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Department Of Business Administration

Quantitative Techniques for Business Research

Submitted To:
Mr. Shahid Mehmood

Submitted By:
Benazir Nazar Shumaila Nazeer Tehmina Younas Semester: VII (SS)

Submitted On:
January 22, 2 !"

IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 1

First we would like to thank ALLAH Almight ! who guided us when we "ound no dire#tion and light in the tra#kless desert o" li"e$ Then we thanks to Mr$ %hahid Mehmood who &ro'ide us su#h a wonder"ul o&&ortunit to work in "ield and a#(uire knowledge$ We made this )ro*e#t as &er re(uirement o" our %+,-ECT ./uantitati'e Te#hni(ues "or ,usiness 0esear#h1$

IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 2

Ta2le o" Contents

3ntrodu#tion Literature re'iew Theoreti#al "ramework %#ale a&&lied 7 h &othesis Methodolog 8sam&ling te#hni(ue! sam&le si9e! &o&ulation: Data Anal sis Con#lusion and dis#ussion Limitations /uestionnaires ,i2liogra&h &g 4 )g 5 )g6 )g 6 )g ; &g < &g => &g => )g =4 &g =?

IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 3

The 21 century organizations are characterized by the constant and swift pace of change. Some

of the challenges face by an organization in which economic environments, swiftly changing technologies, global competition and new organizational structures. Sales person and pricing plays an important role in sales. Sales person build relationship of management with customers and consumers. They interact with the customers and convince the customers to buy their products. They used several techniques to attract the customers towards their product in positive manner. Pricing of a product is another factor that affects the consumer purchasing behavior.

)+0)O%E OF 0E%EA0CH@
The purpose of the research is to underta e the impacts of price and salesperson on customer and consumers. This study directly e!amines relationship between the pricing, sales person and customer. The challenges faced by sales person during selling, how customer react in response of these sales person and pricing patterns, what are the attitudes and preferences of customer towards buying product. "ustomer buying behavior is affected by numerous factors which may include cultural, social, psychological factors etc. but the ma#or factor which contributes to increase selling is the effective behavior of the salesperson and price of a product which can per sue the customer to buy the product. To find out the relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. To analyze the effect of price of a product and sales person on customer buying behavior.

IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 4

$ere discussed and presented the relationship among the sales management control strategy, sales leadership, interpersonal and structural dimensions of sales organizational ethical climate on the basic of cognitive and salesperson moral #udgment. Sales organization needs code of conduct for specific direction. Sa!e and %eitz &1'(2) report a significant, positive correlation between "* scores and performance for the sale people who are above average on their ability to help the customer and the strength of their customer relation. *therwise the correlation is negative or non+significant, and it,s non+significant within each of four sales forces and for the simple as whole &Sa!e 1'-') Salesperson influences customer,s preferences. .or this change strategy model was matched with the sales person reported change strategy. .or this variation of abilities is 2/0 of the variance of the sales performance. $ere the relationship of sales person ability during strategy formulation and formation of sales performance was e!amined. 1ubins y and 2edilus &1'(/) state that the personal selling process applies to all ind of selling+ product or service and consumer or industrial3 however, because of the intangibility of service, the same selling techniques to sell a product are not always applicable when selling services. Salespeople are often reluctant to assume additional responsibilities such as information gathering. Typically the salesperson is rewarded for generating sales volume. Time spent in
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information gathering may be perceived has unproductive or in conflict with the selling role. &%al er, et al. 1'-2) The dimensions of "24 effect customer,s outcome. "24 are to enhance customer,s loyalty and sales growth. .irst of all we identify the activities of "24 which are going to be implemented and then investigate their effects on customer,s satisfaction and on sales growth. 4ostly the company,s main focus is to maintain the relationship between customer and salesperson. 5f the relationship has positive effect with customer,s satisfaction, loyalty and word of mouth then it has many benefits to the organizations. "ompany,s sales depend upon this. *n customers behavior there is effect of atmosphere. 6tmosphere increases the customer,s level. %hen the atmosphere is designed well then it effects the customer positively also their buying intentions. %hen offers are given it also affects the customers positively. Sales person behavior also effects the customer,s satisfaction with the company, dealer and the product. The influence of selling behaviors on product satisfaction has significant impact. 5t enhances the product satisfaction with the sales person. 5t has a positive impact on the organization as well. "ommunication style with the customer also affects the sales of the organization. 7sing paradigm in communication styles with customers and sales person affects the sales. 5t affects the outcomes. "ommunication styles determined the success of sales person. 5ts main focus is on the sales person behavior. $ere it is discussed how to satisfy the customers desires and needs. The sales person positive mood is very important to provide a quality of service to the customers. 8eep team size small has an effect of positive mood on the consumers. 5t is very important to increase the customers. The evidence is based on customer satisfaction. 5t
IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 6

increases with the response of salesperson which is based on the sales. Those salespersons that are trained have a positive impact on the customers. 6tmosphere and the image of the company have an impact on the sales behavior o the customer. 5t should be designed in such a way that it affects the customer positive. 6 reduction in the number of retail salesperson does not significantly affect the customer buying intention. Salesperson engaged in the mar eting of difficult services repeatedly play the character of 9relationship manager.9 5t is partly, the quality of the association between the salesperson and customer that decides the probability of continued e!change between those two parties in future. &:awrence 6.crosby, 8enneth 2. evans, ; 1eborah cowles) Salesperson,s behavior is intellectualized as a forecaster of consequent performance and sales firm efficiency. The study reflects the effect of sales peoples, industrial<consumer goods, and industry growth moderators on salesperson performance and sales firm efficiency affiliations 5t includes the idea about the wea nesses in the pricing practices and depends about the cost of the product. That price can be set properly independent of decisions about advertising e!penditures, channels of distribution, or salesman behavior toward the customer. 5t affects the brand shares and the sales. 4ost of the time quality and attribute suggest the pricing strategy. 5t also affects the sales, distribution and the promotion channels. 6 theoretical approach to the study of such interaction effects was provided by 8otler increase in the price of one brand effect the profit contribution of the other brand. $ere the attempt was made for the curve. =lasticity of the price+quantity demanded relationship by varying salesman behavior toward customers. The behavior is perceived different at different levels. Salesman is perceived by the customer as similar to himself, the more li ely a sale, and the more salesman e!pertise perceived by the customer, the more li ely a sale. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new approach for the identification of price thresholds, which enables learning true thresholds. 5t represents the relationship as a general.
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There are many propositions that are concerned with the prices by the response of this methodology. Present prices and old prices are mostly related to each other. The simple odd price effects are distinguished from odd+ending prices with the first number left of the decimal point set to an odd number. The results show that even these prices not always flag a threshold in consumer response. 4any customers are confused because of the conflicts among the prices. This article overall cover the conflicts among the prices. They may set old prices for the products but not for all same categories. %ith a methodology to evaluate price thresholds and outlines the shortcoming of contemporary retailers pricing practices in a detailed manner. 5n short it include Pricing policy, Price positioning, "onsumer behavior. This is a dynamic model for the pricing strategy. 5n this there is a monopolist who have time horizon. Sellers set the prices of the products by setting ma!imum profit for their own. The seller ad#usts prices dynamically to ma!imize revenue. "ustomers arrive continually over the duration of the selling season. "ustomers may have different evaluation for the products of different categories. 5n particular, when high+value customers are proportionately less patient, mar down pricing policies are effective because the high+value customers would buy early at high prices while the low+value customers are willing to wait. >y purchasing the product customer may provide benefit to the seller. *ur results also shed light on how the composition of the customer population affects optimal revenue, consumer surplus, and social welfare. .inally, we consider the long+run problem of selecting the optimal initial stoc ing quantity. Strategic customer behavior is very important in the positioning of product pricing. %hen a firm get ma!imum profit in past and the future period, there are many complicated factors include in this product pricing. %hen sales follow a product life cycle while costs decline as a function of cumulative production and the firm discounts future cash flows. The degree to which an innovation can be copied or when the demand for a given product is affected by the income distribution of the mar et potential mostly the prices are elastic to get absolute value or proportion to the price. 5n this theoretical and empirical framewor suggests the level of pricing. 5t based on theoretical considerations. There are many problems that confront the problem of pricing. 5t is difficult stage to set the prices of the product and ta e decisions on the several levels. 6 low price for one product may
IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 8

siphon demand away from another as customers realize the advantages of substituting one for the other. ?uantity may induce the customers to switch from the brands. 5t is very comple! to set the problem in its full comple!ity3 one realizes that all of the prices and terms must be set #ointly to ta e full account simultaneously of the many interactions. *ur aims are quite practical. %e cannot offer empirical evidence on the practical success of the pricing strategies generated by this procedure.

IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%S RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R B'+I%& B$(A)IO'R

3nde&endent Aaria2les E""e#t o" sales &ersonCs 2eha'ior

De&endent Aaria2le

Customer &ur#hasing &attern

)ri#in g

The current endeavor investigated the given hypothesis H &othesis =@ &attern$ H &othesis >@ )rodu#t &ri#ing has &ositi'e im&a#t on #ustomer &ur#hasing &attern$ %ales &ersonCs 2eha'ior has &ositi'e im&a#t on #ustomer &ur#hasing


IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 9

+nit o" Anal sis@ The consumers are the main focus of the study. The unit of analysis for this particular research is "onsumer of 2awalpindi )o&ulation@ 1ata is gathered by using survey technique from .atima @innah %omen 7niversity. The questionnaire was self+directed and was given out to the salespersons of departmental stores and Students %am&le si9e@ The sample contains of individuals from .atima @innah %omen 7niversity. *ur sample size is 1A/ and population is departmental stores and university. 4ale is B/ .emale is 11/ %am&ling te#hni(ue@ "onvenience non probability sampling technique will be used for the reason that limitation of Time and lac of resources

Measure o" 'aria2le@

6ll independent and dependent variable will be measured on interval scale.



Model Summary

IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 10

R R Square .259(a) .067 a "redi#tors$ (%o&sta&t)' "R%' S"(

Model 1

Adjusted R Square .05

Std. Error of the Estimate .6!!01

ANOVA(b) Sum of Squares .992 69.5!+

Model 1

df 2 1 7 1 9

Re*ressio& Residual ,otal

Mea& Square 2. 96 . 7+

) 5.27+

Si*. .006(a)

7 .575 a "redi#tors$ (%o&sta&t)' "R%' S"( - .e/e&de&t 0aria-le$ %"(

Coefficients(a) 1&sta&dardi2ed %oeffi#ie&ts Model 1 (%o&sta&t) S"( "R% a .e/e&de&t 0aria-le$ %"( ( 2.925 3.26 3.107 Std. Error .+1+ .11+ .10! Sta&dardi2ed %oeffi#ie&ts (eta 3.207 3.0!!

t ( 9.+ + 32.+29 3.9!!

Si*. Std. Error .000 .021 .+25


The challenges faced by sales person during selling and effect of pricing of a product, how customer react in response of these Salesperson and pricing strategies, what are the attitudes and preferences of customer towards buying product. Sales Person plays an important role in sales. They build relationship of management with customers and consumers. They interact with the customers and convince the customers to buy their products. They used several techniques to attract the customers towards their product in positive manner. %e conclude that the salesperson communication and their behavior are always matters in any type of business because customer is always attract by their s ills and persuasiveness in their communication is always important part to attract customer to the product. %e too hypothesis testing in which we selected measure of association for our study. 6s we have one independent and one dependent variable and we studied cause and effect of variables in which independent variable had impact on dependent
IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 11

variable. 1ata analyzed by applying statistical techniques, both qualitatively and quantitatively. *ur hypothesis is accepted so, it,s analyzed and confirmed that salesperson agreement their commitments and nowledge are important and it,s affected the business reputation and growth.

6lthough we will try to complete this research before time but time, resource and difficulty in Cetting the response from the respondents is faced by every researcher.

CenderDDDDDDDDDDDDD 6geDDDDDDDDDD ?1. 1oes customer satisfaction level decrease due to bad behavior of a sales personE 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?2. 5s personal selling an effective tool to increase sales of a companyE 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?F. 1o the future sales *pportunity depend mostly on relationship quality &i.e., trust and 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?B. 1oes an elaborative processing e!planation by sales person convince customers to buy a 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?A. 1oes good behavior of sales person result in strong and long term relations with customersE 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?H. 1o consumers buy considering the priceE 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?-. 1iscount price of product affects unplanned buying behavior. 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 12

?(. 1oes consumers response when there is an increase in price 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?'. 5 buy mostly from the shop which offers low prices. 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?1/. 5 buy mostly from the shop which offers fair prices &low prices for goods of low quality and high prices for goods of high quality) 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?11. 5 buy mostly from the shop where the attendants are e!perts in the area of business. 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?12. 5 buy mostly from the shop where 5 am treated with respectE 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?1F. 5 buy mostly from the shop where the needed items can easily be located. 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?1B. 5 buy mostly from the shop where attendants show concern about my problem 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

?1A. 5 buy mostly from the shop where 5 spend less time in my transaction. 1. Strongly 6gree 2. 6gree F. Geutral B. 1isagree A. Strongly 1isagree

IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 13

Thomas N$ 3ngram, 0a mond W$ LaForge ; Charles H$ %#hwe&ker -r$ &2//-), 5mpact of Sales :eadership and Sales 4anagement "ontrol Strategy. Personal Selling ; Sales 4anagement, F/1+F1A %eitz 6. &1'-(), =ffectiveness in Sales 5nteractions. @ournal of 4ar eting, A/1+A1H

.rederic $ong+8it, 6nderson, 2olph =., Swaminathan, Srinivasan. &2//B), "ustomers 2elationship 4anagementI 5ts 1imensions and =ffect on "ustomer *utcomes, #ournal of Personal Selling ; Sales 4anagement, 2HF+2-(

8risty =. 2eynolds, &1''(), pp.2/1+2/A Sharma 6. Stafford F. &2///), The =ffect of 2etail 6tmospherics on "ustomers, Perceptions ofG Salespeople and "ustomer PersuasionI 6n =mpirical 5nvestigation, 1(F J 1'1
IM A!T O" SA#$S $RSO% A%D RI!I%& O% !'STOM$R 'R!(ASI%& B$(A)IO'R a*e 14

>rent C. Coff &2///), pp 121+1BA 8aylene ". %illiams, &Gov., 1'(A), pp. BFB+BB2 @ennifer 4. Ceorge &1''(), pp. 2F+F/ 6run Sharma, 1an Sarel &, 1''A), pp. 1-+2' &6rtur >aldauf, 1avid w. cravens, &2//2) pp.1FH-+1F((). &6rch C. %oodside and @. %illiam 1avenport, @r. SourceI The @ournal of >usiness, Kol. B', Go. 1 &@an., 1'-H), pp. A1+A')

&2alf %agner, 8ai+Stefan >ein e, pp.FB1JFA1) &Luanming Su, SourceI 4anagement Science, Kol. AF, Go. A &4ay, 2//-), pp. -2H+-B1) &Philip Par er, Kol. F, Go. F &@ul., 1''2), pp. 22-+2F-) &Shmuel *ren, Stephen Smith and 2obert %ilson Kol. A-, Go. 1, Part 2I Pricing Strategy &@an., 1'(B) pp. S-F+S'')

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