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Mathematics 216

Memory Aid Sheet

Student’s Name: ____________________ Teacher’s Name: _____________________
• Ratio of the quantities a and b: a:b OR a/b OR ab
• Simplifying before multiplying. Ex: 38 " 53 = 58 67 " 123 = 17 " 32 = 143
• Division of fractions can be written as a multiplication of the reciprocal. Ex: 43 ÷ 23 = 43 " 32 = 9
• Compare quotient to the ones unit. Ex:! 3 ÷ 2 < 1 because 3 < 2 ; 8 ÷ 5 > 1 because 8 > 5
1 1 1 1 7 1 7 1

a c mean
• Proportion. a:b = c:d OR !
b =
d OR a!is to b as c is to d a:b = c : d = b, d " 0
extremes !mean b d extreme
! ! ! ! Negative ratios and integers
Ration of similarity: Addition Multiplication
• between 0 and 1 or between 0 and -1 is a reduction.
! ! (+) + (+) = (+) (+) " (+) = (+)
• equal to 1 or -1 is an exact reproduction. (+) + (#) = (+)or(#) (+) " (#) = (#)
• greater than 1 or less than -1 is an enlargement. (#) + (+) = (+)or(#) (#) " (+) = (#)
(#) + (#) = (#) (#) " (#) = (+)
Similar figures:
Subtraction Division
• corresponding angles are congruent AND
the measures of their corresponding sides are proportional. (+) # (+) = (+)or(#) (+) ÷ (+) = (+)
(+) # (#) = (+) (+) ÷ (#) = (#)
(#) # (+) = (#) (#) ÷ (+) = (#)
ALGEBRAIC CALCULATIONS (#) # (#) = (+)or(#) (#) ÷ (#) = (+)
Variable: a symbol used to replace a number.
Term: is either a number, a letter, or a product of numbers and letters.
3a 2 + 2a " 5; a = 2
Constant: a term consisting of only a number. !
3(2)2 + 2(2)" 5
Properties of addition and multiplication:
• Closure: a + b is a number; a • b is a number
3# 4 + 2# 2" 5
• Commutative: a + b = a + b; a•b=a•b 12+ 4 " 5
• Associative: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c); (a • b) • c = a • (b • c) 16" 5
• Existence of an Identity Element: a + 0 = 0 + a = a; a • 1 = 1 • a = a
• Existence of Opposites: a + -a = -a + a = 0; a • 1a = 1a • a = 1 11
• Distributive: a • (b ± c) = a • b ± a • c

a% of b = c = a"b

This is an EXAMPLE of what should be on your memory aid in for the June exam. It is NOT complete, it is a suggestion. Please ADD
and/or REMOVE material as you deem fit. This CANNOT be your memory aid. You must HAND WRITE your memory aid.
Translation rule:
t(a, b): (x, y) a (x + a, y + b)

Rotation rule:
r(o, -90°): (x, y) a (y, -x) same as r(o, 270°): (x, y)  (y, -x)
! 90°): (x, y) a (-y, x) same as r(o, -270°): (x, y)  (-y, x)
r(o, 180°): (x, y) a (-y, -x)

! rule:
sx: (x,
! y) a (x, -y)
sy: (x,
! y) a (-x, y)
s/: (x, y) a (y, x)
s\: (x, y) a (-y, -x)
!Similarity transformation rule:
!h(o, a): (x, y) a (ax, ay); a≠0

r = Radius d C A arc C
d = Diameter r= 2 r= 2" r= " #C = 360°
C = Circumference d = 2r d = C" arc = C360°
#C = AS $360°
A = Area
arc$360° arc$360°
" = Pi (3.14…) C = 2"r C = d" C= #C #C = C
arc = Measure of the Arc A = "r 2 A = AS $360°
AS = A$#C AS
= A
"C = Central Angle #C 360° #C 360°

AS = Area of a Sector

• A polygon is a closed figure with straight edges.
• A regular polygon is a polygon in which all the sides are
the same length and all the interior angles are the
Name # of Sides
same degree.
• A concave figure is classified as concave if when the Triangle 3
edges are extended; at least one edge crosses one of
the polygon's edges. Quadrilateral 4
• A convex figure is classified as convex if when the edges
are extended, none cross any of the polygon's edges. Pentagon 5

n = Number of sides Hexagon 6

"TI = Total interior angles
"EI = Each interior angle Heptagon 7
D = Diagonals
P = Perimeter Octagon 8
! S = Side length
! A = Area Nonagon 9
a = Apothem
Decagon 10
D= 2
#TI = (n " 2) $180°
Hendecagon 11
P = S $ n #EI = (n"2)$180°

A= P$a Dodecagon 12

This is an EXAMPLE of what should be on your memory aid in for the June exam. It is NOT complete, it is a suggestion. Please ADD
and/or REMOVE material as you deem fit. This CANNOT be your memory aid. You must HAND WRITE your memory aid.

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