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Burgin Halim 1 Introduction What is a penny made out of?

? If the answer that comes to mind is copper, that answer is only 2.5 correct. In reality, the one!cent coin is actually "#.5

$inc %&he 'nited (tates )int*. (ince the ma+ority of a penny consists of $inc, the specific heat of this coin is a,out -../5 01g23. &his means it ta4es -../5 0oules of energy to raise one gram of pennies one degree 3elsius. Because of its low specific heat, it does not ta4e much energy at all to heat up the coin, which is e5ident if a penny is pic4ed off of the sidewal4 on a hot day. 6nd what if a person were to try to put a coin that they had +ust found on the hot sidewal4 into a 5ending machine for a drin4? In order to ,e sure that the coin would fit, scientists use a special property called linear thermal e7pansion to determine how much the coin would e7pand when heat is applied to it. &he purpose of the following e7perimentation was to use two intensi5e physical properties, specific heat and linear thermal e7pansion, to determine if a sample of an un4nown metal was $inc. &hroughout the course of e7perimentation, data from the un4nown metal was compared to 5alues from the 4nown metal. &he ultimate goal of the e7periment was to use this data to identify the un4nown metal. But in order to find these 5alues, two e7periments were conducted. &he first of the two e7periments was ,ased in calorimetry. 3alorimetry is the science ,ehind measuring the heat change during a chemical reaction or change of state. 6 ma+or component of calorimetry is the element of specific heat. 85ery metal has its own uni9ue specific heat. &his e7periment implemented

Burgin Halim 2 the use of calorimeters, or de5ices to measure the e9uili,rium temperature of water and the metal. &he metal was heated in a pan on a hot plate, and then placed inside of a calorimeter. Heat was transferred from the metal to the water , and the e9uili,rium temperature of the water and metal was found. Based on this information and others such as mass and initial temperatures, the specific heat could ,e found. Because no two specific heats are e7actly ali4e, this property can ,e used in identifying elements %Bond*. In the e7periment, the specific heat of the un4nown metal was found. Based on data collected, the metal could ,e identified. &he second e7periment ended with the determination of the alpha coefficient of linear thermal e7pansion. :inear thermal e7pansion is the fractional change in length of a material for a unit change in temperature. :i4e specific heat, each metal has an indi5idual alpha coefficient that can help determine the metal;s identity. &his e7periment used a special apparatus to measure changes in length after the metal had ,een heated. &he metal was ,oiled in a pan on a hot plate and then placed onto the apparatus, and the change in length was then calculated. <ata collected during this e7periment could ,e used in identifying the un4nown metal. =esults found in la, settings li4e this can ,e used out in the real world, sometimes in e5eryday situations. (pecific heat is a property often ta4en into account when constructing, and e5en >6(6 ta4es ad5antage of this property. ?n the space shuttle, there are ceramic tiles called B=I!1/ with a 5ery high specific heat that aids the shuttle in reentering the atmosphere. (ince the tiles ha5e such

Burgin Halim . a high specific heat, they pre5ent the shuttle from ,urning up %)ali4*. :inear thermal e7pansion in the real world also is used in engineering. @or e7ample, the +oints that hold ,ridges together are designed to account for e7pansion and contraction. &his pre5ents damage to the ,ridge %@riedman*. &hese topics are important in engineering and life in general ,ecause the technology will continue to impro5e the 9uality of new de5elopments. =esearch conducted in this specific pro+ect can ,e used as a ,asis for e5en further research. Information found here can ,e used in determining what metals could ,e the ,est for a product. &hese chemical properties can ,e researched further in depth to continue to impro5e engineering and products for the future.

Burgin Halim A Bac4ground 85en ,efore Binc was disco5ered as its own element, it had ,een used for centuries. In the century, ores of Binc were used in ,rass ma4ing and e5en in healing wounds. $inc was first disco5ered as a metal in India in 1.#A, and ,ecame the /th 4nown metal of the time. :ater in the 1#th century, it ,ecame widely used in 3hina as an entire industry that would supply the industry that made ,rass. >ew processes and uses were disco5ered in the 1Cth century when Binc ,ecame 4nown in 8urope. ?ne contri,utor states that +ust li4e it has for centuries, Binc today has many uses in modern industries %History of $inc*. $inc is a naturally occurring elementD therefore it must ,e e7tracted from the earth ,efore use. &here are two main ways that this can ,e doneE electrolysis and smelting. @or either to occur, Binc is e7tracted in two stages, shown here. (tage ?neE ZnO(s) + H2SO4(aq) ==> ZnSO4(aq) + H2O(l) (tage &woE Zn2+(aq) + 2e- ==> Zn(s) @igure 1. ?7idation =eaction to 87tract $inc 6 chemical e9uation for e7tracting Binc is shown a,o5e in @igure 1. In stage one, $inc ?7ide, $n?, is dissol5ed and neutraliBed in (ulfuric 6cid, H 2(?A, to form $inc (ulfate and water. In stage two, electrolysis occurs so that two electrons are added to a9ueous Binc to form Binc in its solid form %3hemical 89uili,rium*. $inc is highly useful in industrial designing of 5arious products, and recently has ,egun to ,e used in ma4ing cars %$inc 'ses*. $inc has a property that helps it to protect steel from corrosion. )ost of the steel produced is used for

Burgin Halim 5 gal5aniBing, or the protection from corrosion %$inc Froperties*. ?ther ma+or uses of Binc are die!casting, producing ,ronBe and ,rass, rolled Binc applications such as roofing, and 5arious chemicals %<e)eo*. $inc has many properties. &here are ,asics such as a density, or the degree of compactness, which is #.1A g1cm., a specific heat, or the heat re9uired to raise the temperature of the unit mass of a gi5en su,stance ,y one degree, of -../5 01gG3, and thermal e7pansion, or the amount the metal e7pands after ,eing heated, at ..-271-!5 H!1. $inc melts at A1".5. G3, ,oils at "-# G3, has an electronegati5ity at 1.C5, and ioniBation energy of ".."A eI. $inc is much denser than the 1g1cm. of water and re9uires less heat raise the temperature one degree, as the specific heat of water is A.1/A 01gG3. Water ,oils at a much lower temperature of 1--G3 and also has a much lower melting point of - G3. ?5erall, it ta4es more energy to affect Binc than water %$inc*. $inc has .- protons, .A neutrons, and .- electrons in a neutral state. &he atomic mass of Binc is C5../ amu. :i4e all atoms, the electrons are part of the electron cloud that surrounds the nucleus. $inc contains two 5alence electrons, meaning that it will ,e more willing to ,ond with other atoms in order to fill up the last shell. With only two 5alence electrons, the nucleus has more of a pull on them, so the atomic radius is small %$inc ! $n*. J6rKAs2.d1@igure 2. 8lectron 3onfiguration of $inc @igure 2 a,o5e shows the a,,re5iated electron configuration of Binc. It is located in the .d ,loc4 and is diamagnetic, meaning it has no unpaired electrons.

Burgin Halim C =e5iew of :iterature (pecific Heat (pecific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass needed to raise the temperature of a solid ,y one degree 3elsius. It is measured in units of 01gG3. (u,stances with low specific heats need only a small amount of energy to produce a large increase in temperature. <ifferent elements ha5e different chemical compositions, which means that each element has its own specific heat. Because each element has a different specific heat, the property of specific heat can ,e used to identify an element. )etals tend to ha5e 5ery low specific heats, despite the fact that they conduct well %Bond*. 8lements with different specific heats would react differently in different en5ironments, so specific heat can ,e used to ma4e the choice ,etween metals. (ince there is one specific heat for any gi5en amount of a su,stance, the property is 4nown as intensi5e, meaning it does not depend on the siBe or amount of the element. &he temperature change, mass, and specific heat can ,e used to determine how much heat was a,sor,ed, an endothermic reaction, or released, an e7othermic reaction. &he :aw of 3onser5ation of 8nergy states that a reaction will ha5e released the same amount of energy that it a,sor,ed. &he place where energy released is e9ual to the amount a,sor,ed is 4nown as the e9uili,rium %3hemical 89uili,rium*. Hnowing the num,er of moles and the heat will allow one to calculate the change in 8nthalpy, or the measure of the energy associated with a system.

Burgin Halim # (pecific heat has many uses, including helping decide which materials to use for ,uilding something. &his can ,e used in situations where a material that doesn;t ,ecome e7tremely hot when put into heated situations. 6n e7ample of this would ,e the tiles on a >6(6 space shuttle, where the outer and inner tiles ha5e to ,e heat resistant so then they don;t end up increasing the temperature inside the shuttle to dangerous temperatures %)ali4*. 87periments in calorimetry can ,e e7ecuted in the la,oratory to measure this physical property. ?ne such e7periment, found in Bettelheim and :andes,erg;s Laboratory Experiments for General, Organic, and Biochemistry used a calorimeter created from two styrofoam cups inserted one inside the other, ,oth inside a ,ea4er. &his created an isolated system, or a physical system that does not interact with its surroundings. Water was added to the (tyrofoam cups and then heated to determine the heat capacity %"#*. &hen, the metal was placed in a test tu,e suspended inside a ,ea4er of water o5er a flame. &emperature of the water was recorded. (pecific heat was then determined gi5en the change in temperature of the water in the cups and the mass of the metal %"/*. 6nother e7periment can ,e conducted ,y first weighing the metal, then heating it in water on a hot plate. 6fter ad+usting the heat of the water, place the metal inside the ,ea4er again. By using a thermometer, measure the change in temperature of the heating water. With the mass of the metal and the change in temperature, the specific heat can ,e determined %(pecific Heat 87periment*. Both of these methods are applica,le to this research pro+ect and its design.

Burgin Halim / &hey are applica,le ,ecause they can easily ,e done in a school la, setting. &hey are efficient and effecti5e and ultimately end with the determination of specific heat. &his property can then ,e used to identify the element. 6 mathematical formula can ,e used to find specific heat. &his formula is shown ,elow. &his formula shows the relationship ,etween specific heat in 01gG3, s, mass of the metal or water in grams, m, and the change in temperature in G3 , T %>a5e*. &he formula is an e9uation ,etween the water and the metal.

By 4nowing any three of these 5alues, one could find the last. In this e7periment, this formula will ,e used to find the specific heat, ,ecause the heat added, mass, and change in temperature will ,e 4nown %(pecific Heat*. (pecific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass needed to raise the temperature of a solid ,y one degree 3elsius. 85ery element has its own indi5idual specific heat that ma4es it uni9ue from other elements. (pecific heat is a property that can ,e used to determine the identity of an un4nown element.

Burgin Halim " :inear &hermal 87pansion :inear thermal e7pansion is the physical property of solids that causes the e7pansion or retraction proportional to the original length of the o,+ect and the change in temperature %&emperature and &hermal 87pansion*. :inear thermal e7pansion is intensi5e, meaning it is a physical property that does not depend on the siBe or amount of the element %&aylor*. &his property can ,e clearly e7plained on an atomic le5el. When atoms are heated, energy within them increases %&emp. and &hermal 87p.*. &his causes them to mo5e faster, which ultimately causes the element to e7pand. (ince all atoms in a pure element are the same, they all will react uniformly to heat. &his would ,e referred to as linearD the atoms in the element are the same throughout. :inear thermal e7pansion can ,e used to identify an element ,ecause all elements ha5e different atoms that act in certain ways. &he atoms in one element would not react to heat in the e7act same way as the atoms in anotherD therefore this property can ,e used to differentiate ,etween elements. 6long with identifying elements, this property can ,e used to identify potential issues in engineering, industry, and design. @or e7ample, designers must use the property of linear thermal e7pansion when designing ,uildings or e5en streets. In colder climates, s9uares of cement in the sidewal4 may retract, li4ewise in the summer, they may e7pand. Builders use separate s9uares so there is e7tra space if the cement was to e7pand to pre5ent crac4ing in the sidewal4s and ,uc4ling in the streets %Loutcheff*. &he same principle would apply for ,ric4 ,uildings. <esigners must 4now how much the ,ric4 would e7pand or retract so that crac4s and

Burgin Halim 1damage to the ,uilding can ,e pre5ented. &his could also pre5ent damage to the foundation of the ,uilding and e5en the surrounding area %@riedman*. &he coefficient of linear e7pansion can ,e determined a num,er of ways. ?ne e7periment uses a micrometer, a gauge used to measure small thic4nesses, and a 5oltmeter, an instrument that measures electric potential in 5olts. &he apparatus uses a tu,e in which a metal rod is placed. &he micrometer is turned slowly ,ac4 and forth while the 5oltmeter runs until a sta,le 5alue is reached. &his measures the length of the rod. &hen steam is passed through the tu,e to heat the rod. &he temperature is measured ,efore and during the e7periment. ?nce the temperature has ,een sta,le for se5eral minutes, the new thic4ness of the rod is determined. &he coefficient of linear e7pansion can then ,e calculated %Hung*. 6 similar e7periment can ,e recreated to achie5e the same results. Water is ,oiled in a ,oiler, which is then attached to an apparatus similar to the one mentioned a,o5e. &he metal rod is measured with a meter stic4 and the initial temperature is first measured at room temperature. (team is created through the ,oiler which passes ,y the rod. 6 study done at (t. :ouis 3ommunity 3ollege shows that when the temperature sta,iliBes, the rod can then ,e measured for the new length. Both of these e7amples of e7periments are applica,le to this research pro+ect and its design ,ecause they achie5e the goal of heating up the metal, which causes it to e7pand. &hese e7periments are easily accessi,le ,ecause it is possi,le to recreate them in a school la, setting. &hey are efficient,

Burgin Halim 11 effecti5e, and ultimately end with the determination of the coefficient of linear thermal e7pansion %&hermal 87pansion*. &here is a mathematical formula that is used to find the coefficient of linear e7pansion. When a metal rod of length l, measured in millimeters, has its temperature changed ,y T, measured in G3, its length changes ,y an amount l, also measured in millimeters. 6s this property has a proportional relationship ,etween length and temperature, there is proportionality constant, , in units of H!1. &he proportionality constant shows the proportion that occurs ,etween l and T %Hummel*.

&hermal e7pansion is an intensi5e property that is determined ,y how a metal e7pands when heated. &here are many e7periments to measure thermal e7pansion, including those in5ol5ing heating the metal with steam and measuring how much it has e7panded. &hermal e7pansion ,ecomes linear when an element is used since all of the atoms ha5e the same structure, and will react in the same way. &his property can ,e used to identify an element ,ecause the atoms of each element will react in a uni9ue way.

Burgin Halim 12 Fro,lem (tatement Fro,lem &o determine whether or not the un4nown metal is $inc ,ased on the linear thermal e7pansion and the specific heat of the un4nown metal. Hypothesis If the calculated 5alues of specific heat and coefficient of linear thermal e7pansion of the un4nown metal are within a 5 error of the specific heat and

coefficient of linear thermal e7pansion of $inc, then the un4nown element is $inc. <ata 3ollected In the e7periment to determine specific heat, the data collected was the initial and final temperature of the metal and water, measured in degrees 3elsius %23*, and the mass of the metal and water, measured in grams %g*. (pecific heat was calculated in +oules per gram degree 3elsius %01g23*. &he ne7t e7periment was linear thermal e7pansion, which determined the coefficient of linear thermal e7pansion, measured in in5erse Hel5in %H !1*. &o calculate the coefficient of linear thermal e7pansion, or the proportionality constant, the initial and final temperatures of the water and metal were measured in degrees 3elsius %23*, and the length of the metal rod was measured in millimeters %mm*.

Burgin Halim 1. 87perimental <esign (pecific Heat )aterials %2* 3alorimeter (cale, -.---1 g 'n4nown metal 6 'n4nown metal B Hot plate 5- m: graduated cylinder %2* &emperature pro,e, -.-1 G3 1-- m: loaf pan &imer &ongs :a,Muest &I!n(pire 3alculator

Frocedures 1. =andomiBe 15 trials and calorimeters using the =andom Integer function on the &I!n(pire calculator %see 6ppendi7 6*. 2. 'sing the graduated cylinder, place 5- m: water at 2- 23 inside the calorimeter %see 6ppendi7 B for instructions on how to ,uild the calorimeter.* .. ?,tain and weigh the sample of the un4nown metal. Be sure the scale is Beroed out first. =ecord the weight in data ta,le. A. 'sing the graduated cylinder, place 5- m: water into a 1-- m: loaf pan. Bring the water to a ,oil. 5. While the water is heating, use the thermometer to measure the temperature of the water in the calorimeter. =ecord in data ta,le. C. 6fter the water is at a ,oil, use the thermometer to measure the temperature in the loaf pan. =ecord in data ta,le. #. /. Flace metal in the pan for one minute. (et up the :a,Muest. Fress start.

Burgin Halim 1A ". 'sing the tongs, remo5e the metal from the ,oiling water. =emo5e the lid from the calorimeter and place the metal inside. )a4e sure no water is added to or lost from the calorimeter during this transfer. 1-. 11. =ecord the temperature of the calorimeter at e9uili,rium. =epeat this process to complete all 15 trials.

Calorimeter Graduated Cylinder Temperature Probe

Loaf Pans

Hot Plate

Metal Samples

LabQuest Tongs

@igure .. )aterials 'sed in (pecific Heat 87periments

@igure A. (cale 'sed to Weigh )etals

Burgin Halim 15 :inear &hermal 87pansion )aterials :inear e7pansion apparatus, -.--1in 3aliper, -.-1mm 'n4nown metal 6 'n4nown metal B (mall metal loaf pan :a,Muest &emperature pro,e, -.-1 G3 &ongs&imer Hot plate &I!n(pire 3alculator Frocedures 1. 2. =andomiBe metal rods using a &I!n(pire calculator %see 6ppendi7 6*. 'sing a caliper, measure the initial length of the metal rod. =ecord in data ta,le. .. Heat 1-- ml water in a small metal loaf pan on a hot plate until it reaches 1--G3. )easure the initial temperature of the water ,y placing the temperature pro,e attached to :a,Muest in the heating water. Wait until the :a,Muest shows that the temperature is sta,le. =ecord in data ta,le. A. 5. Flace the metal rod inside the ,oiling water for three minutes. 'se the tongs to 9uic4ly remo5e the metal rod from the ,oiling water and place it onto the linear e7pansion apparatus. (et the dial to Bero and record the change of length in the data ta,le once the final temperature is e9ual to room temperature. C. =epeat steps 1 5 for all si7teen trials.


Loaf Pans

Hot Plate LabQuest Metal Rods Temperature Probe Linear Thermal Expansion pparatus



@igure 5. )aterials 'sed in :inear &hermal 87pansion 87periments

<ata and ?,ser5ations (pecific Heat &a,le 1 (pecific Heat <ata for the Hnown )etal
Trial 1 2 . A 5 C # / " 111 12 1. 1A 15 1C 65erage Rod B B 6 B 6 6 B 6 B 6 6 B B 6 B 6 Initial Temp. ( ) +ater 22.# 2..A 1"./ 2-.# 2..A 21.C 21.# 2.." 21.# 22./ 2.." 22.1 21.# 21./ 2..C 22.22.. &etal "#.C "#.1 "/."/."#.# "#.C "#.C "#.# "C.2 "#."/.C "/."#.5 "#.C "#.. "/.2 "#.C !q"ili#ri"m Temp. ( ) 2C.# 2#.2.." 2A." 2A.5 25.5 25./ 2#.C 25.2 25.C 25.2 25." 25.25.# 2#.. 25.5 25.# $an%e in Temp. ( ) +ater A...C A.1 A.2 1.1 .." A.1 ..# ..5 2./ 1.. ../ ... .." ..# ..5 ..A &etal #-." #-.1 #A.1 #..1 #..2 #2.1 #1./ #-.1 #1.#1.A #..A #2.1 #2.5 #1." #-.#2.# #1." &ass (%) &etal 2/.2"/" 2/.2"". 2#."2C5 2".2"/# 2/.2"/C 2#."2#" 2/.2"/2 2#."2CC 2/.2"/2#."25A 2#."2C/ 2/.2"#C 2/.2"#. 2#."25" 2/.2"/2#."."1 2/.1"/" +ater 55555555555555555Spe'i(i' Heat ()*% ) -.A1# -../-.A1A -.A1-.111 -.A-5 -.A22 -.."5 -..CA -.2"A -.1.. -.."-...# -.A-C -.."1 -..C-..51

&a,le 1 a,o5e shows data collected on the 4nown metal during each trial of the specific heat e7periment. &he ta,le shows initial and final temperatures of the water and metal, change in temperature of the water and metal, e9uili,rium temperature, and mass of the metal and water. In the (pecific Heat column, 5alues were plugged into the formula multiplying A.1/A, the specific heat of water, times the mass of the water, mwater, times the change in temperature of the water, N&water, all di5ided ,y the mass of the metal, mmetal, times the change in temperature of the metal, N&metal.

6 sample calculation can ,e found in 6ppendi7 3. &he trials had an a5erage specific heat of -..51 01g23. &a,le 2 (pecific Heat ?,ser5ations for the Hnown )etal
Trial 1 2 . A 5 C # / " 111 12 1. 1A 15 1C Spe'i(i' Heat O#ser,ations =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter B was used, no water lost. =od B =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter B was used, 3alorimeter tipped o5er once, no water lost. =od B =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter 6 used. =od 6 used 2. 3alorimeter B used. =od B. Was not dropped into the ,oiling water correctly the first time. =esearcher 2. =od 6. 3alorimeter 6. =esearcher 2. =od 6. 3alorimeter 6. 2. 3alorimeter B used. =od ,. =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter 6 used. =od 6 used 2. 3alorimeter B used. =od B used. )etal not completely su,merged =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter 6 used. =od 6 used =esearcher 1. 3alorimeter 6. =od 6. =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter B used. =od B. =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter 6. =od B. =esearcher 1. =od 6. 3alorimeter B. =esearcher 2. =od B. 3alorimeter B. =od not dropped into loaf pan correctly at first =esearcher 1. =od 6. 3alorimeter 6.

&a,le 2 a,o5e shows the o,ser5ations made on the 4nown metal during each trial of the specific heat e7periment. )ost trials were une5entful, e7cept for &rial 2, in which the calorimeter tipped ,ut nothing was lost, &rials A and 15, in which the metal was not placed in the water correctly, and &rial ", where the metal was not completely su,merged in the ,oiling water.

&a,le .

(pecific Heat <ata for the 'n4nown )etal

Trial 1 2 . A 5 C # / " 111 12 1. 1A 15 1C 65erage Rod 6 6 B 6 B B 6 B 6 6 B 6 6 B B B Initial Temp. ( ) +ater &etal 2A.# "#.C 2/.C "/.2 .5." "#.C 21." "#.1 2"."C.C 1".5 "#." 2-.2 "/.1".5 "#." 22."#.. 2-.1 "#.1 1".A "#.C 2-.A "C.5 22."/.2 22." "/.# 22./ "/.2 2/.2 "/.A 2..C "#.# !q"ili#ri"m Temp. ( ) ...# .#.2 A2.5 .1." .C.5 2"./ .-.A 2"./ .1.2 .-.5 2".2 .-.5 .1." .2.# .A.2 .C.# ...$an%e in Temp. ( ) +ater &etal ".C.." /.C C1.C.C 55.1 1-.C5.2 #.5 C-.1 1-.. C/.1 1-.2 C#.C 1-.. C/.1 ".2 CC.1 1-.A CC.C "./ C/.A 1-.1 CC."." CC.. "./ CC.11.A CA./.5 C1.# ".5 CA.C &ass (%) &etal #2./A"C #2./5-C #2."-#A #2./-#2 #2."-#. #2."-C. #2./5-2 #2."-C. #2./2.A #2./A5# #2."A2. #2./A2/ #2./-C1 #2."-5. #2."-A2 #2."-A2 #2./#2A +ater 5A/ A" 55A" A# 55A# 51 A# 5555A" Spe'i(i' Heat ()*% ) -.A-A -../" -...# -.AA1 -..5/ -.A25 -.A-# -.A.A -.A--.A22 -.A1" -.A1. -.A2" -.A2C -.511 -.."5 -.A1. !rror (-) 5.-5 -."5 12.51 1A.A# C."" 1-.A# 5.#" 12.#. ../5 ".A" /./# #..11.AA 1-.C# .2.#C 2.C/ ".2C

&a,le . contains data collected during specific heat trials of the un4nown metal. It also contains percent error calculated per trial and the a5erage. &he a5erage percent error was ".2C . &he ta,le shows initial and final temperatures of the water and metal, change in temperature of the water and metal, e9uili,rium temperature, and mass of the metal and water. In the (pecific Heat column, 5alues were plugged into the formula multiplying A.1/A, the specific heat of water, times the mass of the water, mwater, times the change in temperature of the water, N&water, all di5ided ,y the mass of the metal, mmetal, times the change in temperature of the metal, N&metal.

6 sample calculation can ,e found in 6ppendi7 3.&he trials had an a5erage specific heat of -.A1. 01g23. &a,le A (pecific Heat ?,ser5ations of the 'n4nown )etal

Trial 1 2 . A 5 C # / " 111 12 1. 1A 15 1C

Spe'i(i' Heat O#ser,ations 2. )etal was ,arely su,merged, water was spilled when metal was dropped into calorimeter. 3alorimeter B. 2. Water was spilled when metal was dropped into the calorimeter. 3alorimeter B. 2. =od B. Water spilled from calorimeterD too4 some time to remo5e metal from water. 3alorimeter 6. 3alorimeter 6 used. Water spilled %only a little*. =esearcher 2. )etal was dropped. =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter B. 3alorimeter tipped, no water lost. 6 ,it of water lost when metal went in. =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter B. =esearcher 1. 3alorimeter 6. =od 6. 3alorimeter B. =od was not completely su,merged for A seconds. In the water for 1E-C. =esearcher 1. 3alorimeter 6. =od 6. =esearcher 2. (u,merged for 1E-# 3alorimeter 6. =od 6. (u,merged for 1E1.. Had to force rod into loaf pan. =esearcher 1. =od B. 3alorimeter B. =esearcher 2. (u,merged for 1E-#. 3alorimeter lost water when metal was placed inside. =od 6. 3alorimeter 6. =esearcher 2. (u,merged for 1E-2. =od 6. =esearcher 2. 3alorimeter tipped ,efore the metal went in, no water lost. 3alorimeter B. 2. 3alorimeter 6 used. (mall amount of water lost 2. 3alorimeter 6 ,eing used. (u,stantial amount of water lost when metal went in. 2. 3alorimeter B used.

&a,le A a,o5e shows o,ser5ations made during the specific heat e7periment on the un4nown metal. It states which researcher was running the trial, which metal rod and which calorimeter were used, and any other o,ser5ations that were made.

:inear &hermal 87pansion &a,le 5

:inear &hermal 87pansion <ata for the Hnown )etal

Trial 1 2 . A 5 C # / " 111 12 1. 1A 15 1C 65erage Rod 6 6 B 6 6 B B 6 B B B 6 6 B B 6 . (mm) 12".2A 12".2" 12".A12"... 12".1# 12"../ 12".A1 12"..12"../ 12".A. 12".A12".2C 12".212".." 12"..C 12".1/ 12"..2 /. (mm) -.1."# -.12#-.12#-.152A -.1##/ -.12#-.1."# -.152A -.121" -.1."# -.1."# -.152A -.12#-.1##/ -.152A -.1."# -.1A.A Initial Temp. ( ) 22.# 2..22.2..2 2../ 21.5 22./ 22.# 22." 21.C 25.A 2..A 2... 2A.A 22.# 2-./ 22." 0inal Temp. ( ) "/.2 "/./ "/.2 "/."#.. "#." "/.A "C.A "#.C "#./ "C."#.1 "#.A "#.A "/.2 "/.C "#.# 1lp$a oe((i'ient (mm 2 34-5) 1.A.1#-8!-5 1.2"5/"8!-5 1.2//--8!-5 1.5#5./8!-5 1./#2#C8!-5 1.2/A/28!-5 1.A2#".8!-5 1.5""2C8!-5 1.2C15-8!-5 1.A1CA#8!-5 1.52"1/8!-5 1.5""#58!-5 1..2C558!-5 1.//2./8!-5 1.5C-A18!-5 1.."--28!-5 1.A/./#8!-5 !rror (-) 52.5" 5#.-" 5#..5 A#./A .#."" 5#.AC 52.#2 A#.-A 5/.2. 5..1A"..# A#.-. 5C.-# .#.C# A/... 5.."# 5-./#

&a,le 5 a,o5e shows data collected on the 4nown metal during each trial of the linear thermal e7pansion e7periment. It also shows the percent error calculated during each trial and the a5erage, which was 5-./# . &he ta,le shows length, change in length, initial and final temperature. It also shows the alpha coefficient, which was found with a formula that ta4es the change in length, N:, and di5ides it ,y the initial length, : initial, times the change in temperature, N&.

6 sample calculation can ,e found in 6ppendi7 3. &he a5erage alpha coefficient of all the trials was 1.A/./#8!-5 mm 7 1-!C.

&a,le C :inear &hermal 87pansion ?,ser5ations for the Hnown )etal

Trial .inear T$ermal !2pansion O#ser,ations

1 2 . A 5 C # / " 111 12 1. 1A 15 1C

=od 6. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged for 1E--. =od 6. =esearcher 1. (u,merged for 1E-1. 6pparatus O12. =od B. =esearcher 1. &imer wasnPt started at first. 6pparatus O12. =od 6. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged =od 6. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged 1E-1. =od B. =esearcher 1. (u,merged 1E-2. =od B. =esearcher 1. 6pparatusO12. (u,merged 1E-A =od 6. =esearcher 2. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged -E5". =od B. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged 1E-1. =od B. =esearcher 1. (u,merged 1E-1. 6pparatus O12. =od B. =esearcher 1. (u,merged -E5". 6pparatus O12. =od 6. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged 1E--. =od 6. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged 1E-2. )etal was not placed straight on apparatus at first. =od B. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged 1E-C. =od B. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged 1E-1. =od 6. =esearcher 1. (u,merged 1E--. 6pparatus O12.

&a,le C a,o5e shows the o,ser5ations made on the 4nown metal during each trial of the linear thermal e7pansion e7periment. &rials 2 and 1. were the only that had ma+or flawsE the timer was not started and the metal did not get placed straight on the apparatus respecti5ely. 6ll other trials were run with no human error.

&a,le # :inear &hermal 87pansion <ata for the 'n4nown )etal

Trial Rod . (mm) /. (mm) Initial Tem. ( ) 0inal Temp. ( ) 1lp$a oe((i'ient (mm 2 34-5) !rror (-)

1 2 . A 5 C # / " 111 12 1. 1A 15 1C 65erage

B B 6 B 6 B 6 6 B 6 B 6 6 6 B B

1.2.1/ 1.2.2/ 1.1." 1.2.1. 1.1." 1.2.-1.2.21 1.1."/ 1.1."" 1.1./# 1.2.25 1.2.-/ 1.2.-"

-.-./1 -.-5-/ -.-55" -.-#C2 -.-/1. -.-55" -.-C.5 -.-5-/ -.-C.5 -.-5-/ -.-#C2 -.-/1. -.-/1. -.-C.5 -.-55" -.-C.5 -.-C.-

22.# 2C.A 2..A 22.5 2A.A 22./ 22.C 2A." 22.5 2A.5 22.A 2/.1 2/.A 2..2 2A.5 22." 2A.1

"/.. "#.C "/.A "".1 "/.5 "/.# "#.1 "C.C "#./ "C.# "/.2 "/.. "#.C "/.C "/.C "/.A "/.-

../12#A8!-C 5..".#.8!-C 5.CA/#28!-C #.52A/8!-C /..-/5C8!-C 5.5#2-.8!-C C.AC2-/8!-C 5..C.A28!-C C..#5-C8!-C 5...-.18!-C #.C-.CA8!-C /.##2/8!-C /./"/"18!-C C../CA8!-C 5.#-228!-C C..C#/8!-C C.A#-28!-C

/#../ /2.1A /1..#5.-/ #2.A" /1.55 #/.C/2.2A #/./" /2..5 #A./2 #-."5 #-.5. #/./5 /1.12 #/."1 #/.5/

&a,le # a,o5e shows data that was collected during the linear thermal e7pansion e7periment on the un4nown metal. It also shows the percent error calculated during trials, in which the a5erage was #/.5/ . &he ta,le shows length, change in length, initial and final temperature. It also shows the alpha coefficient, which was found with a formula that ta4es the change in length, N:, and di5ides it ,y the initial length, :initial, times the change in temperature, N&.

6 sample calculation can ,e found in 6ppendi7 3. &he a5erage alpha coefficient of all the trials was 1.A/./#8!-5 mm 7 1-!C.

&a,le / :inear &hermal 87pansion ?,ser5ations for the 'n4nown )etal

Trial 1 .inear T$ermal !2pansion O#ser,ations 'sing apparatus O12. =od B. =od was in ,oiling water for 1 minute. =easearcher 1 tested.

2 . A 5 C # / " 111 12 1. 1A 15 1C

'sing apparatus O12. =od B. =od was in ,oiling water for 1E-1. =easearcher 2. 6pparatus O12. =od 6. (u,merged for 1E-A. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. =od B. (u,merged for 1E-A. =esearcher 2. 6pparatus O12. =od 6. (u,merged for 1E-2. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. =od B. (u,merged for 1E-5. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. =od 6. (u,merged 1E-C. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. =od 6. =esearcher 1. =od slipped a little while ,eing placed on the apparatus. 6pparatus O12. =esearcher 2. (u,merged for 1E-1. =od B. 6pparatus O12. =esearcher 1. (u,merged for 1E--. =od 6. &oo4 15 sec to change dial on apparatus. =od B. 6pparatus O12. =esearcher 1. WasnPt su,merged completely at first. (u,merged for 1E-#. =od 6. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus 12. (u,merged for 1E-1 =od 6. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus 12. (u,merged for 1E--. =od 6. 6pparatus O12. =esearcher 1. (u,merged 1E-2. =od B. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. (u,merged for 1E-1. =od B. =esearcher 1. 6pparatus O12. =od su,merged for 1E--. =od was not completely su,merged.

&a,le / a,o5e shows o,ser5ations made during the linear thermal fused, which researcher did the trial, which rod was used, and how long the rod was su,merged in the ,oiling water. It also shows any other errors that were made during the trial.

<ata 6nalysis and Interpretation (pecific Heat &he data collected during this e7periment is 9uantitati5e, meaning it is ,ased on numerical data. &he data was collected in a la,oratory e7periment where two separate metals, a 4nown and an un4nown, were compared to each other. &he data collected during this e7periment is relia,le. It is relia,le data ,ecause it was collected using controls, randomiBation, and replication. 6 control, the 4nown metal, was used as something to compare the un4nown data to. &rials, as well as other aspects of the e7periment such as calorimeters and loaf pans, were randomiBed to further eliminate ,ias. 8ach trial was replicated fifteen times to ensure that there was less room for mista4es. &a,le " Fercent 8rror for the Hnown )etal
Trial 1 2 . A !rror (-) /... !1.." #.CC C.5C Trial 5 C # / !rror (-) !#1.15 5.2A ".C5 2.#Trial " 111 12 !rror (-) !5..A !2..C" !C5.5A 1.2Trial 1. 1A 15 1C 65erage !rror (-) !12.C5.5A 1.5!C..# !/.#1

&a,le " a,o5e shows the percent error calculated throughout the 4nown metal trials of the specific heat e7periment. &his error represents the percentage that the collected 5alues were away from the true 5alues. &here was an a5erage percent error of !/.#1 , meaning the a5erage test was that much ,elow the e7pected 5alue. &here were a few trials, such as &rial 5, where the percent error was significantly lower than the rest. &his could ha5e ,een caused ,y a faulty trial. 6n e7ample calculation is shown in 6ppendi7 3.

&a,le 1Fercent 8rror for the 'n4nown )etal

Trial 1 2 . A !rror (-) 5.-5 -."5 !12.51 1A.A# Trial 5 C # / !rror (-) !C."" 1-.A# 5.#" 12.#. Trial " 111 12 !rror (-) ../5 ".A" /./# #..Trial 1. 1A 15 1C 65erage !rror (-) 11.AA 1-.C# .2.#C 2.C/ #..1

&a,le 1- a,o5e shows the percent error of the un4nown metal as calculated throughout the trials of the specific heat e7periment. &he a5erage percent error was #..1 , meaning the a5erage was a,out that much higher than the e7pected 5alue. 6 sample calculation is shown in 6ppendi7 3. &hese percent error calculations were used throughout e7perimentation as a ,asis to ensure that trials were running correctly.

@igure C. 3omparison of the (pecific Heats of the Hnown and 'n4nown )etals @igure C a,o5e shows distri,utions of the 4nown and un4nown specific heat data. &he spread of the data is larger for the 4nown metal, with the ma+ority of data ranging ,etween -.2"A 01gG3 and -.A22 01gG3. &here are two ma+or outliers which may ha5e ,een caused ,y a faulty trial such as a calorimeter tipping o5er or the metal slipping. &he median of the 4nown data is -.."- 01gG3. &his 5alue is fairly close to the true 5alue of -../5 01gG3. &his data seems to ,e a

fair representation of the measured 5alue. &he spread of the data for the un4nown metal is smaller. &his shows that the data is more relia,le. &he ma+ority of the data lies within a range of -..5/ 01gG3 and -.AA1 01gG3. &he two outliers are not as prominent in this set of data as in the 4nown data. &he median of the un4nown data is -.A1C 01gG3, which is not as close to the true 5alue as the 4nown data. &he distri,utions do o5erlap, ,ut there is a difference of -.-2C 01gG3 in the medians. &he two seem close, ,ut to ,e sure, a statistical test can ,e done to show if the metals are the same or not. &he statistical test that was done on the data was a &wo!(ample t &est. &his test is appropriate ,ecause it is used in comparing two independent populations. &his test is also appropriate ,ecause two means are ,eing compared as well. Before running the test, a few assumptions had to ,e made. @irst is that there are two simple random samples. Both the 4nown and the un4nown e7periments were done in a random order, so the first assumption was met. &he second assumption is that ,oth samples are independent. (ince ,oth samples were in fact done independently, this assumption was also met. 6 third assumption is that the sample means and sample standard de5iations are used. &his assumption was also met. &he final assumption is that ,oth samples are normally distri,uted, which can ,e depicted in a normal pro,a,ility plot.

@igure #. >ormal Fro,a,ility Flot of the Hnown )etal @igure # a,o5e shows the normal pro,a,ility plot for the 4nown metal. &he data points do not stay 5ery close to the line, showing that the data is not normally distri,uted. Howe5er, a lac4 of time made it so that no more trials could ,e done to ma4e the data more normally distri,uted, so the statistical test had to ,e carried out anyway.

@igure /. >ormal Fro,a,ility Flot of the 'n4nown )etal @igure / a,o5e shows a normal pro,a,ility plot of the specific heats of the un4nown metal. 6s most points hug the line, it can ,e concluded that data was normally distri,uted and that the t &est could ,e done. (ince all four assumptions were met, the test was done.

&he null hypothesis, Ho, states that the mean of the first sample, Q1, is e9ual to the mean of the second sample, Q2. In other words, the mean of the 4nown metal is e9ual to the mean of the un4nown metal.

&he alternati5e hypothesis, Ha, states that the mean of the first sample, Q1, is not e9ual to the mean of the second sample, Q2. In this case, the mean of the 4nown metal is not e9ual to the un4nown metal.

&he test statistic was found with the &wo!(ample t &est formula. &his formula uses the mean of sample one, 71, and the mean of the second sym,ol, 72. &he difference of these means is di5ided ,y the s9uare root of the s9uared standard de5iation of the first sample, s1, di5ided ,y the num,er of trials in the first sample, n1, plus the s9uared standard de5iation of the second sample, s 2, di5ided ,y the num,er of trials in the second sample, n2.

6 sample calculation of this test statistic is shown in 6ppendi7 3. &he test statistic for this specific test was !2../2. &he corresponding F!5alue for this test was -.-2#A. Based on this F!5alue, the null hypothesis is re+ected at the RS-.-5 le5el. &here is e5idence to suggest that the two metals are not the same. Based on this F!5alue, there is a,out a 2.#A chance of achie5ing the same results ,y

chance alone if this e7periment were to ,e done again, assuming the null hypothesis is true.

:inear &hermal 87pansion &he data collected during this e7periment is 9uantitati5e, meaning it is ,ased on numerical data. &he data was collected in a la,oratory e7periment with un4nown and 4nown metals ,eing compared to each other. <ata collected in this e7periment was also relia,le. &he data in this e7periment was also collected ,ased on controls, randomiBation, and repetition. &he 4nown metal was tested first to create the control. &he data collected on the 4nown could then ,e used as a ,asis for the un4nown. &rials were randomiBed in this e7periment to help eliminate ,ias. 8ach trial was replicated 15 times to eliminate mista4es and lur4ing 5aria,les. &a,le 11 Fercent 8rror of the Hnown )etal
Trial 1 2 . A !rror (-) !52.5" !5#.-" !5#..5 !A#./A Trial 5 C # / !rror (-) !.#."" !5#.AC !52.#2 !A#.-A Trial " 111 12 !rror (-) !5/.2. !5..1!A"..# !A#.-. Trial 1. 1A 15 1C 65erage !rror (-) !5C.-# !.#.C# !A/... !5.."# !5-./#

&a,le 11 a,o5e shows the percent error calculated during the linear thermal e7pansion trials on the 4nown metal. &his error represents the percentage that the collected 5alues were away from the true 5alues. &he a5erage percent error is !5-./# , meaning the data was ,elow the e7pected 5alue. 6 sample calculation of percent error is shown in 6ppendi7 3.

&a,le 12

Fercent 8rror of the 'n4nown )etal

Trial 1 2 . A !rror (-) !/#../ !/C.C!/#.25 !/#.5A Trial 5 C # / !rror (-) !/#.1!/#.A2 !/#.1C !/C.C/ Trial " 111 12 !rror (-) !/#... !/C.#C !/#.A1 !/C../ Trial 1. 1A 15 1C 65erage !rror (-) !/C.1" !/#..1 !/#.1. !/#..5 !/#.-C

&a,le 12 a,o5e shows the percent error calculated throughout the un4nown metal trials of the linear thermal e7pansion e7periment. &he e7pected 5alue is the 5alue 4nown to ,e true. &here was an a5erage percent error of !/#.-C , meaning the a5erage test was much ,elow the e7pected 5alue. <ata collected during this e7periment was calculated to ,e much ,elow the 4nown 5alue, ,ut this could +ust ,e gi5e clues as to how different the metals areD two completely different metals would not ha5e a close error. 6n e7ample calculation is shown in 6ppendi7 3.

@igure ". 3omparison of the 6lpha 3oefficients of the Hnown and 'n4nown )etals @igure " a,o5e shows distri,utions of the 4nown and un4nown alpha coefficient data for the linear thermal e7pansion e7periment. &he spread of the data is a ,it larger for the 4nown metal, with the ma+ority of data ranging ,etween and -.---1//mm. &here are no outliers in this set of data. &he median of the 4nown data is &his 5alue is not 5ery close to the true 5alue of -.----.-2mm. Howe5er, the spread of this data seems to show a fair representation of the measured 5alue. &he spread of the data for the un4nown metal is smaller. &he ma+ority of the data lies within a range of -.-----Amm and -.-----"mm. :i4e the 4nown data, there are no outliers. &he median of the un4nown data is -.-----./mm, which is closer to the true 5alue as the 4nown data. &he distri,utions do not o5erlap, and the medians are widely spaced apart. &he two do not appear to ,e the same ,y loo4ing at these distri,utions, ,ut to ,e sure, a statistical test can ,e done to show if the metals are significantly different or not. &he appropriate statistical test that will ,e done on the data will ,e a &wo! (ample t &est. &his test is appropriate ,ecause it is used in comparing two independent populations and it compares two separate means. Before running the test, a few assumptions had to ,e made. @irst is that there are two simple random samples. Both the 4nown and the un4nown e7periments were done in a random order, so the first assumption was met. &he second assumption is that ,oth samples are independent. Both the e7periments for the 4nown and un4nown 5alues were done independently. 6 third assumption is that the sample means and sample standard de5iations are used. &his assumption was also met. &he final assumption is that ,oth samples are normally distri,uted, which can ,e shown in normal pro,a,ility plots.

@igure 1-. >ormal Fro,a,ility Flot of the Hnown )etal @igure 1- a,o5e shows a normal pro,a,ility plot for the data of the 4nown metal. )ost data points follow a normal distri,ution, so the third assumption can ,e met in this case.

@igure 11. >ormal Fro,a,ility Flot of the 'n4nown )etal @igure 11 a,o5e shows a normal pro,a,ility plot for the data of the un4nown metal. 6lthough there is a ,it of 5aria,ility, the test had to ,e carried out anyway. &his data could ha5e ,een made more normal had there ,een more time to run trials. &he null hypothesis, Ho, states that the mean of the first sample, Q1, is e9ual to the mean of the second sample, Q2. In this case, the mean of the 4nown and un4nown metals are e9ual.

&he alternati5e hypothesis, Ha, states that the mean of the first sample, Q1, is not e9ual to the mean of the second sample, Q2. Here, the means of the 4nown and un4nown metals are une9ual.

&he test statistic was found with the &wo!(ample t &est formula. &his formula uses the mean of sample one, 71, and the mean of the second sym,ol, 72. &he difference of these means is di5ided ,y the s9uare root of the s9uared standard de5iation of the first sample, s1, di5ided ,y the num,er of trials in the first sample, n1, plus the s9uared standard de5iation of the second sample, s 2, di5ided ,y the num,er of trials in the second sample, n2.

6 sample calculation of this test statistic is shown in 6ppendi7 3. &he test statistic for this specific test was 1..""C. &he corresponding F!5alue for this test was 5.12#T1-!1A. Based on this 5ery small F!5alue, the null hypothesis is re+ected at the RS-.-5 le5el. &here is e5idence to suggest that the two metals are not the same. Based on this F!5alue, there is a,out a 5.12#T1- !1A chance of achie5ing

the same results ,y chance alone if this e7periment were to ,e done again, assuming the null hypothesis is true.

3onclusion &he o,+ecti5e of this study was to use two intensi5e physical properties of a metal, specific heat and linear thermal e7pansion, to determine if a sample of an un4nown metal was $inc. Based on the data, it was determined that the un4nown metal was not $inc. It was hypothesiBed that if the data for specific heat and coefficient of linear thermal e7pansion of the un4nown metal were within a 5 error of the specific heat and coefficient of linear thermal e7pansion of $inc,

the un4nown element was $inc. &he hypothesis was accepted ,ecause the percent error of the un4nown metal was o5er a 5 error from $inc.

&he a5erage percent error in the specific heat e7periment of the 4nown metal was 1A.C5 . 6fter all of the trials for the un4nown metal were completed, the a5erage percent error was ".2C . &here was a difference ,etween the two of 5.." . &his e7periment showed that the metals were 5ery similar, though not the same, ,ecause the hypothesis stated that they were the same only if there was less than a 5 difference. &he a5erage percent error in the linear thermal

e7pansion trials of the 4nown metal was 5-./# , and the a5erage percent error for the un4nown metal during these trials was #/.5/ . &he difference of 2#.#1 ,etween the two metals showed that the metals were not the same. (ince ,oth percent errors were o5er 5 , it was safe to say that the metals were different. Howe5er, the statistical tests were applied for e5en more e5idence. &he specific heat test had a F!5alue of -.-2#A and the linear thermal e7pansion test had a F! 5alue of 5.12#71-!1A. In ,oth of these cases, the F!5alue was ,elow the RS-.-5 le5el, so ,oth of the tests showed that the metals were different.

Both e7periments were well designed. ?5erall, procedures were efficient and were ne5er difficult to follow. 6 good e7periment is one that achie5es results in a concise manner, and ,oth of these e7periments did +ust that. &he results attained from these e7periments were straightforward and there was certainty as to how to interpret them. &he data recorded essentially made it easier to accept the hypothesis ,ecause the e7periments went as planned. 6 few errors occurred during specific heat trials. 6 ma+or pro,lem that often occurred was that the calorimeters would repeatedly tip o5er, sometimes ,y human error and others not. &his would cause a loss of water from the calorimeter and sometimes would cost time ,etween setting it ,ac4 up and inserting the metal into it. (ometimes, ,ecause of the little amount of room in the la,, the calorimeters would ,e placed too close to the hot plate, which would affect the e9uili,rium temperature. 6nother issue encountered was that the un4nown metal sample was slightly too ,ig for the calorimeter, and occasionally water would ,e lost when the metal was inserted. 6 ma+or issue that occurred during the linear thermal e7pansion trials was that the metal would ta4e different amounts of time to retract once it was on the apparatus. &his created ma+or differences in percent error ,etween trials, which ultimately affected the a5erage percent error. Howe5er, this was the only pro,lem encountered during this e7periment that made a difference in data collected. 6lthough these were ,oth high!9uality e7periments, there is always room for impro5ement. @or starters, the calorimeters used could ,e ,igger and not made out of FI3 pipes and insulation foam. =eal la,!9uality e9uipment may

achie5e ,etter results in the end. Heat loss, for e7ample, would ,e much more controlled with ,etter e9uipment. ?5erall, a more controlled en5ironment would ,e ,eneficial. In a controlled en5ironment, there would ,e more space to wor4 and a constant temperature, rather than a small amount of wor4space and room temperature fluctuating ,ecause of the amount of people in the room. &his affected the data ,ecause the initial temperature of the water in the specific heat e7periments was higher than room temperature in a few different trials. Impro5ed e9uipment could also reduce error in the linear thermal e7pansion e7periment. 6pparatuses that were not homemade could ,e more preciseD occasionally the instrument to measure change in length would shift around inside the wood ,ase, which may ha5e caused differences ,etween trials. 89uipment that was more accurate could ma4e a large difference in data collected, and there would ,e less differentiation ,etween trials. Inconsistencies in time it too4 for the metal to cool down may ha5e had some effect on the data, and it was a mista4e that could ha5e easily ,een corrected. @inally, a more controlled en5ironment could also ,enefit the e7periment with more a5aila,le space to wor4 and controlled temperature throughout the la,. 6 controlled en5ironment would mean that the room temperatures would ,e correct and less error would occur from materials ,eing too close together. 87panding this research could mean e7perimenting on other intensi5e properties to identify the metal. ?ne such property is density, as elements all ha5e a density that is uni9ue to them. &his e7periment would re9uire finding the density of the 4nown and un4nown metals and comparing the two. 6nother

property that could ,e researched is electric charge. =o,ert )illi4an;s oil drop e7periment in 1"-" demonstrated this property. He put an electric charge on oil, then calculated how much energy it would ta4e to 4eep the droplet from falling, thus determining the electric charge %)c6llister*. (ince all metals ha5e different and specific ion cores, this property can ,e used to determine a metal;s identity %Hatya*. <ata collected from e7periments such as these can ,e used in industries li4e engineering. &he idea of engineering is to create the ,est product possi,le, so data collected during these e7periments could potentially re5eal a new or impro5ed use for a specific metal. &hese e7periments ultimately o,tained fa5ora,le results. &he data showed that the metals were not the same and the statistical tests pro5ided e7tra e5idence. &hese two physical properties, specific heat and linear thermal e7pansion, were a,le to aid in the final identification of the metal.

6c4nowledgements &he researchers would li4e to e7press their sincerest than4s to the following people for their continued support in this processE )rs. Hilliard, for helping us in e7perimentation and also for pushing us to do our ,est in writing this paper. )rs. 3y,uls4i, for the ad5ice and tips she ga5e us along the way. )rs. <ewey, for gi5ing up e7tra amounts of her time to ta4e a loo4 at parts of our paper. &hey would also li4e to than4 the following people for reading ,its and pieces of their paper and suggesting ways they could ma4e it ,etter %for there is always room for impro5ement*E 8lton <efrance 3athleen (araBa 0essa We,,er 0aco, 6rche &imothy 0ones 6ndrew ?ughton @inally, they would li4e to than4 >oah 3onner and 6ndrew <esantis for allowing them to share their computer one day during e7perimentation, ,ecause otherwise they would ha5e had to do many trials o5er again the following day. ?nce again, to e5ery,ody in5ol5ed in this entire process, the researchers e7press their deepest than4s.

6ppendi7 6E =andomiBing &rials &hese are the procedures for randomiBing trials on a &i!n(pire calculator. )aterials &i!n(pire calculator Frocedures 1. 2. .. A. 5. C. #. /. &urn the calculator on. Fress U>ew <ocument.V (elect option 1, U6dd 3alculator.V Fress the menu ,utton and select option A, UFro,a,ility.V (elect option A, U=andom,V and then option 2, UInteger.V (ince there are two metal rods assign =od 6 to a 1 and =od B to a 2. Insert U1, 2, 1C.V &his will arrange the two rods randomly for 1C trials. Insert these 5alues into data ta,les and continue with trials accordingly.

6ppendi7 BE Building a 3alorimeter )aterialsE C 7 W in. FI3 Fipe W in. FI3 3ap %2* <rill ?atey O.1-1. FI3 3ement Fipe Insulation <uct &ape (cissors FroceduresE 1. 2. .. <rill a hole with a 11/ in. diameter into the center of one of the FI3 caps. 'sing FI3 cement, attach a FI3 cap onto each end of the FI3 pipe. Wrap the pipe insulation around the FI3 pipe and then secure it with duct tape. A. 3ut off the e7cess insulation around the FI3 pipe with the caps attached so that the caps are co5ered. 5. 3ut off the insulation so that the cap with the hole is e7posed.

6ppendi7 3E (ample 3alculations (pecific Heat &o find the specific heat of the metals during the trial, the e9uation shown in @igure 1 was used. A.1/A is the specific heat of water, in +oules per gram degree 3elsius %01g23*, )Water is the mass of the water in grams %g*, X&Water is the change in temperature of the water in degrees 3elsius %23*, ) )etal is the mass of the metal in grams %g*, X&)etal is the change in temperature of the metal in degrees 3elsius %23*, and ()etal is the specific heat in +oules per gram degree 3elsius %01g23*.
s Metal = 4.184 mWater tWater mMetal t Metal

0.380 = s Metal

4.184 50 3.6 28.2993 70.1 = 0.380 J/gC.

@igure 12. 89uation 'sed to 3alculate (pecific Heat of )etal and (u,stitutions &o show the formula in use, the 5alues from an e7periment were su,stituted in as shown in @igure 12. &he calculated 5alue for the specific heat with those 5alues was -../- 01g23. :inear &hermal 87pansion &o calculate the alpha coefficient for the linear thermal e7pansion trials, the e9uation in &a,le 5 was used.

is the alpha coefficient, which is in

millimeters %mm*, X: is the change in length of the metal rod measured in millimeters %mm*, :initial is the initial length of the rod measured in millimeters %mm*, and X& is the change in temperature of the rod, measured in degrees 3elsius %23*.

= =

L Linitial * T

0.0381 132.18 * 75.6 = 3.81274 *10 - 6 mm

@igure 1.. 89uation and (ample 3alculations for 6lpha 3oefficient &o show the e9uation in use, the 5alues from an e7periment conducted were used as shown in @igure 1.. &he calculate alpha coefficient was ../12#AY1- !C (ample &wo!(ample t test &o analyBe the data for the 4nown specific heat trials and the un4nown specific heat trials, a &wo!(ample t &est was used. =efer to @igure 1A for the e9uation used for the &wo!(ample t &est and the su,stitutions of the 5alues. In the e9uation, t is the t 5alue, 7 1 is the mean of the specific heats collected from the 4nown metal trials, 7 2 is the mean of the specific heats collected from the un4nown trials, s1 is the standard de5iation of the 4nown specific heat trials, s 2 is the standard de5iation of the un4nown specific heat trials, n 1 is the num,er of specific heat trials done with the 4nown metal, and n2 is the num,er of trials done with the un4nown metals.
t= x1 x 2 S1 S + 2 n1 n2
2 2


0.351813 0.4131285 0.095741 0.037861 + 16 16

@igure 1A. &wo!(ample t &est 89uation and (u,stitutions for (pecific Heat @igure 1A a,o5e was used to show the setup of a &wo!(ample t &est to calculate the test statistic. &he calculated t 5alue is !2../211.

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