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By Arthur T. Benjamin Harvey Mudd College In this paper, we present simple strategies for performing mathematical calculations that appear magical to most audiences. pecifically, we e!plain how to s"uare large num#ers, memori$e pi to %&& places and determine the day of the wee' of any given date.

Squaring Large Numbers

The alge#raic identity A( ) *A+d, *A-d, + d( can #e used to s"uare two-digit num#ers in your head, almost as "uic'ly as someone can do on a calculator. .ith practice, you can even s"uare three-digit num#ers *and higher, #y this method. /et0s illustrate. 1iven a two-digit num#er A, let d #e the distance #etween A and the nearest 2easy3 num#er. *I define a num#er to #e 2easy3 if it only has one non$ero digit., 4or e!ample, to s"uare the num#er (5, let d )5 and compute (5( ) *(6,*(&, + 5( ) 7(& + 8 ) 7(8. To s"uare 9:, let d ) ( and compute 9:( ) *7&,*96, + (( ) (5&& + 9 ) (5&9. ;otice how much easier the a#ove calculations are than a traditional 2foil3 computation li'e 9:( ) 9&( + :( + (*9&,*:,. ;um#ers that end in 7 are especially easy. 4or e!ample, :7( ) *:&,*8&, + 7( ) <(&& + (7 ) <((7. =nce you can s"uare two-digit num#ers "uic'ly, you can attempt the mental s"uaring of three-digit num#ers. 4or e!ample, suppose you wanted to s"uare ((5. Here, we let A ) ((5, and d ) (5, then compute *((5, ( ) *(&&,*(96, + *(5, ( ) 98,(&& + 7(8 ) 98,<(8, ( where *(5, is calculated as illustrated earlier. Note: I recommend doing all single-digit multiplication *and almost all other mental computations, from left to right. To compute *(&&,*(96,, first multiply ( times (&& ) 9&&, followed #y ( times 9& ) :&, then add those partial results to get 9&&+:& ) 9:&, then add ( times 6 ) %( to get 98(, % Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

Appending two $eros gives 49,200. .ith practice, multiplying a single-digit num#er times a two-digit, three-digit, or fourdigit num#er can also #e done in a matter of seconds. "uaring the num#er :9: is considera#ly more challenging. /etting d ) 9:, we see that *:9:, ( ) *:&&,*:86, + *9:, (. .e compute : times :86 as 69&& + <(& ) <%(&, followed #y adding : times 6 ) 9:, to get <%6:. Conse"uently, *:&&,*:86, ) <%6,:&&. If you can quickly compute *9:, ( )(5&9 #y the earlier method, then the pro#lem reduces to <%6,:&& + (5&9 ) <%8,%&9. Here, we perform the addition from left to right? <%6,:&& + (&&& ) <%:,:&&, then add 5&9 to get !9,!04. The pro#lem you will initially encounter is a memory issue. By the time you finish computing *9:, (, you might have forgotten <%6,:&&. How do you hold on to that num#er, and still have room in your #rain to compute 9: s"uared@ =ne way is to turn <%6,:&& into 2C=TTA1A 4ACA 3 using a simple mnemonic device descri#ed in the ne!t section.

Memori"ing #i or an$ ot%er number

Commit to memory the following silly sentence? &M$ turt'e (an)%o *i'', m$ 'o+e, #i), u# m$ ne* mo+er Ginger-. ay the sentence a few times until you 'now it cold. 1ot it@ Congratulations. Bou have just memori$ed the first (9 digits of pi. .e are not using the slow and impractical method of associating each digit with the length of each word. Instead we ta'e advantage of a phonetic code that has #een in the Anglish language for over %&& years. Here it is? % ) t or d ()n 5)m 9)r 7)l 6 ) ch, sh, or j < ) ' or hard g : ) f or v 8 ) p or # & ) s or $ There are even mnemonics for learning this list, #ut we will let you create your own associations. ;ow you can turn num#ers into words #y inserting vowel sounds *or the consonant sounds of h, w, or y, around or in #etween the consonant sounds in your word. ( Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

4or e!ample, the num#er 896 could #ecome? #ridge, #irch, #rush, perish, porridge, or preach, to name a few. ;otice that spelling does not matter. Aven though porridge is spelled with a dou#le-r, the r sound only occurs once. Although a num#er can have many, many different words representing it, a word can only represent a single number. Thus, our original sentence for pi translates #ac' to? 5 %9%7 8(6 7 5 7: 8<8 5 ( 5:9 6(69 The ne!t %< digits of pi can #e encoded in the following sentence? &M$ mo+ie mon,e$ #'a$s in a /a+orite bu),et-. This codes the ne!t %< digits of pi, namely 5 5: 5(< 87& ( ::9% 8<% The ne!t %8 digits of pi? 68 5 88 5<7 % &7:(& 8<989 #ecome &S%i# m$ #u##$ Mi)%ae' to Su''i+an0s ba),rubber-. The ne!t 9& digits of pi are? 97 8( 5&< :% 69& 6( : 6(& and : 88 :6 (: & 59:( 7 59(% % <&6< which #ecome &A rea''$ o#en musi) +i1eo )%eers 2enn$ 3- 2ones. and &Ha+e a bab$ /is% ,ni/e, so Mar+in *i'' marinate t%e goose4)%i),5. Bou can use this method to memori$e more practical information, such as phone num#ers, #irth dates, and more. In the previous section, I recommended that the num#er <%6,:&& is easier to store as 2C=TTA1A 4ACA ,3 especially while manipulating other num#ers. *Alternatively, you might simply turn <%6 into 2C=TTA1A3 and hold the : on your fingers. After all, what are hands for, if not for holding onto digitsC, Although I do not use mnemonics when s"uaring a three-digit num#er, I do need them for s"uaring four-digit num#ers. 4or e!ample, to s"uare the num#er 5((5, I compute *5((5, ( ) *5&&&,*5996, + *((5, (. To compute 5 times 5996, I split the four-digit num#er into groups of length two? 5 times 59&& e"uals %&,(&&D 5 times 96 e"uals %5:. Thus *doing all calculations from left to right,, 5 times 5996 e"uals %&,55: and *5&&&,*5996, ) %&,55:,&&&. At this point, I can actually say *for my audience to hear, 2ten million3.

5 Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

Note: The reason that I 'now that ten million will not turn into %% million is that the largest three-digit s"uare that I will ever have to add is *7&&, ( ) (7&,&&&. *Eemem#er, I let d #e the distance to the nearest thousand., ince 55:,&&& is #elow <7&,&&&, then I can say 2ten million3 with complete confidence, and free up two valua#le digits of memory space.. To ensure that I do not forget 55:,&&&, I convert 55: into MB M=FIA. This will stand out li'e a sore thum# while I compute *((5, ( ) 98,<(8. I might convert the last three digits, <(8, into CA;=GB. 4inally, I add 98 *thousand, to MB M=FIA ) 55: *thousand, to get 5:< thousand, which I promptly say. 4inally, converting CA;=GB #ac' to <(8, I can say the final three digits. Thus, I have given the entire answer !0,67 , 29. *Amusingly, it is sometimes the case that #y the time I have finished saying the entire answer, I cannot repeat the answer and often cannot even repeat the initial pro#lemC,

Ca'en1ar Ca')u'ating
4inally, we end with an e!planation of a s'ill that is as practical as it is entertaining? how to determine the day of the wee' of any date. .e first descri#e the method #efore discussing its mathematical foundation. Avery 1a$ o/ t%e *ee, is given a code num#er? unday ) % Monday ) ( Tuesday ) 5 .ednesday ) 9 Thursday ) 7 4riday ) 6 aturday ) < or & ;e!t we assign a code to each mont%? Hanuary ) % I 4e#ruary ) 9 I March ) 9 April ) & May ) ( Hune ) 7 Huly ) & August ) 5 eptem#er ) 6 9 Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

=cto#er ) % ;ovem#er ) 9 Jecem#er ) 6 *I =n leap years, Hanuary has month code of & and 4e#ruary has month code of 5, This list is easy to remem#er in #loc's of three? %99 is twelve s"uaredD &(7 is five s"uaredD &56 is si! s"uaredD %96 is almost twelve s"uaredC 4inally, we compute the $ear code? 4or years in the %8&&0s, the year %8&& + K *where & L) K L) 88, has year code K + *KM9, M=J <. In other words, from the num#er K + KM9 *where we ignore any fractional part of KM9,, su#tract the largest multiple of <. 4or instance, %8:5 has year code :5 + *:5M9, M=J < ) :5 + (& M=J < ) %&5 M=J < ) %&5 N 8: ) 7. Here is t%e /ormu'a /or 1etermining t%e 1a$ o/ t%e *ee, /or an$ 1ate? *Bear code + Month Code + date, M=J < ) code for day of the wee' 4or e!ample, March (&, %8:5 has day of the wee'? 7 + 9 + (& ) (8 M=J < ) (8 -(: ) % ) Sun1a$. 4or =cto#er %6, %86(, we compute the year code as 6( + *6(M9, M=J < ) 6( + %7 M=J < ) << M=J < ) << N << ) &. Hence the day of the wee' for that date is & + % + %6 M=J < ) %< M=J < ) %< N %9 ) 5 ) Tues1a$. Note: .hen performing this calculation, as' for the year first, and compute the year code #efore as'ing for the month. If it ta'es a few seconds, that is o'ay. It gives the impression that you are trying to 2visuali$e3 the calendar for that year. =nce you have computed the year code, the rest of the calculation goes very fast. 4or years in the (&&&0s, compute the year code for (&&& + K e!actly as you would compute the year code for %8&& + K, #ut su#tract % from your final calculation. Thus, (&:5 has year code 7 N % ) 9. 4or years in the %:&&0s add (, and for years in the (%&&0s *or %<&&0s after the shift to the 1regorian calendar,, add 9. Thus %::5 has year code 7 + ( M=J < ) < M=J < ) &D %<:5 and (%:5 have year code 7 + 9 M=J < ) (. The calendar cycles every 9&& years, so all years #eginning ((&& or later can #e reduced *M=J 9&&, to one of the years #etween %:&& and (%88. 7 Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

Mat%emati)a' e8#'anation: The #asis for this algorithm is that most years have 567 days, which happens to #e one more than a multiple of < *< times 7( is 569,. Thus, for most years, the calendar will shift #y one day. However, on leap years *after 4e#ruary (8,, the calendar shifts #y an e!tra day. Beginning with the ar#itrary choice of Hanuary having a month code of %, and unday having the day code of %, and that Hanuary %, %8&& was a Monday, %8&& is given a year code of &.

In %8:5, the calendar has shifted :5 + (& ) %&5 times, that is, once for each year, and (& more times for each leap year. *Incidentally, %:&&, %8&&, and (%&& are not leap years, #ut (&&& is a leap year., And since shifting the calendar #y %&5 days is e"uivalent to shifting %&5 N 8: ) 7 days, this is why the %8:5 has a year code of 7. The month code reflects how much shifting ta'es place in each month. That is, since Hanuary has a month code of % and has 5% days, then 4e#ruary should have a month code of 5( M=J < ) 9, and so on. Gractice these techni"ues, and you will soon find yourself the life of the mathematical partyC

AB=OT THA AOTH=E? Art%ur 9en:amin grew up in Cleveland, =hio, and earned his B. . at Carnegie Mellon Oniversity in %8:5 and his GhJ in Mathematical ciences at Hohns Hop'ins Oniversity in %8:8. ince then he has #een a Grofessor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, in Claremont, California, where he has served as department chair. He has written three #oo's and is co-Aditor of Math Horizons maga$ine, pu#lished #y the Mathematical Association of America *MAA,. In (&&&, the MAA awarded him the Haimo Gri$e for Jistinguished Oniversity Teaching. Arthur Benjamin is also a professional magician, and has fre"uently performed at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. He has demonstrated and e!plained his calculating talents to audiences all over the world and has appeared on 2numerous3 television and radio programs, including The Today Show, CNN, and National Public adio. He has #een featured in Scienti!ic "merican, #mni, $isco%er, People, &squire, New 'ork Times, (os "ngeles Times, and eader)s $igest* In (&&7, eader+s $igest called him 2AmericaPs Best Math .hi$.3 4or more details, visit www.math.hmc.eduMQ#enjamin

6 Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

;%at <a$ o/ t%e ;ee, ;as a Gi+en <ate=

Date: 01/05/2006 at 15:27:30 From: Karen Subject: (no subject) Is there a sim !e "a# to $i%ure out "hat &a# o$ the "ee' an# &ate in histor# $e!! on( Date: 01/06/2006 at 03:)1:32 From: Doctor *inter Subject: +e: ,i Karen.hat a %reat /uestion0 1here certain!# is0 e4am !e $or the &ate o$ 5u!# 27- 16157 2et3s &o a ste b# ste

Start b# assi%nin% the months these (seemin%!# ran&om) 8a!ues: 5anuar# Februar# *arch 9 ri! *a# 5une 5u!# 9u%ust Se tember :ctober ;o8ember December 0 3 3 6 1 ) 6 2 5 0 3 5

I$ #ou "ant to im ress eo !e b# bein% ab!e to use this $ormu!a in #our hea&- memori<e these 8a!ues7 :ther than that- it3s /uite strai%ht$or"ar&7 ;o"- !abe! the &a#s o$ the "ee' se/uentia!!# startin% "ith Sun&a#: Sun&a# *on&a# 1ues&a# .e&nes&a# 1hurs&a# Fri&a# Satur&a# 0 1 2 3 ) 5 6

Di8i&e the !ast t"o &i%its o$ the #ear (i7e7 15 $or 1615) b# $our7 I%nore an# remain&er- an& &o not roun& u 7 Sim !# &ro an# &ecima! !aces7 15/) = 3775 >? 3

< Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

9&& this number to the &i8i&en& (the #ear "ithout the @16@)7 1615 >? 15 15 A 3 = 1B 9&& this to the tar%et &a# (&ate) o$ the month7 1B A 27 = )5 ;o" a&& the month 8a!ue $rom the abo8e !ist7 )5 A 6 = 51 Di8i&e this number b# 7- an& note the remain&er7 51/7 = )6 r 2 1he /uotient is inconse/uentia!- but the remain&er 8a!ue corres on&s to the 8a!ue $rom the !ist o$ the &a#s o$ the "ee'7 1he &a# o$ the "ee' that corres on&s to 2 is 1ues&a#7 So 5u!# 27- 1615 "as a 1ues&a#0 9 short "a# to "rite out this $ormu!a is (#ear / )) A #ear A &a# A *C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7 "here *C is the month 8a!ue $rom the abo8e !ist- #ear is the !ast t"o &i%its on!#- an& #ou remember to ta'e on!# the /uotient in the #ear/) ca!cu!ation an& on!# the remain&er in the $ina! ca!cu!ation7 1here are some im ortant notes $or usin% this $ormu!a: 1he month 8a!ues (*C3s) !iste& at the be%innin% corres on& :;2D to #ears in the 20th centur#7 1hus- usin% these *C3s "i!! on!# %i8e correct ans"ers to #ears be%innin% "ith 167 1o $in& &a#s o$ the "ee' in other centuries- sim !# a&& or subtract $rom the *C !ist abo8e7 For the 1B003s- a&& 1 to each *C7 For the 17003s- a&& 2 to each- $or the 16003s- a&& 3 to each- an& $or the 15003s- a&& ) to each7 1his tren& &oes ;:1 continue to the 1)003s- or e8en to an# #ears be$ore 15B2- "hen the ca!en&ar that "e use to&a# "as ori%ina!!# a&o te&7 Ee$ore 15B2- a &i$$erent ca!en&ar "as use&- an& this $ormu!a brea's &o"n7 (Dou cou!& $in& "hat &a# o$ the "ee' a &ate rior to then .:F2D ,9CG been i$ "e ha& a!"a#s use& our current ca!en&ar "ith this tren&- but &on3t e4 ect historica! accurac# i$ #ou &o so7) 1o obtain a current or $uture &ate- subtract 1 $rom each *C $or the 5u!#3s 8a!ue is 67

: Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

20003s- subtract 2 $rom each *C $or the 21003s- etc7 Since the 21st centur# is re!ati8e!# #oun%- I &eci&e& to %i8e the startin% *C3s $or the 20th centur# (the 16003s)7 For an# #ear &i8isib!e b# $our (i7e7 2ea Dear)- subtract 1 (in a&&ition to an# other necessar# a&&itions or subtractions im !emente& b# the t"o re8ious notes) $rom the *C3s o$ 5anuar# or Februar#7 I$ the month o$ the &esire& &ate is not 5an or Feb- i%nore this note7

8 Copyright > (&&9 #y Arthur T. Benjamin. All rights reserved.

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