an a3ial load of 812*+0>: . Determine the stress in the bar . Solution" @;I% + Cross sectional area 8%:@ W K820I1000:C @12*+K10 mmC
+ @12*+0I12*+K10 @10K 10 + pa.@10 )pa.

&"5Shearin$ stress "


it is caused b a force actin$ parallel to area resistin$ the force.

@ =I%
= "shearin$ force % "area of parallel cross section

= =

("54earin$ stress" 6s a contact pressure bet'een separate bodies such as the soil pressure #force on bearin$ plate . 03ample "Determine the shearin$ stress in the rivet sho'n in fi$ure due to the 8&0J>: appl in$ load if the diameter of the rivet is 820mm: . Solution" d@20D1.*@21.*mm

@ =I%
@&0K1000I821.*I2:CKW @.2.- )pa. F%CT!, !F S%F0TE" F.S F.S@Gltimate stress I Workin$ stress

p p

8about ( to 10 :

03ample "%81*K*0:mm steel bar carries an a3ial load of 8-.*ton: #if the ma3imum tensile load 'hich can be carries b a specimen of the same steel has cross sectional area of 81.+: CmC is 8+.(ton: .Find the factor of safet . Solution" Workin$ stress@-.*K1000K/..I 1*K*0@/. )pa. Gltimate stress @+.(K1000K/..I1.+K100@&/2 )pa. Factor of safet @&/2I/. @(


5/ Post test ,15%n aluminum bar of 8*0mm: diameter carries an a3ial load of 81&000>: . Determine the stress in the bar .

6/ key ans*er ,-

'- Pre test ,156n@20+*.2. cm ( .

.- Post test ,

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg pz{m 5& bde|g t_m[} n~ fep # f_upw`c fl{`c # bcde`c fga[hg t}`c fwg[ 15



'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Strain is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the determination of deformation caused in bodies after loadin$# for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15 Definition of strain . 25determination of deformation .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5third modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5 second modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .


./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5second modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define the strain . 25Deternine the deformation .

1/ Pre test ,15Determine the shearin$ stress in the rivet sho'n in fi$ure due to the 8(0J>: appl in$ load if the diameter of the rivet is 82*mm: .

2/ the te3t ,-


6s the unit deformation caused b stress Strain@ Chan$e in len$th I !ri$inal len$th

@ I2

03ample "Determine the strain of a bod caused b the applied force 8p: if the decrease in len$th is 82Cm: # and the len$th of the bod is 8200Cm: . Solution" p


@ I2
2Cm 200Cm

F!!J S 2%W "

%3ial deformation

The slope of stress5strain curve 8strai$ht line portion:@modulus of elasticit @0

0 @ I

@0 K

>!T0" the units of 80: is the same units 0f stress # for e3ample" 0 for steel @200K 10 / pa. @200Ypa. 0 for aluminum@-0K 10 / pa. @-0 Ypa. Ypa.@$e$a pascal@ 10 / pa. ;I%@ 0 K I 2

@0 K

@ ;2I%0

5/ Post test ,15Determine the strain of a bod caused b the applied force 8p: if the decrease in len$th is 82.*Cm: # and the len$th of the bod is 8(00Cm: .

6/ key ans*er ,-


15 @-2.*2)pa. 15 @0.00+

'- Pre test ,.- Post test ,

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg pz{m 5& bde|g t_m[} n~ fep # f_upw`c fl{`c # bcde`c fga[hg t}`c fwg[ 15


'/ ()er )ie*


' / # +Target population "5

For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,;oison s ratio is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the relation bet'een the lateral strain lon$itudinal strain caused in bodies after loadin$# for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15 Definition poison s ratio . 25Solvin$ application on stress # strain .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5fourth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5third modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-


%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5third modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define poison s ratio . 25Solve applications on stress # strain .

1/ Pre test ,15 Determine the strain of a bod caused b the applied force 8p: if the decrease in len$th is 81.*Cm: # and the len$th of the bod is 82*0Cm: .

2/ the te3t ,-

;!6SS!> S ,%T6!"

@ 2ateral strain I 2on$itudinal strain

@ I3

03ample "% steel 'ire 8.m: lon$ han$in$ verticall support a tensile load of 8(000>: Determine the required diameter and the elon$ation in the 'ire if the stress is not e3ceed 8*0)pa.: .%ssume 0s@200Ypa. Solution" @;I% *0K 10 + @(000I%


+ %@.0K10 mC@.0mmC %@W rC .0@ W rC r @*.0(mm


200K 10 / @*0K 10 + I

0 @ I

0.2*K 10 & @ I .K 10 &


@0.2*K 10 & @ I2

03ample "% uniforml bar of 81CmC: area .%3ial loads are applied as sho'n in fi$ure .Find the total deformation . %ssume 80@200Ypa.: . Solution"
@ ;2I%0
(J> +J>
; <


(J> (m



@+K1000K+I1K 10 ( K200K 10 / 8D:



+J> 8 tension : (J>

@2K1000K2I 1K 10 K200K 10 tension : @0.0002m@0.2mm 8D:



; <<



@(K1000K(I1K 10 ( K200K 10 /


(J>8tension :


03ample" %n aluminum tube is ri$idl fastened bet'een a bronHe bar and a steel bar .%3ial loads are applied as sho'n in fi$ure. Determine the stress in each material
%@1000mmC aluminum


%@-00mmC 20J> bronHe 1*J> 1*J>

%@.00mmC steel 10J>

Solution "


+ + b @20K1000I-00K 10 @2..+K 10 pa

20J> compression

@2..+ )pa. 8C:

+ @*K1000I1000K10 @ *K 10 + pa a

@* )pa. 8C:




@10K1000I.00K10 s


@12.*K 10 pa @12.* )pa. 8T: ;S

tension 10J>

03ample "Determine the ma3imum safe load 8p: 'hich ma be applied on the steel plate sho'n in fi$ure if the avera$e tensile stress is 81+0 )pa.: . Solution"


%rea of section@200K10@2000mmC %rea of t'o holes@2K20K10@(00mmC >et area of section@20005(00 @1+00 mmC + @1+00K10 mC


+ @1+00K10 K1+0K 10 +


@2*+000> @2*+J>




03ample "%81.J>:'ei$ht is supported b t'o steel 'ires as sho'n in fi$ure .Determine the cross sectional area of each 'ire if the tensile stresses in the 'ires are limited to 8100 )pa.: . Solution" PF3@0 4 C


T2K(I*5T1K(I*@0 T1@T2@T PF @0 TK&I*DTK&I*51.@0


& ( % (



%@;I @1*K1000I100K 10 + + @1*0K10 mC @1*0mmC




@ ;2I%0

5/ Post test ,15% uniforml bar of 81CmC: area .%3ial loads are applied as sho'n in fi$ure . Find the total deformation . %ssume 80@200Ypa.: .
*J> -J>
; <


*J> (m




6/ key ans*er ,15 @0.00+.

'- Pre test ,.- Post test ,

15 total@&.&mm

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg pz{m 5& bde|g t_m[} n~ fep # f_upw`c fl{`c # bcde`c fga[hg t}`c fwg[ 15


'/ ()er )ie*


' / # +Target population "5

For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the relation bet'een the shear force and bendin$ moment 'ith the distance of beams# for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15 Dra'in$ the shear force dia$ram . 25 Dra'in$ bendin$ moment dia$ram .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5fifth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5fourth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-


%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5fourth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Dra' shear force dia$ram . 25Dra' bendin$ moment dia$ram .

1/ Pre test ,15 % steel 'ire 81.m: lon$ han$in$ verticall support a tensile load of 8*000>: . Determine the required diameter and the elon$ation in the 'ire if the stress is not e3ceed 8*0)pa.: .%ssume 0s@200Ypa.

2/ the te3t ,SF0%, F!,C0 %>D 40>D6>Y )!)0>T D6%Y,%)S Shear force " is the summation of vertical e3ternal loads actin$ on the left side of the selected section . 4endin$ moment" is the summation of moments of all the loads actin$ to the left of the selected section .
a ;

=@8PF : L )@ 8P):


a 3 2



= )

03ample "Dra' shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams forD the beam loaded as sho'n in fi$ure . Solution" 1*J> 5 15determination of reactions 1 2 PF3@0 %3@0 % 4 P)%@0


4 K1.*51*.0.*@0 4 @*J> %3 1 PF @0 % % D*51*@0 % @10J> 0.*m 25Dra'in$ of S.F.D and 4.).D b 'ritten the equations at section 8151: and 8252: .

2 4 1m

section 8151:
10J> M = ) 10 J>

=1@PF @10J> )1@P)@10M When 3@0


3 )1@0 8S.F.D:
*J>.m ) 510J>

When 3@0.* )1@*J>.m section 8252: =2@1051*@5*J>

10 J> 0.*m M ) =

3 84.).D:

)2@10M51*8M50.*: When 3@0.* )2@*J>.m When 3@1.* )2@0

5/ Post test ,15Define 'ith dra'in$ shear force and bendin$ moment in beams .

6/ key ans*er ,-

1&- # @(.*mm.

'- Pre test ,-

.- Post test ,
15 %s in te3t .

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg pz{m 5& bde|g t_m[} n~ fep # f_upw`c fl{`c # bcde`c fga[hg t}`c fwg[ 15


'/ ()er )ie*


' / # +Target population "5

For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Solvin$ applications on shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the relation bet'een the shear force and bendin$ moment 'ith the distance of beams for different t pes of loadin$ # for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Dra'in$ the shear force dia$ram for different t pes of loadin$. 25Dra'in$ bendin$ moment dia$ram for different t pes of loadin$ .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5si3th modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5fifth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-


%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5fifth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Dra' shear force dia$ram for different t pes of loadin$. 25Dra' bendin$ moment dia$ram for different t pes of loadin$ .

1/ Pre test ,-

15Dra' shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams for the beam loaded as sho'n in fi$ure .
1&J> % 4



2/ the te3t ,-


03ample "Dra' shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams for the beam loaded as sho'n in fi$ure . Solution" 15determination of reactions 1 10J>Im PF3@0 43@0 P)%@0 4 K+510K+K&@0 PF @0 % D&05+K10@0 % @&0J>

4 @&0J>

% 1 % 4

4 43

25Dra'in$ of S.F.D and 4.).D b 'ritten the equations at section 8151: 10J>Im
= &0 J> = ) &0 J> D


'hen 3@0 'hen 3@+

v@&0J> v@5&0J>

M 5&0

)@&0M510M8MI2: @&0M5*MC 'hen 3@0 'hen 3@+

)@0 )@0
(*J>.m ) D

>ote "the ma3imum bendin$ moment caused 'hen v@0 therefore " 'hen 3@& )ma3.@(*J>.m

03ample "Dra' shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams for the beam loaded as sho'n in fi$ure . Solution" 15determination of reactions


&J>.m 2 C 4 2 C 1m


%3@0 %3

% 1 % 2m

P)%@0 5&DC K&@0 C @1J> PF @0 % D1@0 % @51J>@1J> 25Dra'in$ of S.F.D and 4.).D b 'ritten the equations at section 8151: and 8252: . section 8151: =@51J> )@5M 'hen 3@0 'hen 3@2 section 8252: =@51J> )@5M D& 51
J> = 2m M

= M 51 J>

51 J> M )@0 )@52J>.m

) 8S.F.D:

&J>.m ) D


84.).D: 'hen 3@2 'hen 3@& )@1J>.m )@0

5/ Post test ,15Dra' shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams for the beam loaded as sho'n in fi$ure .



% -m

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test , 15% @..+-J> # 4 @(.&&J> # )ma3.@(.&&J>.m . .- Post test , 15 % @4 @(2J> # )ma3.@1(-J>.m .

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg pz{m 5& bde|g t_m[} n~ fep # f_upw`c fl{`c # bcde`c fga[hg t}`c fwg[ 15


'/ ()er )ie*


' / # +Target population "5

For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,4endin$ stress in beams is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the relation bet'een the bendin$ moment and the bendin$ stress for different t pes of beams # for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of bendin$ stress in beams. 25Determination of the ma3imum bendin$ stress in beams .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5seventh modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5si3th modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,-


%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5si3th modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Determine the bendin$ stress in beams. 25Determinethe ma3imum bendin$ stress in beams .

1/ Pre test ,15Dra' shear force and bendin$ moment dia$rams for the beam loaded as sho'n in fi$ure .
+J>.m % 4 2m 1m C

2/ the te3t ,ST,0SS0S 6> 40%)S " 8,ectan$ular sections:

1"54endin$ stress " 8Fle3ure stress: 6s the stress caused b the bendin$ moment . Fle3ure formula "is the relation bet'een bendin$ stress and the bendin$ moment .

; element compression > ,1 ,2 % C > C E %



>.% ">eutral a3is

@)EI 6
@fle3ure stress 8>ImC: at a distance E from >.%
E@distance from >.% to element )@bendin$ moment at the section 6 @moment of inertia of the section

ma3 . @)CI 6

ma3 . @ma3imum fle3ure stress

C @the distance from >.% to the top or bottom of the section

5/ Post test ,15Fo' can 'e determine the bendin$ stress and the ma3imum bendin$ stress in beams


6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test , 15% @52J> # C .- Post test , 15 %s in te3t .
@2J> # )ma3.@5(J>.m .

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg pz{m 5& bde|g t_m[} n~ fep # f_upw`c fl{`c # bcde`c fga[hg t}`c fwg[ 15


'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute


Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,Shear stress in beams is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the relation bet'een the shear force and the shear stress for different t pes of beams # for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of shear stress in beams. 25Determination of the ma3imum shear stress in beams .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5ei$hth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5seventh modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5seventh modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Determine the shear stress in beams. 25Determinethe ma3imum shear stress in beams .


1/ Pre test ,15Dra' a section in abeam sho'n the tension and compression and >.% location

2/ the te3t ,2"5Shearin$ stress "

ma3 . @&=I2%

@=% Y I6b


% @shaded area Y @distance from centroid of % to the >.% = @vertical shearin$ force

03ample "% cantilever beam 8110mm: 'ide b 8220mm: hei$ht carries the loadin$ Sho'n in fi$ure .Determine "5 15the ma3imum fle3ure stress &J> 2J>Im 25 the ma3imum shear stress Solution" 15'e dra' S.F.D and 4.).D as previous e3amples Then 'e find " ) ma3 . @510.-*J>.m = ma3 . @5.J>
ma3 . @)CI 6

% 1m 1.*m

v 3
5 52 5*



6@bh & I12@0.11K80.22: & I12@/-.+K 10 + m (

ma3 . @10.-*K10XK0.11I /-.+K 10 + @12.11K 10 + pa.


@12.11 )pa.
ma3 . @&=I2%

@&K.K10XI2K0.11K0.22 @0.(/K 10 + pa.

51 5 3

@0.(/ )pa.
510.-* J>. m

C h@220 mm >.%

b@110 mm

5/ Post test ,15% cantilever beam 811*mm: 'ide b 82&0mm: hei$ht #if 8=ma3.@-.*J>: # )ma3.@11J>.m . Determine " 15the ma3imum fle3ure stress 25the ma3imum shear stress

6/ key ans*er ,-


'- Pre test , 15%s in te3t . .- Post test , 15 ma3 . ;10..)pa< = ma3 . ;0.(2)pa<

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg pz{m 5& bde|g t_m[} n~ fep # f_upw`c fl{`c # bcde`c fga[hg t}`c fwg[ 15


'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class


Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques

' / B +Rationale ,4eams 'hich makin$ from t'o materials is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the definition most common method of dealin$ 'ith a non homo$eneous beams and the determination of transform it into an equivalent homo$eneous beam # for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15definition of the method dealin$ 'ith a non homo$eneous beams. 25Determination of transform the non homo$eneous beams to an equivalent homo$eneous beam .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ t'ent 5ninth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5ei$hth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5ei$hth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Define the method of dealin$ 'ith non homo$eneous beams. 25Determine the equivalent homo$eneous beam .

1/ Pre test ,-


15Determine the minimum 'idth 8b: of abeam if the bendin$ stress is not e3ceed 810)pa.: and the ma3imum bendin$ moment is 8*000>.m: and the depth of the beam is 8200mm: .

2/ the te3t ,C!);!S6T0 40%)S " 84eams of different materials: The most common method of dealin$ 'ith a non homo$enous beams is to transform it into an equivalent homo$enous beam . bIn

h h1

% steel

b a:timber and steel section

nb b:equivalent 'ood section

b c:equivalent steel section

strain of steel @ strain of 'ood 8at point % : S @ W s I E S @ W I EW 555555555581: P P @ S W AS S AW @ 55555555582: W From eq.81: and eq.82: AS 8 E S I EW : W @ A W W AW @n AS # n@ E S I EW

5/ Post test ,-


15Dra' a section of a beam makin$ from t'o materials 8steel and timber: and the equivalent steel section .

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test , 15b@-*mm . .- Post test , %s 6n te3t <

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg pz{m 5& bde|g t_m[} n~ fep # f_upw`c fl{`c # bcde`c fga[hg t}`c fwg[ 15


'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques


' / B +Rationale ,,einforced concrete beams is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about dra'in$ the equivalent section and determination of location of neutral a3is and the ma3imum bendin$ moment that ma be applied # for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15 Dra'in$ the equivalent section of reinforced concrete beams. 25 Determination of location of neutral a3is . &5 Determination of the ma3imum bendin$ moment that ma be applied .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ thirtieth modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the t'ent 5ninth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the t'ent 5ninth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Dra' the equivalent section of reinforced concrete beams . 25Determine the location of neutral a3is &5Determine the ma3imum bendin$ moment that ma be applied .

1/ Pre test ,-


15Define the method of dealin$ 'ith a non homo$eneous beams .

2/ the te3t ,REINF(R!E% !(N!RETE BE#MS


b kdI& d 1d a n AS kd >.% d5kd


In d "the distance from the top of the beam to the center of the reinforcin$ steel 8effective depth: Jd " the distance from the top of the beam to >.% >!T0 "the >.% is located b appl in$ the principles that the moment of area above the >.% is equal the moment of the area belo' this a3is . 8bKkd:8kdI2:@n AS 8d5kd: the resultant compressive force 8C: in concrete acts at distance 8kdI&: from the top of the beam . ) C @1I2K


)S @

f s AS


C "compressive force in concrete T "tensile force in steel f c "ma3imum compressive stress in concrete f s "the tensile stress in steel %vera$e stress in concrete @ f c I2


5/ Post test ,15Dra' a section of reinforced concrete beam and its equivalent section .

6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test , 15%s in te3t . .- Post test ,1- %s 6n te3t <

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg 15


'/ ()er )ie*

' / # +Target population "5
For students of first class Technical institute Department of Civil Techniques


' / B +Rationale ,Solvin$ applications on beams makin$ from t'o materials and reinforced concrete beams is ver important sub1ect to be studied in order to have a full kno'led$e about the determination of equivalent section and location of neutral a3is and the bendin$ moment that ma be applied # for this reason 6 have desi$ned this modular unit for this kno'led$e to be understood .

' / ! +!entral Idea ,15Determination of equivalent section. 25Determination of location of neutral a3is . &5Determination of bendin$ moment that ma be applied .

' / % +Instructions,15Stud over vie' thorou$hl . 256dentif the $oal of this modular unit . &5Do the pre test and if ou "5 $et / or more ou do not need to proceed . $et less than / ou have to stud this modular unit 'ell . (5%fter stud in$ the te3t of this modular unit #do the post test # and if ou "5 $et / or more # so $o on stud in$ ne3t modular unit . $et less than / # $o back and stud the thirtieth modular unit 7 or an part of it 7 a$ain and then do the post test a$ain .

./ Perfor/ance (b0ecti)es ,%fter stud in$ the thirtieth modular unit # the student 'ill be able to"5 15Dra' and determine the equivalent section. 25Determine the location of neutral a3is &5Determine the bendin$ moment that ma be applied .

1/ Pre test ,-


15Dra' a reinforced concrete beam and the equivalent section .

2/ the te3t ,-

03ample "% timber beam 81*0mm: b 8&00mm: is reinforced on the bottom onl 'ith a steel strip 8-*mm: 'ide b 810mm: thick .Determine the ma3imum resistin$ moment if the allo'able stresses are S 120)pa. %nd W .)pa. .%ssume 8n@20: . Solution " 1*0mm 1*0mm
Timber Timber

> &00mm

&00mm 10mm



0quivalent timber



Aw1 @1*0K&00@(*000mmC

@-*K10@ -*0 mmC 8 :equivalent for steel @n As @20K-*0@1*000 mmC Total equivalent 'ood area of section @+0000 mmC 2ocation of >.% from the base of section " +0000K @(*000K1+0D1*000K* @121mm I N . A @1*0K8&00:XI12D(*000K8&/:CD1*00K810:XI12D1*000K811+:C + mm ( @+11K10

)@ 6IE + & ) w @.K10 + K+11K10 I1./K10 @2*./J>.m 6n 'ood equivalent of the steel "
W @ S In@120I20@+)pa.
+ & ) S @+K10 + K+11K10 I121K10 @&0.&/J>.m


The smaller resistin$ moment ) w @2*./J>.m is the safe resistin$ moment . 03ample "6n a reinforced concrete beam #b@2*0mm#d@(00mm# AS @1000mmC and n@. if the allo'able stresses are f c 12)pa. and f s 1(0)pa. determine the ma3imum bendin$ moment that ma be applied #is the beam over or under reinforced . Solution " 2*0mm Computin$ the factors kd#1d 2*0K8kd:CI2@.000K8(005kd: kd 8kd:C D.000kd5&200000@0 >.% (005kd 8kd:CD+(kd52*+00@0 8kd51&1:8kdD1/*:@0 Jd@1&1mm Sd@(00581&1I&:@&*+mm n AS @.K1000@.000mmC

) C @1I2K f c 8bkd:81d: @1I2K812K10 + :80.2*K0.1&1:80.&*+:@-0J>.m ) S @ f s AS 81d: + @1(0K10 + K1000K10 K0.&*+@(/.. J>.m )a3imum bendin$ moment@(/.. J>.m The beam is under reinforced

5/ Post test ,15% timber beam 81-*mm: b 8&(0mm: is reinforced on the bottom onl 'ith a steel strip 8.0mm: 'ide b 81&mm: thick .Determine the ma3imum resistin$ moment if the allo'able stresses are S 1&0)pa. %nd W /)pa. .%ssume 8n@20: . 1-0mm

&(0mm 1&mm




6/ key ans*er ,'- Pre test , 15%s in te3t . .- Post test ,1- )@(2./J>.m <

7/Sources ,Z[\] ^_`a bcde`c fga[hg # idj fklkm n_oapqr[g scb t_ud_vm pv_u 52 fwucp`c fwxy`c # bcde`c fga[hg 15


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