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Recruitment and Selection process

In this information age, the importance of human capital and human asset cannot do ignored; rather it is that line of business that could lead any organization to attain heights. This is the factor that makes difference between one organization and another. Getting the right person at the right place and then retaining him is the main area of concern in todays corporate world. Hence, the emphasis is being laid to de ice policies and programmes in such a manner that it leads to retention of the desired manpower and thus contributes towards organizational de elopment. !ach organization is now thri ing to attain the best person i.e. the knowledgeable worker and le erage their wisdom towards the achie ement of the organizational ob"ecti es. #obody wants to ha e the third best or the second best, but to ha e he best person in the organization it becomes ery difficult to retain them. $ertain great leaders who ha e made their mark in corporate world by their actions say that e ery organization can ac%uire the same machinery, the same infrastructure etc. but what makes the difference in one organization to another is the manpower it possess which cannot be copied down. $onsidering the aspect of sourcing, no organization should e er think that once it has ac%uired the best talent created fa orable conditions to retain them they would not re%uire going in for sourcing acti ities. Hence this should be kept in mind that sourcing is a continuous process, on outgoing one and will ha e its e&istence till the organization functions. The talent that we ha e ac%uired and retained is through its sourcing only. 'nless and until a person is sourced from outside, how will the organization get the best. To ha e the best it is essential to ac%uire it from outside. There has been tremendous change in the technology and for the organization to sur i ing in this changing scenario; it has become ery essential that they keep up with the pace with the changes in the technology, the change in the culture etc.

Taking for e&ample no organization can e en think of operating without the use of information technology, now it becomes ery difficult and costly affair to train the people within the organization at different le el to learn how to make use of this technology. Hence sourcing is done and the best talent is ac%uired so that the person not only takes case of changing technical needs of the organization but also be able to make other employee learn from him. (fter ha ing determined the number and kinds of personnel re%uired the human resource and personnel manager proceeds with identification of sources of recruitment and finding suitable candidates for employment. )oth internal and e&ternal sources of manpower are used depending upon the types of personnel needed. The selection procedure starts with the receipt of applications for arious "obs from the interested candidates. Totally unsuitable candidates are re"ected at the screening stage. *an power planning gi es an assessment of the number and type of people re%uired in the organization. The ne&t task of the personnel manager is to find out capable and suitable persons who may be working in the organization itself while others will ha e to be sought from outside the organization. It in ol es persuading and inducing suitable persons to apply for and seek "obs in the organization.

+ecruitment refers to the attempt of getting interested applicants and pro iding a pool of prospecti e employees so that the management can select the right person for the right "ob from this pool. +ecruitment is a positi e process as it attracts suitable applicants to apply for a ailable "obs. The process of recruitment, -. Identifies the different sources of labour supply .. (ssesses their alidity /. $hooses the most suitable source or sources 0. In ites applications from the perspecti e candidates for the acant "obs.

FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT (ll organizations, whether large or small, do engage in recruiting acti ity, though not to the same e&tent. This differs with, 1i2 the size of the organization; 1ii2 the employment conditions in the community where the organization is located; 1iii2 the effects of past recruiting efforts which show the organizations ability to located and keep good performing people; 1i 2 working conditions and salary and benefit packages offered by the organization 333which may influence turno er and necessitate future recruiting; 1 2 the rate of growth of organization; 1 i2 the le el of seasonality of operations and future e&pansion and production programmes; and 1 ii2 cultural, economic and legal factors, etc. 4actors go erning recruitment may broadly be di ided as internal and e&ternal factors. The internal factors are: 1i2 1ii2 1iii2 1i 2 1 2 +ecruiting policy of the organization; Human resource planning strategy of the company; 5ize of the organization and the number of employees employed; $ost in ol ed in recruiting employees, and finally; Growth and e&pansion plans of the organization.

The external factors are: 1i2 1ii2 1iii2 5upply and demand of specific skills in the labour market; 6olitical and legal considerations such as reser ation of "obs for 5$s, 5Ts, and so on. $ompanys image3perception of the "ob seekers about the company.


(s was mentioned earlier, recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting "ob seekers so as to build a pool of %ualified "ob applicants. The process comprises fi e inter3related stages, iz. 1i2 1ii2 1iii2 1i 2 1 2 6lanning 5trategy de elopment 5earching 5creening and ! aluation and control.

The diagram is shown on the following page.

6ersonnel Human +esource 6lanning

+ecruiting #eeded 6ersonnel

5electing 8ualified personnel

Placing New Employees On job

7e eloping 5ources of 6otential !mployees

5earch for 6otential !mployees

! aluating +ecruiting !ffecti eness

6ersonnel +esearch Internal 5ources Job Posting

'pgrading in same position Transferring to new 9ob 6romoting to higher responsibilities

6ersonnel +esearch !&ternal 5ources ! aluating for selection

(d ertising

9ob 6osting


)efore an organization acti ity begins recruiting applicants, it should consider the most likely source of the type of employee it needs. 5ome companies try to de elop new sources, while most only try to tackle the e&isting sources they ha e. These sources, accordingly, may be termed as internal and e&ternal.

+ecruitment process 7e eloping sources of potential employees

Internal sources Transfer 6romotion

External sources +ecruitment at factory gate 'nsolicited applications *edia ad ertisement !mployment agencies !ducational institutions +ecommendations $ontractors

STEPS IN SELECTION PROCE URE There is no shortcut to an accurate e aluation of a candidate. The hiring procedures are, therefore, generally long and complicated. *any employers make use of such techni%ues and pseudo3sciences as phrenology, physiognomy, astrology, graphology etc., while coming to hiring decisions. Howe er, in modern times, these are considered to be unreliable measures. 6reliminary inter iew

+ecei ing applications

5creening applications

!mployment tests

Inter iew


+eference checking

*edical e&amination

4I#(: 5!:!$TI;#

! ery candidate for the "ob has to clear a number of hurdles before getting selected for the "ob. If he is not found suitable at any stage, he is not considered for the further stages. Thus, he will be re"ected. 4or instance, if a candidates particulars in the application are not found suitable, he will not be called for the tests. 5imilarly, if a candidate fails in the tests, he will not be called for the inter iew. The following is a popular procedure through it may be modified to suit indi idual situation, -. .. /. 0. <. =. >. +eception or preliminary inter iew or screening; (pplication blank333333333a fact3finder which helps one in learning about an applicants background and life history; ( sell conducted inter iew to e&plore the facts and get at the attitudes of the applicant and his family to the "ob; ( physical e&amination3333333 health and stamina are ital factors in success; 6hysiological testing to e&plore the surface area and get an ob"ecti e look at a candidates suitability for a "ob; ( reference check; 4inal selection appro al by partner; and communication of the decision to the candidate.

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