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Cinnamon: Simple, Homey...and Mighty

Health Benefits of Cinnamon
#! Laura Dolson $pdated %a! &'( &)1* Ads:

Cinna on Supple ent Cinna on Diabetes Diabetes & +bout Diabetes Diabetes Health! Diet

Curls o" Cinna on #ar, Photo Kim Martel


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How to pre0ent diabeteswww.worldhealth.net4n"or ation "or 5our Health. New e6ournal sent "ree each wee, $pdated %a! &'( &)1* Cinna on7co on( co "orting( ho e!. 8ho would ha0e thought it could be so good "or !ou/

What is Cinnamon
Cinna on is the bar, o" one o" a group o" trees belonging to the sa e "a il!. %an! related species are ar,eted as cinna on. 9-rue cinna on9 is "ro Sri Lan,a and is ore delicate tasting than what is co onl! sold as cinna on in the $nited States( which is also called 9cassia9 or 9Chinese cinna on.9 Cassia has been used in Chinese edicine "or thousands o" !ears. -here are an! other species o" cinna on( ainl! "ro +sia and %adagascar. Cinna on 9stic,s9 or 9:uills9 are rolls o" dried bar,( and can be grated into a powder or soa,ed in li:uid. %ost people bu! cinna on pre;ground.

Cinnamon !utrition
8ould !ou belie0e that a ere teaspoon o" cinna on contains &< g o" calciu ( al ost one g o" iron( o0er a gra o" "iber( and :uite a lot o" 0ita ins C( =( and anganese/ 4t>s true. 4t also contains about hal" a gra o" 9usable9 ?non;"iber@ carboh!drate.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

4n traditional edicine( cinna on has been used "or digesti0e ail ents such as indigestion( gas and bloating( sto ach upset( and diarrhea. %ore recentl!( odern edical research has turned its e!e on cinna on and is co ing up with so e intriguing results. 4t has a ild anti;in"la ator! e""ect. 4t also slows the spoiling o" "ood ?which is probabl! related to wh! it was used as an e bal ing agent in ancient Ag!pt@( and has anti;"ungal properties as well. 4n one "un ?but unpublished@ stud!( researchers "ound that sni""ing cinna on resulted in i pro0ed brain "unction ;; subBects did better on e or! and attention tas,s when ta,ing whi""s o" cinna on as opposed to other odors or no odor. Howe0er( the potential health bene"its o" cinna on that ha0e recei0ed the ost attention ha0e to do with its e""ects on blood glucose and cholesterol.

Cinnamon May "mpro#e $ype % Diabetes and "nsulin &esistance

-his is the news that is ost e1citing "or people who respond to low;carb diets( since ost ?or at least a substantial percentage@ o" us are probabl! insulin resistant or diabetic. Se0eral studies ha0e shown i pro0ed insulin sensiti0it! and blood glucose control b! ta,ing as little as C teaspoon o" cinna on per da!. 4 pro0ing insulin resistance can help in weight control as well as decreasing the ris, "or heart disease( so this has a lot o" people interested. +lthough the results o" preli inar! studies are so ewhat i1ed( the aBorit! o" the research see s to be pointing in the direction o" cinna on being bene"icial. +long with the i pro0e ent in blood sugar( these studies ha0e docu ented i pro0e ents in trigl!cerides( blood pressure( and LDL cholesterol.

Ad#erse &eactions
4n 9nor al uses9 in coo,ing( cinna on is unli,el! to cause proble s in non;allergic people( and up to C teaspoon at a ti e are thought to be sa"e. People atte pting to ta,e ore as a supple ent should be aware o" the "ollowingD %ost negati0e reactions are in the "or o" s,in rashes( or irritation to the tissues o" the outh or sto ach. Cinna on has a ild anti;clotting e""ect in the blood( which could be bene"icial. #ut it is concei0able that too uch could cause bleeding proble s( especiall! when co bined with edications which 9thin the blood(9 including aspirin. 4n traditional edicine( high doses are not gi0en to pregnant wo en( due to possible sti ulating e""ects on the uterus.

Selection and Storage of Cinnamon

#asicall!( !ou>re loo,ing to bu! it "resh and ,eep it "resh. %ost large grocer! stores ha0e a rapid turno0er o" cinna on( so !ou don>t reall! need to worr!. Ence ho e( it is best stored in a dar,( cool( dr! place. Cinna on stic,s can ,eep "or & to * !ears this wa!( but powdered cinna on will graduall! lose its "la0or( and is best used within si1 onths. ?4t isn>t bad "or !ou a"ter this ti e( Bust less "resh;tasting.@ 4" !ou want to tr! a "un arra! o" di""erent cinna ons( tr! a specialt! spice shop such as PenFe!s.

Ser#ing Suggestions for Cinnamon

4n the $nited States( we usuall! thin, o" cinna on as a spice to be used in ba,ing( but in an! parts o" the world it is used in sa0or! dishes. %! husband alwa!s rubs our -han,sgi0ing tur,e! with a blend o" spices that includes cinna on ;; which eans that the tur,e! ala ,ing the ne1t wee, also has a hint o" war spiciness ;; and it is !u !. E" course( !ou can sprin,le cinna on on low;carb toast( put it in !our co""ee( or top !ogurt( cottage cheese( or ricotta with it. 4 li,e war unsweetened so! il, with cinna on and sweetener on a cold night. +nd here are so e o" ! low;carb recipes that "eature cinna onD Cincinnati Chili 'i#e Minute S(eet Spiced )ecans


'la* Meal )eanut Butter Cereal )ump+in )ecan )anca+es Cranberry Walnut Coo+ies Almond Spice Coo+ies )ump+in )ie )ump+in Cheeseca+e $,) -.atmealChelsie/s Cinnamon 'la* Cranberry Muffins -Doughnut- Muffins Apple 'la* Muffins Blueberry Cream Cheese Coffee Ca+e Micro(a#e Apple Almond Dessert S(eet )otato Casserole $una Walnut Salad

+nderson( R+. 9Chro iu

and pol!phenols "ro

cinna on i pro0e insulin sensiti0it!..9 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. G'?1@DH<;I*.Clic, here to read ?&))<@.

+nderson( R+HlebowicF( 6( Darwiche( G et al. 9A""ect o" cinna on on postprandial blood glucose( gastric e pt!ing( and satiet! in health! subBects..9 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. <I?G@D1II&;G. ?&))'@.

=han( +la ( Sa"dar( %ahpara( et al. 9Cinna on 4 pro0es Glucose and Lipids o" People 8ith -!pe & Diabetes.9 Diabetes Care. &GD*&1I;*&1<( ?&))*@.

Jalero( %.( Sal eron( %C. 9+ntibacterial acti0it! o" 11 essential oils against #acillus cereus in t!ndalliFed carrot broth..9 International Journal of Food Microbiology. <I?1;&@D'*;<1. ?&))*@.

KoladF P( Raudenbush #( Lille! S. 9Cinna on per,s per"or ance.9 Paper presented at the annual Sarasota( FL( +pril &1;&I( &))H.

eeting o" the +ssociation "or Che oreception Sciences( held in

More Cinnamon &ecipes

Low;Carb Pu p,in Pie ?or Custard@ Cranberr! Chutne! Ground #ee" and Pu p,in Saute>

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Fla1 Seed Cranberries Chocolate

'rom .ther 2uides

Cinna on and Cassia ?Ho e Coo,ing@ Cinna on "or 4nsulin Resistance and 8eight Loss Cinna on Helps #lood Sugar

Related +rticles Natural Re edies "or Diabetes ; Can -he! Help/ Cinna on -ea Recipe ; How to %a,e 4t

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Laura Dolson Low Carb Diets

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