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this December 2006

issue No. 464


_.- Mutual UFO Network

Update on Lloyd Pye's

Starchild project, p. 7.

Device makes objects

'invisible,' p. 8.

Rotating object in N.
California, p. 8.

Claim of Utah crash

lacks evidence, p. 9.

UFO Press: Adam the

Missing Link, p. 14.

Dr. Roger Leir removes

another 'implant,' p. 14.

Calendar, p. 14.

UFO Marketplace, p.

Director's Message 2
Filer's Files 15
Stan Friedman 18
Ted Phillips 20
Gavin McLeod 24 Where do reptilians and insectoids fir into rhe alien entiry pic firre? DL Joe
Lewells explores this qrrestion, beginning on page 3. (Drawing by Wes C m m )
December 2006 Number 464
Directors' Messag~ -
Bv James Carrion

- - MUFON Making a difference This PSA asks the public to report

I had the opportunity to attend the sightings to the MUFON web site and
UFO Journal *
4'" Annual Crash Retrieval Conference Case Management System (CMS).
(USPS002-970) ' in Las Vegas Nov. 10-12, and learned Mark has spent a large amount of his
(ISSN 0270-6822) a great deal from the first class lineup time and money to create this high qual-
of speakers. ity PSA.
. Mutual UFO Network Now you can help put it to good use
Post Office Box 279. to generate much-needed publicity for
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Tel: 970-221-1 836 First, download the PSA file from
Fax: 866-466-91 73 the MUFON web site at
mufonhq @ You will need a high
speed Internet connection to download
help MUFON [ ' the 16 megabyte file and burn it to a
International Director
become an even t CD or DVD.
J a m e s Carrion, M.A. better organiza- ,- - If you don't know how to do this,
P.O. Box 279 tion. Their posi- Ja,jres Cnrrjow please email me at
Bellvue, CO 80512-0279 . tive can-do atti-, or call me at
Tel: 970-221-1 836 (221-1 UFO) tude is what keeps W O N at the fore- 970-221-1836. and 1 will send you a
Fax: 866-466-9 1 73 front of UFO investigation and re- CD in the mail. While you are at the
- jcarrion 8 search. MUFON web site. also print out
An example of how one individual MUFON's Articles of Incorporation at
Editor: can make a difference is that of Nevada www.mufon.corn/articles.htm.
wight Connelly, M.S.. State Director Mark Easter. Mark has Then call up the local TV stations in
14026 Ridgelawn Road . - created a high-quality video public ser- your area and introduce yourself as a
' - Martinsville, IL 62442 vice announcement ( P S A ) for MUFON member and tell them that MUFON's public education use. (Continued on page 22)

~olumniits: Change of address and subscription/extra copies inquiries should be

George Filer,' M.B.A; sent to MUFON,P.O. Box 279,Bellvue, CO 80512-0279.
Stanton Friedman, M.S. Copyright 2006 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved
-. . -
Gavin A. J. McLeod
Ted r.hill
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n scientific study of UFOs for the benefit.
of humanity through investigation, research, & education. - '
John Mack and the Reptilian Project
By Joe Lewels, Ph.D. It was shocking and dismaying to me
About the author
n my book The God Hypothesis that some UFO researchers attacked
I attempted to share with the Dr. Mack when they found that his con- Dr. Francisco J. (Joe) Lewells
eaders my findings that the UFO clusions did not match the commonly holds the B.A. in journalism from
mystery is much more ancient than held ET hypothesis described above. . Texas Wesiern College, the M.S. in
many UFO researchers are willing to It was bad enough that his own uni- education from Troy State Univer-
admit. versity would attempt to have him fired sity, and the Ph.D. in journalism and
It is far more complex than a mere (a fight which he eventually won), but mass communications from the Uni-
alien invasion or a visitation by people to have other UFO researchers attack- versity of Missouri.
fiom other planets who are here to study ing his competence seemed incredible He is vice president of a financial
our behavior-the Extraterrestrial Hy- to me. institution in El Paso, TX, and pre-
pothesis. After all; he was the best qualified viously served as chairman of the
The God Hypothesis is a term coined to deal with the psychological aspects Department of Journalism at the
by the Rev. Barry Downing, Ph.D., a of the phenomenon. He had the aca- University of Texas at El Paso.
Presbyterian minister who wrote The demic credentials, and those attacking He attained the rank of captain in
Bible and Flying Saucers. him had none. the Army, served as a reconnais-
This theory states that UFOs are to Although they regularly used hypno- sance pilot in Vietnam, and earned
be found in the Bible, in the Sumerian sis on their research subjects, some of the Bronze Star and Air Medal.
writings, in the Hindu Vedic literature, the best known researchers are not even Lewells is a popular speaker at
in shamanic cave art, and in the leg- certified as hypnotherapists, nor do they UFO conventions, and has served as
ends and writings of people all over the have degrees in psychology. MUFON's assistant state director
earth-even in the cave art of Austra- Yet it is these few researchers who for Texas, as well as a cornrnunica-
lian aborigines. will .not accept .the ancient aspects of tions consultant for MUFON.
If this is true, then we must seek a the UFO mystery, and who still cling In 1993 he organized the El Paso
deeper understanding of the true nature to the theory that Earth is being invaded chapter of MUFON. He was a pre-
of this phenomenon. by nefarious aliens. senter at the 1995 MUFON Inter-
One researcher who agreed that In the months before his untimely national Symposium, discussing
there was much more to the UFO mys- death, Dr. Mack and I spoke on the "Quantum Physics Discovers the
tery than what was being proposed by phone and by email frequently regard- Holographic Universe."
"mainstream" ufology was John E. ing the dichotomy between the two Lewells is cetified as a licensed
Mack, M.D., author of Abduction: camps in UFO research. hypnotherapist, and has written nu-
Human Encounters with Aliens, and It was in early 2004 that we began a merous articles related to UFOs.
Passport to the Cosmos. dialogue regarding the issue of reptil- He is the author of The God Hy-
As the reader surely knows, Dr. ian beings in UFO cases. pothesis (Wildflower Press, 1997,
Mack, who was a professor of psychia- Even though he had enthusiastically second edition, 2005). Dr. Lewels'
try at Harvard University for nearly 40 supported my efforts to deal with rep- new book, Rulers of the Earth: The
years, was killed in September, 2004, tilians in my book and in my lectures, Secrets of the Sons of God, will be
in London-run down by a drunk driver John had not been willing to cross that published by Galde Press in 2007.
as he walked across a street. line previously, and for good reason.
His brilliance and stature as a cou- It is hard enough to be a UFO re- them. After all,reptilians are scary, big,
rageous scientist who risked his repu- searcher, without dealing with reptil- muscular, and sexually assertive, un-
tation to tell the truth about the alien ians. like the comparatively timid Greys and
abduction phenomenon will be sorely God only knows, I did not want to other types reported by UFO
missed by ufology. deal with them either, but since they experiencers.
But in his years of traveling the world were popping up in my research fre- They are also Biblical and Satanic-
to seek answers to this mystery, Dr. quently, I felt I had no choice. like. It is just too easy to draw the con-
Mack discovered the interdimensional What most people didn't know at clusion that the presence of reptilians
quality of the UFO experience and the that time was that Dr. Mack also had automatically means a person is pos-
spiritual awakening that abductees of- reptilians creeping into his case stud- sessed by demons-a conclusion that we
ten had when they confronted their ex- ies, and just as with other researchers, both had excluded as a possibility.
periences. he wasn't quite sure what to do with His idea was to pull together all of
December 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
our research, along with Barbara Lamb, reptilian features are reported in some- them really ugly?"
a California researcher who had many thing less than 20 percent of abduction Rita: "Their skin is funny. . ..I don't
reptilian case studies from her years of cases. He noted, however, that "when think I've ever touched a frog, but I
research and as a certified a so-called reptilian is repeatedly de- think that is what it would feel
hypnotherapist. The three of us would scribed as having the same scaly skin like.. ..There are other things
divide up the material and present our tone, claws for fingers, and an extreme there.. ..There are the ones we know as
own portion at the International UFO interest in sexuality, one must pay at- the Greys.. ..and then there's other
Conference in Laughlin, NV, in March tention." things, the ones I don't want to look at;
2005. Of special interest is the fact that the they all look like bugs or things; they're
Dr. Mack said, "It's time we dealt praying mantis and reptilian entities just so ugly."
with the subject in a rational and scien- were often perceived by experiencers Carpenter: "Does it look like a bug
tific way." He was ready to take on the as being the leaders. you've seen on Earth?"
subject and the inevitable controversy The reptilian is described as having Rita: "Yeah, those praying mantis
that would follow. But we were all up powerful muscled bodies, greenish or things.. .This is tall and big and, and
to the challenge. brownish scaly skin, penetrating yellow he's moving around."
However, as fate would have it, Dr. "cat eyes" with vertically-slit pupils, Carpenter: "The praying mantis
Mack died before we could make our and four-fingered claw hands with web- ones, are they different from the scary
presentation. Barbara and I went ahead bing between the fingers. Abductees ones?"
and gave our portions of the presenta- almost always describe the reptilians as Rita: "Easier to look at. The other
tion, but Dr. Mack's part was never "ugly." ones are just too ugly.. ..They're the
completed. We were to share our ef- Wright discussed one case in which ones.. .that were doing the stuff [medi-
forts with each other when he returned a woman awoke in bed amid the throes cal procedures]. .. .They have big
from London. of sexual passion to discover scaly heads.. ..Funny skin.. .they look black
To this day, Dr. Mack's case studies claws at her private parts-indicative of or dark.. .there isn't a nose. It's all big
are not available, so the number of cases a reptilian. head, big eyes, and there's something
and the substance of those cases are not Back in 1993, at the Ozark confer- about the eyes.. .they just eat you up
known. ence (which was my first UFO confer- with their eyes.. ..It's as if our whole
The most systematic effort thus far ence), I met a woman from Colorado mind goes into their eyes."
to answer questions raised by the ab- who, fighting back tears and visibly The praying mantis type is also re-
duction phenomenon was MUFON's shaken, described to me an encounter ported to participate in the "staring"
1992 Abduction Transcription Project she had experienced which involved procedure which has been described by
conducted by Dan Wright. what appeared to be a reptilian: various researchers, particularly Dr.
Sponsored in part by the Fund for "I remember seeing a greenish, David Jacobs of Temple University in
UFO Research, the project collected brown hand with scaly skin and long, his book Secret Life.
transcripts of audio-taped interviews sharp claws reaching for me," she said, This procedure involves a being
and hypnosis sessions with sobbing. "It had four fingers with web- placing its face "nose to nose" with the
experiencers provided by well known bing in between and had an extra joint experiencer and engaging in prolonged
and respected researchers from various in its fingers that allowed it to flex in a staring directly into the abductee's eyes.
parts of the country. peculiar way." At this paid she was The effect, as described by those
Through February. 1996. Wright had unable to continue. >\ who have experienced it, is totally shat-
accumulated 750 transcripts involving I also sat in on a hypnosis session tering to the human ego. Abductees
215 separate cases, going back to the conducted in El Paso, TX, by John often comment that it is as if "my mind
1940s. It is clear that this study needs Carpenter, MUFON's former director and my soul were completely swal-
to be updated and expanded, but even of abduction research, which involved lowed up by those eyes."
this limited project was quite reveal- a woman, Rita, with a history of en- In some cases, the abductee feels that
ing. counters since childhood. Among other information is also transmitted into his
Wright summarized 142 cases from things which came out of this session or her brain during the procedure.
15 researchers at the 1995 MUFON was the following: In the April, 1993, issue of the
'\Symposium. Among the entity types Rita: "I ask them why they look so MUFON U F O Journal, Carpenter
described by abductees were the whit- different. . ..They ask my why I look like noted that researchers had held back
ish, grayish, or bluish beings which we [I do]. ...They taught me things.. ..Not their knowledge of the "lizard crea-
have come to call "grays," the tall to be afraid. They taught me that there's tures" from the general public for fear
blondes, an occasional "heavily other life, that there's other of being laughed at. But when they be-
wrinkled old one," the "praying man- places.. ..They were just too ugly, too gan sharing some of their findings, they
. tis" type, and the reptilian. ugly, too ugly." discovered "amazing matches and simi-
Wright indicated that beings with Carpenter: "What one thing makes larities."
MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
Carpenter has had about a dozen erences to genetic engineering per-
cases in which the creatures are de- formed by extraterrestrials?
scribed as "hideous. rude. and aggres- If so. it would behoove us to ask who
sive." it was that gave this awesome power
A composite of the descriptions re- to the first humans. for whoever did it
veals an entity six to eight Get tall. fin- was bestowing on humanity god-like
gered hands with claws and webbing powers-the ability to make abstract.
between the fingers. a face that looks moral judgments and to think in ways
like a cross between a human and a beyond the abilities of the other animals.
snake. a central ridge coming down Of course we know that it was the
from the top of the head to the snout. serpent who tempted Eve to eat the
cat-like eyes with vertically slit pupils fruit. and after it was eaten; God said:
and gold irises. "Behold. the man has become as one
Often they leave claw-like bruises of us [plural], to know good and evil:
and scratches on the abductees. and now. lest he put forth his hand and
There is a general feeling expressed take also of the Tree of Life. and eat
among researchers that these enigmatic and live forever (Genesis 322) he must
beings are an extremely old species. be driven from the Garden of Eden."
endowed with wisdom gained over And what of the serpent who vio-
thousands. or perhaps millions, of lated God's will? According to the
years. Bible. God pronounced hisjudgment:
It is probably safe to say that no "Upon thy belly shalt thou go." idply-
member of the human race would be ing that this reptilian being was not a
too thrilled to learn that there is a race snake-at least as we know snakes-but
of insects or reptilians superior to the rather a creature that walked upright.
human race. Is this another clue that points to the
However, a look at ancient literature, authenticity of what some abductees are
as well as our own anatomy, suggests being told about the ETs' involvement following version of the story of Adam
that humans may have close links with in human evolution? Perhaps, but the and Eve:
the reptilians. Bible tells very little about the creation "She looked at the tree. And she saw
Some researchers, such as Dr. of humanity. To find out more it is nec- that it was beautiful and magnificent,
Jacobs and Budd Hopkins, have con- essary to be familiar with other ancient and she desired it. She took some of
cluded that human and entity hybrids documents, contemporary to or even its fruit and ate, and she gave to her
are currently being produced. If true, preceding the Old Testament. husband also, and he ate too. Then their
then perhaps these entities have been Two such documents are the Nag minds were opened. For when they ate,
involved over the centuries with human Hammadi texts, discovered in 1945 in the light of knowledge shone for
evolution. Egypt, buried in an earthenware box, them.. ..They knew that they were na-
Human anatomy argues strongly for and a volume of ancient Jew~shlegends ked with regard to knowledge.. ..They
the conclusion that we do indeed have known as the Haggadah. These ancient saw that they were naked and became
a reptilian heritage. texts contain many little-known refer- enamored of one another. When they
Carl Sagan pointed out that the hu- ences to the story of humankind's cre- saw their makers [plural] they loathed
man brain clearly shows signs of hav- ation that imply that we had a reptilian them, since they were of beastly forms.
ing evolved from reptiles. The center heritage. They understood very much."
and most ancient portion of the human For example. the Haggadah includes (Barnstone, 1984, p. 71 .)
brain is commonly known among neu- this interesting description of Adam and Not many of us want to be told that,
rophysiologists as the reptilian com- Eve after they ate of the forbidden fruit: rather than being created by God with
plex, or "r" complex, and is believed "The first result was that Adam and a capital "G," we were created by hid-
to be a primitive vestige of our reptil- Eve became naked. Before, their bod- eous creatures known in ancient times
ian past. ies had been overlaid with a horny skin, as gods with a small "g."
It is this portion that is believed to and enveloped with the cloud of glory. The Haggadah describes the reptil-
be in some sense continuing to perform No sooner had they violated the com- ians quite specifically:
the dinosaur functions, such as territo- mand given them than the cloud of glory "Among the animals, the serpent
riality, aggressive behavior, and the es- and the horny skin dropped from them, was notable. Of all of them, he had the
tablishment of social hierarchies. and they stood there in their nakedness, most excellent of qualities, in some of
(Sagan. 1977. p 62-63). and ashamed." (Barnstone. 1984. p. 34) which he resembled man. Like man, he
Could the Book of Genesis have ref- The Nag Hammadi Texts offer the stood upright on two feet, and in height
December 2006 / MUFON UFO ~ournal
he was equal to the camel.. ..His supe- ing the creator gods. (fig 17 p 227). In
rior mental gifts caused him to become some cases the tablets depict two
an infidel. It likewise explains his envy snakes coiled around the tree. coinci-
of man, especially his conjugal visits." dentally reminiscent of the double he-
(Barnsone, 1984, p. 33) lix of the DNA molecule.
This description. written more than Even now. nearly 6.000 years later.
2.000 years ago. is a remarkably accu- this symbol (known as the caduceus)
rate description of today's reptilian be- is used to represent wisdom and heal-
ings as described by abductees, and ing. and is used by the American Medi-
should give pause. cal Association as its logo.
The history and mythology of the We might surmise that the hybrids
human race is full of references to ser- began to mate (probably with ape-like
pent gods who at times are depicted as beings that existed at the time). and they
benevolent, and at other times as cruel gradually lost their reptilian appear-
and barbaric. ance. further enraging Enlil.
In India. one of the oldest books Perhaps the Bible does not tell the
known. the Book of Dzyan. speaks of whole stoiy of creation. Perhaps there
a serpent race which descended from are many layers of god-like beings be-
the skies to teach humankind. These tween us and the Creator. Perhaps sci-
were the Nagas (this, curiously, is entists know less than they think they
Sagan spelled backwards), a semi-di- In addition, the Egyptians believed know about evolution.
vine race of beings with human faces in gods who had come down from the
and the tails of dragons. heavens in ancient times and mated
An ancient Indian epic tale, the with them, creating a line of semi-di-
Mahabharata, includes ,
this passage re- vine kings. A similar object
garding the Nagas:/ In Mexico and South America the
Aztecs and the builders of other Dear Mr. Connelly,
"The gods came in cloud-borne
chariots, magalithic structures worshipped the I was astounded to see a drawing on
feathered serpent gods, Kulkulkan and page 6 of the SeptemberMUFON UFO
Came to view the scene so fair.
Quetzalcoatl, who were said to have Journal of the same object I saw in Sep-
Winged Supamas, scaly Nagas,
imparted the wisdom of the sciences, tember, 1961, when 1,'lived in Stock-
Bright,celestial cars in concourse
sailed upon the cloudless sky." particularly astronomy, to their civili- ton, CA.
zations. But unlike the pictured craft, the one
(Boulay, 1990, p. 108)
Note that the gods came in "cloud- The Sumerian tablets, popularized I saw had a sound, as if a thousand-or
by Zecharia Sitchin, tell of a race of more-vacuum cleaners had been
borne" chariots, indicating their appear-
gods who came to Earth more than switched on all at once.
ance was something like a bright cloud,
yet the last line makes it clear that the 240,000 years ago, led by the god An I have been seeing "objects" since I
sky was cloudless. (thus they were called the Annunaki) was a young child, and have kept a jour-
and his sons, Enki and Enlil. nal, so if you would like a full report, I
This is typical of ancient texts, which
It fell on Enki, who was often de- would be glad to send it.
often describe the chariots of the gods
picted in the Sumerian drawings as half I have recently been named a Field
as clouds-perhaps because they sim-
snake and half man, to create a hybrid Investigator for MUFON.
ply had no other frame of reference.
worker race. These first hybrid humans -Shirley M. Wheeler
In Egypt the snake is depicted as a
could not reproduce, as is the case with ~ditor'sResponse: The Journal
powerful creature, capable of carrying
most hybrid species, and this was a would be happy to have your report.
the soul of the Pharaoh to the land of
immortality. Paintings depicting the method of control.
Pharaoh riding to heaven on the back But Enki, against the wishes of his Delphos, A Close Encoun-
of a flying snake have been found in brother, gave the hybrids the ability to ter of the Third Kind
royal burial chambers. procreate. In the Sumerian version, as Written by Ted Phillips and pub-
The snake was adopted by them as in the Bible, first humans were given lished by the UFO Research Coali-
the symbol of kingship and divine heri- to eat from the fruit of the Tree of tion. 8 112 x 11 format, soft cover,
tage, and can be seen on the head Knowledge. The ancient drawings use 177 pages. $20 + $2.50 S&H.
dresses of their kings, protruding from a picture of a snake coiled around a tree, Please add $4 additional for shipping
the center of the forehead, home of the bearing the fruit of knowledge, along outside the U.S. Order from
mysterious "third eye" in Eastern cul- with a half moon for Ea and the planet MUFON, P.O. Box 279, Bellvue,
tures. symbol of Anu, as a glyph represent- CO 805 12-0279

6 MUFON UFO Journal December 2006

Pye: Starchild anomalies continue
On Nov. 27. the National Geo- actly as anticipated. but then came the
graphic cable TV channel aired a new attempts to sequence its nuclear DNA,
episode of their "Is It Real?' series, which comes from both parents."
"Ancient Astronauts." which featured, The Starchild's nuclear DNA was
among othe'r topics. the Starchild skull run through the cycle seven times. he
which author/researcher Lloyd Pye has explains. "and in no case was the slight-
been having tested as a possible humad est whiff of its nuclear DNA found by
alien hybrid. the genetic primers used to do this deli-
cate work. Pye and friend.
According to Pye, author of Every-
thing You K ~ O Wis Wrong, two majbr "Why not? Two possible reasons."
breakthroughs have occurred in the says Pye. "Either the nuclear DNA was Starchild background
Starchild's situation, "and those devel- degraded in some highly unusual, or An American girl of Mexican heri-
opments made it extremely likely that even improbable, manner, or the prim- tage in her late teens was taken by her
the Starchild skull would finally be ers were not 'seeing' its DNA. parents to visit relatives living in a small
proven beyond doubt as not entirely "The problem is that such primers rural village 100 miles southwest of
human." are designed to recover only human Chihuahua, Mexico, 60 to 70 years ago.
Pye explains, "We've known for a DNA, nothing else. So if they easily re- The girl was forbidden to enter any
long time that the 900-year-old skull covered its mitochondrial DNA, which of the area's numerous caves and mine
(verified by Carbon- 14 testing) has they did, but could find not a trace of tunnels, but, like most teenagers, she
bone that is uniformly much thinner and its nuclear DNA, it seems obvious that went exploring.
much lighter than it should be, and that the primers were simply ineffective. At the back of a mine tunnel she
it was inexplicably much harder than 'They couldn't do theirjob," he says, found a complete human skeleton ly-
normal. "because the DNA they were seeking ing on the ground's surface. Beside it,
"Now we think we know why. There is not entirely human. It contains 'some- sticking up out of the ground, was a
are unprecedented 'fibers,' for lack of thing else.' What might that be? Yet - malformed skeletal hand entwined in
a better term, embedded in the matrix another breakthrough will soon tell us. one of the human skeleton's upper
of the bone itself! Nothing like it has "Recently there has been great sci- arms.
ever been seen before, but there it is." entific jubilation at a technical break- The girl proceeded to scrape the dirt
A second breakthrough, he says, was through that will allow the entire ge- off a shallow grave to reveal a buried
the discovery that inside many of the netic package (the genome) of a Nean- skeleton smaller than the human one,
skull's cancellons holes (the places derthal to be sequenced. and also malformed. She did not speclfy
where marrow exists) was a reddish "This truly is worthy of so much at- the type or degree of any of the "mal-
"residue" of some kind, "every bit as tention," Pye says, "because of all the formations."
unprecedented as the fibers embedded amazing data that might be gleaned. The girl recovered both skulls and
in the matrix. Absolutely nothing at all However, lost in the propwash of this kept them for the remainder of her life.
should be in cancellous holes 900 years announcement is the fact that the Upon her death they were passed to an
after death." Starchild skull will definitely benefit American man, who maintained pos-
These discoveries, he reports, come from it because the new technique does session for five years before passing
on top of "the most siginficant revela- not use primers! them to the American couple who now
tion yet-the DNA testing." "The problem that has been hanging control them.
In 2003 when the Starchild's DNA up the whole Starchild Project since Well-known legends with roots
was tested at Trace Genetics in Cali- 2003-the lack of workable primers for spreading throughout Central and South
fornia, they found that its mitochondrial it-is no longer an issue. There is now a America over two centuries or more in
DNA (inherited from its mother) pulled bright light at the end of the Starchild's general state that on a regular basis
up easily and showed its mtDNA was seven-year tunnel." "Star Beings" come down from the
indeed human, according to Pye. "This testing will not be available heavens and impregnate females in re-
"This was expected," he says, "be- to us until after the Neanderthal is se- mote, isolated villages.
cause if it was indeed a human-alien quenced, which will end some time in The women carry their
hybrid-the working hypothesis-an egg 2008," he says. 'Then the Starchild can "starchildren" to term, then raise them
could be genetically manipulated to get in line ad should have its DNA to age six or so. At that point the Star
make it so that a hybridization could available within a year, two at most." Beings return to collect their progeny
take place, while a sperm is entirely too lloydo and remove them to places, and for
small. purposes, not clearly outlined in the leg-
"So that part of the testing went ex- ends.
December 2006 MUFON UFO Journal 7
Prototype shows proof of principle

Device makes objects 'invisible'

Providing a bit of scientific credibil- versity in Durham, N.C.
ity to claims that UFOs sometimes be- A prototype so far hides objects only
come invisible. researchers at Duke from microwaves. not from visible
University have developed what they light, so the human eye can still see the
call an "invisibility cloak." objects.
This is a rudimentary device that "It's a very good achievement."
hides objects by bending electromag- physicist Ulf Leonhardt of the Univer-
netic waves so that they flow around sity of St. Andrews in Britain told Sci-
the object like water around a rock. ettce.
Because none of the waves are re- "It's surprising that it's as simple as
flected back at the observer, the object it is, and that it works so well."
seems basically invisible, but it does not This cylindel; o r "cloak" is made
-Thomas H. Maugh 11, Los Ange-
yet provide complete invisibility, since up of fiberglass plates, etched with
les Times; Dan Vergano, USA Today
it produces a small shadow that can be -Thanks to Kenneth Larson U-shaped copper divots.
Also, the device works only with mi-
crowave radiation-not the visible light
waves-and only in two dimensions.
Rotating object in N. California
However, it represents a proof of Investigated by Chuck Reever, the image is good enough to determine
principle for a theory first published MUFON Director of Investigations it is not a known aircraft.
only five months ago. The primary witness, Chris Bassett, At one point a commercial airplane
Scientists created a cylinder, or has been employed by the State of Cali- flew past the object, but that was not
"cloak," about 5 inches across, consist- fornia for 12 years as an office techni- captured on tape. Bassett states that the
ing of 10 fiberglass plates precisely cian for the Legislative Bureau of Cali- pilot had to see the object.
etched with U-shaped copper divots to fornia. Bassett's roommate, James, who is
cancel reflections and shadows from He appears to be a person of good a network manager for an architectural
microwaves. character, and states that he has good company, came home at 7:30 PM, and
The prototype, described in the jour- hearing and 20120 vision. Bassett pointed out the object to him,
nal Science, creates an electromagnetic Sighting account narrative although it was now farther away.
"mirage" around objects, bending mi- Bassett was in his back yard in Sac- James agrees that it was no airplane,
crowaves just enough to cancel out re- ramento, CA, on July 18,2005, at 6:30 and neither could explain the sighting.
flections, shadows and distortion, says PM watering his lawn. He happened The object continued to move to the
lead author David Schurig of Duke. to look up and saw an object to the southeast.
The technology differs from "stealth north, stationary, but moving or rotat- The object was first seen for about
applications, which tamp down radar ing and seeming to change shape. the frrst ten minutes over a bio-gas con-
reflections but don't eliminate them. It was reflecting the Sun, which version plant landfill where they col-
A cloak, in theory, would allow ra- made it difficult to see. It would twinkle lect methane gas and other gases from
dar waves to flow past an object with- like a star, but was much lower than a decomposing waste and convert it to
out any interference whatsoever. star. power.
To test the cloak, researchers first It appeared to be giving off some Sighting conclusion
fired microwaves at a copper cylinder kind of heat-the kind of wavy haze that The video DVD is very shaky, but
and recorded the electronic shadow it comes from the pavement when you certain scenes are quite clear. and are
cast. They next showed in contrast that look down the road on a hot day. similar to objects in other parts of the
microwaves largely pass around the At that point he knew it was not an world. This object is, in fact, most simi-
cloak as if it weren't there. airplane, and phoned his roommate, lar to an event I observed in July of
"There is some reflection, so this who told him to get his video camera.
isn't perfect, but it is only a prototype," When Bassett came outside, the object
had moved to the southeast. . Estate planning
Schurig says. Planned giving can be
The work is very preliminary, but it It was his first time using the cam-
both to MUFON and to
could herald an era of effectively invis- era, and he spent most of the time try-
and estate situation.
ible "cloaked devices, says study se- ing to obtain as much video footage as MUFON headquarters for details.
nior author David Smith of Duke Uni- possible. The video is not steady, but
8 MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
MUFON says
Claim of two UFO crashes/retrievals lacks evidence
By Ronald S. Regehr DER headquarters is in Provo, UT,
and the 87-square-mile DER complex About the author
Co-State Director, MUFON Utah Ron Regehr, MUFON's Co-State
itself lies in a remote high-desert area
Linda Moulton-Howe, a well-known NW of Milford, UT, on Highway 21 Director for Utah, was a presenter
UFO researcher, has, for over a year, (coordinates -1 13" 40' 29.83" by 38" at the 2006 MUFON International
reported on two alleged crashlretrieval 37'). Symposium with new information
events in the state of Utah, where I am There is no mail delivery (in spite of on the classic 1976 battle between
MUFON co-state director. the large, decrepit mailbox), radio, or Iranian F-4 jets and a UFO (see
In the first. Linda believes a UFO telephone. Stan Kitchen, USDA For- issue of the Joirmnl).
crashed and was buried at a remote est Service botanist is the facility man- This and other presentations grew
desert site near Garrison, UT, in 1953. ager, with his primary office in Provo. out of more than 25 years of work
In the second, Linda believes that in According to Kitchen, he works at with a team that developed the speci-
more recent times a disc crashed and the site when guests are scheduled, or fications for one of our nation's top
was recovered at a radar site at Cedar several times a month, depending upon spy satellites.
Breaks, UT. the workload. During this time he was fre-
Linda posted her findings on these Les Valez, who is researching this quently called on to assist govern-
two cases on her website case, told me that Steve Jones, another ment specialists in their evaluations
[€] and presented researcher, visited the site six times dur- of various highly classified pro-
the findings of the Garrison case at the ing the past 10 years. grams.
2005 CrashRetrieval Conference in In July 2005, Linda herself visited In the mid 1980's Regehr's in-
Las Vegas, NV, and at the 2006 Ozark the site with Jones, yet neither ever in- volvement in these classified pro-
UFO Conference in Arkansas. terviewed the site manager to see if grams convinced him that the gov-
I am constrained to report that my there was at least a plausible explana- ernment was withholding the truth
own inquiry into these two Utah cases tion for some of the anomalies cited by about UFOs.
suggest they never happened. What fol- Linda. I did. He has dedicated the past 20
lows are the results of my investiga- On Friday, Oct. 20,2006, Utah UFO years to lifting this veil of secrecy,
tion. investigator Ryan Layton, Darlene compiling hundreds of Freedom of
Garrison, UT, case Slade (MUFON). and I made an unan- Information Act (FOIA) documents,
This 1953 UFO event is supposed nounced, impromptu visit to the site. interviews with key individuals, and
to have taken place at an 87-square mile There we met Stan Kitchen, facility extensive information on one highly
facility known as the Desert Experi- manager. sensitive spy satellite.
mental Range (DER), established in After an approximate 1-hour inter- Regehr has been the subject of-
1933 by then-President Hoover. view, Kitchen took us on a complete and author of-numerous articles
DER is ecologically unique, and has tour of the DER facility. We entered since he first became interested in
been set aside as a United Nations Edu- every building, every room, and every the UFO phenomenon in the 1950's.
cational, Scientific and Cultural Orga- basement; opened every door, and
nization (UNESCO) biosphere reserve peeked into every closet. mous solar arrays.
(no international treaties were involved We thumped-on the walls, made Our visit suggests a prosaic expla-
in the designation). The DER is man- measurements, photographed and vid- nation for most, if not all, of the DER
aged by the US Forest Service, Rocky eotaped, and were granted total, unre- features Howe found suspicious.
Mountain Research Station. stricted access to anywhere and every- What follows in bold italics is each
This area exemplifies "Great Basin where we wished. of the points Howe made on her website
ecology," and current USDA studies We searched the entire complex, and in support of her conclusion that a UFO
are examining the relationship of hu- found nothing except some old build- crashed at the site in 1953.
mans and the land. Particular focus is ings. Some of these contained remnants Howe: ". ..a lurge triungulurfea-
on shrub restoration and balancing of furniture and bedding, showing there ture in the dry lakebed near a gov-
rangeland vegetation. was occasional use; one was a genera- ernmentfacility known as the Desert
The DER allows livestock grazing tor building housing a diesel-electric Research Experimental Station, or
through cooperative agreements with generator; there was an outhouse, a D.R.E.S. [sic]"
area ranchers, and monitors the short- decrepit tennis court, housing units, There is, indeed, a large triangular
and long-term effects of that grazing. and, roughly 114-mile away, the infa- feature about three miles east-northeast
December 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
from the DER building complex. This
triangle measures approximately 4.400
on each of its major sides. and 2.700 at
its base. The apex of the triangle points
at 202", or 22" west of due south.
It is this large triangle that initially
piqued the interest of a group of Cali-
fornia UFO researchers led by Steve
Jones, who brought it to Howe's atten-
Jones and Howe present three dis-
parate theories as to what formed the
triangle: (1) the impact of an extrater-
restrial craft, (2) US government efforts View of the Desert E.rperimenta1 Range facilities from solar plrmp station.
to disguisehury the alleged craft, (3) a
permanent marker in the lake bed for in 1994. between 5,600 and 6,500 gallons per
unknown purposes. I took a close look at the discon- day (gpd) at a maximum flow rate of
Howe: "... a strange juxtaposition nected and corroded antenna wiring and 17.6 gallons per minute (gpm).
to all the peeling paint and boarded connections and was convinced the an- Water is delivered into an on-site
up windows are new padlocks and tenna was disconnected and hadn't concrete storage tank, from where the
many new doors with brand new solid been used for many years, and Kitchen water is gravity fed to the water distri-
locks. " acknowledged that his attempts to re- bution points for animal consumption.
According to Kitchen, he was forced pair the device had proven futile. The storage tank is also equipped with
to put on new doors and locks when There is no sign of any "satellite up- a float level switch that will disable the
vandals broke into the facility. link" equipment anywhere at the facil- pump when the tank is filled to capac-
Our personal inspection of the facil- ity. Thus, the antenna is not "new;" it ity and enable it again when the water
ity bears out the validity of the "juxta- is not even in service. And it certainly level is low.
position of peeling paint" and various is not powered by the solar array. Howe thought the power generated
new fixtures. Howe: "What we're looking at by the solar array was used for power-
I spent roughly an hour with Kitchen here is a brand new solar panel ar- ing lights or devices in the structures,
in the "north house," which serves as ray ... Just to give you an idea of cost but 3-phase power is not compatible
Kitchen's "home away from home," ...a little over $I00,000 of solarpanel with household use; it is perfectly suited
and is the structure Howe pointed out array that is set up in the middle of for this (pumping) application.
as having new paint, a new door, this facility in the middle of nowhere. Howe: "One particular building
weather stripping, and a new lock. Why?" has newfuel tQnksnext to its halfbur-
However, many of the other build- Kitchen told me the solar array was ied [sic] structure. "
ings still need new paint, and several installed in 2001 to replace the original No mystery here. We found a die-
have broken doors and windows that 1935 diesel-powered, shaft-driven sel-powered generator in the "half-bur-
Kitchen had boarded up in an effort to pump. The pump is needed to provide ied" building. It provides single-phase
discourage thieves or partygoers. water for livestock, Kitchen said. or common household power to the
Kitchen says he repairs what he can Solar power at this facility makes buildings in the DER complex via over-
when he can, yet his primary job is as a sense to me. My brother owns some head wires.
botanist-not maintenance and repair. off-the-grid isolated property, and af- The generator is interconnected to
This is at least a plausible explanation ter struggling with erratic fuel deliver- the structures in such a manner as to
for the "juxtaposition to all the peeling ies, road closures, and other frustra- allow it to be turned on and off from
paint" that Howe found suspicious. tions, he, too, concluded photo-voltaic several of the buildings, as needed. I
Howe: ". .. a new mono-directional power filled his needs. didn't ask Kitchen, but I believe the
antenna is powered by a new solar I next checked with Colin Gates, rep- building is "half-buried" to dampen the
energy array.. ." resentative for the manufacturerlin- noise of the diesel engine.
Although Jones speculates the staller of the system, Southwest PV Howe: "Behind one of the DRES
simple Yagi antenna is part of a satel- Systems, Inc. Gates told me the solar- [sic] buildings are two large air ven-
lite uplink, Kitchen pointed out that the powered pumping system was installed tilation shafts above what seems to be
antenna was an attempt to provide reli- in October 2001, at a total cost of an underground room covered by a
able telephone communication between $60,000, and provides power to the cement roof. 'Junk' wall boards are
the DER facility and another USDA pump only. piled against the cement structure."
facility in Cedar City and was installed The system was designed to produce Howe believes that the air ventila-
10 MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
tion shafts lead to an underground tun- dication of an outlet, but found nothing May 20,1953. "
nel that connects the bqldings with the other than the green door. This previ- Howe believes there is at least a
alleged UFO burial site (the geologic ously mysterious underground structure chronological connection between the
triangle). didn't lead to a hidden tunnel, but had DER triangle and the Kingman, AZ,
But our inspection did not bear this a more prosaic purpose: respite from crash on May 20,1953.
out. Behind one of the buildings we the scorching summer heat. Let's pause for a moment and ex-
found the two ventilator shafts Howe Howe: "[military]People that you amine the plausibility of an event of this
mentioned. They did look out of place, would not expect to be traveling all magnitude. A UFO crashing into the
and a set of cellar-type doors blocked the way to the remote Desert,'Experi- desert floor would have set into mo-
by several layers of old plywood at first mental Range included ..!i( tion an immense government effort,
heightened my suspicions. Why did military personnel visit the intended to:
The " j u n k wallboards were aged site? Howe wanted to know. I think I 1. Determine if there was a crash.
plywood, and Kitchen said he used know the answer. 2. Secure the site.
them to block the former outside en- In 2005, along with most of the au- 3. Assess the site and determine if
trances, keeping animals from ventur- dience at the CrashRetrieval Confer- the UFO could be moved.
ing into the basement. ence, I was stunned that a remote range 4. Transport people and equipment
Kitchen and Layton pulled these ply- in Utah, dedicated to the scientific study to bury the craft.
wood panels aside, revealing a set of of livestock grazing would include, 5. Prepare the now-buried craft for
concrete stairs and a patched-up old among other visitors, US Army person- scientific examination.
door. Finally, I thought, we might have nel, personnel from the USAF R&D A large convoy would have off-
something ! Headquarters, Naval Research Labo- loaded equipment and personnel (prob-
Kitchen then walked to the side of ratory, US Army Special Forces, ably at an Air Force base, and the near-
the building and unlocked the back EG&G from Nellis AFB, and Morton est one is Hill AFB, near Salt Lake
door, which opened to a small landing. Thiokol. City), traveled over 200 miles on pub-
Straight ahead was a hallway that led These visitors didn't make sense- lic highways to the site, established
to the kitchen, and to the left a set of until it hit me. Was this site everj con- temporary quarters and communica-
stairs led down to the basement. sidered for an MX missile base during tions links, and moved more than
At the bottom right of the stairs was the Cold War? The timing seemed dor-I 1,000,000 cubic yards of material.
a green door. Kitchen opened the door rect, so I "Googled" "MX." Somehow, security forces would
and stepped into the underground room. Pay dirt! It seems that in January, have shielded this effort from the two
There, plainly visible in the ceiling were 1980, the Milford, UT, City Council area ranchers that work the valley, lo-
two square holes-the other side of the voted to encourage the Air Force to cal law enforcement, and from every-
suspicious ventilators. consider the area as a place to locate one traveling Highway 2 1.
Kitchen explained they were to pro- the MX missile. The council urged that This would challenge the most in-
vide fresh air to the sub-basement one of the major bases serving MX be trepid security force, as visibility in this
room, formerly used as a root cellar for built as close to Milford as possible. flat, desert terrain is about 25 miles.
storage of perishable food. Clearly its Then I rechecked the entries Howe If completely burying a large crashed
function changed over time as other provided from the pilfered guest log. I UFO wasn't challenge enough, we're
items were stored there. Summer is wasn't surprised to find that just two then expected to believe, so the story
hot, and there is no air conditioning. months after this city council meeting goes, that troops also hand dug a 3-mile
These ventilation shafts made sense to these "unexpected" guests arrived at long tunnel from the now-buried UFO
me. the DER facility, 41 miles west of to one of the DER buildings to enable
Was this the room from which "sev- Milford. visitors secret access.
eral curious UFO investigators" ille- Now each and every one of these Where did the %-million cubic yards
gally entered and stole aerial photo- military and government contractor of excavated material go after they dug
graphs and-the 1980 to 1983 "Record guests made sense. Without interview- the tunnel? Where did the hundreds of
Book of Visitors" several years ago? ing each of the visitors, we may never yards of concrete needed to shore up
It was these photographs and the know with certainty the intent of their the tunnel come from? Where are the
guest register that helped convince visit; however, we can reasonably con- truck tracks and other signs of this
Jones and Howe that this desert loca- clude they were there to assess the DER massive undertaking?
tion had hidden secrets. Kitchen said as a potential MX site. Remember, all of this activity had to
he didn't know, as the maps and guest Howe: "... there had been a UFO be completed and all signs of any ac-
register were stolen before he became crash out in the Utah dry lakebed in tivity removed in a scant 22 days for a
site manager. the late spring of 1953 and that it was Kingman, AZ, connection to be valid!
We closely inspected the walls, related to the Kingman, Arizona, If there would have been this tremen-
searching for a hidden door or any in- crash which allegedly occurred on dous amount of activity, surely the
December 2006 -- MUFON UFO Journal
aerial photo of the anomalous triangle is nowhere to run, should the clandes- Bruce Maccabee, a Dept. of the Navy
Howe provides, taken on June 11, tine activities be discovered. Unwel- physicist and MUFON photo analyst.
1953, (a scant 22 days following the come "eyes." using simple optics. can Maccabee said the 1140,000notation
alleged crash) would show some evi- surveil the premises from afar with no indicates the photographs were taken
dence of any earth-moving activity! But fear of discovery. from a 2500 to 2800 feet altitude using
it doesn't. Reasonableness leads one to con- a 6" lens. This does not fit with Jones'
Not only that, but what appear to be clude this would be a very poor "safe suspicions they were taken from high-
desert shrubs are growing on what house." The use of the facility as an altitude by an intelligence agency.
would have been recently shoveled and environmental research facility is plau- This lenslaltitude combination yields
bulldozed "soft sand." sible; its use as a safe house is not. a photographic image where 1 inch
There is no sign of any bulldozer Howe: [Jones, after one of his vis- equals 3,333 feet. Aerial photographs
tracks-even though we know that simi- its, apparently told Ho we] "Thispluce use fine-grained film, enabling upwards
lar tracks laid down in the California came alive after 9/11." of 20X enlargement. Thus, one could
desert in 1942 as a result of General I asked Kitchen about this. He told yield effective details of a few feet with
Patton's desert warfare training maneu- me he had been at the DER from Sept. reasonable resolution.
vers are still plainly visible. 10 to Sept. 14 to meet with Southwest According to Kitchen, aerial photo-
Assuming there really was a crashed PV Systems personnel to discuss the graphs such as these are one tool used
flying saucer buried under the triangle solar array and pump installation be- for assessing plant growth, pathJgraz-
(which I don't), wouldn't it make much fore he returned to his Provo, UT, of- ing patterns, and water drainage, etc.
more sense to build a structure directly fice. At one time, these photographs were
over the now-buried UFO, build an el- Besides, even if a UFO were buried valuable for research efforts at the
evator down to the craft, and install a at the DER, what would that have to DER.
perimeter security fence? do with 9/11? Howe: "Why is it triangular? My
Those trying to hide a crashed disc Howe: [referring to the photo- feeling is that it was the shape of the
would have a perfect explanations: "We graphs stolen from the DER] "The craft that dictated the way and angle
fenced in the area to provide an undis- aerial photographs were taken with of impact, the way it hit the lukebed
turbed control site for native vegeta- the impact site over on this luke bed is what created that V-shapedpattern
tion." being the center.. .. I thought there ..
.. the triangle pattern was not made
During our Oct. 20 visit, we person- has to be some connection between by Nature."
ally entered every building and struc- this place (DRES)[sic] and that im- The triangle is indeed a mystery.
ture in the DER complex. We closely ..
pact (triangle) . These photos were Equally mysterious are the many (15
examined each room as a potential 24 inches x 24 inches, single shot or thereabouts) triangular features lo-
entryway for the alleged tunnel (or any aerial photographs on old photo- cated throughout the world that I found
other suspicious anomalies). We found graphic style paper .... And these as a result of a short Internet search.
no evidence of any such entryway. were intelligence photographs, obvi- These triangular phenomena occur
Howe: "I think it's a safe house. ...
ously " on every continent. There are even two
And I'll tell you it has every sign of The photographs didn't look like "in- large triangular shapes on the bottom
being that." telligence photographs" to me. Intelli- of the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
In the intelligence trade, a safe house gence types quit using singular, old- Based on this commonality and
is a secret refuge for spies engaging in style paper in the early 1950s and be- world-wide distribution,we must either
covert operations. A safe house is a gan using aircraft equipped with cam- conclude there are natural forces at
seemingly innocent house or premise eras using high-speed "strip" film work forming these patterns or these
established by an intelligence organi- which results in a continuous strip of pesky UFOs just crash and are buried
zation for conducting clandestine activi- exposed film, not a series of single- all over the place.
ties in relative security. frame images. An undersea triangle off the
The DER is roughly 200 miles from Jones told me the photographs on Bermudan coast is strikingly similar,
the nearest metropolitan area (Salt Lake Howe's website have a 1140,000 nota- even to the details of an apparent
City, UT, or Las Vegas, NV). tion, and he suspects they were taken "mounded" perimeter, to the DER tri-
Linda thought the DER would make by an aircraft flying at very high alti- angle (see photos on following page).
a good safe house, but it would make tude. In 1999,Jones and his colleague, Les
no sense to use it as a secret refuge in Even though I spent much of my 35- Valez, hired a Salt Lake City geologist
intelligence operations-especially when year career as an aeronauticaVastronau- (Lamont Sorenson. now deceased) to
one considers the almost limitless pos- tical engineer working on surveillance study two ends of the triangular fea-
sibilities in and around the metropoli- systems, that doesn't make me an ex- ture near the DER facility. Sorenson,
tan areas of probable operation. pert in aerial photography. using both ultrasound and a magnetom-
Unlike the cities, at the DER there But I know someone who is:Dr. eter did not detect any strange features
MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
Further, he claimed he personally
visited the site and saw the buried UFO
sometime in 1993. None of this made
sense to me.
How could he have flown a C-141
to recover a UFO that crashed in 1953
when the C- 14 1 didn't become opera-
tional until 1964?
Why would security forces allow a
retired officer access to what would be
a still classified location? He said he
feared "they will shoot me" for talking
about the incident. then proceeded to
tell all.
This sounded very suspicious to me,
and my suspicions proved to be cor-
. On Oct. 27, Jones told me in an
An undersea triangle off the-Bermrvdan coast, lefr, is similar to the DER
triangle. email, "the ex-USAF person that Linda
contacted was completely' blowing
or artifacts indicating a crashed UFO This displaces the most sand at the ini: smoke at her. unfortunately, she didn't
in the triangular pattern. tial impact point, spreading it roughly realize it. That part of her report is
He did, however, claim the pattern uniformly on both sides. completely bogus."
did not result from natural forces such As the craft slowed and energy dis- In this paper I do not address those
as flooding or meteor impact. The sipated, the sand would not be thrown portions of her report based on this bo-
mystery remains. as far, finally coming to rest, forming a gus source. All of the statements I ad-
The fact is that there is no evidence triangle or "V" with the point or apex dress here are those of either Linda
of what caused the DER t.iangle+x any in the north. herself or of Steve Jones,.her original
of the other triangles at other locations But.the evidence shows us just the source.
around the world. The triangle may not opposite of what we would expect-a 'Next month: The Cedar Breaks,
be a natural feature, but this doesn't triangle with its apex pointing north- UT, alleged crashlretrieval.
mean it's a crashed UFO. unless, of course, the damaged UFO
Let's forget all about the fact that somehow made a "U"turn!
triangular shapes appear all over the Nor is there any seismic record of Richard Dolan
world. Let's examine whether this par- the event Howe claims. To displace
ticular triangle in Utah might indeed the amount of soft sand required to form to host Sci Fi show
have been formed by the crash of a the triangle. would require Richard Dolan, who has done doz-
UFO. output of over 10 kilotons-roughly the ens of interviews and narrations on
Howe asserts the triangle was yield of the atomic bomb detonated over UFOs, including the 2005 MUFON
formed by the impact of a high-speed Hiroshima in 1945. symposium,.will host a Sci Fi Channel
UFO crashing into the desert floor. She An energy output of this magnitude show called Sci Fi Investigates. , ,

I claims the initial impact point was would most certainly result in seismic Dolan is one of four hosts. The oth-

roughly on the south (based on her activity, yet there,is no seismic event ers include an archaeologist, a crime
1 Kingman, AZ, premise?), with the sand recorded for this area. scene investigator, and "Boston Rob."
being thrown northward and to both Near Milford, some 40 miles away, Dolan, a trained historian, attended
sides of the lakebed, forming the tri- there were two small trembles, and an- Oxford University and the University
angle. other small quake was recorded about of Rochester, where he, earned a
The problem with this theory is that 60 miles north of the DER near Kings master's degree.
the triangle is backwards! To under- Canyon, but nothing at the DER. His book, UFOs and the National
stand why it's backwards, remember CONCLUSION: For many of her Security State, is the fxst of two vol-
that Howe insists this UFO was "re- statements, Howe relied on a man who umes that provides a-chronology of
lated to the Kingman, AZ, c r a s h and claimed to have been a C-141 pilot and what he calls the national security di-
thus, came from the south. part of the UFO recovery team. He said . mensions of the UFO phenomenon
When something hits the ground, the he had personal knowledge of a UFO from 1941 to 1973. A second volume,
energy is greatest at the initial impact buried in or under the triangle in the due out in early 2007, will describe
point, diminishing to zero when it stops. desert near the DER. events from 1973 to the present.
December 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
Dr. Leir reports
14th implant removal
Dr. Roger Leir and his surgical team
Where we came from? form workers for the Anunnaki gold have perfirmed Leir 's 12th surgery for
Adam the Missing Link (The New mines. the removal of an object suspected of
History of Mankind's Creation) by This was done, according to the au- being an alien implant.
Marshall Klarfeld, Library of Congress thor, 250,000 years ago in what is now The patient in this case was female,
AprSu 1-115-248, 8 112 x 11, spiral east central Africa, adjacent to the and the object was located in the third
bound, 66 pages. Anunnaki gold mining operations-"the toe of her right foot.
Reviewed by Dwight Connelly precise point where archeologists say The object removed was another
This colorful book, printed on high our species originated." metallic rod about 6 rnm in length cov-
quality paper, is a combination of The first human was called Adam, ered with a biological coating. The rod
Zecharia Sitchin and Eric Von Danikan, which means "one who is like Earth's was located on the bottom side of the
as interpreted by the author. clay." The Sumerian account is com- 3rd toe, and deep in the tendon struc-
Sitchin and Neil Freer are credited pared with the Hebrew Bible story, as ture.
in the References section as the primary well as with stories from other ancient Prior to removal it was found that
sources of information.. civilizations. the object was emitting an electromag-
While this publication plows no new These new humans proved to be at- netic field of 4 milligauss, as well as a
ground, it is noteworthy in the wealth tractive to some of the Anunnaki, and radio frequency signal, according to Dr.
of illustrations-ranging from the cunei- children were born of these unions. This Leir.
form tablets of Sumer to the Nazca was unacceptable to the Anunnaki high As with the other 11 cases, the pa-
Lines of Peru. council, who decided to wipe out these tient fulfilled all the criteria making her
Klartield seeks to answer four ques- humans with a flood, but some were a candidate for surgical extraction. She,
tions: "How was our solar system saved. along with her family, reportedly had
shaped?" and "How did humanity The Anunnaki ("those who came- "a full and rich history involving the
evolve on our planet?" down from the heavens") then trans- alien abduction phenomena."
He seeks to answer these questions ferred some of their technology and cul- As with the other surgical cases, Dr.
by dividing his research into four cat- ture to the new Earthlings-all the while Leir did not permit the patient to un-
egories: maintaining control. dergo hypnotic regression prior to the
+Stored information text (Cunei- By about 1250B.C. the visitors from surgery, as it was his feeling this could
form tablets); the planet Nibiru had left Earth, and bring about undo criticism regarding the
+Stored information device (cylin- humans had to begin fending for them- patient's memories of her experiences.
der seals); . selves. The Anunnaki had left behind In 2004, the patient contacted Dr.
+ Stored information sculpture their technology-and perhaps the be- Leir requesting assistance with her ab-
(Ishtar statue, etc.); and ginning of religion, focused on the god duction experiences. At that time she
+Stored information structure or gods who had left. submitted an x-ray showing the object.
(pyramids, etc.). Klarfeld covers many cultures in this Dr. Leir and his team of radiologists
He notes that "it has been observed short book, pointing out examples of reviewed the film and determined the
that when an advanced civilization en- "stored information" which suggest that object was metallic. They also pin-
counters a primitive culture, three stories similar to that of the Anunnaki pointed it's exact location.
things tend to occur: can be found in other ancient sources. Another film was taken on the day
+The advanced civilization domi- of the surgery, and it was reportedly
nates the primitive culture; found that the metallic object had not
+The advanced civilization imposes only moved from its original location,
its form of governing; and but had also fractured into three sepa-
+The advanced civilization transfers Feb. 25-March 2, 2007-Interna- rate pieces.
its technology. tional UFO Congress Conference & This made the surgical extraction
The author, like Sitchin, suggests that Film Festival, Laughlin, NV, 303-65 1- more difficult, but fortunately the en-
the cuneiform tablets describe how the 7 136, tire piece was removed in one segment
advanced Anunnaki civilization from May 18-19-McMenamins UFO of biological tissue.
the planet Nibiru created humans Festival, McMinnville, OR, 503-472- The metallic portion was then sepa-
through DNA manipulation, combining 8427. rated from its soft tissue envelope and
the Anunnaki with the ape-like crea- Aug. 10-1ZMUFON International placed in a blood serum preservative
tures which were already present to UFO Symposium, Denver, CO. derived from the patient.
14 MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
FILE,rS FILES By George Filer
Director, MUFON Eastern Region

Note: These reports are presented in or- my firetearn and I witnessed a large ball "It came up to 10,000 feet in a frac-
der to keep readers informed of some of the of light traveling slowly over the tree- tion of a second. I disengaged the auto-
vast number of sightings being reported. tops. There was a very high pitched pilot and pushed the nose over, because
However, these cases have not been ofiicially humming noise. I was going to go under it at the angle
investigated, unless noted. "Our compasses were not working, that it was coming toward me.
but using terrain association we figured "The minute that I did that, it was
Rhode Island egg-shaped UFO that it was heading roughly north/ north- up at our altitude and I could see noth-
Providence - A 35-year-old male east, at maybe 10-20 mph. ing outside of the cockpit but this craft.
going by the name of Vaughn witnessed "It was mov- I didn't know which way to go.
a UFO on Oct. 20, 2006. There was ing much too "Then all of a sudden I heard a
one other witness by the name of slowly to be a racket. 1didn't know what it was. And
Kananga who also saw the object in missile or other I said: 'What the hell was that?' One of
flight. projectile that the crewmen looked around and said.
The time was 6:30 PM, and a storm I've ever seen. 'Everyone was ducking and they col-
had just left the area. The object was and was far too lided with each other, and fell on the
described as being either egg-shaped close to have floor of the plane."
or spherical in nature. It had a gray been mistaken for ''Then the UFO appeared over to the
top, and its bottom was fire-white. a helicopter or an right, moved out slowly, and flew with
When the eyewitnesses had initially ahlane. us. It was not at our altitude, butwe
spotted the UFO, it was flying south; George Filer

"We have not could see the shape of it. It was a dome,
passing an airliner that was heading in reported this incident to anyone, al- and I could see the coronal discharge.
a northerly direction. It was around that though I have heard from other cadets "I went back aft, let the other pilot,
time that they determined that this UFO in the NR Battalion besides those in my A1 Jones, take my seat, and went to see
was smaller than an-airliner. squad/fireteam that saw the same ob- if the passengers were OK. They had
It made its closest pass as it flew ject early that morning. It passed al- some bumps and bruises. One passen-
overhead at an altitude of one mile and most over us, and I could not discern ger was a doctor, so I went to him first.
at a distance of one mile away, and its shape; it was only a blob of light." "I said, 'Doc, did you see what we
didn't make any noise. It was around Thanks to Christopher Montgomery. saw?' He looked me straight in the eye
that time that they were able to film the and said, 'Yeah, it was a flying saucer.'
object in flight. He said: 'I didn't look at it because I
It then flew northbound and disap-
Commander Bethune's sighting
During the Disclosure Project, don't believe in such things.'
peared from view. Vaughn reported "It took me a couple of seconds to
that he had previous UFO experiences Commander Graham Bethune (US
Navy Ret.) revealed that his Flight 124 realize- what he was saying. Being a
when he was 8 or 9 years old, and again psychiatrist, he couldn't believe in that
at the age of 16. from Keflavik, Iceland, was involved
+ Thanks to investigator Christopher with a near miss of a UFO in 1951, kind of thing.
about 300 miles outside of Argentia, "So I went back to the cockpit and
Montgomery, executive director said, 'Al, whatever you do, don't tell
Newfoundland, at 49-50 North and 50-
UFORC International Global Network. anybody we saw anything. They will
03 West.
He states, "I saw a glow on the wa- lock us up as soon as we get on the
Virginia UFO visits ROTC ter, and as we approached this glow, it ground.'
Blacksburg - This happened dur- turned into hundreds of circles of white "He says, 'It's too late. I just called
ing an Army ROTC weekend training lights on the water. Gander Control in Newfoundland to see
Oct. 7, 2006, in a large wooded area "We watched it for a while; when if they could track this by radar.' So
on base. the lights went out, there was nothing that's how the story got out."
The witness reports, "While on a on the water. The next thing that we George Wolkind writes, "Paula and
land navigation exercise in the woods saw was a yellow halo that was very I are saddened by the news about Gra-
at about 2:30 AM, two other people in small, about 15 miles away. ham Bethune's death. We both really
December 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
hood. At 27,26, and 34 years of age, it
was the most amazing thing we have
ever witnessed."
Thanks to Peter Davenport, direc-
tor, ufocenter.

Michigan cigar-shaped object

Grand Rapids - "Standing in the
front yard." says the witness, "four of
us watched a silver cigar-shaped craft
move slowly across the sky on Oct. 6.
2006, at 5:30 PM, and suddenly pick
up speed and vanish.
'"Two of my children, myself, and my
neighbor were looking north at the sky
and noticed a cigar-shaped, shiny ob-
UFO hdeotaped by young girl in Yucatan, Mexico ject that appeared to be very high u p
Susula, Yucatan -Ana Luisa Cid, managed to record it, although at that about where an airplane would fly.
a young girl, managed to record on point it was in plain sight. "It seemed to move very slowly and
video a possible luminous UFO on "A few seconds elapsed and the ob- left no smoke trail behind it. It also
Sept. 1, 2006, according to Gustavo ject went away. We didn't see it again. seemed to be moving sideways. Then
Aleman, director of the Ovni Merida We immediately broke'camp and tried it suddenly picked up speed and disap-
group. to locate it elsewhere along the high- peared in a flash.
Aleman's report: "I saw a flash in way, but it wasn't possible was ei- "I have never seen anything like this
the sky and summoned my colleagues ther a mere chance or it was our lucky before, and I have no background hav-
to confirm what I was seeing. When we day." ing anything to do with UFOs."
tried to videotape it, the object came Thanks to The Journal of Hispanic
closer to the .site, and that's .how we Ufology.agd Ana Luisa Cid. Nevada diamond-like object
Fallon -The witness reports: "My
thought that he was special, and he will Illinois diamond-shaped object brother and I were outside on a bike
be missed. He always treated everyone Joliet -The witness reports: "My ride on Meadow Glen Drive on Oct.
with love and respect." brother, his girlfriend, and I witnessed 27, 2006, on our way to our uncle's
Thanks to George Wolkind (Dela- a diamond-shaped craft that was hov- house when my brother noticed some-
ware Extra Terrestrial Contact Support ering about a half mile away from us thing flying really slow.
Group). on Sept. 30,2006, around 10 PM. "We had thought it was just an air-
"At that distance it appeared as a red- plane until I noticed it looked like a dia-
California discs whitish light. After 3 to 4 minutes of mond and had no wings. It was a gray-
Lancaster -"I was taking pictures hovering, the craft began to move ish blue color, and flying real slow. It
of the clouds from my yard," says the slowly in our direction. It came to got real close to us and flew to our right.
witness, "when I saw a disc-shaped ob- within 1,000 feet of us, about 100 feet "It was fast with these movements
ject hovering in front of the clouds on high. until it was away from us. That's when +
Oct. 3,2006, at 7:30 PM. "At this time the distinct lights on it went slow again. My brother
"I was trying to figure out what it the craft were clearly visible. There screamed, and we pedaled really fast
was when it shot to the left a short dis- were red rectangle lights in a cross pat- to get to our uncle's house. We were I

tance, then straight up at a 90-degree tern on the bottom, along with many scared and we wanted to get away as
angle. Then it moved back to the right, white lights. fast as possible.
and I took a picture. "The craft was small, and I would "We lost sight of the object when we
"Before I could take another, it think only one or two people could got to our uncle's. He had come out-
moved straight up and out of sight. It travel in it. The thing I was most side to see what was going on, and we
was gray in color, and the sighting amazed with bas the absence of sound. went to show him, and it was gone."
lasted about 3 to 5 minutes. The day "After it passed us, my brother and
was bright with high clouds, and little I tried to run with it to get a longer look. Utah sighting
wind. This is the second sighting within The craft was traveling 30-40 mph, so Elaine Douglass writes that she re-
a week." needless to say, we did not keep up with quests a correction on her Aug. 29,
Thanks to Peter Davenport, director, it very long. 2006, sighting. Following is the cor- "We lost track of it in the neighbor-
MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
California photos
Modesto -R. David Anderson
reports, "This past weekend, I was
in the back yard relaxing on a chaise
"I had my eyes closed and was
about to nod off to sleep when I sud-
denly snapped back to conscious-
ness and immediately saw a bright utes as it just hovered above. "Altogether, the object was vis-
orange object in the sky towards the "It seemed to change shape from a ible for over 15 minutes, and it took
south. sphere to a diamond shape, then to a this long for it to complete this course
"I stared at it for about three min- cylinder. I ran into the house and got trajectory.
utes, and it moved north until it was my camera, and came out and took four >''The object appeared around 6
almost directly above me. I ran into pictures of the object. and was gone by 6: 15 PM. The UFO
the garage and got out the binocu- "The UFO now began to move back traveled contrary to the wind direc-
lars. I watched the object through towards the south, after having com- tion." Report and photos by R.
the binoculars for at least five min- pleted a full 180-degree turn. David Anderson.

rected version: "I was lying on my back branches, at which point I observed it cause of the way the lights were totally
on a lawn in downtown Moab, UT, at change direction and move, still in sync, but when I noticed the second
3:45 PM (MDT). 'What's that?' I said meanderingly, north. 'What do you group, the lights moved as if each light
to my companion, Dennis B. We both think that is?' I asked my companion. was an individual craft, and that meant
observed a bright white trapazoid- "He thought it was a balloon. Actu- they were flying at a much higher alti-
shaped object moving across the sky at ally, the movement was consistent with tude.
a walking pace and in a meandering a wind-driven object, but the shape was "The height and speed was over
manner overhead. not consistent with a balloon. My com- 10,000 feet with speeds of 500 to 1,000
"The object periodically stopped. It panion was not particularly interested kmh."Thanks to
also appeared to be rotating or tum- in the object, and he seemed to be try-
bling. It was high, but not that high. ing to find a conventional explanation. Alleged repair case in Greece
Apparent size 114thumb's width. It was "I quickly went into the street beyond Mega Platanos - K. B.
moving slowly now, and then at one the trees to find the object, and it was Moschovosdear reports, "This photo is
point turned north. not there. I searched the whole sky and from September 1992 of the village
"The object had distinct edges. The nothing could be seen. At the speed the Mega Platanos where a small UFO fell
Sun was high-about 45 degrees in the object had been moving, there is no way to the ground with damage near a
west-and southwest of the object, and it would have moved across the sky, shepherd's home.
would have been illuminating it. since I began looking for it almost im- "Three or four little men made the
"However, I noticed there seemed to mediately. repairs and disappeared again. The case
be no shadowing of the object on the "As for wind, I felt no wind on the is called Karatrangios from the name
side away from the sun. 'How can you ground, and I observed the clouds to of the shepherd's fainily."
tell it is rotating?' I asked myself, be- see if there was drift. The only clouds "Case two. A giant light sphere was
cause the object was uniformly illumi- visible were high cirrus clouds. well seen three days ago at the same place,
nated. above the object, and I observed no drift going enormous speed toward the is-

"The way I could tell it was rotating of those clouds." Thanks to Elaine Dou- land of Corfu." Thanks to K. B.
was because the edges and angles of glas, MUFON Utah State Co-Director. Moschovos.
the object moved as I watched. The
object was quite white and shiny, seem- Canada sightings
ing to have a surface like highly pol- Fort McMurray, Alberta - "On NUFORC is moving
ished white metal. I watched it for Sept. 23,2006, at 4:45 AM, I saw about After 32 years in the Seattle area, the
maybe two minutes, and it was ob- eight objects flying east in a "V" for- National UFO Reporting Center is
scured by trees directly in front of me. mation very fast," says the witness. moving to a new locale in eastern Wash-
"That did not concern me, as I as- Then I noticed a second group flying ington, a decommissioned U. S. Air
sumed I could simply walk 15 feet and from the west, following the first group. Force ICBM missile base, located be-
see the object again. I believe I did catch "I thought that the first sighting was tween the towns of Davenport and
sight of it again in a clearing of the tree just one triangular ship flying low be- Harrington, WA, in Lincoln County.
December 2006 MUFON UFO Journal

PERCEPTIONS By Stanton T. Friedman

Astrobiology for the female breast (round disc gone. Frank Drake was born in 1930.
I had been somewhat wary of buy- shapes) and phallic symbols (cigar- Seth Shostak is over 60.
ing Dr. David Grinspoon's book Lonely shaped craft). David is definitely one of the lead-
Planets: The Natural Philosophy of Not a bit of evidence was provided, ers of the new generation of scientists
Alien Life, (Harper and Collins, 2003, and no case investigations were cited concerned with planetary surfaces and
459 pages), but after two people I re- which would lead anybody to this silly the development of life, having been
spected said good things about it, I bit conclusion. The only UFO book refer- born in 1960 and been heavily influ-
the bullet. enced by them was Carl Jung's UFOs: enced by rock music, science fiction,
My wari- A Modem Myth of Things Seen in the Star Trek, and a close association with
n e s s sky" his father's friends, "Uncles" Carl
stemmed In the text, reference is made indi- Sagan and Isaac Asimov.
from the fact rectly to the Betty and Barney Hill case He notes that another close friend of
that David is with a very strange comment that their his father was the late John Mack. also
the son of Dr. explanation "is offered as an alterna- a Harvard professor of psychiatry, who
L e s t e r tive hypothesis to the given understand- had graduated from Harvard the same
Grinspoon, a ing of one of the most popularized UFO year as Lester.
retired reports. which ethical and legal consid- They received their advanced de-
(emeritus) erations prevent us from citing." grees at the same time and were close
Harvard pro- Considering that John G. Fuller's colleagues, attended each other's wed-
fessor of book about the case, The Interrupted dings, etc.. . and eventually disagreed
psy.chiatry Stan Friedman about UFO abductions.
Joumey, had already been a best seller
who had pro;ided one of the sillier ex- and available for years, makes one David even relates that he was up-
planations for UFOs. wonder why. stairs when Sagan, Lester Grinspoon,
His paper "Psychiatry and UFO Grinspoon and Persky suggest that and McDonald listened to tapes that
Reports," with Dr. Alan Persky (also a the case was an example of a psycho- Lester had borrowed from Benjamin
Harvard psychiatrist) is included in the sis known as folie a deux, a communi- Simon of the Hills' hypnosis sessions.
book UFOs: A Scientijk Debate, ed- cated form of mental disorder. What is somewhat surprising to me
ited by Carl Sagan and Thornton Page. "This is a psychosis in which one of is that Lester Grinspoon is no stranger
The book includes papers presented two intimately associated people devel- to controversy,having been a strong and
at a symposium on Unidentified Fly- ops certain mental symptoms, particu- public advocate of the medical uses of
ing Objects sponsored by the Arneri- larly delusions, which are communi- marijuana for many years. He has pro-
can Association for the Advancement cated to and accepted by the second vided testimony to congressional hear-
of Science in Boston on Dec. 26 and person." ings on the topic and written several
27, 1969. Kathy Marden, Betty's niece, pretty books.
It was published by Cornell Univer- much demolishes this armchair expla- He was also one of the first physi-
sity Press, 1972, and includes 341 nation by noting the many differences cians to use Lithium compounds in the
pages with 15 separate papers. between Betty's and Barney's detailed treatment of mental disease. It is obvi-
There is a lot of good reading, in- accounts in a new book "Captured," ously harder to gather laboratory data
cluding Jim McDonald's paper, "Sci- which hopefully will be published in on UFOs than on reactions to, and side
ence in Default: Twenty-two Years of 2007. effects of, various drugs.
Inadequate UFO Investigations," espe- In a column I did a while back, I had David takes note in a footnote that
cially in contrast with Donald Menzel's noted the need for new blood in ufology Carl Sagan, a very good friend of
paper, "UFOS- he Modern Myth,'' with a lot of us "leaders" in the field Lester, had used marijuana. This has
which demonstrates the truth of getting older. John Schuessler, Bob been noted before. Too bad a psychia-
McDonald's title. Wood, Dick Hall, and myself are all trist with Lester's smarts and courage
Anyway, Grinspoon and Persky se- over 70. hasn't looked at the subject of the "Will
riously suggested a Freudian explana- The same holds true for SET1 and not to believe" so common amongst
tion: UFO sightings might well repre- exobiology and the newer version as- prominent astronomers, and apparently
sent symbols in the witnesses' minds trobiology. Sagan, born in 1934, is some psychiatrists.
MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
David Grinspoon has a breezy style, background, Grinspoon says very little rado under the direction of physicist
and doesn't seem to try to impress the about the feasibility of interstellar Edward Condon.
reader with dense prose. I enjoyed the travel. "The Condon Report published in
book and its much broader perspective Obviously, if an advanced civiliza- 1969 did not satisfy anyone on either
than usually found in the SETI litera- tion has developed relatively straight- 'side' of the UFO controversy. It con-
ture. forward interstellar travel, one might cluded that nothing could be concluded,
He has been steeped in planetology expect colonization and migration to be and that further study was not justified."
c since working as a college freshman as the rule rather than the exception. The fact is that the Condon study was
an assistant to the Voyager Imaging Such a civilization would be able to almost completely independent of
team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory not only spread their influence in their Project Blue Book.
in Pasadena for the Voyager 2 Jupiter local neighborhood, but to shift from It had been recommended by the
Encounter in 1979. planets or solar systems where, for any O'Brien Committee in a "Special Re-
He describes the complete surprise of a number of reasons, life becomes port of the USAF Scientific Advisory
of the group watching as the images of much more difficult. Board Ad Hoc Committee to Review
Jupiter's moon Europa were first Surely he is aware of nuclear fusion Project Blue Book," one of whose
stripped on to the screen. The theories being the primary source of energy for members was Carl Sagan.
had predicted an ancient dead cratered most stars. It would not be surprising - Furthermore I think a great deal of
landscape on the small ice planet. if he, like most academics, was un- emphasis should be placed on the find-
Instead they saw a smooth bright aware of the substantial effort that has ings of the Special UFO Subcornmit-
surface criss-crossed by strange dark been made in the development of tee established by the American Insti-
lanes. nuclear aircraft,. nuclear rockets, tute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Throughout the book he cites in- nuclear ramjets, aswell as fusion rock- Its findings about the Condon study,
stances of reality conflicting with theo- ets. published in 1970, "Astronautics and
ries, and the need for a certain amount It is also not surprising that Aeronautics," included this statement:
of humility about predictions. Grinspoon nowhere discusses the se- "We find that the opposite conclusion
"As you might expect, many com- curity implications of advanced vehicle could have been drawn from the con-
fortable preconceptions have been com- technology demonstrated by flying sau- tent of the report-namely that a phe-
pletely overturned. Much of what we cers-normal stuff like weapons deliv- nomenon with a high ratio of unex-
thought we knew about comparative ery and defense systems and reconnais- plained cases (about 30 %) should
planetology turns out to be wrong." sance missions. arouse suff~cientscientific curiosity to
The SETI cultists could learn a lot Grinspoon isn't strongly anti-UFO continue its study."
about humility. ala Carl Sagan in Demon Haunted For reasons unknown, Grinspoon
He makes the interesting point that World, as discussed in my TOP SE- speaks of there having been only three
the arrival of the Galileo spacecraft, CRET/MAJIC or Drake in his Is Any- official UFO government studies in the
launched in 1989 towards Jupiter, made one Out There? 50s and 60s.
clear that the Jovian family of satellites However, his knowledge seems very He names "The Scientific Advisory
was really a planetary system of its limited. For example, he doesn't men- Panel on UFOs," but not its chair&,
own. Different factors influenced the tion the Congressional Hearings of H.P. Robertson, though noting that
development of each satellite. 1968 with Jim McDonald's outstand- panel member Luis Alvarez, a noted
By that time he had his PhD and was ing paper covering 41 good cases. scientist, was co-discoverer of the gi-
.. a comparative planetologist funded by Sagan and 10 other PhDs and myself ant comet impact that doomed the di-
NASA (The only non PhD presenter) also con- nosaurs.
Grinspoon suggests replacing the tributed. He gives it equal weight with Blue
well known, and over hyped, Drake He never mentions Dr. J. Allen Book and the. Condon studies, even
Equation with a version that more prop- Hynek, an astronomer involved with the though the panel met for only five days
erly deals with the rate at which plan- UFO subject for almost 40 years and and included mostly people who had
etary surfaces change from being suit- author of such books as The UFO Ex- known nothing about UFOs and did no
able for life to being uninhabitable. perience. Of course there is no men- field investigations.
He notes that users of the Drake tion of Richard Hall's two volumes of There is no mention at all of "Project
"equation" compute a value for the The UFO Evidence. Blue Book Special Report No. 14," the
number of civilizations in the galaxy He mentions the Condon Report, but huge 1955 study by Battelle Memorial
that varies from 10,000 to 1 billion; makes this totally false statement: "In Institute which includes more than 200
hardly a scientific result indicative of 1966the House Armed Services Com- tables, charts, graphs, and maps relat-
understanding the situation. mittee decided that Project Blue Book ing to 3,201 sightings ...25 times as
Not surprisingly, considering his ex- hadn't gotten anywhere, so they handed many as studied by Condon.
tensive academic and NASA-related the files over to the University of Colo- (Continued on page 21)

December 2006 MUFON UFO Journal


P h ~ s i c aTraces

By Ted Phillips

The Tatra Project tific team reach the cavern and study Between 1925 & 1931 Tony and
This is a report dealing with the most the artifact. After spending a day and Anna traveled to the United States,
significant event in my 42 years of re- evening with Tony and Anna, I called Canada, Mexico, and Argentina on
search. Some details will be left out of J. Allen Hynek and told him the story. mining business.
this reportfor reasons that will become At his request my wife and I drove to 1935-1939: Tony & Anna moved to
obvious. meet him in New Mexico to discuss Banska Bystrica, Slovakia (mine direc-
1have been able to collect a wealth the information in detail. tor)
of information, both historical and cur- After a day of discussion we agreed 1939: Arrested by the Germans and
rent, relating to this 36-year quest. an expedition should be initiated. Two placed in Theimwald concentration
The - ~ a t r a weeks later, funding was agreed upon. camp.
Project began in It would come from a well-known ac- 1941: Escaped from concentration
1970 when a tor. It was a sure thing, we thought. camp and fled to Slovakia. In hiding
close friend con- The beginning of the beginning until 1943.
tacted me with Antonin (Tony) T. Horak was born 1943-1944: Became a member of
a n . incredible 109 years ago in the village of army insurgents (rank of captain) fight-
story from his Hermannstadt, located near the border ing in sector Podkar-Patska Russ.
neighbor. that now exists between the Czech 1945-1948: Fugitive in Prague, to
Knowing of Republic and Slovakia. Paris-fugitive from Russians.
my interest in The family was on vacation at one 1952: Arrived United States with
cave exploration of their homes in Hermannstadt, located Anna.
and unusual oc- ~~dPhillips a great distance (at that time) from their 1952 - 1974: Built and owned a res-
currences, he felt property in Bohemia. taurant and taught music and languages.
I should hear the story. Two weeks later For many generations the family en- Antonin Horak died in 1976, Anna
my wife and I traveled 800 miles to terprise was called Domain Keilberg, in 1978.
meet this Czechoslovakian engineer at and included agriculture, forests, and Military action
his home. . mines. This property is located in the As noted above, in October, 1944,
We were immediately impressed district of Jachymov, Bohemia. Tony was a captain in the Slovakian
with -Tony and Anna Horak, both in The following is a summary of Tony Army, fighting in the north of Slovakia
their early 70's, as a quiet and extremely Horak's personal history. background. near the Polish border. I am quoting
intelligent couple. After a casual con- work, and education: directly from the 1944 diary of Tony
versation I brought up the cave and ar- Attended various schools (named in Horak:
tifact. document) in Prague, London, and "Saturday, October 2 1, 1944. The
He began by showing us a very old Paris 1903-1915. !915-1919: remnants of our battalion (184 men and
and worn diary he had carried with him Joined Czech Army, fought in officers, a quarter wounded, 16
during World War 11. The diary was 5 Austro/Hungary conflict, lieutenant in stretcher cases) were retreating through
by 7 inches in size and filled with very 1916 with division decorations. the snow of the north slope.
detailed daily accounts of his involve- 1921: Married Anna Krisch, gradu- "My company was the rear guard.
ment in the fighting. ated University of Banska Stiavniva At dawn Sunday, two 70mm guns
The fust entry was dated Sept. 5, (geology). opened up at us from close range-about
1944, and described the conflict near 1924: Graduated University of 300 meters. Having held our position
Levoca. Tony had a number of similar Prague (engineering). for 12 hours, I ordered a gradual
diaries written from 1941 to 1944. 1927 Graduated University of breakup of the skirmish and a :lip-off.
We viewed and photographed the Prague (business management & phi- . "But in our left trench someone be-
diary pages related to the artifact cave, losophy). came careless, and that drew two di-
which included a number of detailed 1928-1930 director-adjoint at mine rect hits-shells, two wounded. Arriv-
sketches of the cave, artifact, and the near Pribramy, Bohemia, 1932-1935 ing there I bumped into the enemy,
terrain around the cave location. Director of mining complex Saline caught a bayonet and bullet with my
Tony had one goal: to have a scien- Vizakna. left palm and a blow on my head, which
MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
invoke the Deities. I started my cave
tour with rifle, lantern. torches, pick.
"After a not too devious nor danger-
ous walk and some squeezing, always
taking the easiest and marking side pas-
sages. I came, after about I 112 hours.
into a long, level passage, and at its end
upon a barrel-sized hole.
Next month: The Discovery.

Continued from page 19)
Grinspoon makes only one dispar-
aging comment about Roswell. But in
his notes on sources for his Beliefs
Tony Horak, lep, and J. Allen Hynek in 1970. chapter he states "Two good books on
the "Roswell Incident" are The Roswell
put me out. Without my fur cap it might pockets of poisonous air, and 'certainly Report: Case Closed by Captain James
have been fractured. . haunted.' McAndrew and Roswell: Inconvenient
"Sunday, October 22,1944.1 came "I was back in the grotto with my Facts and the Will to Believe by Karl
to when someone was pulling me from men at about midnight, exhausted, head Pflock, a veteran ufologist."
the trench, a tall peasant. He packed very painful, soothed it with snow. A highlight of the former is the no-
snow on my hand and head, and Martin was unconscious, Jurek fever- tion that crash test dummies dropped
grimed. ish. all over New Mexico were responsible
"Then this rough and ready Samari- "For breakfast-lunch-dinner he and for stories about small alien bodies re-
tan grabbed Jurek, stripped off his I had hot water, and, thank God, I had lated to Roswell.
pants, yanked a long slivver of steel my pipe. I placed warm stones around Of course, more careful investiga-
from his thigh, and planted him Martin, and ~ u r e kgot the first watch. tion indicates the dummies were 6' tall
bare-bottomed and gasping into a heap "October 23,1944. Miserable night. and weighed 175 pounds, and none
of snow. Martin, with a slash across and Martin at times conscious; I gave him were dropped before 1953 (6 years af-
into his belly, was tenderly bandaged. three aspirins and hot water to sip with' ter Roswell) or near either the Corona
"Building a stretcher, the peasant in- drops of Slivovitz. or Plains of San Agustin crash sites.
troduced himself as Slavek, a "Jurek hobbled hungrily around the I have discussed the many problems
sheepman, owner of the pastures here- two German helmets in which he boiled with Karl's character assassinations and
abouts. With Slavek hauling and guid- water, to which I added .lo drops of other aspects of his Roswell investiga-
ing, it took us four hours to reach this Slivovitz, our breakfast. With this del- tion in my 2003 paper "Critiquing the
cranny. uge of snow, avalanches imminent, and Roswell Critics."
The cave enemy skiers roaming, Slavek may not The book is an excellent overview
"Slavek moved rocks in the cranny be able to get through to us with food of planetology, but certainly has little
and opened a low cleft, the entrance to for days to come. scientific work on UFOs. space travel,
this roomy grotto. "And neither should I try hunting and the cosmic Watergate.
"Placing Martin in a niche, we were track up the landscape while I have two I am sure we will hear more from
astonished to see Slavek become cer- immobilized men on my hands. Dr. Grinspoon. I might even buy his
emonious: he crossed himself. each of "But here we have this cave which book Venzts Revealed.
us, the grotto. and. with a deep bow. its Slavek knows only partially; it may
back wall, where a hole came to my have more than this known entrance,
attention. and it may contain hibernating animals.
"About to leave us, Slavek went "These possibilities I mulled over
while Jurek was chewing pine bark,
Case reports
through themsame holy rites, and begged Investigators and State Directors.
me not to go further into his cave. I ac- and, as expected, he implored me to go
poaching into Slavek's cave and prom- Please send a copy via email (Word)
compaked him-to fetch pine boughs- or snail mail of your case reports di-
and he told me that only once, with his ised to keep mum.
rectly to the Journal, including cop-
father and grandfather, he had been in "And I was not only starved, but ies of any photos and drawings
this cave: that it is a huge maze, full of equally eager to find out what makes (.jpg). Thanks.
pits which they never wanted to fathom, self assured Slavek scared enough to
- December 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
Directors' Message ...
(Continued from page 2)
you have a public service announce-
ment that you would please like them
to air. '

The FCC requires that T V stations.

in order to maintain their broadcast li-
cense, periodically air PSAs as a ser-
vice to the public.
Keep in mind that the TV station
does not have to air your PSA. and can
give the time slot to another organiza-
tion. so please be courteous and thank
the station.
Explain the mission and goals of
MUFON and that it is a 5013C non-
profit organization. Mention that the
PSA is not soliciting donations. and that
it is only to let the station's viewers
know that there is somewhere that they
can report a possible UFO sighting.
If the T-V station agrees to run it, You can purchase the Field Investiga- Sherry Basket of Stephenville,TX,
inform them that the PSA is on CD or tor Manual at http://www.mufon.comf has accepted the position of Research-
DVD in a MPEG-2 format and take invmanual.htm for the MUFON mem- Specialist in Educational Counseling.
both the CDIDVD and the printed Ar- ber price of $28.50. Malcolm Burnett of Bellevue, WA,
ticles to the TV station. has.accepted the position of Research
If the station cannot accept .mpeg2 Projects and fundraising Specialist in Electrical Engineering.
files, a Betacam SP broadcast tape can You should have already received
be produced and made available for that MUFON's fall fundraiser letter that was New Field Investigators
particular station. mailed in November. Please read about In the October 2006 Journal Qron
Easter points out that "if there is a the important projects MUFON has Cole Thompson of Muncie, IN was
UFO flap in a State Director's juris- planned, and help us get these projects mistakenly listed as Tyron Cole
diction, this PSA will be a handy tool off the ground through your generous Thornton.
to insert into the television viewing to donation. Kathleen Marden, Director of
possibly gain witness information that These projects include our Public Field Investigator Training, has an-
might not otherwise be gathered." Education Fund, First Responder Edu- nounced that Patty Donahue, of Eagle,
For every UFO sighting that is re- cation Fund, Preserve UFO History MI, Mary Jo Bossone of Pompano
ported, there are nine that are not, pri- Fund, Research Teams Fund, and UFO Beach, FL, Theresa Merklinger of
marily because the witness does not Cumculum Fund. Together, we can Winter Springs, FL, Gary Huffman
know who to report it to. solve the UFO mystery. of Golden, CO, Charles May of Saudi
Help us in this concerted effort to Arabia. Todd Hitch of Houston, TX,
make MUFON a household name and Position Announcements Frank Lang, of Seymour, CT, Rich-
increase the number of sighting reports Sam Maranto of Orland Park, IL, ard Blalack of Wayside, NJ, and Jo-
MUFON can investigate. Many of has been appointed as the State Direc- seph McElveen of Rincon, GA, have
these same witnesses are also potential tor for Illinois, replacing David Marler. passed the MUFON Field
MUFON members. Tracey Smith of Great Bend, KS, Investigator's Exam and are now
When the witness fills out the online has been appointed as the Assistant MUFON Field Investigators.
report form, it will automatically be State Director for Kansas.
routed to the appropriate State Direc- Robin Van Olszewski of Greenville Estate Planning
tor for assignment to a Field Investiga- has been appointed as the State Sec- Planned giving can be beneficial to
tor. Please follow up promptly and com- tion Director for the northwest section both MUFON and to your own tax and
plete the investigation. of South Carolina. estate situation.
If you are not currently a Field In- Charles May has accepted the po- If you wish to have more informa-
vestigator, now is the time to get trained sition of Foreign Representative in tion on various options and benefits,
and take the Field Investigator Exam. Saudi Arabia. please contact MUFON Headquarters.
MUFON UFO Journal December 2006
The Allies of Humanity
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This is a collection of the very best cases of the past 50
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Included are contributions by Stanton Friedman (Hill star have changed his life forever.
map),John Schuessler (Cash-Landrumencounter), Ray Fowler Hardcover is 429 pages and has 13 pic-
(Allagash abductions), John Carpenter
tures. $29.95 ($21.95 softcover) plus $3.95
7, (video-taped abduction). Bill Chalker
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phering Ramey message). David Rudiak
(evaluating Ramey message), Nancy outside the U.S.
Talbott (science of crop circles). Ted
Bloecher (New Berlin repair case). Dr. Bill McCowan, Dept. M, P. 0. Box 402,
Roger Leir (implants). Stan Gordon
(Bigfoot), Phyllis Budinger (analysis of Springville, AL 35146
Delphos sod; analysis of Betty Hill dress); Walter Webb (Buff
Ledge abductions), Kathleen Marden (Betty & Bamey Hill),
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Other cases covered include the Hickson-Parkerabductions Advertising rates
at Pascagoula, Betty & Bamey Hill. Travis Walton. Australia's In 3x 6x
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tos, Father Gill's close sighting. animal abductions/rnutila- Inside back cover $425 $400 $375
tions. historic UFO art. and the ongoing Romanek case. Full page $350 $325 ' $300
The compiling. writing, and editing of this 240-page soft 112 page $250 $225 $200
cover book is by Dwight Connelly. MUFON Jorrnrcrl editor.
Order from MUFON Headquarters. the IM page $150 $125 $100
website. or from the author at 14026 Ridgelawn Road. "Galling card" $55 $50 $45
Martinsville. IL 62442. $9.95 plus $3.00 shipping (single or For advertising. contact James Carrion at
multiplc copies). Signedlinscribed copies on request. .jcanion 970-22 1- 1836.
January 2007 Sky
Moon Phases:
Full Moon: Jan. 3
Last Quarter: Jan. 11
New Moon: Jan. 19
First Quarter: Jan. 25 AM.
Unfortunately the full
Bright planets (evening sky) Moon will prevent op-
Mercury (magnitude -1.0 to -0.9): Before Dawn on Jan. 15.. timal viewing. '

Moving from Sagittarius to Predicted Rate: 45 to

Capricornus. Bright planets (morning sky) 200 faint meteors per hour.
For Northern Hemisphere observers, Mars (magnitude 1.4): In Sagit- Where to look: east of Polaris (the .. ,
Mercury will be visible with difficulty tarius. For Northern Hemisphere ob- North Star) and below Ursa Major (the
and only later in the month after sunset servers, Mars stands more than 60 de- Big Dipper). 4I )

very low in the southwest. grees high in the south-southeast at the

For more favored Southern Hemi- beginning of morning twilight, and sets Conjunctions and occultations: . ..
sphere observers, Mercury will move near 2:30 AM in the west-northwest. Jan. 5: Jupiter 5 degrees north of An:
out of the glare of the Sun near Jan. 16. For/ less favored Southern Hemi- tares
and will stand about 6 degrees above sphere observers, Mars will rise ap- Jan. 6: Saturn 0.2 degrees south o f .
the western horizon by the end of the proximately one hour before dawn in the Moon.
month. the east-southeast at the beginning of Jan. 15: Antares 0.1 degrees north
Venus (magnitude -3.9 to -0.9): the month, standing 13 degrees above of the Moon.
Moving from Sagittarius through the horizon as morning twilight begins. Jan. 15: Jupiter 6.0 degrees north of
Capricornus into Aquarius. For North- By month's end, Mars will stand the Moon.
ern Hemisphere observers, Venus will about 17 degrees above the horizon at Jan. 17: Mars 5.0 degrees north of
be visible very low in the southwest the beginning of morning twilight. the Moon.
after sunset at the beginning of the Jupiter (magnitude -1.8 to -1.9): In Jan. 20: Venus 0.1 degrees
- north of
month; by month's end Venus will stand Ophiuchus. For Northern Hemisphere the Moon.
about 11 degrees above the southwest observers, Jupiter will rise in the south-
horizon as evening twilight fades. east near 5:30 AM. and will stand
For Southern Hemisphere observers, nearly 14 degrees high in the southeast
Venus will stand about 6 degrees above at the beginning of morning twilight.
the west-southwest horizon at the be- For Southern Hemisphere observers,
ginning of the month, rising to l l de- Jupiter rises approximately 1.5 hours

grees above the horizon by the end of before the Sun in the east-southeast,
the month. standing about 19 degrees above the
Saturn (magnitude 0.2 to 0.0): In east-southeast horizon at the beginning
Leo. For Northern Hemisphere observ- of morning twilight.
ers, Saturn will rise in the east-north- By .month's end, Jupiter will stand
east approximately 3 hours after sun- about 44 degrees high in the east-south-
set, and will stand about 27 degrees east at the beginning of AM twilight.
high in the west at the beginning of
morning twilight. Meteor showers: Quadrantids:
Southern Hemisphere observers will The Quadrantids are an above aver-
find Saturn rising in the east-northeast age shower, with up to 40 meteors per
approximately 2.5 hours after sunset, hours at their peak. The shower will
and will stand about 44 degrees high in peak this year on Jan. 3, but some me-
the northwest at the beginning of mom- teors will be visible from Dec. 28-Jan.
ing twilight. 7.
MUFON UFO Journal December 2006

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