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UNISON Motion Britain Needs a Pay Rise This UNISON Branch Notes; 1) More than half of health workers

will not e en !et the "ro#ised 1$ "ay increase% Only those on the to" of their scale will !et it% &n incre#ental rise is 'ein! iewed as a "ay rise( It si not a"ay rise% The to" of scale is the rate fort he )o' and "eo"le 'elow this are *nder "aid for )o' and workin! towards it% Those who do !et 1$+ are offered it as an ,additional "ay#ent- to a oid it 'ein! incl*ded in "ension+ *nsocial ho*rs calc*lations or f*t*re "ay calc*lations% N.S workers ha e already 'een told+ *nless they ne!otiate an end to incre#ents and other ter#s and conditions+ they will !et the sa#e offer ne/t year% 0) Most local !o ern#ent workers ha e 'een offered a 1$ "ay increase% The lowest "aid ha e 'een offered sli!htly #ore so their "ay is a'o e the recently re ised Mini#*# 1a!e% UNISON local !o ern#ent workers are to 'e cons*lted a'o*t strike action% 2) UNISON+ UNIT3 and U4U *nions in hi!her ed*cation ha e taken strike action in an on!oin! dis"*te o er a 1$ "ay offer% 5) Teachers in NUT went on strike on 06 March o er "ay+ "ensions and workin! conditions and are likely to take f*rther strike action% 7) 8o ern#ent "olicy is to hold "*'lic sector "ay increases to 1$ or less 6) The total "ay for Britain9s to" 'osses increased 'y an a era!e of 15$ last year% :) The n*#'er of "eo"le earnin! ; 1 #illion or #ore increased fro# 1<+<<< in 0<11 to 1=+<<< in 0<12% =) The richest 7 fa#ilies in the U> are wealthier than the "oorest 10%6 #illion "*t to!ether% This UNISON Branch Belie es; 1) O*r #e#'ers are s*fferin!% UNISON esti#ates the a era!e UNISON #e#'er earns 16$ less in real ter#s than in 0<1<% ?et the cost of li in! contin*es to rise% 0) Britain needs a "ay rise% Trade *nion #e#'ers cannot tolerate year after year of "ay c*ts% 3no*!h is eno*!h( 2) Trade *nion leaders #*st lead% & serio*s strate!y of coordinated strike action across Ser ice 8ro*"s and trade *nions will !i e #e#'ers confidence they can fi!ht and win o er "ay% This UNISON Branch Resol es;

1) To call on UNISON9s N34 to or!anise coordinated strike action this s*##er across Ser ice 8ro*"s and with other trade *nions as "art of a ca#"ai!n to win s*'stantial "ay rises% 0) To ca#"ai!n with other trade *nion 'ranches and for why we need strike action o er "ay% @or e/a#"le 'y *sin! the local !o ern#ent workers need a "ay rise "etition and or!anisin! e ents on P*'lic Ser ice 1orkers Aeser e a Pay Rise day on 1 &"ril%

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