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Official Journal.


st.oo Per Year, Invariably in Advance. No. 37. No. 3 .

Grand Concert.
The famous Joseph lheiine troupe will give a grand concert at Iuchamp's Hall on Friday the 13th inst. This troupe is co of artists who have won composed fame throughout the United States and Ei Europe. We engage our people to attend this cot concert, as they will not soon have an opportunity to see and hear artists as tru who will perform here on the 13th those iru inst. It must be remembered also that one thl of the gross receipts will go to the third ti school board to be used for the high sel school at this place. The price of admission is: Adults 5' cts., and children 25 cents.

VOL. VI. The Weekly Messenger.

Published Every Saturday.


Local News.
IV'Yes; J. O. Hebert & Bro, is the

All Saints' Day.

SA usual, Sunday last. All Saints' day, was observed by the Catholic of this parwas Editor and Proprietor. ish, by attending service at the church. -Mr. T. J. Cucullu made a trip to the The The congregation marched procession7'-Subscription $100 a year in advance. cit city this week. ally ally to the cemetery after the evening headed by the priest who held ser ADVERTISING HATES. -- Mrs. F.E.Moss of Lafayette was on service, the customary service in the cemetery a visit here this week. the large 1n1 3 ns 6 ms I y InACF.. I n 2 a blessed the tombs while In suits for and 1! -- i--I I4 Bargalns! BargainsHebert kneeling on both sides of the Mai & Bro. attendance thi weeks only, at J. O. 150s 250 300 100 800 ) three One inch.. for prayers this fervent alley ha'e departed those who of offering I Main the souls Two inches. 2 50 3.) 450 800 1400 10 0 18 00 ) -A special meeting of the school the Three inches 3 00) 4 ) 5 50J will be held here at 12 o'clock to- wor 22 00 Iboard bol Fonu ineh,| 404 : 0 50 world. The cemetery had been cleaned Five inches. 50) 50 751400 2~00 Sday. da fe days previous and the tombs rea few ;o0 750 8 s 16 0013000 Six in'hi-.. whitewashed and profusely ,epail 1500 2000 2400 4 00 71500 -Mrs. Edgar Blenvenu will soon open paired, One colon by floral offerings of every kind core a hotel in the property vacated this week corated and description, in fact, we have never Transient advertisemenlts, Th cents pet' by and by Mr. J. A. Guerin. before seen as many decorations as were .nch for first insertion; 50 cents for each seen -Mrs. Felix Berard. of Baldwin, spent seer last Sunday. Some of these emsubsequent insertion. this week, visiting bler town in dlays several blems of love and remembrance were "' per $1 tecal advertisemtents.

Western Settler's Chosen The 1Th Specific.

With every advance of emigration into t to the far West, a new demand is created ed for Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Ned peopled regions are frequently Newly less less ties salubrious thap older settled localities, on account of the miasma which ait from recently cleared land, perraises tiat ticularly along the banks of rivers that are uarnsubject to freshets. The agricultu tural or mining emigrant soon learns. when he does not already know, that the the Bitters afford the only sure protectios against malaria, and those disortion dern of the stomach, liver and bowels, to ders whi which climate changes, exposure, and una unaccunstomed or unhealthy water or dieU he diet subject him. Consequently, pla an estimate upon this great places phle household specific and preventive commel with its intrinsic merits, mensurate and and is careful to keep on hand a restoratti and promoter of health so impliative lcitl citly to be relied upon in time of need.


pla place.


A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too often permit wives, and parents their children, to suffer fromt he headache, dizziness. neuralgia, sleeplessne ness, fits, nervousness, whent by the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine such sel serious results could easily Ibepreented. Druggists everywhere say it gives uniDr vs versal satisfaction. and has an immense

)fficial or

lt inch forfirst insertion; and 50 cents for each slubsequent insertion. [XBrief ellontudcations upo9 subjects of public interest solicited. No attention will be given to anonymmus ,Atters.

and friends. relatives rel -Mr. J.A.Guerin has removed to the Maraist residence, cur. Main and Bridge I Ma streets, where he will continue his hotel. E str

eleg elegant, costly and original, which dethat the dead friends and remongtrates B mDor lati latives though silent in their lonely gra graves, are not forgetten, but held in
fond remembrance in the hearts of those

"Call and see the largest assort- -who wbt are left in this world, and once a went WE of )ry Goods and Notions at J. . year, yea the customary visit and tribute are NOTICE. Ilebert & Bro. IDowest prices guaran- paid He pai( to their silent abode. It is really DR. HENRY D)E MAHY, teed. pler pleasing and it fills the heart of every PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Parish of St. Martin, Nov. 2nd 1891. christian with satisfaction, to behold -The True Friends, a colored benevo- chri Office athis resideue. fornetrly BerBy virtue of the powers in me vested, hoe tenderly and affectionately the as President I how lent association, attended their annual Ie trand's Hotel. of the Democratic Parish the sister, the father and brother Ea1 V mother, met Tuesday ma at the Cathollec church . IA. mas $T. MAaTtNVtILLE jan 2.1 Executive Committee of the parish of will sadly wend their way to the graves St. Martin, the following morning. members of that enclose some dear and lovely rela-ai said committee, viz; D. W. Voorhies, C. -Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kelso lost their that H. tributes their offer and or friends tives DR E. J. MATHIS, 1h baby, aged 7 weeks Thursday of last tor H. Mouton, P. D. Olivier, Martin Ducrest, girl kneeling at the head of their Numa Nu W tsI'ttGEOlN, Cormier. Valery Guilbeau, SebasPHY10I'lAN ANI week, at half past one o'clock in the and gently tla the for prayers sincere offering e graves, gra tian Smith, John Crowson, John Case, ST. 3MAtTttV.LtE. LA. evening. e. reds redemption of their souls. Sublime and David serIDa Rees, A. C. Mills, Paulin Latiolais, IRespectfully ffTerlily Ilprofeisional Fri custom. bea I Remember for three weeks from ibeautiful Frank Rivette, Hervillien David. A. Dervices to the peoledo of this city and surof one and two reduction a date this thi Snee Roy, A. E. Poche, Louis C. Guidry, neval rounding cuintt'. will he made on suits at J. 0. do Necrology. jan 23 dollars T. L. Broussard and Charles Delhommer, T. Ottice at Ci'tillo Hotel. Hebert & Bro. He are requested to meet at Breaux Bridge, on Sunday the 15th day of November, E at the residence of her husband I Died - Mr. R. J. Btenvenu has been appoint agent for the Waters Pierce Oil Co., in St. i Martinville, on Friday evening, 18S 1891, at 12 o'clock M., to determine and ted fix the manner and time of appointing GREIG, fix at this place. He took charge of the c the 30th of October, MRs. CARLwo to the State Democratic Condel delegates bor born Iaure Fournet, at the age of 33 3 office Wednesday.

sale. aa Woodworth & C'o., of Fort Wayne,

I, Ind.. Snow & 'o., of Syracuse, N. Y., J. C Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich., and hundreds C. of others say "it is the greatest seller th they ever knew." It contains no opiates. Tr Trial bottles and fine book on Nervous Di Diseases, free at T. J. Labbe's drugstore. The minors of Tennessee are again on the th War-path, in the coal mines. Three thousand have liberated 113 convicts th working in the nines at Briceville and w, 143 14 at Coal Creek. They do not want convict labor to compete with theirs. Co The steamer Oliver Beirne, the best at and grandest steamer plying the waters


Fire Insurance Agent.

St. Martinville, La.


July 4.

J. W. ECKART, "'
Watchmaker and Jeweller, Main Street, New Iberia,La.
The leading repair shop In the Attakapas. All kinds of Monograms and Badges Diamond settings made to order anid at reasonable rates. A full line of watches, clocks and Jewelry always on hand. A select assortmlent of genuine Meerstubes chaum pipes, cigars and cigarette Russia leather cigar cases, fine tobacco pouches etc. kept in stock. My prices are moderate, give me a call



56 to 64 Oarondelet

to the husband syi m f"'It is no use to go elsewhere, when sympathy ferent parts of the mass were arranged of you want a good and elegant pair of f the persons who rendered them in The Elections. T Profit On Coining Silver. O. He The for and a real nice fit, go to J. shoes, e. sl Exchage. Cotton near Centrally located such a feeling manner, well accentuated you what just have they Bro., and bert b .Large and Airy Rooms. want. id Elections were held in New York, Io- ( and with harmony. The rendition of The Government is making money y, Take the street cars at the depot and id w along on its silver purchases. nt right wa, Ohio, Massachusetts and Maryland the solos and choruses is creditable to near the the driver will put you out td the composer and executors. We conA grand prize contest entertainment ri it which full state tickets were voted act ct in silver time the present jan 14 l y From the Hotel. oA The incomplete returns show that it gratulate our young friends on the sue. will be given on Saturday the 14th inst., t., into effect (act of July 14, 18U0). ), mol went on. ees they have achieved. by the pupils of Magnolia private school we Massachusetts, Iowa and id York. New at N Government the Septenmber, of end of to the 0for the colored people, for the benefit of Democratic goelected have Maryland re M pure of ounces 62,048.194 A n special from New Iberia to the Piha purchased the school. The entertainment will be had while Ohio elected a Republican vernors, vi Of this, something more than in si Carpenter, Contractor aud Ballder' and from thehesilver. cayunes gives the following news. The Hall, Friends' True the governor. at at to at ounces have been coined into V ,- sub-committee from the state central 3f by 30,000,000 Furniture repaired with care, and preparations which are being made by Pennsylin held also were Elections i. John S. Our silver coin is amal- vi committee. composed of Messrse. dollars. sa Shop on Port Street, or reduced in fineness to the he the committee of arrangement and thehesilver er, gamated vanla, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado. New Lanier, Don Catrey and A. W. Crandall, ST. MARTIVLLA. t Jan 18 ly I for sub- b-for Mississippi professor of the school. Mr. Win. Porter, gi matters and of harmoulting purpose the Virginia 0,Jersey. between the dual parish committees, he of 10 per cent. Then to 80,000,- .1 extent e we predict a grand success the I of members or oficiala state ed ordinate o added be must (0O ounces of pure silver where such exist, arrived here to-day and CONVENT ol MERCY. ch Legislature. WlYon want good shoes? then go to 3.0fx,000 ounces of pure copper, which I went to work. Since last Novemtber thiere have been parish La. agents sole are Co., of St. Smakes 33,000,000 ounces of cola. If the Br. theyShoe St. Martinsville, ebert & O. J. committees o in two this D)emocratic perish, headed by Stribllng Tennent la for on primaries he Judge 8. Perry, R. of the ol. and Capbold will parish rer Rapides advantasilver with superior meest and best offers purchased the are is shoes Ingtltute bullion their This Iet LotUls, silver 13th inst to elect delegates to the

of the great Mississippi. was destroyed b3 by fire in the morning of the 21th of Oi October. The boat had a cargo of 7ln W at Baton Rouge on the 11th of bales vention ves of cotton and 100 tons miscelladays, after a long I 7 and month 1 t years yea & Hebert 0. J. store. tg-The popular De December 1891, A. D. and to appoint a n nons freight, all was a total loss. and anI painful illness. is the place to buy your shoes if If Bro., b persons perished in the catasn ne Democratic Parish Committee and Twelve T, wife, sias- new young a for sad indeed is It t want good goods and a nice fit. you yo 8r member of the State Democratic Com- tr ter and mother to give up all the hopes a trophe. Give them a trial. ARCADE PATIN, President. mi an( treasures of this world when the fu- mittee. and Col. T. Sambola Jones of Baton Rouge ture tur appeared to her in all its brillian-Mr. Frank Arbogast, manager of the 1e has written a letter to Mr. T. S. Adams, hi e. Columbu. Success. from of Co.. Oil Secret Pierce Waters The w how sad when in the throes of But r. advising him to withdraw his candidacy a I Mr. assist to week 0., was in town this at thereby dissolve the Lafayette comand druggist, known well conour Labbe, all T. J. with look to mother a for death, 'r W. F. Fredericl, in making the transfer des bi and make a straight democratic .believe that the secret of success is per- bine a. o . f the agency to Mr. R. J. Bienveunu, 'sciouness upon the dear and lovely lit- bed Sfight. If this is accepted by Mr. Adams of Therefore he persists in n and he retires from the contest, it will . se' which was done Wednesday. tie creatures she leaves behind. mother- severance. tle ke the finest line of perfumeries, ai of her heart, is cer- -.keeping the treasures undoubtedly increase the chances of Mr. e -The town was a heavy cloud of dust lee less, It a moment of deep grief and suf- f tol toilet articles, cosmetics, drugs and che- u taitainly Foster for the first place on the ticket f whole day last Sunday, occasioned Id It the ml F opposition to the proffaction. It is th on the market. He especially i. but Mrs. Greig, a true and devot- . micals re fering. in fer where who in by iI h3 the large number of people christian, she has born her painful II 1e ed all persons who have palpitation, s. invites doubtful, however, that Mr. Adams will ed the II i n town to attend to the service of breath, weak or hungry spells, d e short avail of the advice of Mr. Jones and I. sit she until murmur, a without sufferings sul dead. de .pain in side or shoulder, oppression, a crossed over to the world beyond, to re- pa withdraw from his present position. ni smothering, , cc nightmare. dry cough, her recompense at the hands of her ur -Mr. Victor Rochon has been appoint- ceive dr r-Master. dropsy or heart disease to try Dr. Miles' S. Deputy Collector with headquar- C ed 1'. -The mass sung at the ('atholie ut I funeral took place from the Cat- t.unequaled New Heart Cure, before it is church with so much success last Sunters at this place. Mr. Charles Lehman n Her d any of sale largest the has It late. too g to church at 3 o'clock the following of Mississippi and Mr. Felix Haas of La- holic day, by Misses Marie Rose and Ange lo and her mortal remains were fol- sil re day. I- similar remedy. Fine book of testimo- Marie Delahoussaye and Masters George fa have been appointed Weighers da fayette Nernials free. Dr. Miles' Restorative a11 inspectors for this parish. Mr.Haas lowed and r ary and St. Martin Flournet, is a comlo to the grave by a large concourse e oi vi is unsurpassed for sleeplesanese, position vine of sorrowing friends and relatives. of a of the charming anl accomis stationed at the St. John plantation n headache. fits, etc., and it contains no plished young musician, Miss Marle and Mr. Lehman at this place. t The MESS6ENGER tenders its heartfeltit he opiate. oF Rose Delahoussaye. The solos and difand family.

I in



thler ges to Parents desirous ot giving elegant, and their prices the lowest. children a solid and refined Educatioa. Terms of tuition, Music etc, moderate. - We have heard several persons com . of the polluted condition of the For particulars apply to plain SISTeRS OP MICt

of the Teche at the present time. The fish is dying and a disagreeable stench arises from the water. This condition of thnlogs is very regrettable at p this time when all the ponds and cunlees are dry and the cattle have to be watered from the bayou, and besides, a large A profit of 6,200.000 nearly. 30 of $1 number of people In town and along oag silver would equal $8,000,000 ooo Goods. otounces Fancy that stream are compelled to use bayou h- less 3 cents an ounce, or $18J,00, leav- sv- These Goods washand water for cuilinary pnrposes

Sthe to dollars, weight for weight, the Govern- t to parish convention to select delegates be ment makes 10 per cent grms. Bat the I convention. nominating Rouge Baton ounce the ie per cent costs about one mn copper of coining is and the labor and expense the two cents more on the ounce, so me. perhaps an expense of say three esnts per ble that t must be deducted from the 6,200,on- ounce n- I am Selling Below Cost, ,sat 0() ounces of profit which the governwould make on the coining 6,000, co. lees meat my Entire Stock of Dry ounces of silver. By our rule an (edUc0 of pure silver should be worth rth re eounace Goods, Notions, Hats, and

tain C. T. Cade, of the new. Both comthe is correct to be mittees Stee, andti claim that the other bogus. commit-


As both of these coamittees refused to made to thle propositions any of accept the sub-eommittee matters, harmonize 4 ordered a primary election to be on Saturday. the 21st inst., to elect held st, a new parish committee. The committee has gone to Calcasien parish to harmonisze matters in that ry

nd parish, where dnal comnulittees exist.

must go,

ntif A pamphlt of t sa ta t: r **

ltertllon sd.
hoven't How


I.6t IreodwaY. Sew Terk.

the beet, especially when the price is the 'se the coinage of gold, only the percentagee gain same as that of inferior goods. 'se of profit is nearly sixteen times greater. sold sold make, Tennent Stribling Shoe Co's o i6 -Ptesytne. & Bro. ont,bS ,' O0.H hetbet

ing a net profit of my $7,814,000 on cola-I will 15 of silver. This Is 62,000,000 geting A like rule obtains in having. ounces the worth trhben you buy shoes always gat


If you want a bar-

Is this not another rebuTke to the arbitrary measures adopteri in this parish by the politicians and swallowed by the and nd people? They will nodoubtedly remHI* arhber the by politicians for personal interests. in the future how they were abused Will the politicians insist in saying they had the right to do what they have done, Sand it was democraticr Except it he ' their own demoroerac?

call soon.

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