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Global Commons- Antarctica

The vast icy continent of Antarctica is the chosen global common used in this action plan because it is largely unexplored and neglected by many nations due to the belief that the continent lacks in resources. Only recently, Antarctica has been in the lime-light because of its massive resources of fresh ater and oil! no nations race to claim this once isolated hostile land mass. Antarctica faces numerous threats including climate change, over-fishing and unsustainable tourism. "o one o ns Antarctica and therefore its protection relies on concerned parties and participating governments. #t is therefore time to make a difference before this global common disappears forever. $any people ignore the rest of the orld, believing that it is not their responsibility to deal ith any issues outside their nation. And if they ere to take action to make a difference, it is usually discourage by the belief that their small actions ill have no affect on a global scale. As an individual, there are many small steps # can take that ill eventually make a large impact in lessening Antarctica%s problem. &uch steps are recycling and producing less garbage, because garbage is usually shipped to landfills around the orld and burned, sending tons of CO ' into the atmosphere. (ecause cars are one of the ma)or factors that emit CO', choosing alternatives such as using the local transit or biking is a better choice. Over fishing in Antarctica%s coastline threatens thousands of species of fish that animals in the area rely on, producing a chain-reaction that results in a greater threat. Therefore, eating sustainably, by not asting food and buying products from the local fish market is healthy for us and for the earth. Another small, but effective step # can take is to be more careful about leaving electronics turned on, since fossil fuels are burned to create electricity. (eing involved in local community events such as fundraising for Antarctica%s activist groups can make a difference in the gro ing problem. The government plays a large role on the footprints of human actions left on the orld and especially on the global commons such as Antarctica. There are many changes the government can make that ill largely lessen the devastating effects of human actions on Antarctica. Cities can save energy and money by substituting the old light bulbs used to light public places ith *+,s. The ne brighter fixtures use -./ less electricity than the sodium bulbs they replaced. The government should also impose carbon taxes on all companies, limiting the emission of CO'. Companies that can hold their emissions under the limit could sell their remaining allo ance and those that exceed must purchase carbon credits. A critical step in reducing environmental harm is by banning the use of plastic bags. The polyethylene in plastic takes 0... years to biodegrade in landfills, hich constantly emits harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, creating 1holes2 in our o3one layer. The government should also sign and abide by environmental a areness treaties! such as the 4yoto 5rotocol, limiting and cutting the emission of harmful gases. *arge companies and industries are ma)or players that heavily affect the future that holds for Antarctica. Therefore, it is essential for companies and industries to revise and limit their footprints left on Antarctica. $ining and oil drilling in Antarctica creates heavy sound pollution from seismic blasting and rise in ground, air and sea traffic. 6ildlife in the area are displaced and their habits are destroyed to build refineries and oil drills. These million dollar industries should change their approach in hich they ould not affect the local habitat, sharing the environment ith the ildlife. 6haling in

Antarctica brings in thousands of dollars especially to countries such as 7apan. Annual haling threatens much of the surviving species of hales, so it is important for these companies to hunt in a sustainable fashion that does not threaten these giants of the ocean. &mall steps that companies and industries can take are turning off the lights during the night to cut electricity usage by almost 8./ and by opening office indo s instead of using air conditioners. 9nsustainable tourism is also creating a problem in Antarctica! hundreds of luxury liners sail across the fresh aters of Antarctica dumping thousands of pounds of aste into the Antarctic coastlines. The garbage pollutes the ater, harming the environment and the Antarctic species that inhabit the coastline. The tourism industry should monitor and prevent the dumping of garbage in the ater, and transport their aste back into the country here it can be disposed of. Antarctica is one of the last remaining areas in the orld hich is not claimed by any nation. #t should therefore be the responsibility of everyone to keep this natural icy continent out of harm, because it is a global common that ties all nations together. The ideas that have been mentioned above are all plans that counter the destruction of Antarctica, keeping its natural and pristine habit and environment out of harm.

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