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Strategies for Predicting and Inferring in Social Studies Anticipation Guide

Background Information An effective way to increase interest, develop motivation, and engage students in a social studies reading task is to provide them with an Anticipation Guide. Initially, Anticipation Guides may seem like a test to students, but they resemble the fun magazine quizzes that students enjoy taking. he goal is to draw on students! prior knowledge and relate the knowledge to the reading content. Preparation he guidelines for constructing an Anticipation Guide "#acca and #acca $%%&' are as follows( ). Analyze the material to be read. *etermine the most important ideas + implicit and e,plicit + for consideration. $. -rite the major ideas in short, clear, declarative, and thought.provoking statements. hese statements should enable students to connect with the ideas personally. herefore, avoid abstractions and narrow statements that focus on details or factual information. /. 0ut these statements in a format that will elicit anticipation and prediction. his can be challenging because some topics can seem to be dry and uninteresting. -rite the statements so that they generate strong feelings in the reader. 1imit the number of statements to five or si, in order to maintain the focus on the learning objectives. Activity After distributing the prepared Anticipation Guides, ask students to respond to the statements individually. *iscuss their responses either as a class or in small groups, so students have an opportunity to talk about their ideas at length. Ask probing questions and challenge students! ideas, but remain open to a wide range of responses. As students read the assigned selection, tell them to contrast their predictions with the author!s intended meaning. After the students complete the reading, ask them to consider what they just learned in contrast to their initial opinions. he activity can be e,tended by having the students write reflectively about their initial attitudes and about how the discussion and reading altered or reaffirmed their attitudes toward the ideas. Grades 6-8 Example irections( 2arefully read the statements below. hink about the statement and determine if you generally agree or disagree with it by marking an 3 ne,t to your answer. 0rovide an e,planation for your response by writing it ne,t to the 4-hy56 !"e #enaissance ). It is more important for buildings to be functional than aesthetically pleasing. Agree 77777 *isagree 77777 -hy5 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 $. All students should study Greek and 1atin. Agree 77777 *isagree 77777 -hy5 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 /. It is better to be well.rounded than very skilled in one area. Agree 77777 *isagree 77777 -hy5 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 8. 0eople must donate money for the public good. Agree 77777 *isagree 77777 -hy5 7777777777777777777777777777777777777

Reading Strategies for Social Studies

Shell Education

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