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Attach a copy of the Zoom window of your resting ECG. Indicate on the figure he P wave, OR comp!e", and the #$wave.

3/6/2008 3:12:11.426 PM 1.5



0.0 ECG (mV) -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7

3/6/20 8 3:28:24.616 PM 1.5



ECG (mV)


- 0. 5

- 1. 0 43 43.5 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 46 . 5 47

3/6/20 8 3:41:36.654 PM 1.0


ECG (mV)


- 0. 5

- 1. 0 20.5 21 21 . 5 2 2 .5 23 23.5 24 24 . 5

Fill in !o r res lt "ro# Ta$le 1 in t%e s&a'e $elo()

PAIR 1 Component P wave /R wave # wave PAIR * Component P wave /R wave # wave PAIR + Component P wave /R wave # wave %ean Amp!itude &mi!!ivo!ts' ).)*+, ).0*1 ).-+. %ean (uration &seconds' -.-+. -.-.-.-.2

%ean Amp!itude &mi!!ivo!ts' ).)-.2 -.,-+ ).,2)

%ean (uration &seconds' -.)3, -.)32 -.)32

%ean Amp!itude &mi!!ivo!ts' ).)*, ).3,2 ).*,,

%ean (uration &seconds' -.-+3 -.-+. -.-+3

S%o( t%e 'al' lation "or !o r %eart rate in t%e s&a'e $elo(:
4eart Rate PAIR 1 4eart Rate 5
+) -.)12

+) time int erval

5 22 PAIR * 4eart Rate 5

+) -.-+2

5 2* PAIR + 4eart Rate 5

+) ).310

5 +-

Ta$le 1 : Res lts ta$le "or t%e %eart rate 'al' lation in E,er'ise 1

Pair * ,

#ime Interva! &seconds' -.)12 -.-+2 ).310

4eart Rate &6eats per minute' 22 2* +-

St -! . estions
Ans(er t%e "ollo(ing / estions in 'o#&lete senten'es)
1) Des'ri$e t%e events t%at are o'' rring in t%e %eart - ring t%e "ollo(ing ti#es)

a0 P (ave P wave indicate atria! depo!ari7ation 6y depo!ari7ation of atria! contracti!e fi6ers. Atria! 6egin contracting a6out *2 mi!!iseconds after the start of P wave. After atria! contract, conduction of action potentia! s!ows at atrioventricu!ar&A8' node 6ecause the fi6ers are sma!!er in diameter and fewer gap 9unction. #he resu!ting ).- second de!ay gives the atria time to contract, adding to the vo!ume of 6!ood in ventric!es 6efore ventricu!ar diasto!e 6egins. #he action potentia! propagates rapid!y again after entering A8 6und!e. A6out ).* second after onset of P wave. It propagated through 6und!e 6ranches, Pur:in9e fi6ers and ventricu!ar myocardium.

$0 .RS 'o#&le, /R comp!e" appears as ventric!es depo!ari7e. 8entric!es 6egin contracting short!y after the pea: of R wave. (epo!ari7ation progresses down the septum upward from ape" and outward from endocardia! surface and produce /R comp!e". At the same time, atria! repo!ari7ation occurred. Atria! systo!e fo!!ows atria! repo!ari7ation. As contraction proceeds from ape" toward 6ase of heart, 6!ood s;uee7es upward toward semi!unar va!ves. #his is strong e!ectrica! signa! 6ecause ventricu!ar musc!e is much more massive than that of atria. It is comp!e" signa! 6ecause comp!e" pathway that the spread of depo!ari7ation ta:es through the ventric!es.

'0 T (ave # wave indicate ventricu!ar repo!ari7ation. Repo!ari7ation of ventricu!ar contracti!e fi6ers 6egins at the ape" and spread throughout the ventricu!ar myocardium. It is produced a6out ).0 second after the P wave onset. <hi!e the ventric!es are depo!ari7ing and the e!ectrica! events are mas:ed 6y /R comp!e".


Di- t%e a#&lit -es o" t%e ECG (aves var! greatl! $et(een in-ivi- als in !o r 'lass1

=o, the amp!itude of the students in our c!ass is ;uite the same. #he amp!itude of ECG is depending of the force of contraction and this is a!so re!ated to the strength of the action potentia! that the cardiac musc!e fi6ers produced. >or someone whose has the sma!!er amp!itude indicate he or she suffer from a6norma! heart.


Di- t%e - ration o" t%e ECG (ave var! greatl! $et(een in-ivi- als in !o r 'lass1

=o, a comp!ete ECG wave genera!!y !ast in range of ).+3 seconds to ).1* seconds.


Di- %eart rate var! $et(een #e#$ers o" !o r 'lass1

?es, the heart rates vary 6etween mem6ers of my c!ass. #he difference in heart rate is dependent on their activities. Environment factor a!so inf!uence the heart rate. tress and nervous condition contri6ute to the difference. u69ect who fee!s nervous or stressed wi!! has ECG that shows heart rate that is a6norma! than usua! or at rest. >or the su69ect that in the re!a" condition, their heart rate is norma!.

a0 Di- se, a&&ear to relate to %eart rate1 ?es, women and men have different heart rate. <omen have s!ight!y greater heart rate compare to men. 3) 4%at 'an !o sa! a$o t t%e a#&lit -e o" t%e vario s (aves in -i""erent 'ar-ia' '!'les1

#he amp!itude of the various waves in different cardiac cyc!es is difference due to the reason that may 6e the su69ect moves during the period when the rest using ECG is 6eing carried out. >urthermore, an en!arged R wave may hints of en!arged ventric!es, a f!atten #

wave may indicate cardiac ischemia as in coronary diseases and a pro!onged /# interva! revea!s a repo!ari7ation a6norma!ity that increases the ris: of ventricu!ar arrhythmias. 5) T%e P (ave an- t%e .RS 'o#&le, re&resent -e&olari6ation o" t%e atrial anventri' lar # s'le res&e'tivel!) 4%! -oes t%e .RS 'o#&le, %ave t%e largest a#&lit -e1

#he 6oth ventric!es have the thic:er musc!e wa!! than the atrium. 8entric!es need to pump 6!ood to systemic and pu!monary system through aorta and pu!monary artery respective!y. #herefore, the force of contraction produced 6y the ventric!es is higher than the atrium@s contraction force. o, the /R comp!e" has the !argest amp!itude. 8entric!es need to create higher pressure so that they can pump 6!ood to !onger distance. 7) T%e range "or a nor#al resting %eart rate is 58 to 98 $&#) A traine- at%lete 'o l- %ave a resting %eart rate o" 23 to 58 $&#) 4%! #ig%t a ver! "it &erson %ave a slo(er %eart rate t%an so#eone o" average "itness1

#his e"ercise may 6e caused 6y hypertrophy &en!argement' of the heart, which increases the stro:e vo!ume. o, this a!!ows the heart to 6eat more s!ow!y and sti!! maintain a norma! resting cardiac output. Endurance ath!ete common!y has a resting heart rate at 02 to +) 6eats per minute &6pm', 6ut 6ecause of the higher stro:e vo!ume, the resting cardiac output is a6out the same as that of an untrained person. :) Are t%e a#&lit -es an- - rations o" t%e vario s (aves in -i""erent in-ivi- als si#ilar or ver! -i""erent1

#he amp!itudes and duration of the various waves in different individua!s are very different. #his is 6ecause the wave appearance depends on the ventricu!ar systo!e and diasto!e of the individua!s whi!e the ventricu!ar systo!e and diasto!e depend on the person@s age, gender and their usua! activities. 9) 4%at variations in %eart rate -i- !o o$serve $et(een in-ivi- als1

4eart rates 6etween individua!s vary in amp!itude and shape of wave that represents on the e!ectrocardiogram. According to individua!@s se", fema!es have higher heart rate than ma!es whi!e when refer to individua!@s age, infants and senior citi7ens have higher heart rate than teenagers and adu!ts. A person with !ow 6ody fitness a!so has higher heart rate than peop!e with high 6ody fitness. 4owever, trained ath!etes have !ower heart rate than norma! peop!e in norma! condition. Aody@s hea!th a!so inf!uences the heart rate which peop!e with fever &increase in 6ody temperature' have higher heart rate than hea!thy peop!e. 18) Is t%ere an! o$vio s 'orrelation $et(een %eart rate an- an in-ivi- al;s se, or a&&arent "itness1

?es, adu!t fema!es often have s!ight!y higher resting heart rate than adu!t ma!es, a!though regu!ar e"ercise tends to 6ring resting heart rate down in 6oth se"es. A physica!!y fit person may even e"hi6it 6radycardia, a resting heart rate under 2) 6eatsBmin. #his is a 6eneficia! effect of endurance type training 6ecause a s!ow!y 6eating heart is more energy efficient than one that 6eats more rapid!y.

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