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Ms Sandhya Rani Dash MODULE 6: ARITHMATIC CIRCUITS AS COMBINATIONAL LOGIC Structure 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Objectives 6.3 Adders 6.3.1 Half adders 6.3.2 Full Adders 6.3.3 Carry Look Ahead Adders 6.3.4 BCD adder 6.4 Subtractor 6.4.1 Half subtractor 6.4.2 Full Subtract or 6.4.32scomplementsubtractor 6.5 Binary Multiplier 6.6 Unit Summary

6.1 INTRODUCTION As we know a digital system consists of two types of logic circuits, namely combinational and sequential. A combinational circuit consists of logic gates whose out puts at any time are determined directly from the combination of inputs without depending upon the history of past inputs. In a sequential circuit, the output at any time depends on the present input values well as the past output values. The arithmetic circuit such as adders, subtractors, multipliers, dividers are the examples of combinational circuits.These arithmetic and logic circuits are mostly used in digital computes and calculators which contain logic gates and flip-flops that adds, subtract, multiply and divides by any numbers. In this unit different kinds of arithmetic circuits such as adders, subtractors, multipliers, dividers are introduced. 7.2 OBJECTIVES After going through this unit you will be able to: i) Define arithmetic circuits

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ii) Describe the function of a half adders and draw half adders logic diagrams iii) Describe the function of a half adders and draw full adders logic diagrams using half adders iv) Design the circuitry required to use a full adder as a BCD adder v) Describe half and full sub tractors vi) Develop logic circuitry and construct half and full subtractor

6.3 Adders Adders are important in many types of digital system in which numerical data are processed. The fundamental study of digital systems is the understanding of basic adder operations. The most basic arithmatiic operation is the addition of two binary digits. There are two types of adders 1. Half adders 2. Full adders 6.3.1 Half adder The arithmetic circuit which perform the addition of two binary digits, giving a sum bit and a carry bit is called half adder. It is the simplest combinational circuit. The truth table of the half adder consists of two inputs A and B an\d two out puts sum (S) and carry ( C ) is given below: Input A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 S 0 1 1 0 Output C 0 0 0 1

The simplified Boolean expression for the two outputs can be obtained directly from the truth table as,

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_ _ S= AB + AB C= AB The above expressions can be implemented as follows:

A half adder can therefore be realized by using one X OR gate and one AND gate as shown in the figure above. 6.3.2 Full adder It is the second category of adder. It is a combinational circuit that performs the arithmetic sum of three input bits and generates a sum out put and an out put carry. The full adder is designed for multibit addition purposes. The block diagram and truth table of a full adder is shown below.

Cin A B
(Block Diagram of Full Adder)


S Cout

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A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Input B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Cin 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Output S Cout 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

The full adder shown in the above figure adds to inputs A, B, and input carry Cin (carry from the previous lower significant portion). The variable S represents the sum of three input variables and Cout gives the output carry. Since there are three inputs, so there are eight possible input combinations and for each case the capital S and Cout values are listed in the truth table. So, the logic expression for S and Cout for which the output is 1 can be written as: __ _ _ _ _ S= ABCin + ABCin + ABCin + ABCin By simplifying we will get S= A B Cin ______ _ ___________ __ Cout = ABCin + ABCin + ABCin + ABCin _ _ _ _ = BCin( A + A) + ABCin+ ABCin _ _ _ = BCin+ ABCin+ ABCin

_ _ _ _

Now, add the ABCin term twice for further simplification we have _ _ Cout = BCin + ABCin + ABCin + ABCin + ABCin _ _ Cout = BCin + ACin( B + B) + AB( Cin + Cin) Cout = BCin + ACin+ AB

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From the above simplified expression of S and C out, the logic diagram of the full adder can be constructed by using two X-OR gates, three AND gates and one OR gate as follows:

6.3.3 Carry-look-ahead-adder In case of n-bit parallel adders, the sum and carry outputs will be delayed due to the propagation delays of gates through which the signal are passing. It slowers the speed of addition process. So a carry-look-ahead-adder is used for speeding up the addition process by eliminating the carry delay that by reducing the number of gates through which a carry signal must propagate. The carry-look-ahead-adder is based on the principle of looking at the lower order bits of the aguend and addend if a high order carry is generated. The output carry is produced either by carry generation or by carry propagation.

To explain this operation, let us consider the truth table of full adder. Row 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Input B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Output Cout 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
Carry generation i.e, Cout=1 Carry propagation i.e, Cout= Cin

Cin 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

S 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

No carry generation i.e, Cout=0

In rows 0 & 1, the carry output is always 0 and independent of carry input, while in rows 6 & 7, the Cout is always 1 and independent of Cin. These are known as carry generate combinations and is represented by Gi. This function indicates as to when carry out would be generated by the full adder. In rows 2, 3, 4 & 5, the carry output is equal to carry output. i.e, C out= 1, only when Cin= 1. These are carry propagate combinations and is represented by P i From the truth table the G i can be expressed as the AND function of the two iput bits corresponding to 6th and 7th rows as follows: _ Gi= Ai Bi Cin + Ai Bi Cin _ Gi= Ai Bi (Cin + i Cin) Gi= Ai Bi Similarly, the carry propagation condition occurs when either both of the i/p bits are 1. So Pi can be expressed as the OR function of the inputs A and B.

_ _ Thus Pi = Ai Bi + Ai Bi Bi = Ai Consider the addition of two 4 bit binary numbers A (A3 A2 A1 A0) and B (B3 B2 B1 B0). The unit carry output of the ith stage can be expressed in the form of G i Pi and Ci-1 which is the unit carry output of the (i-1)th stage as follows: Ci (Cout) = Gi + PiCi-1 Where Ci-1 for LSB stage is Cin which is assumed to be 0. In a 4-bit binary adder four stages of addition are required to add A0B0, A1B1, A2B2, A3B3 Therefore, for i= 0, 1, 2, 3 The Cisare given by C0= G0+ P0 Cin-----Where G0= A0B0; P0= A0 C1= G1 + P1C0 = G1 + P1 (G0+ P0 Cin) = G1 + P1G0+ P1 P0 Cin Where G1= A1B1 and P1= A1 B1 C2= G2 + P2C1 = G2 + P2 ( G1+ P1G0+P1P0 Cin) = G2 + P2G1 + P2 P1G0 + P2 P1 Cin------Where G2= A2B2 and P2= A2 B2 C3= G3 + P3C2 = G3 + P3( G2+ P2G1+P2P1P0 Cin) = G3 + P3G2 + P3 P2G1 + P3 P2 P1 G0 + P3 P2 P1 P0 Cin------Where G3= A3B3 and P3= A3 B3 B0 and Cin = 0

The sum of A & B is given by S= C3S3S2S1S0 Where Si = Ai Bi Ci-1 for i = 0, 1, 2, 3

i.e. S0 = A0 B0 Cin S1 = A1 B1 C0 S2 = A2 S3 = A3 B2 B3 C1 C2

Using the above equation, a 4-bit carry look ahead adder can be realized as shown in the figure

From the above diagram one can easily understand that the addition of two 4-bit numbers can be done by a bit carry look ahead adder in a four gate propagation time. The C out of each full adder stage is dependent only on the initial input carry (C in), its generate and propagate conditions and the generate and propagate condition of the preceding stages. Since each of the Gi and Pi functions can be expressed in terms of inputs A and B to the full adders, all of the output carries are immediately available (except for gate delays) and there is no need to wait for a carry to ripple through all of the stage before a final result is achieved. Thus the carry look ahead adder speeds up the addition process.

6.3.4 BCD adder A BCD adder is circuit that adds two BCD digits in parallel and produces a sum digit which is also in BCD. As we know that BCD uses four bits to represent a decimal no. as shown in the table. Legitimate BCD Numbers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

Forbidden Numbers

A1lthough legitimate BCD numbers must stop at nine, there are six more counts before all four columns are full. These six numbers i.e. the numbers greater than 9 are called forbidden numbers. In BCD addition, care must be taken to compensate for these six forbidden states.

A BCD adder circuit must include the following steps. i) Add two 4-bit BCD numbers using ordinary binary addition . ii) If the 4- bit sum is equal to or less than 9, the sum is in proper BCD form and no correction is needed. iii) If overflow occurs during an addition or if one of the forbidden states occur (if the sum is greater than 9) as a result of an addition , then 6 (0110) must be added to the result toflipthrought he unwanted states. In the above table shown, let us add 7 with 5. The result is 1100(12). To flip out of the forbidden states, count 6 more. The answer is 0010 or 2 with a carry to the next column. When you reach 1111, the next count is 0000 and a carry has occurred. Example: Add 3 plus 5 Solution: 0 0 1 1(3) + 0 1 0 1(5)

1000 There is no overflow and the result is a valid BCD number. So no correction is required. The answer is 8. Example -2: Add 8 plus 5 Solution: 1 0 0 0 +0101 __________________ 1101 There is no overflow but the result isnt a valid BCD number. So 6 must be added to compensate for the six forbidden numbers. 1101 + 0110 __________________ 10011 The answer is 13.

Example -3: Add 8 plus 9 Solution: 1 0 0 0 +1001 __________________ 1 0 0 01 The result is a valid BCD number but there was overflow So 6 must be added to compensate for the forbidden states. 10001 + 0110 10111 The answer is 17. To convert a binary adder into a BCD adder , logic must be provided that will produce a signal when 6 should be added to the result of an addition. The carry out of the binary adder can be monitored to see if overflow resulted. The BCD adder for adding two BCD coded decimal digits using two 7483 ICS is as shown in the figure. __________________

In the above BCD adder,

the two BCD digits, together with the input carry, are first added in the top 4-bit binary adder to produce the binary sum. The bottom 4-bit binary adder is used to add the correction factor to the binary result of the top binary adder. The outputs of the top adder (Z3 Z2 Z1 Z0 and Cout ) are checked to ascertain whether the output is greater than 9 by AND- OR gate combinations. If correction is required, then a 0110 is added with the output of the top adder. Now the bottom adder output forms the BCD result (S3 S2 S1 S0 ) with carry output. Note: 1. When the Output carry is equal to zero, the correction factor equals zero. 2. When the Output carry is equal to one, the correction factor is 0110. The output carry generated from the bottom binary adder is ignored, since it supplies information already available at the output-carry terminal. A decimal parallel adder that adds n decimal digits needs n BCD adder stages. The output carry from one stage must be connected to the input carry of the next higher-order stage.

Self Check Exercise 1 Q. No 1. Answer the following questions selecting most appropriate alternatives out of the four alternatives given in each question a) A half adder is characterized by i) two inputs and two outputs ii) three inputs and two outputs iii) two inputs and three outputs iv) two inputs and one outputs B=1, Cin=0. The outputs are i) S=1, Cout =1 ii) S=1, Cout =0 b) A full adder is characterized by i) two inputs and two outputs ii) three inputs and two outputs iii) two inputs and three outputs iv) two inputs and one outputs i) Two 4-bit binary numbers ii) Two 2-bit binary numbers iii) Four bits at a time

c) The outputs to a full adder A=1, d) A 4-bit parallel adder can add

iii) S=0, Cout =1 iv) S=0, Cout =0 e) A half adder can be constructed from i) two X-NOR gates only outputs connected in parallel. outputs connected in parallel iv) one X-OR & one AND gate.

iv) Four bits in sequence. f) Parallel adders are i) combinational logic circuits iii) Both of these

ii) one X-OR & one OR gate with their ii) sequential logic circuits iii) one X-OR & one OR gate with their iv) None of these

g) In which of these following adder h) Which of the following adder circuits the carry look ripple delay is circuits can add three or more bits at a eliminated. i) Half adder ii) Full adder iv) Parallel adder v) carry- look -ahead adder time. i) parallel adder ii) carry- look -ahead adder iii) carry- sense -adder iv) full adder

Q. No 2. Determine the sum and output carry (C) of a half adder for each set of i/p bits. a) 01 b) 0 0 c) 1 0 d) 1 1 Q. No. 3. Describe the working of a half adder Q. No 4. What is the difference between a half adder & a full adder. Design a full adder circuit using only NOR gates Q. No. 5. Design a full adder circuit using only NAND gates. Q. No. 6. How does the carry -look-ahead adder speed up the addition process?

6.4 Subtractors The subtractors are the combinational circuits that subtracts 2-bits and produces their differences. The subtraction process can be accomplished by taking the complement of the subtrahend and adding it to the minuend. By this method, the subtraction becomes and addition operation which requires full adders for its machine implementations. As there are half and full adders, there are half and full subtractors. 6.4.1 Half subtractor An arithmetic circuit used for the subtraction of two bits is refe to as half subtractors. It has two inputs X (minuend) and Y (subtrahend). And two outputs D (difference) and B (borrow). The LSB of the subtrahend is subtracted from the LSB of the minund during the subtraction of one binary number from the other. The logic symbol and the truth table of a half subtractor is shown below:



(Block Diagram of Half Subtractor) Input X 0 0 1 1 Y 0 1 0 1 D 0 1 1 0 Output B 0 1 0 0

From the above truth table, the logical expressions for the difference D and borrow B are obtained as

_ _ D= XY + XY = X _ B= XY

From the above equation, a half subtractor can be realized by using an X-OR gate, a NOT-gate and an AND-gate as shown below:

6.4.2 Full subtractor A logic circuit that perform subtraction involving 3-bits namely; minund, subtrand and borrow from the previous stage is known as full subtractor. Full subtractor is required for performing multi-bit subtraction. The liogic symbol and the truth table of a full subtractor is shown below.

X Y Bin
(Block Diagram of Full Subtractor)


D Bout

X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Input Y 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Bin 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Output D Bout 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

From the above truth table the logic expression for D and Bout is given as __ _ _ __ D= XYBin + XYBin + XYBin + XYBin Simplifying the above expression __ _ _ _ D=Bin(XY + XY ) + (XY + XY) Bin _______ _ = (X Y)Bin + (X Y)Bin D= X Y Bin

Similarly, __ _ _ _ Bout = XYBin + XYBin + XYBin + XYBin The equation for Bout can be simplified using K-map as shown in the figure

_ _ Now, Bout = XY + XBin + YBin Using the above simplified expressions, a full subtractor can, therefore, be realized using X-OR gates and AOI-gates as shown below:

6.4.3 2Complementaddition and subtraction using parallel adders 2ComplementAdder/Subtractions Q. Design a circuit that will use a 7483 IC to add the 4-bit number B4, B3, B2, B1 to the 4bit number A4, A3, A2, A1 and to subtract B4, B3, B2, B1 from A4, A3, A2, A1 by using 2s complement method for subtraction. The 2s complement system is used to represent the negative numbers for subtraction both the addition and subtraction operations of signed numbers can be performed using only the addition operation, if we use the 2 s complement form to represent negative numbers. 2ComplementAddition Toperformthe2s complement addition process, the 7483 IC, 4-bit parallel adder is used asthe2s complement adder circuits, which is as shown below:

Now let us take an example of addition of -4 and +7. The -4isrepresentedinits2scomplementformas1100,wheretheleftmustbit1isthe sign bit; +7 is represented as 0111, with the left must bit 0 is the sign bit. These numbers are stored in their corresponding registers A and B. The 4-bit parallel adder produces the sum outputs 0011, which represents +3. The output carry C4 is1,butdiscardedinthe2s complement method. 2 Complement Subtraction As we know in the 2s complement method, the subtrahend is changed to its 2s complement form and then added to the minund. The sum outputs of the adder circuit represent the difference between the minund and subtrahend. For subtraction of the two numbers, the subtrahend is stored in the register B and must be 2s complemented before it is added to the minuend stored in the register A. Then the complemented numbers B3 B2 B1 B0 is fed to the adder along with A3 A2 A1 A0. The initial carry input Co= 1 instead of 0 and is added to the LSB of the adder. For forming its 2scomplement.TheoutputS3 S2 S1 S0 represents the result of the subtraction operation. The sign bit of the result S3 indicates whether the result is negative or positive. The carry out C4 is again discarded. The arrangement q is complement subtractor as shown below:

A 4-bitadder/subtractorcircuitthatcanperformbothadditionandsubtractionin2s complement form is shown below:

____ When the ADD/SUB level is HIGH, the circuit performs the addition of the numbers ___ stored in registers A and B. When the ADD/SUB level is LOW, the circuit subtracts the number in register B from the number in register A. The operation is described as follows: ___ When ADD/SUB = 1 1. AND gates 1, 3, 5 & 7 are enabled, allowing B0 B1 B2 & B3 to pass to the OR-gate as 9, _ _ _ _ 10, 11, & 12. AND gates 2, 4, 6, & 8 are disabled, blocking B0, B1, B2 & B3 from reaching the OR-gates 9, 10, 11, & 12 2. The levels B0 to B3 pass through the OR gate to the 4-bit parallel adder, to be added to the bits A0 to A3. The sum appears at the outputs S0 to S3 ___ 3. ADD/SUB =1 causes no carry into the adder,

___ When ADD/SUB = 0 1. AND gates 1, 3, 5 & 7 are disabled, blocking B0 B1 B2 & B3 from reaching the OR_ _ _ _ gates 9, 10, 11, & 12 AND gates 2, 4, 6 & 8 are enabled allowing B0, B1, B2 & B3 to pass to the OR-gates 2. The levels B0 to B3 pass through the OR-gates into the 4-bit parallel adder, to be added to bits A0 to A3. The Co osnow1.ThenumberinregisterBisconvertedtoits2s complement form 3. The difference appears at the outputs S0 to S3 Circuits like the adder/subtractor of the above figure are used in computers because they Provide a relatively simple means for adding and subtracting signed binary numbers.

Self Check Exercise 2 Answer the following questions. 7) Design a half subtractor circuit using only NOR gates. 8) Design a full subtractor circuit using only NOR gates. 9) What are the advantages of complement arithmetic? 10) Draw the logic diagram of an 8-bit BCD adder. Use the BCD adder to add 9 and 7. Hint:The sum from the first adder is 0000 with a 1 out on C4 which generates the ADD 6 signal and the carry to the next stage. The answer is 16 6.5 Binary Multiplier The multiplication operation can be carried out by multipliers using partial product addition and shifting method. In a binary multiplier, instead of adding all the partial products at the end, they are added two at a time and their sum accumulated in a register called accumulator register.

Now to understand the multiplication process using partial product addition & shifting method, consider the multiplication of two 4-bit binary numbers 1110 & 100, as an example. 1 X 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Multiple Multiplier Partial Product 1 Partial Product 2 Partial Product 3 Partial Product 4 Result



From the above multiplication process, one can easily understand that if the multiplier bit is 1, then the multiplicand is simply copied as a partial product; if the multiplicand bit is 0, then the partial product is 0, Whenever a partial product is obtained, it is shifted one bit to the left of the previous partial product. This process is continued until the entire multiplier bit is checked and then the partial products are added. This multiplication process i.e, multiplication partial product addition and shifting can be implemented using the block diagram as shown below










Multiplier Register 4-bit Parallel Adder





Multiplicand Register

In the above diagram the four-bit multiplier is stored in register Y (Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 ); the 4bit multiplicand is stored in register M (M3, M2, M1, M0), and the X register (X4, X3, X2,

X1, X0) is initially cleared to 00000. Hear to perform multiplication, the least significant bit of the multiplier bit (Y0) is checked. Whether it is 0 or 1. If Yo= 1, the number in the multiplicand register M is added with the least significant 4-bits of X register (X3, X2, X1, X0; X4 is to store carry in addition process) and the combind x and Y register is shifted to the right by 1-bit without performing any addition. This process has to be repeated four times to perform 4-bit multiplication. Now the multiplication result (R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0) will be available in X and Y registers. Self Check Exercise 3 Answer the following questions. 11) Design a parallel binary multiplier that multiplies a 4-bit number B= B3 B2 B1 B0 by a 3-bit no. A= A2 A1 A0 to form the product C=C6 C5 C4 C3 C 2C1 C 0 Hint: this can be done with 12 gates two 4-bit parallel adder. The AND gates are used to form the products of pairs of bits. The partial products formed by the AND gates are added with the parallel addition. 6.5 Unit Summary In this unit, we have discussed about different arithmetic and logic circuits, which contain logic gates and flip-flops that add, subtract, multiply & divide binary numbers. Now let us focus about some important points ; 1. A half adder is an arithmetic circuit that adds two binary digits. 2. A half sub tractor is an arithmetic circuit that subtracts one binary digit from another. 3. A full adder is an arithmetic circuit that adds two binary digits and a carry, i.e.3 bits. 4. A full sub tractor is an arithmetic circuit that subtracts one binary digit from another considering a borrow. The look- ahead carry-adder speeds up the process by eliminating the ripple carry.

Answer to Check Your progress Q. No 1 a) i e) iii b) ii f) i c) iii g) iv d) i h) iii

Unit End Exercise 1. Design a 4-bit carry -look-ahead adder by using a 4-bit parallel adder. 2. Describe the operations performed by the following arithmetic circuits. a) Half adder b) full adder c) Half subtractor d) Full subtractor e) carry- look ahead adder 3) What is the need of arithmetic circuits? 4) Design a full adder circuit using only NOR gates. What relation has it to the half adder circuit? 5) Design the logic diagram of a circuit for addition/subtraction. 6) Use the BCD adder to add 9 & 3.

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