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Copyright 2009, International Petroleum Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference held in Doha, Qatar, 79 December 2009.

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The paper will provide an overview of the system developed and adopted by ExxonMobil Production Company for
managing integrity and reliability of production facilities within our Operations Integrity Management Framework.
The paper will cover principles, scope, key elements, processes and workflows associated with the Facility
Integrity Management System (FIMS). It will also discuss critical success factors for effective implementation and
lessons learned.

Safety, health and the environment are of the highest priority. Production downtime and unplanned maintenance
can have significant financial and reputation impacts. Effective facility integrity and reliability management is a
key element to achieving desired performance in these areas. Our structured approach to Equipment Class
Program Design, Execution, Stewardship and Continuous Improvement has provided clarity on key maintenance,
testing and inspection activities, and their effectiveness at achieving Program objectives. Learnings can then be
incorporated back into the Program to improve effectiveness and efficiency.

The general principles outlined in this paper will provide insight on the approach to successful facility integrity and
reliability management and critical success factors. The experience in developing and implementing the system
will be of direct interest to professionals engaged in engineering, maintenance and operations of facilities related
to oil and gas production.
ExxonMobil remains steadfast in its commitment to excellence in Safety, Security, Health and Environmental
(SSH&E) performance. In addition, high emphasis is place on production reliability and efficient, effective
maintenance of our operations. ExxonMobils Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS) is a
cornerstone in managing SSH&E risk and achieving excellence in performance, and includes specific
expectations for facility integrity and reliability management. ExxonMobil Production Company has addressed
this aspect of OIMS through a comprehensive Facility Integrity Management System or FIMS. FIMS
addresses the standards, processes, best practices and activities necessary for managing integrity and
reliability of critical facilities within our production operations, and has been successfully implemented
throughout ExxonMobils operated production business globally.
OIMS expectations for facility integrity preceded the development of FIMS by several years. In ExxonMobil
Production, each business unit developed programs and practices to meet these expectations, leveraging
primarily local resources, operating experience, and ExxonMobil and industry practices. Facility integrity
programs varied in philosophies, scope and content, and performance. As well, global learnings were not
always leveraged effectively to facilitate improvements in program design and execution. Through our global
functional organizational structure, we identified an opportunity to strengthen our approach to facility integrity
management by developing a single system to drive consistency, leveraging global knowledge and
experience, and improve overall performance. A focused effort was undertaken to develop a common, global

IPTC 13633
ExxonMobil Production Facility Integrity Management System
Keith E. Killian, ExxonMobil Production Company, and Mitchell W. Lee, ExxonMobil
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facility integrity management system. Experts and practitioners were identified and assigned to develop the
overall framework and common practices, as well as the specific equipment class program criteria and
requirements. This multi-year effort resulted in the development of our Facility Integrity Management System.
Basis for FIMS
FIMS was developed on the basis that, similar to safety incidents, critical equipment failures can be
prevented. As depicted in the traditional safety pyramid model where higher consequence safety events,
such as lost time incidents are preceded by a number of lower consequence safety events such as near
misses, in the same manner, undesirable higher consequence facility integrity and reliability events are
preceded by a number of lower consequence events such as failure on demand (see Figure 1 below). By
focusing on and addressing leading indicators such as inspection/testing results or failure on demand,
escalation to higher consequence events can be prevented. This can be accomplished through well designed
and executed integrity programs (risk based inspection, testing and preventative maintenance), and
understanding results and non-conformances to continuously improve these programs.

FIMS is a comprehensive, global management system approach. The FIMS framework includes all aspect of
facility integrity management including Program Design, Execution, Stewardship and Improvement. In
addition, it integrates global best practices, processes and tools to be used throughout.
FIMS focuses on physical and functional aspects of critical equipment and systems within production
operations where failure could result in a higher consequence safety, health, environmental, security, public
disruption and / or financial impact.
System Objectives
The overall objectives of FIMS are to:
Provide a comprehensive and consistent approach for the management of critical equipment integrity and
Leverage global knowledge, experience and best practices to improve effectiveness and efficiency of
facility integrity program design and execution
Provide a common, integrated format that facilitates effective and efficient reporting, stewardship and
continuous improvement on both a local and global basis

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Figure 2 illustrates the FIMS process model depicting the fundamental components; Program Design, Program
Execution, Program Stewardship and Improvement.

Program Design

This section will describe facility integrity program design as shown above including the steps to 1) identify
critical equipment, 2) develop risk based inspection, testing and preventative maintenance requirements and
3) design and deploy integrity programs and procedures.
Identify Critical Equipment
Equipment is grouped into traditional functional areas for purposes of defining scope of individual Integrity
Programs such as Pipelines, Electrical, Machinery, Instrument and Controls, etc.
The equipment in each Integrity Program was then assessed to determine if the equipment qualifies as
critical equipment based on the consequence if it fails to operate as designed. Critical equipment is
segregated into two categories, SSH&E critical or Business critical depending on the resulting
consequence if it fails to perform as designed.
The criticality of equipment are reviewed and approved by business unit Technical and Operations
management. To ensure appropriate equipment criticality is maintained on an ongoing basis, a process
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is in place to trigger criticality reviews (minimum frequency, facility changes, incident learnings, etc). Any
changes to an equipment criticality are again approved by both Technical and Operations management.
Develop Inspection, Testing and PM Requirements
Maintenance, testing and inspection requirements are developed using a common risked-based
Equipment Strategy process. A competent and qualified cross-functional team made up of individuals
who are knowledgeable of the facilities, processes, design, operations and maintenance of the
equipment, analyzes and defines risk-based requirements for facilities and equipment to meet integrity
and reliability expectations.
The output of the Equipment Strategy process is a inventory of, surveillance, monitoring, preventive
maintenance, inspection, and testing activities, at assigned intervals, required to achieve target integrity
and reliability for individual critical equipment or classes of critical equipment.
Various technical guides were developed for use in the development of Equipment Strategies that help
facilitate the various steps of the process:
Consequence assessment of various failures
Equipment degradation modes for various equipment classes
Guidelines on recommended activities and their frequency for maintaining critical equipment.
Technical references to provide guidance and instruction to support integrity program management
and assessment
In addition, each business unit has responsibility for identifying applicable regulatory or other
requirements and incorporating any applicable tasks into the equipment strategies.
During the operating life of a facility, the Equipment Strategies may change as the result of changes in
operations, facility modifications, regulatory, technology, operating experience, performance, Root Cause
Failure Analysis learnings, etc. Any changes to Equipment Strategies are managed through a
Management of Change process with approval by both Technical and Operations management.
All maintenance tasks and frequencies identified during the Equipment Strategy development process are
incorporated into a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to integrate critical
maintenance into the business units overall maintenance for prioritization, timely execution and
Design and Deploy Integrity Programs and Procedures
The integrity programs are documented in the business unit Integrity Program Manuals. These manuals
document the major philosophies and assumptions used in the development of the maintenance,
inspection, and testing activities carried out for specific categories or classes of equipment, and are a key
aspect to program sustainment. The integrity program manuals have a common structure and content as
shown in Table 1 below:

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The business units Integrity Program Manuals are approved by Technical management and any changes
to the manuals follows the business units Management of Change process. The Integrity Program
Manuals are reviewed on a periodic basis for continuous improvement.
The Integrity Program Manuals address relevant procedures with specific guidance on operation and
maintenance of applicable critical equipment. Procuredure related best practices are used to identify,
classify (i.e., integrity critical, normal or work aid), developed, approve, ensure availability and
continuously improve.
Program Execution

This section describes 1) the development of an annual work plan for the execution of integrity programs
including program execution, 2) data management and data assessment and 3) the process to monitor for
schedule compliance and to report exceptions.
The process of planning and executing integrity program activities included the following:
Development of annual work plan
Scheduling and call-up of integrity program tasks
Systematic management of critical equipment records
Documentation of results from the program tasks and associated follow-up
Analysis and correction of in-service equipment failures or unplanned trips
Monitoring of schedule compliance and exception reporting to Operations and Technical management
when program tasks are past due
Plan Integrity Programs
On an annual basis, all identified and approved integrity program activities are included in an annual work
plan. Annual planning starts at the asset level, by integrity program and include:
Identifying budget and resource requirements
Listing the major activities to meet the annual integrity program requirements
Identifying time of program activities that require scheduled shutdowns and align them with planned
major shutdowns to minimize production downtime
Execute and Collect / Assess Data
Facility integrity activities required by the integrity programs are scheduled through a Computerized
Maintenance Management System (CMMS). When critical equipment is due for condition monitoring,
preventive maintenance, inspection, or testing, Operations release the equipment to the functional group
responsible for the work tasks. These tasks receive higher priority in the work scheduling process in order
to accomplish the tasks at the established and approved interval.
The Integrity Programs define documentation expectations and requirements for the systematic recording
of information related to equipment design, operation, monitoring, maintenance, inspection, etc. This
information is used for surveillance and to assess the condition relative to integrity and reliability
standards. It is therefore essential that all pertinent information be maintained and readily accessible.
Documentation and data management systems are established within each business unit to ensure
efficient retrievability and allow appropriate analysis.
Information relevant to equipment condition is collected from a wide variety of sources, including the
equipment manufacturer, designer, operator, and inspector. Data may be kept electronically, in paper
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files, or both. Examples of documents that may be included in the Affiliates documentation of critical
equipment are shown below:
Original design and data sheet information
Vendor Operations & Maintenance manuals
Facility and equipment design information, such as:
Project Design Basis
Process and Instrumentation Diagrams
Process Flow Diagrams
Cause and Effect Charts
Nameplate information for pressure vessels, tanks, and machinery
Design and operating conditions, including set point data for critical safety devices
Baseline inspection and test information
Equipment criticality assessment details
Equipment Strategies, including underlying inspection strategies
Details of any relevant risk assessments
Reports of periodic condition monitoring, preventive maintenance, physical and nondestructive testing
(NDT) tests, and inspections
Photographs and videos, whenever taken
Details of condition monitoring, preventive maintenance, repairs, or major modifications undertaken
Details of any engineering calculations, life extension assessments, and fitness-for-service
The documentation of condition monitoring, preventive maintenance, inspection and test results typically
identifies the following:
Date of the condition monitoring, preventive maintenance, inspection or test activity
Name of the company and person(s) performing the activity
Equipment tag number or other unique identifier of the equipment on which the work activity was
Description of the work activity and Work Order reference and procedure used
Results of the work activity
Condition monitoring data capture for trending against acceptable limits
Based on the results of a scheduled condition monitoring or inspection work activity, corrective actions
may be warranted. The data and trend analysis of condition monitoring or inspection results may
necessitate a recommendation to change operations processes or to schedule related maintenance work.
The analysis results may also be used to determine whether a review of the Equipment Strategy is
appropriate, which may result in a change to the condition monitoring or inspection program and
When critical equipment fails in service between approved conditions monitoring, preventive
maintenance, inspection, or test intervals, the critical equipment are repaired or replaced at that time and
the results documented. The root cause(s) of the failure are investigated and corrective actions
scheduled to prevent a recurrence of the failure. Thorough Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) can help
identify both specific equipment corrective actions and system improvements including:
Facility Integrity Management System itself, Integrity Programs and Equipment Strategies
Equipment design, operating / maintenance standards, competencies and training, etc.
Impacts on other systems or equipment
Stewardship of Integrity Program Execution
This section describes the stewardship of integrity programs as it relates to the direct execution of
integrity program activities. Timely execution of testing, inspection and PM tasks on critical equipment that
are part of an approved Equipment Strategy is a key activity to ensure that the risk based assumptions
made during the Equipment Strategy development are met. Tasks that have not been or cannot be
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accomplished according to the plan need to be systematically identified and managed according to the
potential incremental risk.
The schedule of critical equipment integrity program tasks are analyzed each month to ascertain if any
maintenance, inspection, or testing tasks that were due during the month have not been accomplished
and are compiled into an exception report. Operations management reviews the exceptions with
appropriate Technical and Operations staff input, evaluates the risk to the operation if the critical
equipment failed in service, and takes one or more of the following actions:
Advises the respective function responsible for executing the tasks related to the critical equipment
that the requisite tasks must be undertaken immediately
Allows continued operation with appropriate management of change
Shuts down the critical equipment
Any extension of maintenance, inspection, or testing tasks for critical equipment is approved by the
appropriate level of Operations and Technical management through the management of change process,
including identification of any mitigating actions and documented risk assessment of continuing
Program Stewardship and Continuous Improvment

This section describes 1) program metrics, analysis, reporting, 2) embedded continuous improvement and
assessment processes, and 3) Program Redesign to incorporate lessons learned.
Program Analysis and Reporting
Regular program analysis and reporting is important to provide transparency of program status and
effectiveness. This enables a consistent and sustained approach to identify, document, evaluate and
mitigate facility integrity related risks at the appropriate level of management. In addition, program
analysis and reporting is the basis for effective continuous improvement of facility integrity program
design and execution, and is used as the main feedback element to ensure continuous improvement of all
FIMS process components.

One such feedback element is the Non-Conformance Process. This processes primary objectives are to:
Identify and document Facility Integrity Incidents
Identify, document and mitigate potential higher impact Facilities Integrity Risks
Provide a basis for ongoing management of the risks and their mitigation
Facilitate optimization and prioritization of risk mitigation actions
Facilities Integrity Incidents are higher consequence equipment failures that may include:
The loss of physical containment or an inability to meet operating expectations within the design
parameters of the equipment due to degradation
Equipment which fails to operate on demand (i.e., during initiation, inspection or testing)
Whenever a Facilities Integrity Incident occurs, the incident is analyzed using RCFA. As part of the
RCFA, the Equipment Criticality and Equipment Strategy are reassessed to determine adequacy and
potential improvements.
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Facilities Integrity Risks are equipment not meeting defined expectations or equipment that has degraded
to a condition which is risk assessed to have potential for higher consequence events within a defined
timeframe. Management of Facilities Integrity Risks is depicted by the following process flow.

The following steps describe the process used to identify Facilities Integrity Risk:
Define credible failure scenario(s) considering the known performance issues or degradation of the
subject equipment. Consideration given to prevention and mitigation measures in place, including
temporary mitigation measures (e.g., OEM design evolution, relevant design codes, protection
systems, etc.)
Assess probability of the scenario(s) identified over a defined time period
Assess consequence of the scenario(s) identified above
After a Facilities Integrity Risk item is identified, a mitigation / repair plan is developed, reviewed by
Technical management and approved by Operations management. In addition, the Equipment Criticality
and Equipment Strategy are reassessed to determine adequacy and potential improvements.
Facilities Integrity Risk items are stewarded on an ongoing basis and formally reviewed with Technical
and Operations management on a regular basis. Once the mitigation / repair plan is completed for a
Facilities Integrity Risk, it is reviewed by Technical management and approved for closure by Operations
All Facilities Integrity Incidents and Facilities Integrity Risks are reported to business unit management
and ExxonMobil Production Company Production Engineering using established procedures. .
On a quarterly basis, each business unit compiles a Facility Integrity Report for review with business unit
and ExxonMobil Production Company management with common Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that
are used to measure the performance of the integrity programs and share learnings to drive continuous
improvement. KPIs included in the quarterly Integrity Report are shown in Table 2 below.

Each business unit also compiles an annual report covering all integrity programs. The report is reviewed
with business unit management and submitted to ExxonMobil Production Company Production
Engineering. The annual report focuses on integrity program status, analysis, learnings and overview of
future improvement plans including:
An overview of programs compliance based on annual plan targets
Review of Facilities Integrity Incidents, RCFA results and action item status
Analysis of the Facilities Integrity Risk items, summarizing the status of identified mitigation actions
and associated costs
Integrity program deviation / Management of Change history and status
Overview of proposed changes or improvements to programs as a result of the findings from the past
period, or from a consideration of any risk assessment, business changes, etc.
Risk Assessment
for FI Risk items
Review &
Closure of FI
Risk item
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OIMS / FIMS assessment results and the status of any follow-up actions
ExxonMobil Production Company Production Engineering conducts a global analysis of integrity
programs to provide an overall FIMS health assessment, share learnings, and identify common
opportunities for improvement.
Continuous Improvement
In addition to the quarterly and annual reports which are used to drive continuous improvement, within our
structured OIMS assessment process, specific protocols for FIMS have been embedded to specifically
address facility integrity expectations. External assessments are conducted every 3 to 5 years and
internal assessments are conducted during the period between the external assessments.
The purpose of FIMS assessment is to:
Determine status & effectiveness of facility integrity management application and implementation
Address special facility integrity related focus areas
Provide guidance on potential improvements in facility integrity programs
The FIMS assessment team conducts discussions and interviews with the business units FIMS Owner
and Administrator, followed by a detailed review and discussion of Integrity Programs with the business
units Integrity Program Owners. Subsequent interviews are held with line management, support staff
personnel, field personnel, and others to gain a good understanding of FIMS status.
In addition to interviews, FIMS system effectiveness is evaluated by:
Reviewing documentation (integrity program manuals and reports, Facilities Integrity Risks /
mitigation plans, Facility Integrity Incidents, equipment integrity related risk assessments, FIMS
Management of Change documents, RCFAs, inspection and test records, etc.)
Observing field activities (maintenance planning and scheduling meetings, maintenance /
construction work, facilities / equipment inspection, function testing, etc.)
Program Redesign
Integrity Program redesign is a continuous process based on the quarterly reports, annual reports and
assessment findings. The Integrity Program Owner uses information from Facilities Integrity Incidents,
Facilities Integrity Risk, Integrity Program compliance, as well as global learnings to analyze the effective
of the Integrity Program and make adjustment to improve the effectiveness of the program.
Learnings and Critical Success Factors
FIMS implementation and execution at ExxonMobil Production Company has been underway for approximately 5
years and continues to mature. Some key learnings and critical success factors include:
A system approach is effective for development, implementation, sustainment and continuous improvement of
facility integrity management.
Incorporation of FIMS within the broader, mature Operations Integrity Management System facilitated
alignment on objectives and understanding of expectations.
A global standardized approach facilitates consistent, effective and efficient management of facilities integrity
and reliability. A standardized approach leverage global experience and best practices, eliminates redundant
efforts and drives consistency in program design and execution.
Active engagement and clear understanding of roles and responsibilities at all levels of the organization
(operations, maintenance, engineering and management), is required for a system of this nature to be
Global tools development and application streamlined efforts and facilitated consistency.
Accuracy of data is key aspect in clearly understanding performance, optimal risk assessment and decision
making, and continuous improvement of integrity programs.

ExxonMobil Production Company has been successful in managing facility integrity and reliability in our global
production operations through the use of a comprehensive management system approach. The common
management system framework ensures that expectations of OIMS with respect to facility integrity are thoroughly
addressed and rigorously managed. Institutionalizing knowledge and experience into documented best practices,
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process and tools have facilitated rapid, effective application of a complex system on a global basis. Embedded
stewardship, reporting and assessment processes, as well as global sharing of learnings, ensure sustainment and
continuous improvement.
Implementation of a comprehensive management system of this type is not an easy task and takes a number of
years to reach a baseline status in which all aspects are developed and deployed. Initial emphasis on
understanding current condition and non-conformances is important to address near term potential risk.
Development and application of equipment strategies have identified enhancements to legacy integrity programs
which will help reduce future non-conformances, and improve equipment performance. Like other management
systems in our business, FIMS is a journey of continuous improvement. But it has already established itself as a
core tool in managing ExxonMobil Production Companys facility integrity and reliability.

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