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Goals & Objectives Students will be able to analyze the effect of the Cold War during the Kennedy

administration and his policy with Cuba by dissecting the textbook section with the use of a SQ3R worksheet. California State Content Standards 11.9 Students analyze U.S. foreign policy since World War II. 3. Trace the origins and the geopolitical consequences (foreign and domestic) of the Cold War and its containment policy, including the following: The Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Common Core Literacy Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy in History. WHST. 6-8. 4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. CCSS.ELA-Literacy in History. WHST. 6-8. 2d: Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. CCSS.ELA-Literacy in History. READ. 6-8. 4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. CCSS.ELA-Literacy in History. READ. 6-8. 5: Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally). Driving Historical Question How did US foreign policy with Cuba affect Cold War tensions. Lesson Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Hook/Accessing Prior Knowledge) Time:10 min To assess prior knowledge of the material the teacher will open up a discussion to ask what the students know about Cuba. Teacher will then show students a map of Cuba to show where it is in relation to the United States. Finally, the teacher will give the students a brief rundown of the Cuban Revolution so that the students know how Cuba became the country it is today. Vocabulary (Content Language Development) Time: During the SQ3R students will be in charge of finding out who these people are and what these terms mean by looking for them throughout the reading. John F. Kennedy Flexible response Fidel Castro

Berlin Wall Hot line Limited test ban treaty

Content Delivery (Method of Instruction) Time:30 min Teacher will hand each student a SQ3R handout and have them pair up with their neighbor. Next teacher will instruct students to open up their workbook to page 670 of their textbook, The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st century. Students will be instructed to dissect chapter 20 section 1 titled Kenney and the Cold War. The teacher will instruct students to complete each section of the SQ3R one step at a time with their partner and are not to move to the next step until the teacher has discussed it with the class. After each step the teacher will call upon random groups to share what they discovered. Student Engagement (Critical Thinking & Student Activities) Time: 30 min Students will first survey the chapter with their partner. They will label on their SQ3R worksheet any interesting pictures, charts, graphs, or anything they find necessary then try to come up with a generalization to what this section will be about. After everyone is done surveying the teacher will call upon groups to share what they surveyed. The next step for the SQ3R is to question. Students will create questions from all of the headings and subheadings in the section. Next students that are called upon will share a question that they created. The next step in the SQ3R is to read. The students will now read the section and answer the questions they created in the prior step. Students will also have the responsibility to define the key terms in the section. After the students have finished reading and answering their questions the teacher will ask the groups to define each term and explain why they are relevant to the section. After the Students have read the next step in the process is Retell This is where the students give summary of what they just learned in their own words, Students should try to fill in the entire box that is labeled retell on their worksheet. After students have retold what they learned on the worksheet the teacher will choose two students to share. After the students are finished with all of this they will turn in their worksheet for grading then they will get it back the next day so that they can use it for the final R which is review. Students will have this worksheet to review for upcoming test and quizzes so that they do not have to go back and read the text because all they need to know is on the worksheet.

Lesson Closure Time: 10 Before leaving students will pull out their notebooks and answer the question, why was President Kennedy so interested in Cuba? Was his policy good or bad for the country? Explain in detail. This will be an exit slip before the students are dismissed.

Assessments (Formative & Summative) Entry Level (formative): Students let their teacher why Cuba is so important and why The United States have a strained relation with the country. I want to see what the students know about Fidel Castro, communism, and if they know anything about the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban Missile Crises. After, I want to inform student that the US did have a strong connection with Cuba before the revolution. Hope this will spark student interest in the story. Progress Monitoring (formative): Students will fill out an SQ3R worksheet and answer question from the teacher in between steps. This will ensure that students are doing the assignment and that they comprehend what they are reading. After they have completed their assignment it will be graded and passed back to use as a study guide Summative: Before students leave they will answer a quickwrite question in their notebooks. The students should use rationale from what they learned from the section to answer why was President Kennedy so interested in Cuba? Was his policy good or bad for the country? Explain in detail. This is a good higher level question because they will need to use facts and their own reasoning to answer the question. This will let the teacher know if students are capable of moving forward or if reinstruction is necessary. Accommodations for English Learners, Striving Readers and Students with Special Needs During instruction the teacher will give clear instructions and talk in a clear and concise manner so that all students know what is expected of them. Students will also receive a graphic organizer that is organized and labeled for them. During the discussions the teacher will hover around the EL and special needs students to assure that they are comprehending the content before moving on to the next step. EL and special needs students will be paired with other students who can help them the most. Lastly, the SQ3R is a great study guide for EL students and special needs students to have because it has everything they need to know about the section on a single organized paper. That is why the last R stand for review.

Resources (Books, Websites, Handouts, Materials) The Americans (textbook) SQ3R handout Student quickwrite journal.

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