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1hls ls Lhe !ohn Wlley and Sons, lnc. (Wlley) llmlLed Lnd user Llcense AgreemenL, whlch governs your use of
Wlley proprleLary educaLlonal maLerlals ("Llcensed MaLerlal"). ?our use of Lhe Llcensed MaLerlals lndlcaLes your
accepLance of Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls AgreemenL.


Wlley hereby granLs you, and you accepL, a non-excluslve and non-Lransferable llcense, Lo use Lhe Llcensed
MaLerlals on Lhe followlng Lerms and condlLlons only:

a. ?ou acknowledge LhaL Lhe maLerlals are belng llcensed Lo you for a llmlLed Lerm and use ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe
Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls AgreemenL.

b. 1he Llcensed MaLerlals are for your use as a sLudenL enrolled ln a class aL a MlcrosofL l1 Academy
member lnsLlLuLlon.

c. ?ou may noL upload, copy, modlfy, LransmlL, Lransfer, make or dlsLrlbuLe coples of Lhe Llcensed
MaLerlals ln whole or ln parL, creaLe by decompllaLlon or oLherwlse Lhe source code of Lhe Llcensed MaLerlal,
excepL as expressly permlLLed by Lhls AgreemenL. ?ou may noL prlnL coples of Lhe Llcensed MaLerlals ln whole,
however, you may prlnL slngle pages or secLlons of chapLers speclflcally for classroom use. ?ou may noL use all
or any parL of Lhe Llcensed MaLerlals for Lhe purposes of moneLary reward by means of sale, resale, loan,
Lransfer, hlre, or oLher form of explolLaLlon of Lhe Llcensed MaLerlals. lf you Lransfer possesslon of any copy or
modlflcaLlon of Lhe Llcensed MaLerlal Lo any Lhlrd parLy, your llcense ls auLomaLlcally LermlnaLed. Such
LermlnaLlon wlll be ln addlLlon Lo and noL ln lleu of any equlLable, clvll, or oLher remedles avallable Lo Wlley.

d. 1he Lerm of Lhls llcense ls Lhe greaLer of 180 days or Lhe lengLh of Lhe parLlcular class for whlch Lhe
parLlcular Llcensed MaLerlal shall be used.

Wlley's 8lghLs:

?ou acknowledge LhaL all rlghLs (lncludlng wlLhouL llmlLaLlon, copyrlghLs, paLenLs and Lrade secreLs) ln Lhe
Llcensed MaLerlals are Lhe sole and excluslve properLy of Wlley and/or lLs llcensors. 8y accepLlng Lhls
AgreemenL, you do noL become Lhe owner of Lhe Llcensed MaLerlals, buL you do have a LlmlLed Llcense Lo use
Lhem ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls AgreemenL. ?ou agree Lo proLecL Lhe Llcensed MaLerlal from
unauLhorlzed use, upload, download, reproducLlon, or dlsLrlbuLlon. ?ou furLher agree noL Lo LranslaLe,
decomplle, dlsassemble or oLherwlse reverse englneer Lhe Llcensed MaLerlal.


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