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Chapter-1 Chapter 1

Data Communication Networks and

Reference Models Reference Models
Prof. M. S. Godase 1
Review Topics
Components DataRepresentation DataFlow Components, DataRepresentation, DataFlow
Network Criteria, Network Models, Categoriesof
Networks Networks
Connectionless Networks, Wireless LAN, Gigabit
Interconnectionof Networks: Internetwork
Protocol Layering, OSI Model
Prof. M. S. Godase 2
Data Communications
The word telecommunication, includes telephony, telegraphy, and The word telecommunication, includes telephony, telegraphy, and
television, means communication at a distance (tele is Greek word
for far).
Telecommunication Exchangeof information over distanceusing Telecommunication Exchangeof information over distanceusing
Data referstoinformationpresentedinwhatever formisagreedupon
Data Communications are the exchange of data between two
devicesviasomeformof transmissionmediumsuchasawirecable.
A communication systemis madeup of acombination of hardware
(physical equipment) andsoftware(programs).
Effe ti e e f d t i ti te de e d f Effectiveness of a data communication system depends on four
fundamental characteristics delivery, accuracy, timeliness, and
Prof. M. S. Godase 3
Data Communications
Effectiveness of a data communication system Effectiveness of a data communication system
Delivery: systemmust deliver datatothecorrect destination.
Accuracy: systemmust deliver dataaccurately.
Timeliness: systemmust deliver datainatimelymanner.
Jitter: it refers to the variation in the packet arrival time or A
phenomenon in real-time traffic caused by gaps between phenomenon in real time traffic caused by gaps between
consecutivepacketsat thereceiver.
Components of a data communication system
A d i i h fi A datacommunicationsystemhasfivecomponents.
Prof. M. S. Godase 4
Data Communications
Components of a data communication system Components of a data communication system
1. Message: is the information (data) to be communicated.
Information includes text, numbers, pictures, audio and
id video.
2. Sender: is the device that sends the message. It can be a
computer, workstation, telephonehandset, videocameraetc.
3. Receiver: is thedevicethat receives themessage. It can bea
computer, workstation, telephonehandset, videocameraetc.
4 Transmission medium: is the physical path by which a 4. Transmission medium: is the physical path by which a
messagetravelsfromsender toreceiver. It canbetwistedpair
wire, coaxial cable, fiber opticcableandradiowaves.
5 P t l it i t f l th t d t i ti 5. Protocol: it isaset of rulesthat governsdatacommunications.
It representsanagreement betweencommunicatingdevices.
Prof. M. S. Godase 5
Data Communications
Data Representation Data Representation
Information can be represented in different forms such as text,
numbers, imagesor pictures, audioandvideo.
Text: text is represented as a bit pattern, different sets of bit
patterns havebeen designed to represent text symbols. Each set
is calledcode, andtheprocess of representingsymbols is called
coding. For example: 32 bit Unicode, ASCII code, etc.
Numbers: numbers are represented by bit patterns, number is
directly converted to binary number. ASCII is not used to d ect y co veted to b ay u be. SC s ot used to
represent numbers.
Images: imagesarealsorepresentedby bit patterns. Animageis
composedof amatrix of pixels(small dot) sizeof pixel depends composedof amatrix of pixels(small dot), sizeof pixel depends
For pureblack whiteimage: 1 bit is enough to represent apixel
(1 hit 0 bl k)
Prof. M. S. Godase 6
(1:white, 0: black).
Data Communications
Data Representation Data Representation
If imageisnot pureblack whiteimage(grayscale): 2bit patterns
d h f l l f l 00 bl k i l are used to show four levels of gray scale 00: a black pixel,
01: a dark gray pixel, 10: a light gray pixel, 11: a white pixel.
For color images: RGB (red, green, blue) andYCM (yellow, cyan,
t ) th d d magenta) methodsareused.
Audio: it refers to recordingor broadcastingof soundor music.
It is continuous, not discrete. Wecan usemicrophoneto change
voiceor musictoanelectricsignal (analogor digital).
Video: it refers recordingor broadcastingof apictureor movie.
It can beeither continuous entity (by aTV camera) or it can be y ( y )
combination of images, each is a discrete entity, arranged to
convey theideaof motion. Wecan changevideo to adigital or
Prof. M. S. Godase 7
Data Communications
Data Flow Data Flow
Communication between two devices can be Simplex, Half
Duplex or Full Duplex.
Prof. M. S. Godase 8
Data Communications
Data Flow Data Flow
Simplex: communicationisunidirectional, onlyoneof the
two devices on a link can transmit; the other can only
receive. Keyboards and traditional monitors are
examplesof Simplexdevices.
Half - Duplex: each stationcantransmit andreceive but Half - Duplex: each stationcantransmit andreceive, but
not at the same time. When one device is sending, the
other canonly receive, andvice versa. Walkie - talkies
d CB ( iti b d) di b h H lf D l and CB (citizen band) radios are both Half Duplex
Full - Duplex: both stations can transmit and receive Full Duplex: both stations can transmit and receive
simultaneously, also called as Duplex. It is used when
communication inbothdirections is requiredall thetime.
Commonexampleisthetelephone network
Prof. M. S. Godase 9
Commonexampleisthetelephone network.
A Network is a set of devices (often referred as nodes) ( )
connectedbycommunicationlinks. A nodecanbeacomputer,
printer or any other device capable of sending and / or
receivingdatageneratedbyother nodesonthenetwork receivingdatageneratedbyother nodesonthenetwork.
Networks allow users to share resources, such as hardware,
software, dataandinformation.
Advantages of using a Network
Facilitates communications because people can communicate
efficiently andeasily viaemail instant messaging chat rooms efficiently andeasily viae-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms,
telephony, andvideoconferencing.
Allowtight control over whohasaccesstowhat data.
Reduce cost by sharing hardware (a printer) and software
(usinganetworkversionor sitelicenseof aprogram).
Sharingdataandinformationstoredonother computers onthe
Prof. M. S. Godase 10
Sharingdataandinformationstoredonother computers onthe
Disadvantages of using a Network Disadvantages of using a Network
The hardware, software, and expertise required to set up a
If theserver fails to work, thecompletenetwork may also fail
Distributed Processing: most of thenetworks usedistributed
processing, in which task is divided among multiple
t computers.
Prof. M. S. Godase 11
Network Criteria: anetwork must beableto meet acertain Network Criteria: anetwork must beableto meet acertain
number of criteria, most important criteriaare performance,
reliability, andsecurity.
Performance: performance is measured by transit time and
response time.
Transit time is the amount of time required for a q
messagetotravel fromonedevicetoanother.
Response Time is the elapsed time between an enquiry
andaresponse andaresponse.
Performanceof anetwork depends on anumber of factors
such as number of users, type of transmission medium,
bili i f d h d d ffi i f capabilities of connected hardware and efficiency of
Prof. M. S. Godase 12
y g
throughput anddelay.
Network Criteria: Network Criteria:
Reliability: in addition to accuracy of delivery, reliability is
measuredbythefrequency of failure, thetimeit takesalink to
f f il recover fromfailure.
Security: network security issues includeprotecting datafrom
unauthorized access, protecting data from damage and
development, and implementing polices and procedures for
Prof. M. S. Godase 13
Categories of Networks: Categories of Networks:
Based on the size, distance covered and transmission
media used, networks are categorized into three types
namely: LAN, MAN, WAN.
LAN (Local Area Network):
Usedtointerconnect computersandPCswithinarelatively Usedtointerconnect computersandPCswithinarelatively
small areasuchasabuilding, officeor campus.
Coversdistanceupto5- 10km.
EarlyLANshaddatarate/speedintherangeof 4-16Mbps. EarlyLANshaddatarate/speedintherangeof 4 16Mbps.
TodayLANshavedatarate/speed100or 1000Mbps.
Prof. M. S. Godase 14
Categories of Networks: Categories of Networks:
LAN (Local Area Network)
Prof. M. S. Godase 15
Categories of Networks: Categories of Networks:
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network):
It coverstheareainsideatownor Metropolitancity.
It connects many LANs located at different offices or
It hassizebetweenaLAN andaWAN It hassizebetweenaLAN andaWAN.
It hasdatarate/speedintherangeof 1.5- 150Mbps.
A good example of MAN is the part of the telephone
company network that can provideahigh speed DSL line
Prof. M. S. Godase 16
Categories of Networks: Categories of Networks:
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network):
Prof. M. S. Godase 17
Categories of Networks: Categories of Networks:
WAN (Wide Area Network):
Used to interconnect computers over a very large
geographic area such as different cities within the country
or continent or eventhewholeworld.
Coversdistanceuptofewthousandkm. Coversdistanceuptofewthousandkm.
It hasdatarate/speedintherangeof 1.5Mbpsto2.4Gbps.
An early example of Switched WAN is X.25 network
d i d id i i b d designedtoprovideconnectivitybetweenendusers.
Today, agoodexampleof switchedWANisATM network.
Prof. M. S. Godase 18
Categories of Networks: Categories of Networks:
WAN (Wide Area Network):
Prof. M. S. Godase 19
Interconnection of Networks: Internetwork or Internet Interconnection of Networks: Internetwork or Internet
It is very rare to see a LAN, a MAN, or a WAN in isolation;
When two or more networks are connected, they become an
Internetwork or internet.
TheInternet hasrevolutionizedmany aspectsof our daily lives. y p y
It has affected theway we do business as well as the way we
spendour leisuretime.
The Internet is a communication system that has brought a The Internet is a communication system that has brought a
wealthof informationto our fingertips andorganizedit for our
NAP N t kA P i t A l S it hi t ti NAP: NetworkAccessPoint A complexSwitchingstation.
National ISP: National Internet ServiceProviders.
Regional ISP andLocal ISP.
Prof. M. S. Godase 20
Interconnection of Networks: Internetwork or Internet Interconnection of Networks: Internetwork or Internet
Prof. M. S. Godase 21
Network Models
Layered Tasks:
Weusetheconcept of layers in our daily life. As an example, let us
consider twofriendswhocommunicatethroughpostal mail.
Sender, Receiver, andCarrier that transportstheletter. , , p
Thereishierarchyof tasksinvolved.
Prof. M. S. Godase 22
Network Models: The OSI Model
Established in 1947, the International Standards Organization (ISO) is a
lti ti l b d d di t d t ld id t i t ti l multinational body dedicated to worldwide agreement on international
An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network communications is
th O S t I t ti (OSI) d l theOpen Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.
It wasfirst introducedinthelate1970s.
An Open System is a set of protocols that allows any two different
systemstocommunicateregardlessof their underlyingarchitecture.
ISO is the organization andOSI is the model.
An international standard that is referred by most network vendors for y
their productsandservices.
Best tool for teaching people about sending and receiving data on a
Consist of 7 layers: Physical (L1), Data Link (L2), Network (L3),
Transport (L4), Session (L5), Presentation (L6) and Application (L7).
Eachof thelayer illustratesaparticular networkfunction.
Prof. M. S. Godase 23
Eachof thelayer illustratesaparticular networkfunction.
Thisseparationof networkingfunctionsiscalledlayering.
Network Models: The OSI Model
Advantages of multi layered model
Reducecomplexity: simplifiedteachingandlearning.
Standardizeinterface, accelerateevolution.
Prevent thechangeof onelayer fromaffectingtheother layers. g y g y
Characteristics for the 7 layer model
Peer to Peer process: layer N of one computer can communicate
withlayer N onanother computer throughprotocolsof that layer withlayer N onanother computer throughprotocolsof that layer.
A layer N gets aservicefromthelayer N 1 andprovideaserviceto
thelayer N + 1.
Layer 7:
Layer 7:
Layer 6:
Layer 5:
Layer 4:
Data link
Layer 4:
Layer 3:
Layer 2:
L 1
Prof. M. S. Godase 24
Layer 1:
Network Models: The OSI Model
The Interaction between layers in the OSI model.
Prof. M. S. Godase 25
Network Models: The OSI Model
Data Encapsulation: Wrapping of data with necessary protocol
information before network transit (adding header or trailer or
Prof. M. S. Godase 26
Network Models: The OSI Model
Why Data Encapsulation?
To add control information (in the formof header or trailer or
both) tothedatabeingencapsulatedinorder toensureaccurateand
Thedataafter encapsulatediscalledProtocol Data Unit (PDU).
Note: Headers areadded to thedataat layers 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.
Trailers areusuallyaddedonlyat layer 2 Trailers areusuallyaddedonlyat layer 2.
The control information falls into the three categories:
Address: The address of the sender and / or receiver may be y
Error-detecting code: somesort of framechecksequence.
Protocol control: additional information is included to Protocol control: additional information is included to
implement the protocol functions such as priority, quality of
service andsecurity.
Prof. M. S. Godase 27
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Physical Layer
Physical characteristics of interfaces and media: interfacebetween the
devicesandthetransmissionmedium(e.g. NIC). It alsodefinesthetypeof
transmissionmedium(e.g. Wire).
Representation of Bits: encoding the bits (0s and 1s ) into electrical or
optical signals. This layer also defines thetypeof encoding(e.g. ASK or
Prof. M. S. Godase 28
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Physical Layer
Data Rate: the transmission rate in terms of number of bit sent each
second(e.g. 56Kb/s).
Synchronization of Bits: the sender and the receiver clocks must be y
Line Configuration: the connection of devices to the medium(point
to point or multipoint configuration). p p g )
Physical Topology: the configuration for the devices to be connected to
formanetwork(mesh, star, ring or bus topology).
Transmission Mode: The physical layer also defines the direction of Transmission Mode: The physical layer also defines the direction of
transmission between two devices: Simplex, Half-Duplex, or Full-
Example for the physical layer protocol: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Example for the physical layer protocol: Point to Point Protocol (PPP),
Ethernet, FDDI etc.
Prof. M. S. Godase 29
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Data Link Layer
Thedatalink layer isresponsiblefor nodetonode delivery, it makesthe
physical layer appear error freeto theupper layer (network layer). It also
takecareof thefollowingfunctions:
Framing: Thedatalink layer divides thestreamof bits receivedfromthe
networklayer intomanageabledataunitscalledframes.
Physical Addressing: The data link layer adds a header to the frame to y g y
definethephysical address (MAC) of thesender (sourceaddress) and/or
receiver (destinationaddress) of theframe.
Prof. M. S. Godase 30
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Data Link Layer
Flow control: If therateat whichthedataareabsorbedby thereceiver is
less thantherateproducedinthesender, thedatalink layer will imposea
flowcontrol mechanismtoprevent overwhelmingthereceiver.
Error control: Mechanismthat candetect andretransmit damagedor lost
frames and also prevent duplication of frames. Error control is normally
achievedbythetrailer at theendof theframe.
Access control: Whenoneor moredevicesareconnectedtothesamelink,
data link layer protocols are necessary to determine which device has
control over thelinkat anygiventime.
25 32
25 32
Data 20 62
Prof. M. S. Godase 31
Trailer Source address Destination address
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Data Link Layer
The data link layer is responsible for NodetoNode or HoptoHop
Prof. M. S. Godase 32
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Network Layer
The network layer is responsible for the sourcetodestination delivery
of a packet possibly across multiple networks, if two systems are
connectedtothesamelink, noneedfor anetworklayer.
Logical addressing: network layer adds aheader to theincoming packet
fromtheupper layer withalogical addressof thesender. If apacket passes
thenetwork boundary, thisuniversal (logical) addresshelpstodistinguish
whether the packet belongtothesourceor destinationsystems.
Prof. M. S. Godase 33
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Network Layer
Routing: Router (or gateways) connect independent networks together,
network layer routes the packet to their final destination by router
The figure shows the case for a computer "S" communicating with a
remote computer "D". S and D are the logical addresses of the source
and destination computers respectively, where 02 and 79 are the local
physical addresses of thesourceanddestinationcomputersrespectively.
DT Data S D 02 46
DT Data S D 23 09
DT Data S D 29 79
Prof. M. S. Godase 34
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Network Layer
Network Layer responsiblefor SourcetoDestination delivery.
Prof. M. S. Godase 35
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Transport Layer
Responsible for SourcetoDestination (EndtoEnd) delivery of the
Segmentationoccursandthislayer alsoensuresthewholemessagearrives g y g
intact andinorder.
A logical path can be set up (fixed pathway) between the Source and
Destinationfor all packetsinamessagefor additional security. p g y
This layer has more control over sequencing, flow and error detection
Prof. M. S. Godase 36
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Transport Layer
Connection control: Thetransport layer canbeeither Connectionless or
Flow control: It performEndto End flowcontrol whichdiffers fromthe p
datalinklayer whichisresponsiblefor flowcontrol insinglelink.
Error control: It performs Endto Enderror control whichmakesurethe
entire message arrives at the receiving transport layer without error g g p y
(damage, lossor duplication). Error correctionisdonebyre-transmission.
Transport layer is responsible for the delivery of a message from one
process to another. p
Prof. M. S. Godase 37
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Session Layer
It is network dialog controlling layer. It establishes, maintains, and
Dialog control: It allows two systems to enter into a dialog. The g y g
communication between two processes can be controlled in either half-
duplexor full-duplex.
Synchronization: - It allows aprocess to add checkpoints into astream y p p
of data, when data loss during transmission occurred, more efficient re-
Prof. M. S. Godase 38
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Presentation Layer
Thepresentation layer is concerned with thesyntax and semantics of the
Translation: It encodesthesender dependent format of themessageinto p g
acommonformat that canbereadablebyanyreceivingsystem.
Encryption: It can transformthe original information into an encrypted
formtoassureprivacy. p y
Compression: Data compression can reduce the number of bits to be
transmitted, whichisimportant for multimediatransmission.
Prof. M. S. Godase 39
Network Models: The OSI Model
Functions of Application Layer
This layer enabletheuser (human or software) to access the network by
user interfaces. Other servicesprovidedbythislayer are:
Network virtual terminal: remotelog-intoother host intheinternet. g
File transfer, access, and management: store, retrieve or manage the
filesfromaremotecomputer. e.g. File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Mail services: e.g. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Mail services: e.g. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
Directory services: accessfor global informationandservicese.g. Hyper
Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Prof. M. S. Godase 40
Network Models: The OSI Model
Summary for the functions of OSI Layers
Prof. M. S. Godase 41
Network Models: TCP/IP Protocol Suite
TCP/IP vs OSI model: The layers in the TCP/IP protocol suite do not
tl t hth i th OSI d l Th i i l TCP/IP t l it exactly matchthoseintheOSI model. Theoriginal TCP/IP protocol suite
wasdefinedashavingfour layers: host-to-network, internet, transport,
andapplication. However, whenTCP/IP iscomparedtoOSI, wecansay
that theTCP/IP protocol suite ismadeof five layers: physical data link that theTCP/IP protocol suite ismadeof five layers: physical, data link,
network, transport, andapplication.
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.
I th b i i ti l t l f th I t t Isthebasiccommunicationlanguageor protocol of theInternet.
It can also beused as acommunications protocol in theprivatenetworks
TCP/IP is a two layered program
TCP Managestheassemblingof a messageor fileintosmaller packets.
IP Handles the address part of each packet so that it gets to the right p p g g
Prof. M. S. Godase 42
Network Models: TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Prof. M. S. Godase 43
Network Models: TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Application Layer: It contains all the higher level protocols such as
Transport Layer: Designed to allow peer entities on the source and
destinationhostscarry onaconversation. ContainsprotocolssuchasTCP,
UDP dSCTP TCP dUDP d t dP t l UDPandSCTP. TCPandUDPareend-to-endProtocols.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): connection-orientedprotocol
that manages theassemblingof amessageor fileinto smaller packets
th t t itt d th I t t that aretransmittedover theInternet.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol): Connectionless protocol for
applications that do not want TCPs sequencing or flow control
(S h Vid ) (Speechor Video).
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol): provides support
for newer applications such as Voice over Internet. It combines the
b t f t f TCP dUDP best featuresof TCP andUDP.
Prof. M. S. Godase 44
Network Models: TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Internet Layer: definesanofficial packet format andprotocol calledasIP
(I t t P t l) I t t L d li IP k t t h th (Internet Protocol). Internet Layer delivers IP packets to where they are
supposed to go (packet routing). Contains protocols such as ARP, RARP,
ARP (Add R l ti P t l) d t i t th l i l ARP (Address Resolution Protocol): used to associate the logical
addresstophysical address.
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol): allows the host to
di it l i l dd h it k l it h i l dd discover itslogical addresswhenit knowsonlyitsphysical address.
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol): it is usedby hosts and
gatewaystosendthenotificationof datagramproblemsback tosender.
IGMP (Internet Group Message Protocol): it allows simultaneous
transmissionof messagetoagroupof recipients.
RIP (Routing Information Protocol): It is a distance vector route
discovery protocol. RIP broadcast their route table throughout the
network. The broadcasted information lists destination networks and
their distances fromthebroadcastingrouter interms of hops, must be
d it d t k ll i l d li t di t t k
Prof. M. S. Godase 45
crossed. it doesnot work well inlargeandcomplicatedinter-networks.
Network Models: TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Internet Layer: Contains protocols such as ARP, RARP, ICMP, IGMP,
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First): It wasdevelopedtoaddressRIPs
weakness. It is a link state route discovery protocol that provides
th bilit t di th t k ifi t l It hibit the ability to discover the networks specific topology. It exhibits
better performancethanRIP inlargeinter-network. Sinceit facilitates
Class-of-Service basedonrouting andload balancing.
H t t N t k L (Ph i l d D t Li k L ) t Host to Network Layer (Physical and Data Link Layer): at
physical anddatalink layer, TCP/IP doesnot defineany specific protocol.
Host connects to the network using relevant protocols so it can send IP
packetsover it packetsover it.
Prof. M. S. Godase 46
Connection Oriented Networks / Service
1. Idle No Connection
2. Connection Establishment
3. Data transfer
4. Connection Release
5. Idle No Connection
Packet Switched Network
Idle No Connection
Connection Establishment
It provides substantial amount of care for the
user data.
Provides Acknowledgement, FlowControl and
Data Transfer
Connection Release
Error Recovery.
Involves more overheads because of many
support functions.
R li bl b Sl i
Idle No Connection
( ACK, Flow Control, Error Recovery )
Reliablebut Slower service.
Example: TCPsservice.
Prof. M. S. Godase 47
Connectionless Networks / Service
1. Idle No Connection
2. Data transfer 2. Data transfer
3. Idle No Connection
No connection establishment and Connection
Packet Switched Network
No connection establishment and Connection
Does not provide Acknowledgement, Flow
Control andError Recovery.
Idle No Connection
It involveslessoverhead.
Faster servicebut unreliableService.
Example: UDPsservice.
Data Transfer
Idle NoConnection Idle No Connection
( No - ACK, Flow Control, Error Recovery )
Prof. M. S. Godase 48

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