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No. 012-1314

March 25, 2014


To: Xavier University Community Re: SCC Chief Justice and ELECOM Chief Commissioner for A.Y. 2014-2015 _______________________________________________________________________ Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2.1 and Article IX, Section 2.1.4 of the 2005 XU-CSG Constitution which gives the XU-CSG Outgoing President the responsibility to appoint the Chief Justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court and Chief Commissioner of the Electoral Commission, respectively, of the incoming administration; I, Princess Kimberly V. Ubay-ubay, as the XU-CSG President of the A.Y. 2013-2014, am pleased to inform you of the appointed officers in the XU-CSG Judicial Branch and ELECOM. These appointments are subject to the approval of the Directorate. Supreme Constitutional Court Chief Justice Charmanne Q. Patriana Electoral Commission Chief Commissioner Jess A. Batoon Thank you, Charmanne and Jess for accepting the challenge to serve XU-CSG again. I believe that with your steadfast leadership, you can help XU-CSG perform to its fullest potential in the next academic year. May the spirit of Magis guide you each step of the way. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

Princess Kimberly V. Ubay-ubay (SGD) President

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