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Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 1

ACTSC221 Section 001 Fan, Guanghze

Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 13, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 24, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 7, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 19, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 28, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 15, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 1, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 23, 7-10 hours: 0, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
57 (30 oI 53) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 2
ACTSC231 Section 001 Freeland Robert Keith
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 94, Good: 81, SatisIactory: 27, UnsatisIactory: 9, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 15, Somewhat too high: 32, Just right: 144, Somewhat too low: 17, Too low: 6, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 70, Good: 88, SatisIactory: 47, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 66, Good: 82, SatisIactory: 46, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 11, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 85, Good: 74, SatisIactory: 41, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 31, Most oI the time: 41, OIten enough: 43, Not oIten enough: 17, Never: 2, I did not seek help: 80
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 50, Interesting: 115, Not Interesting: 34, No opinion: 11
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 75, Good: 86, SatisIactory: 38, UnsatisIactory: 11, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 169, 75-90: 35, 50-75: 9, 25-50: 1, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 40, HelpIul: 82, Not helpIul: 14, No work assigned: 71, No opinion: 8
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 148, No opinion: 11
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 45, HelpIul: 119, Not helpIul: 25, No text required: 5, No opinion: 18
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 12, Somewhat too much: 34, Okay: 153, Somewhat too little: 8, Too little: 1, No opinion: 4
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 10, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 149, Somewhat too little: 12, Too little: 7, No opinion: 22
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 49, 3-6 hours: 108, 7-10 hours: 40, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 10
117 (215 oI 183) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 3
ACTSC232 Section 001 Weng Chengguo
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 23, Good: 35, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 6, Somewhat too high: 16, Just right: 52, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 37, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 3
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 22, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 28, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 39, Most oI the time: 18, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 17
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 20, Interesting: 50, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 30, Good: 35, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 56, 75-90: 21, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 30, HelpIul: 48, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 30, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 15, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 46, Not helpIul: 9, No text required: 3, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 59, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 66, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 13, 3-6 hours: 44, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 5
54 (80 oI 148) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 4
ACTSC331 Section 001 Cai Jun
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 25, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 51, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 4
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 18, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 8, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 27, UnsatisIactory: 10, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 11, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 37
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 43, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 15, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 47, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 21, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 16, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 20, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 16, No text required: 5, No opinion: 16
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 52, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 43, Somewhat too little: 7, Too little: 2, No opinion: 8
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 23, 3-6 hours: 31, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
45 (61 oI 136) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 5
ACTSC371 Section 001 Porth Lysa
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 29, Good: 44, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 6, Somewhat too high: 17, Just right: 59, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 40, Good: 37, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 27, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 26, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 21, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 31, Most oI the time: 22, OIten enough: 16, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 18
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 20, Interesting: 50, Not Interesting: 13, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 27, Good: 41, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 62, 75-90: 20, 50-75: 7, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 57, Not helpIul: 11, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 40, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 17, HelpIul: 44, Not helpIul: 15, No text required: 2, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 24, Okay: 55, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 67, Somewhat too little: 13, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 30, 3-6 hours: 43, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 2
45 (89 oI 200) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 6
ACTSC372 Section 001 Tan Ken S
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 42, Good: 61, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 10, Somewhat too high: 40, Just right: 58, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 37, Good: 56, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 29, Good: 59, SatisIactory: 21, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 32, Good: 54, SatisIactory: 23, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 24, Most oI the time: 31, OIten enough: 19, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 33
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 25, Interesting: 70, Not Interesting: 14, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 35, Good: 58, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 73, 75-90: 34, 50-75: 5, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 21, HelpIul: 80, Not helpIul: 9, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 26, HelpIul: 59, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 19, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 58, Not helpIul: 27, No text required: 2, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 10, Somewhat too much: 30, Okay: 69, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 25, Okay: 77, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 18, 3-6 hours: 69, 7-10 hours: 20, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
53 (112 oI 211) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 7
ACTSC431/ACTSC831 Section 001 Cai Jun
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 9, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 19, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 3, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 4, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 0, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 1, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 18
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 19, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 24, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 6, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 15, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 8, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 2, No opinion: 3
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 17, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
21 (30 oI 146) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 8
ACTSC432/ACTSC832 Section 001 Kim Hyun Tae
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 18, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 47, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 20, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 3
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 19, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 20, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 17, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 23, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 12, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 32
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 42, Not Interesting: 12, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 21, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 55, 75-90: 11, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 31, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 40, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 9, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 14, No text required: 15, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 53, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 45, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 8, No opinion: 11
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 20, 3-6 hours: 39, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
71 (70 oI 99) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 9
ACTSC445/ACTSC845 Section 001 Kim Hyun Tae
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 15, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 45, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 14, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 13, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 10, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 30
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 33, Not Interesting: 13, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 10, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 43, 75-90: 11, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 38, Not helpIul: 6, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 29, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 39, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 45, Somewhat too little: 7, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 26, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
36 (58 oI 160) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 10
ACTSC446/ACTSC846/STAT446/STAT846 Section 001 Lemieux Christiane
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 25, Good: 33, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 29, Just right: 34, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 23, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 30, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 23, Good: 33, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 13, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 31
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 37, Not Interesting: 11, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 22, Good: 38, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 53, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 17, HelpIul: 42, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 19, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 14, No text required: 8, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 16, Okay: 39, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 50, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 10, 3-6 hours: 45, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
48 (65 oI 136) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 11
AFM101 Section 051 Blake,William Peter Thomas
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 11, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 8, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 6, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 2
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 6, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 15, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 6, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 8, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
47 (15 oI 32) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 12
AFM102 Section 051 Blake,William Peter Thomas
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 12, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 1
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 12, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 12, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 3, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 11, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 7, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
74 (14 oI 19) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 13
AMATH231 Section 001 Waite Michael L.
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 22, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 24, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 15, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 18, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 20, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 18
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 11, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 22, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 24, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 19, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
57 (27 oI 47) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 14
AMATH250 Section 001 West Joseph John
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 81, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 87, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 68, Good: 38, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 73, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 83, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 31, Most oI the time: 15, OIten enough: 12, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 50
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 27, Interesting: 61, Not Interesting: 13, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 79, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 92, 75-90: 12, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 3
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 45, HelpIul: 56, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 55, Not helpIul: 10, No printed course notes: 6, No opinion: 12
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 66, No opinion: 15
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 77, Somewhat too little: 10, Too little: 1, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 23, Okay: 73, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 3
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 12, 3-6 hours: 75, 7-10 hours: 18, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
45 (108 oI 239) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 15
AMATH271 Section 001 Emerson Joseph
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 0, Most oI the time: 0, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 18
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 20, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 18, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 14, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 5, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 13, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
67 (20 oI 30) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 16
AMATH331/PMATH331 Section 001 Davidson Kenneth R
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 19, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 6, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 16, Somewhat too high: 28, Just right: 18, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 25, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 17, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 6, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 21, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 17, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 14, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 21
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 27, Not Interesting: 21, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 20, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 56, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 23, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 14, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 41, No opinion: 7
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 33, Not helpIul: 12, No text required: 0, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 24, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 39, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 20, 7-10 hours: 28, 11-15 hours: 9, ~ 15 hours: 6
69 (65 oI 94) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 17
AMATH350 Section 001 Harmsworth David L
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 56, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 22, Just right: 50, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 43, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 3
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 48, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 61, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 13, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 39
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 14, Interesting: 51, Not Interesting: 8, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 53, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 62, 75-90: 11, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 31, HelpIul: 42, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 28, HelpIul: 39, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 63, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 18, Okay: 45, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 57, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 3, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 48, 7-10 hours: 18, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 1
61 (76 oI 124) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 18
AMATH351 Section 001 Sivaloganathan Sivabal
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 26, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 14, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 3
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 11, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 15, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 16
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 16, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 16, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 29, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 4, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 21, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
69 (33 oI 48) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 19
AMATH442/CM452 Section 001 Lanson Nathalie
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 10, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 6, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 6
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 11, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 20, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 11, No text required: 1, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 7, 7-10 hours: 8, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 2
92 (22 oI 24) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 20
AMATH453 Section 001 Siegel David
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 9, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 8, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 4, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 5
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 7, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 14, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 9, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 4, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 2
74 (14 oI 19) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 21
AMATH456 Section 001 Morris Kirsten A
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 4, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 9, Just right: 22, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 13, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 2, I did not seek help: 11
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 26, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 32, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 14, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 20, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
74 (35 oI 47) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 22
AMATH463/AMATH663 Section 001 Waite Michael L.
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 13, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 15, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 11, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 14, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 6, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 16, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 0, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 9, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
89 (16 oI 18) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 23
AMATH473/AMATH673/PHYS454 Section 001 Ferrie Christopher Scott
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 2, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 1, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 1, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 8
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 5, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 2, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 11, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 4, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 12, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 6, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 4, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 5, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
71 (12 oI 17) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 24
CO227 Section 001 Roh Patrick Young
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 8, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 6
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 6, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 12, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 11, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 9, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
40 (16 oI 40) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 25
CO250/CM340 Section 001 Cheriyan Joseph
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 5, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 6, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 26, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 2, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 12, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 20
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 11, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 38, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 7, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 24, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 10, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 32, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 32, 7-10 hours: 16, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
44 (51 oI 116) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 26
CO250/CM340 Section 002 Koenemann Jochen
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 18, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 16, Just right: 31, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 29, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 17, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 19, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 18, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 30, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 23, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 39, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 21, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 40, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 19, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 32, 7-10 hours: 18, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
53 (52 oI 98) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 27
CO330 Section 001 Wagner David G
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 11, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 8, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 8
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 4, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 12, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 11, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 6, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
41 (13 oI 32) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 28
CO342 Section 001 Haxell Penny E.
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 47, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 47, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 40, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 41, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 47, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 33
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 26, Interesting: 30, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 45, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 51, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 29, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 25, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 9
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 50, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 46, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 46, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 33, 7-10 hours: 17, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
72 (57 oI 79) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 29
CO351 Section 001 Nayak Ashwin
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 15, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 9, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 22, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 27, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 7, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 24, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
69 (31 oI 45) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 30
CO355 Section 001 Cunningham William
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 9, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 15, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 9, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 17, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 20, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 11, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
69 (20 oI 29) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 31
CO370/CM443 Section 001 Swamy Chaitanya
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 18, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 10, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 37, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 20, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 11, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 19, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 12, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 24
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 33, Not Interesting: 14, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 20, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 43, 75-90: 15, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 40, Not helpIul: 8, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 35, Not helpIul: 11, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 42, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 11, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 34, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 12, Somewhat too much: 22, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 32, 7-10 hours: 15, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 7
58 (61 oI 106) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 32
CO430/CO630 Section 001 Purbhoo Kevin
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 3, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 2
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 3, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 7, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 5, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 6, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 5, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 2, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
80 (8 oI 10) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 33
CO442/CO642 Section 001 Richter R. Bruce
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 15, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 19, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 8
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 25, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 24, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 22, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 8, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 2
93 (26 oI 28) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 34
CO450/CO650 Section 001 Fukasawa Ricardo
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 5, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 7, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 7, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 3
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 6, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 15, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 14, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 2, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 11, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 4, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 3
80 (16 oI 20) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 35
CO456 Section 001 Swamy Chaitanya
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 15, Just right: 19, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 3
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 13, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 4
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 7, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 2
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 15, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 27, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 30, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 7, No opinion: 8
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 26, Somewhat too little: 5, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 35, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 27, 7-10 hours: 11, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
79 (41 oI 52) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 36
CO463/CO663 Section 001 Vavasis Stephen
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 8, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 8, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 4, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 7, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 9, Most oI the time: 0, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 3
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 13, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 14, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 0, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 3, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
70 (14 oI 20) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 37
CO485/CO685 Section 001 Teske Edlyn E
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 21, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 19, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 19, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 16, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 18, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 15
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 15, Interesting: 11, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 21, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 24, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 15, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 1, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 18, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
100 (26 oI 26) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 38
COMM421 Section 001 Matheson, Brenton James
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 2, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 5, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 3, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 2, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 1
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 4, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 2, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 7, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 0, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 4, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 5, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 4, 7-10 hours: 0, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
62 (8 oI 13) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 39
COMM431 Section 001 Liu, Zhiyong Michael
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 9, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 17, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 4, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 6, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 12, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 16, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 1, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 3, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 4, 7-10 hours: 8, 11-15 hours: 7, ~ 15 hours: 0
70 (21 oI 30) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 40
CS115 Section 001 Kou Tian
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 16, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 31, Somewhat too low: 8, Too low: 1, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 20, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 25, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 11, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 15, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 23
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 13, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 36, 75-90: 15, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 25, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 24, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 14, No text required: 7, No opinion: 13
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 30, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 3, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 29, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 28, 7-10 hours: 16, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 2
47 (54 oI 115) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 41
CS115 Section 002 Nishimura Naomi
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 26, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 16, Just right: 43, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 39, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 24, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 18, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 27, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 21, Most oI the time: 14, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 29
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 34, Not Interesting: 17, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 25, Good: 33, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 55, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 30, HelpIul: 34, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 31, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 21, No text required: 14, No opinion: 19
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 22, Okay: 35, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 24, Okay: 35, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 38, 7-10 hours: 23, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 5
60 (70 oI 116) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 42
CS115 Section 003 Nishimura Naomi
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 24, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 31, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 32, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 21, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 20, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 20
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 26, Not Interesting: 8, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 21, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 40, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 23, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 16, No text required: 8, No opinion: 11
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 30, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 29, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 25, 7-10 hours: 15, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 2
42 (47 oI 113) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 43
CS115 Section 004 Tompkins Dave
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 48, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 9, Just right: 56, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 51, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 45, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 53, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 29, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 30
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 32, Interesting: 31, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 48, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 63, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 5, 25-50: 0, 25: 2
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 42, HelpIul: 30, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 33, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 9, No printed course notes: 6, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 20, No text required: 15, No opinion: 16
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 53, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 18, Okay: 47, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 37, 7-10 hours: 25, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 3
71 (76 oI 107) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 44
CS115 Section 005 Case Lori
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 30, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 15, Just right: 50, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 2, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 36, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 38, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 33, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 16, Most oI the time: 14, OIten enough: 10, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 34
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 12, Interesting: 42, Not Interesting: 16, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 30, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 60, 75-90: 14, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 38, HelpIul: 33, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 34, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 9, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 29, No text required: 6, No opinion: 15
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 20, Okay: 44, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 10, Somewhat too much: 24, Okay: 42, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 35, 7-10 hours: 27, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 5
67 (76 oI 114) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 45
CS115 Section 007 Orchard JeIIery John
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 2, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 18, Somewhat too low: 9, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 7, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 1, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 20
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 14, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 19, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 11, No text required: 5, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 14, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 1
32 (32 oI 99) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 46
CS115 Section 008 Case Lori
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 26, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 37, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 1, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 23, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 18, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 22, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 12, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 21
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 26, Not Interesting: 18, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 20, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 47, 75-90: 12, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 30, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 20, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 8, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 26, No text required: 5, No opinion: 14
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 39, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 18, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 24, 7-10 hours: 19, 11-15 hours: 11, ~ 15 hours: 2
53 (61 oI 115) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 47
CS115 Section 009 Pretti John-Paul C
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 30, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 28, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 30, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 23, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 22, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 14
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 25, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 36, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 13, No text required: 2, No opinion: 9
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 22, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
68 (40 oI 59) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 48
CS115 Section 051 Graham Sandra Lynn
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 3, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 8, Just right: 7, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 2, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 0, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 2
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 1, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 17, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 11, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 5, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 4, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 3, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 3
46 (17 oI 37) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 49
CS116 Section 001 Day Nancy
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 26, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 28, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 25, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 21, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 20, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 13, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 5, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 25, Not Interesting: 10, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 21, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 29, 75-90: 11, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 6, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 9, No text required: 6, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 14, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 19, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 15, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 4
35 (44 oI 126) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 50
CS116 Section 002 Day Nancy
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 12, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 13, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 9, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 5
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 16, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 5, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 5, 7-10 hours: 8, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
25 (18 oI 71) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 51
CS116 Section 051 Graham Sandra Lynn
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 5, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 8, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 7, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 6, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 1
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 5, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 3, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 7, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 5, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 3, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 3, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 3, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
75 (9 oI 12) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 52
CS135 Section 001 Becker Byron Weber
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 30, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 18, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 7, Somewhat too high: 18, Just right: 46, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 45, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 27, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 30, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 18, Most oI the time: 14, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 34
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 19, Interesting: 44, Not Interesting: 11, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 32, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 68, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 2, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 43, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 37, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 34, No text required: 5, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 50, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 12, Somewhat too much: 27, Okay: 37, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 29, 7-10 hours: 29, 11-15 hours: 9, ~ 15 hours: 9
79 (77 oI 97) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 53
CS135 Section 002 Goldberg Ian
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 32, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 18, Just right: 30, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 33, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 29, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 38, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 12, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 31
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 27, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 32, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 46, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 34, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 20, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 4, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 18, No text required: 3, No opinion: 9
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 19, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 16, 7-10 hours: 17, 11-15 hours: 13, ~ 15 hours: 7
57 (54 oI 94) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 54
CS135 Section 003 Becker Byron Weber
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 43, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 55, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 46, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 37, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 39, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 44
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 35, Interesting: 30, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 40, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 61, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 45, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 32, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 8
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 30, No text required: 7, No opinion: 17
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 50, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 21, Okay: 39, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 30, 7-10 hours: 25, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 7
70 (69 oI 98) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 55
CS135 Section 004 Vasiga Troy Michael John
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 40, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 53, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 44, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 36, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 45, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 9, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 42
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 24, Interesting: 40, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 45, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 62, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 34, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 17, HelpIul: 35, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 6, No opinion: 8
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 20, No text required: 14, No opinion: 12
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 46, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 21, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 16, 7-10 hours: 28, 11-15 hours: 8, ~ 15 hours: 12
72 (69 oI 96) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 56
CS135 Section 005 Kaplan Craig Steven
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 63, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 20, Just right: 66, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 66, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 50, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 71, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 20, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 6, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 45
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 44, Interesting: 40, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 64, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 77, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 52, HelpIul: 34, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 29, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 12
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 24, No text required: 14, No opinion: 21
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 20, Okay: 61, Somewhat too little: 7, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 27, Okay: 56, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 38, 7-10 hours: 30, 11-15 hours: 16, ~ 15 hours: 6
81 (90 oI 111) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 57
CS135 Section 006 Vasiga Troy Michael John
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 49, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 59, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 43, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 47, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 56, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 17, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 37
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 33, Interesting: 35, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 54, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 62, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 48, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 26, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 8, No opinion: 11
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 22, No text required: 9, No opinion: 13
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 51, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 24, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 24, 7-10 hours: 30, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 6
81 (70 oI 86) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 58
CS135 Section 007 Tompkins Dave
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 20, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 44, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 28, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 26, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 29, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 25
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 24, Interesting: 26, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 30, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 45, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 29, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 9, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 13, No text required: 11, No opinion: 13
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 37, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 22, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 22, 7-10 hours: 19, 11-15 hours: 9, ~ 15 hours: 0
70 (51 oI 73) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 59
CS136 Section 001 Cormack Gordon V
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 8, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 9, Just right: 25, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 2, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 13, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 23, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 15, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 25, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 13, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 7, No opinion: 11
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 1, 7-10 hours: 20, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 6
38 (34 oI 90) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 60
CS136 Section 002 Lizotte Daniel James
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 18, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 17, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 14, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 16, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 9, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 9
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 16, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 25, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 7, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 5, No opinion: 11
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 10, 7-10 hours: 11, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 4
60 (32 oI 53) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 61
CS137 Section 001 Clarke Charles L.A
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 50, Good: 47, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 25, Just right: 72, Somewhat too low: 6, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 57, Good: 41, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 37, Good: 49, SatisIactory: 20, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 69, Good: 33, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 18, Most oI the time: 22, OIten enough: 18, Not oIten enough: 10, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 41
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 54, Interesting: 51, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 65, Good: 37, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 101, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 73, HelpIul: 34, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 81, No opinion: 8
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 49, Not helpIul: 16, No text required: 4, No opinion: 21
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 70, Somewhat too little: 10, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 86, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 21, 3-6 hours: 46, 7-10 hours: 30, 11-15 hours: 8, ~ 15 hours: 4
86 (109 oI 127) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 62
CS145 Section 001 Ragde Prabhakar
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 32, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 31, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 31, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 33, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 30, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 30, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 8
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 36, Interesting: 11, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 39, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 42, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 36, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 27, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 41, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 34, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 27, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 1
76 (47 oI 62) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 63
CS200 Section 001 Daly Barbara
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 13, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 10, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 2, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 6
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 14, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 2, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 16, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 1, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 13, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 11, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 14, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
44 (18 oI 41) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 64
CS230 Section 001 Mavaddat Farhad
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 0, Good: 0, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 9, Very poor: 17, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 6, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 9, No opinion: 3
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 0, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 11, Very poor: 10, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 0, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 14, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 0, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 11, Very poor: 11, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 0, Most oI the time: 0, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 5, Never: 3, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 11, Not Interesting: 15, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 0, Good: 0, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 9, Very poor: 17, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 14, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 6, 25-50: 3, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 11, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 11, No printed course notes: 16, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 18, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 3, No opinion: 5
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 6, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 16, 3-6 hours: 14, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
45 (31 oI 69) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 65
CS230 Section 002 Bekolay, Trevor
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 15, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 24, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 13, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 12, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 13, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 16, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 3
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 18, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 19, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 21, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 10, 3-6 hours: 15, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
39 (27 oI 69) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 66
CS234 Section 001 Pretti John-Paul C
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 30, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 8, Just right: 35, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 32, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 24, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 32, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 17, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 14
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 20, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 35, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 39, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 21, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 32, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 12, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 32, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 41, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 10, 3-6 hours: 27, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
74 (48 oI 65) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 67
CS240 Section 001 Stinson Douglas R
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 32, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 44, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 20, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 16, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 27, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 36
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 39, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 24, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 50, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 21, HelpIul: 35, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 22, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 14, No text required: 25, No opinion: 12
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 48, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 49, Somewhat too little: 5, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 36, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
60 (60 oI 100) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 68
CS241 Section 001 Lhotak Ondrej
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 81, Good: 35, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 96, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 96, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 60, Good: 51, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 84, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 39, Most oI the time: 17, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 56
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 73, Interesting: 39, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 91, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 103, 75-90: 11, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 99, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 46, HelpIul: 53, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 11, No text required: 75, No opinion: 22
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 97, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 34, Okay: 77, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 32, 7-10 hours: 52, 11-15 hours: 16, ~ 15 hours: 15
91 (116 oI 128) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 69
CS241 Section 002 Hinek Michael Jason
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 16, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 9, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 9
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 8, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 18, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 13, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 18, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 9, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 2
41 (19 oI 46) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 70
CS241 Section 003 Lhotak Ondrej
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 17, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 26, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 14, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 12, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 9, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 12, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 16, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 24, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 22, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 19, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 24, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 4, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 10, ~ 15 hours: 5
67 (33 oI 49) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 71
CS245 Section 001 Toman David
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 2, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 10, Very poor: 13, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 17, Somewhat too high: 19, Just right: 8, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 4, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 4, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 17, Very poor: 12, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 2, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 12, Very poor: 15, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 33
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 30, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 1, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 19, Very poor: 9, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 43, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 16, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 9, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 6
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 35, No text required: 0, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 18, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 3
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 34, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 29, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 3
57 (53 oI 93) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 72
CS245 Section 002 Buss Jonathan
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 22, UnsatisIactory: 9, Very poor: 6, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 10, Somewhat too high: 25, Just right: 8, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 1, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 18, UnsatisIactory: 9, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 1, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 20, UnsatisIactory: 17, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 1, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 12, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 11, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 27
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 19, Not Interesting: 24, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 1, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 18, UnsatisIactory: 13, Very poor: 4, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 37, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 15, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 8, No printed course notes: 9, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 29, No text required: 1, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 16, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 35, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 26, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 0
51 (47 oI 92) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 73
CS245 Section 003 Buss Jonathan
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 0, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 24, Very poor: 24, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 30, Somewhat too high: 18, Just right: 9, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 3, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 1, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 23, UnsatisIactory: 15, Very poor: 13, No opinion: 3
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 0, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 20, Very poor: 25, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 1, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 25, Very poor: 16, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 0, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 10, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 46
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 21, Not Interesting: 37, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 1, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 27, Very poor: 18, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 56, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 2, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 33, Not helpIul: 20, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 14, No printed course notes: 8, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 40, No text required: 3, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 21, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 26, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 43, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 3
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 38, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 7, ~ 15 hours: 3
63 (64 oI 102) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 74
CS246 Section 001 Ahmed Reaz
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 24, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 21
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 12, Interesting: 14, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 6, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 24, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 13, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 5, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 1
28 (27 oI 96) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 75
CS246 Section 002 Lushman Bradley Michael
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 48, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 56, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 45, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 44, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 50, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 22, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 38
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 26, Interesting: 39, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 57, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 68, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 37, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 23, No printed course notes: 7, No opinion: 10
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 18, No text required: 29, No opinion: 21
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 59, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 28, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 15, 7-10 hours: 29, 11-15 hours: 16, ~ 15 hours: 8
69 (72 oI 104) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 76
CS246 Section 003 Lushman Bradley Michael
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 65, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 75, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 55, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 45, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 59, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 29, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 38
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 36, Interesting: 39, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 66, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 68, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 2
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 48, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 20, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 9
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 11, No text required: 39, No opinion: 22
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 64, Somewhat too little: 7, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 61, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 37, 11-15 hours: 13, ~ 15 hours: 10
74 (81 oI 109) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 77
CS251 Section 001 Fourquet Elodie Cecile Diane
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 4, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 24, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 10, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 14
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 17, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 22, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 2, No opinion: 8
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 12, 3-6 hours: 12, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
45 (28 oI 62) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 78
CS251 Section 002 Mann Stephen
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 32, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 17, Just right: 35, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 42, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 25, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 40, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 13, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 28
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 15, Interesting: 34, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 39, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 41, 75-90: 15, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 27, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 13, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 20, No text required: 3, No opinion: 17
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 40, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 44, Somewhat too little: 7, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 19, 3-6 hours: 32, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 2
98 (59 oI 60) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 79
CS330 Section 001 Liu Zhiyong Michael
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 15, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 28, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 13, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 23
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 26, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 29, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 10, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 19, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 24, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 2, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 18, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 1
37 (40 oI 109) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 80
CS330 Section 002 Liu Zhiyong Michael
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 27, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 9, Just right: 51, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 31, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 20, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 10, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 19, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 12, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 36
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 16, Interesting: 39, Not Interesting: 11, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 21, Good: 35, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 48, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 5, 25-50: 2, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 42, Not helpIul: 14, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 32, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 11, No text required: 6, No opinion: 13
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 48, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 51, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 14, 3-6 hours: 39, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
59 (68 oI 116) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 81
CS335 Section 001 Forsyth Peter
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 6, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 13, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 9, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 4, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 7, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 10, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 8, Never: 6, I did not seek help: 13
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 12, Not Interesting: 13, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 34, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 9, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 14, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 29, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 19, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 12, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 8, ~ 15 hours: 5
66 (38 oI 58) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 82
CS338 Section 001 Daudjee Khuzaima
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 20, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 32, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 20, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 16, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 13, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 13
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 19, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 23, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 5, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 11, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 11, No opinion: 13
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 18, 7-10 hours: 11, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
49 (38 oI 78) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 83
CS341/CM339 Section 001 Burkowski Forbes
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 15, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 14, Just right: 30, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 15, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 13, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 26
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 12, Interesting: 29, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 16, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 39, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 7, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 6, No opinion: 12
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 31, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 23, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 2
72 (49 oI 68) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 84
CS341/CM339 Section 002 Hinek Michael Jason
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 16, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 44, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 19, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 13, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 18, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 41
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 15, Interesting: 41, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 17, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 48, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 34, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 21, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 7, No opinion: 22
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 45, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 39, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 29, 7-10 hours: 23, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 1
69 (61 oI 88) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 85
CS341/CM339 Section 003 Burkowski Forbes
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 14, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 22, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 13, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 15
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 16, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 25, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 6, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 2, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 19, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 8, 7-10 hours: 19, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 0
47 (31 oI 66) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 86
CS343 Section 001 Buhr Peter A
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 42, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 45, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 36, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 32, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 42, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 16, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 24
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 30, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 44, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 51, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 30, HelpIul: 24, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 26, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 41, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 26, Okay: 19, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 15, 7-10 hours: 24, 11-15 hours: 7, ~ 15 hours: 9
73 (55 oI 75) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 87
CS343 Section 002 Buhr Peter A
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 22, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 23, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 25, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 16, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 24, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 14
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 14, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 23, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 22, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 13, No opinion: 8
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 2, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 10, ~ 15 hours: 2
42 (28 oI 67) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 88
CS348 Section 001 Weddell Grant
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 12, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 7, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 2, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 15
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 17, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 12, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 0, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 16, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 2
30 (24 oI 79) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 89
CS348 Section 002 Weddell Grant
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 25, Somewhat too low: 6, Too low: 3, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 14, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 12, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 4, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 4, I did not seek help: 24
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 19, Not Interesting: 13, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 6, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 30, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 7, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 8, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 10, No text required: 2, No opinion: 11
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 37, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 34, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 11, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
55 (42 oI 77) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 90
CS348 Section 003 Elghandour Iman
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 12, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 2, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 1, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 9
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 0, Interesting: 10, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 1, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 7, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 9, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 1, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 10, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
29 (18 oI 62) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 91
CS350 Section 001 Aboulnaga AshraI
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 42, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 53, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 39, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 31, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 39, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 16, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 27
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 21, Interesting: 33, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 39, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 50, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 25, HelpIul: 34, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 31, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 13, No text required: 16, No opinion: 14
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 42, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 11, Somewhat too much: 24, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 5, 7-10 hours: 22, 11-15 hours: 15, ~ 15 hours: 16
97 (59 oI 61) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 92
CS350 Section 002 Aboulnaga AshraI
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 9, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 17, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 7, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 11
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 17, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 4, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 14, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 7, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 5
36 (21 oI 58) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 93
CS350 Section 003 Bonakdarpour Borzoo
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 16, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 4, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 7, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 13
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 7, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 18, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 4, No opinion: 14
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 9, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 3
40 (23 oI 58) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 94
CS360 Section 001 Ackerman Margareta
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 12, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 32, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 15, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 15, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 23
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 18, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 25, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 21, No opinion: 9
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 10, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 30, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 24, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
60 (35 oI 58) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 95
CS370 Section 001 Li Yu Ying
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 19, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 25, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 18, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 14, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 22
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 15, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 13, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 35, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 22, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 11, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 26, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 35, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 25, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
55 (41 oI 74) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 96
CS370 Section 002 Li Yu Ying
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 14, Just right: 20, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 18
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 25, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 32, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 25, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 8, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 27, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 31, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 34, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 29, 7-10 hours: 8, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
57 (41 oI 72) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 97
CS430 Section 001 SaIayeni Suzanne
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 10, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 30, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 8, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 14, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 22, Not Interesting: 9, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 30, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 1, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 30, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 31, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
67 (37 oI 55) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 98
CS432 Section 001 SaIayeni Suzanne
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 12, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 28, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 9, Most oI the time: 11, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 6
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 11, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 10, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 24, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 9, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 31, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 3
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 11, 3-6 hours: 18, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 0
65 (37 oI 57) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 99
CS445/CS645/ECE451 Section 001 Ivkovic Igor
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 12, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 17, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 15, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 11, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 19, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 13, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 22, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 4, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 12, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 16, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
63 (27 oI 43) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 100
CS446/CS646/ECE452 Section 001 Holmes Reid Thomas
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 24, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 15, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 18, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 18
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 17, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 12, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 22, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 22, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 13, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 2
91 (30 oI 33) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 101
CS452/CS652 Section 001 Cowan William B
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 10, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 11, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 2
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 3, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 10, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 11, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 1, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 9, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 5, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 5, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 0, 7-10 hours: 0, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 7
54 (13 oI 24) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 102
CS454/CS654 Section 001 Daudjee Khuzaima
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 17, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 29, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 14, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 9, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 14, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 16
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 12, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 22, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 2, No opinion: 12
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 11, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 2
56 (32 oI 57) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 103
CS456/CS656 Section 001 Oliver Earl Albert
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 12, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 13, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 13, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 17
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 23, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 12, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 17, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 5, 25-50: 2, 25: 2
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 16, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 2, No opinion: 9
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 26, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 20, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 2
51 (35 oI 69) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 104
CS458/CS658 Section 001 Hengartner Urs
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 15, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 31, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 10, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 26
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 21, Interesting: 17, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 13, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 29, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 13, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 3, No opinion: 12
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 29, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 26, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
78 (38 oI 49) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 105
CS458/CS658 Section 002 Hengartner Urs
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 10, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 16, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 8, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 7, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 14, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 0, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 9, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
41 (18 oI 44) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 106
CS466/CS666 Section 001 Biedl Therese
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 28, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 30, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 24, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 20, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 25, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 26
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 22, Interesting: 19, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 29, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 38, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 25, No opinion: 7
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 24, No opinion: 11
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
75 (41 oI 55) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 107
CS475/CM375 Section 001 Poupart Pascal
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 13, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 16, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 9, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 13, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 11, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 7
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 11, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 15, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 3, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 14, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
71 (20 oI 28) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 108
CS486/CS686 Section 001 Larson Kate
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 20, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 14, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 13, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 16, Interesting: 18, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 13, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 29, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 12, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 6, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 19, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 26, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 1
49 (35 oI 71) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 109
CS488/CS688 Section 001 Mann Stephen
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 14, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 13, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 12, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 11, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 13
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 19, Interesting: 6, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 25, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 7, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 8, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 14, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 1, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 7, ~ 15 hours: 14
81 (26 oI 32) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 110
CS489/CS698 Section 001 Mann Richard
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 8, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 2, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 1, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 3
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 2, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 13, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 14, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 6, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 14, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 10, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
85 (17 oI 20) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 111
CS489/CS698 Section 002 Terry Michael
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 13, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 17, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 13, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 6, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 14, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 13, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 0, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 5, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 10, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 1
83 (19 oI 23) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 112
ECON101 Section 051 Banerjee,Suryapratim
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 19, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 8, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 13, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 18, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 14, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 20, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 14, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 2
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 17, Interesting: 4, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 21, Good: 0, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 20, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 11, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 6, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 11, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
70 (21 oI 30) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 113
ECON102 Section 051 Banerjee,Suryapratim
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 10, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 13, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 11, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 9, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 3
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 3, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 12, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 2, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 14, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 5, 7-10 hours: 0, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
45 (14 oI 31) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 114
MATBUS470 Section 001 Freeland, Robert Keith
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 13, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 2, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 4, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 1, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 18
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 11, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 6, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 17, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 21, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 0, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 11, 3-6 hours: 18, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
54 (30 oI 56) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 115
MATBUS471 Section 001 Wood, Peter J
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 13, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 16, Just right: 16, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 7, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 15, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 14, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 16, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 31, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 24, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 10, No text required: 3, No opinion: 8
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 32, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 23, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 1
71 (35 oI 49) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 116
MATH103 Section 001 Ferguson Barry
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 19, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 24, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 20, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 14, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 8
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 9, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 19, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 25, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 11, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 0, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
66 (31 oI 47) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 117
MATH104 Section 001 Santin Anita
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 28, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 27, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 24, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 24, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 25, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 20, Most oI the time: 12, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 2
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 25, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 29, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 1, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 32, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 23, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
52 (37 oI 71) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 118
MATH106 Section 001 Ozer Ahmet
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 5, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 19, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 1, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 2, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 11, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 18, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 23, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 19, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 0, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 15, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
55 (30 oI 55) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 119
MATH109 Section 001 Dunbar Fiona Emer Siobhan
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 22, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 9, Just right: 51, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 28, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 15, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 28, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 25, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 18, Most oI the time: 16, OIten enough: 12, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 18
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 27, Not Interesting: 20, No opinion: 11
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 23, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 43, 75-90: 19, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 21, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 8, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 37, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 28, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 0, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 48, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 4, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 54, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 15, 3-6 hours: 38, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 2
37 (65 oI 178) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 120
MATH109 Section 002 Smith Paula T.
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 23, Somewhat too low: 13, Too low: 2, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 9, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 9, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 14, Not Interesting: 22, No opinion: 6
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 3, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 22, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 28, 75-90: 15, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 30, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 1, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 29, Somewhat too little: 10, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 41, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 12, 3-6 hours: 26, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
30 (45 oI 150) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 121
MATH114 Section 001 Cheng Yin Hei
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 25, Just right: 9, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 7, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 20, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 1, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 6, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 22
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 10, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 32, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 24, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 31, No opinion: 7
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 18, Okay: 19, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 37, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 31, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
40 (41 oI 102) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 122
MATH124 Section 001 Hare Kevin George
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 18, Good: 90, SatisIactory: 42, UnsatisIactory: 10, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 7, Somewhat too high: 40, Just right: 82, Somewhat too low: 23, Too low: 4, No opinion: 4
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 55, Good: 61, SatisIactory: 36, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 33, Good: 79, SatisIactory: 43, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 26, Good: 81, SatisIactory: 42, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 4, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 23, Most oI the time: 23, OIten enough: 25, Not oIten enough: 9, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 80
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 42, Not Interesting: 81, No opinion: 31
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 30, Good: 86, SatisIactory: 33, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 6, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 133, 75-90: 20, 50-75: 8, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 51, HelpIul: 97, Not helpIul: 10, No work assigned: 1, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 122, No opinion: 13
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 37, HelpIul: 92, Not helpIul: 24, No text required: 0, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 18, Somewhat too much: 34, Okay: 92, Somewhat too little: 6, Too little: 4, No opinion: 6
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 136, Somewhat too little: 6, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 56, 3-6 hours: 99, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
74 (162 oI 220) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 123
MATH127 Section 001 Zhao Xiaomei
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 14, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 21, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 17, Just right: 38, Somewhat too low: 12, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 18, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 4
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 20, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 26, UnsatisIactory: 11, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 16, Most oI the time: 17, OIten enough: 10, Not oIten enough: 6, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 29, Not Interesting: 23, No opinion: 9
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 7, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 23, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 55, 75-90: 11, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 20, HelpIul: 39, Not helpIul: 7, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 47, No opinion: 6
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 19, No text required: 1, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 52, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 48, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 51, 7-10 hours: 11, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 1
70 (69 oI 98) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 124
MATH127 Section 002 Hamilton Ryan
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 22, Good: 36, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 19, Just right: 45, Somewhat too low: 8, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 32, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 20, Good: 37, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 26, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 24, Most oI the time: 20, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 21
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 42, Not Interesting: 21, No opinion: 6
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 31, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 60, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 49, Not helpIul: 8, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 58, No opinion: 9
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 40, Not helpIul: 10, No text required: 0, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 42, Somewhat too little: 8, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 52, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 11, 3-6 hours: 51, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
77 (75 oI 98) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 125
MATH127 Section 003 Akash Mukto
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 13, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 9, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 0, No opinion: 3
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 17, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 13, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 15, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 14, Not Interesting: 13, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 12, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 33, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 6, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 14, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 2, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 30, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 20, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
48 (37 oI 77) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 126
MATH127 Section 004 Ramsey Christopher Ian
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 3, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 18, UnsatisIactory: 14, Very poor: 6, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 19, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 15, Too low: 3, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 15, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 16, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 18, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 21, Not Interesting: 28, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 3, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 18, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 46, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 9, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 36, No opinion: 7
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 17, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 0, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 30, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 34, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 32, 7-10 hours: 16, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
55 (54 oI 99) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 127
MATH127 Section 005 Zhao Xiaomei
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 31, Somewhat too low: 6, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 14, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 18, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 15, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 6, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 23, Not Interesting: 17, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 13, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 40, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 30, No opinion: 6
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 12, No text required: 2, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 34, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 31, 7-10 hours: 8, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 2
55 (50 oI 91) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 128
MATH127 Section 006 Moreno Camargo Javier
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 16, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 25, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 21, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 19, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 13
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 8, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 18, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 32, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 24, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 24, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 1, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 29, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
42 (35 oI 83) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 129
MATH127 Section 007 Moreno Camargo Javier
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 10, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 16, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 18, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 11
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 18, Not Interesting: 10, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 10, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 30, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 8, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 28, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 15, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
42 (40 oI 95) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 130
MATH127 Section 008 West Joseph John
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 22, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 37, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 28, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 26, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 26, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 16, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 17
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 27, Not Interesting: 15, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 30, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 45, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 37, Not helpIul: 9, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 35, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 38, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 0, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 18, Okay: 31, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 32, 7-10 hours: 15, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
53 (52 oI 98) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 131
MATH127 Section 009 Anderson Terry David
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 40, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 57, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 36, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 39, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 43, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 31, Most oI the time: 22, OIten enough: 11, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 39, Not Interesting: 14, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 52, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 63, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 44, Not helpIul: 6, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 48, No opinion: 6
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 42, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 0, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 8, Too little: 2, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 18, Okay: 46, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 49, 7-10 hours: 11, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
72 (68 oI 95) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 132
MATH128 Section 001 Karabina Koray
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 24, Good: 33, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 53, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 31, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 25, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 23, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 24, Most oI the time: 20, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 16
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 34, Not Interesting: 14, No opinion: 9
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 29, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 58, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 33, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 33, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 10, No text required: 0, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 42, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 3
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 51, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 45, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 2
60 (66 oI 110) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 133
MATH135 Section 001 Hewitt Conrad G
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 19, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 14, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 16, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 17, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 21, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 13, No opinion: 6
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 15, No text required: 1, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 13, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 15, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
77 (24 oI 31) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 134
MATH135 Section 002 Moosa Rahim
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 28, Good: 40, SatisIactory: 30, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 22, Just right: 61, Somewhat too low: 10, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 30, Good: 36, SatisIactory: 28, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 21, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 27, UnsatisIactory: 12, Very poor: 10, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 40, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 24, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 19, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 16, Never: 2, I did not seek help: 45
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 25, Interesting: 43, Not Interesting: 18, No opinion: 10
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 26, Good: 41, SatisIactory: 25, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 86, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 39, HelpIul: 51, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 59, No opinion: 6
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 55, No text required: 1, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 13, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 65, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 65, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 16, 3-6 hours: 54, 7-10 hours: 19, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 1
56 (98 oI 174) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 135
MATH135 Section 003 Furino Steven C
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 62, Good: 48, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 10, Somewhat too high: 29, Just right: 72, Somewhat too low: 8, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 72, Good: 40, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 48, Good: 51, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 83, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 35, Most oI the time: 29, OIten enough: 22, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 30
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 29, Interesting: 68, Not Interesting: 17, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 76, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 100, 75-90: 12, 50-75: 5, 25-50: 0, 25: 2
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 33, HelpIul: 81, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 34, HelpIul: 56, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 18, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 50, Not helpIul: 46, No text required: 0, No opinion: 9
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 14, Somewhat too much: 32, Okay: 63, Somewhat too little: 8, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 20, Okay: 89, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 10, 3-6 hours: 65, 7-10 hours: 30, 11-15 hours: 8, ~ 15 hours: 4
67 (119 oI 178) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 136
MATH135 Section 004 Eden Michael Charles
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 112, Good: 45, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 9, Somewhat too high: 36, Just right: 112, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 77, Good: 67, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 92, Good: 55, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 125, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 48, Most oI the time: 28, OIten enough: 15, Not oIten enough: 6, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 64
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 52, Interesting: 77, Not Interesting: 17, No opinion: 15
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 115, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 132, 75-90: 25, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 50, HelpIul: 99, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 6
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 53, HelpIul: 76, Not helpIul: 10, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 10
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 63, Not helpIul: 77, No text required: 2, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 21, Somewhat too much: 63, Okay: 71, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 3
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 16, Somewhat too much: 38, Okay: 104, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 98, 7-10 hours: 47, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 5
90 (162 oI 180) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 137
MATH135 Section 005 Eden Michael Charles
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 94, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 9, Somewhat too high: 23, Just right: 90, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 75, Good: 40, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 74, Good: 42, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 103, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 55, Most oI the time: 30, OIten enough: 10, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 31
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 50, Interesting: 57, Not Interesting: 14, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 94, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 109, 75-90: 17, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 54, HelpIul: 66, Not helpIul: 6, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 47, HelpIul: 59, Not helpIul: 10, No printed course notes: 7, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 46, Not helpIul: 66, No text required: 2, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 17, Somewhat too much: 42, Okay: 66, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 41, Okay: 81, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 10, 3-6 hours: 71, 7-10 hours: 38, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 2
67 (128 oI 191) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 138
MATH135 Section 006 Koeller Judith Ann
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 54, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 22, Just right: 59, Somewhat too low: 10, Too low: 0, No opinion: 3
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 42, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 42, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 47, Good: 33, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 18, OIten enough: 21, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 46
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 57, Not Interesting: 20, No opinion: 6
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 46, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 71, 75-90: 21, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 2, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 63, Not helpIul: 7, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 59, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 59, No text required: 1, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 13, Somewhat too much: 33, Okay: 43, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 18, Okay: 70, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 60, 7-10 hours: 21, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 2
55 (95 oI 173) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 139
MATH135 Section 007 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 65, Good: 50, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 53, Just right: 70, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 1, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 86, Good: 36, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 53, Good: 51, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 88, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 49, Most oI the time: 31, OIten enough: 20, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 29
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 34, Interesting: 67, Not Interesting: 26, No opinion: 6
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 77, Good: 43, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 116, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 47, HelpIul: 76, Not helpIul: 7, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 77, No opinion: 14
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 87, No text required: 2, No opinion: 8
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 17, Somewhat too much: 50, Okay: 58, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 3, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 13, Somewhat too much: 40, Okay: 75, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 2, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 80, 7-10 hours: 35, 11-15 hours: 10, ~ 15 hours: 3
74 (133 oI 179) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 140
MATH135 Section 008 Koeller Judith Ann
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 57, Good: 36, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 14, Just right: 72, Somewhat too low: 12, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 45, Good: 44, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 52, Good: 37, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 48, Good: 40, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 15, Most oI the time: 29, OIten enough: 19, Not oIten enough: 7, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 34
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 67, Not Interesting: 21, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 48, Good: 36, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 90, 75-90: 11, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 37, HelpIul: 61, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 65, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 30, Not helpIul: 55, No text required: 4, No opinion: 9
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 17, Somewhat too much: 30, Okay: 53, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 34, Okay: 64, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 64, 7-10 hours: 29, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 2
68 (104 oI 154) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 141
MATH135 Section 009 Pei Martin
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 20, Good: 41, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 9, Just right: 52, Somewhat too low: 6, Too low: 0, No opinion: 3
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 25, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 25, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 17, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 19, Most oI the time: 17, OIten enough: 16, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 16
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 19, Interesting: 39, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 20, Good: 40, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 55, 75-90: 16, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 30, HelpIul: 33, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 7, No printed course notes: 33, No opinion: 8
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 37, No text required: 2, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 48, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 49, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 11, 3-6 hours: 45, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
62 (71 oI 114) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 142
MATH135 Section 010 Resch Janelle
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 4, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 16, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 14, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 8, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 16, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 6, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 25, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 25, No text required: 1, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 14, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
73 (27 oI 37) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 143
MATH136 Section 001 Beltaos Andrew
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 14, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 15, Just right: 33, Somewhat too low: 6, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 17, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 12, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 31, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 12, OIten enough: 11, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 25
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 27, Not Interesting: 19, No opinion: 6
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 13, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 37, 75-90: 16, 50-75: 5, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 42, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 17, HelpIul: 30, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 31, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 36, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
59 (58 oI 98) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 144
MATH136 Section 002 Beltaos Andrew
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 16, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 35, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 15, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 14, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 14, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 16
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 31, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 15, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 14, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 38, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 6, No opinion: 8
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 25, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 29, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 29, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
48 (48 oI 100) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 145
MATH136 Section 003 Loo Clinton
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 29, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 34, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 25, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 24, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 28, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 25, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 28, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 29, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 37, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 29, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 10, No opinion: 8
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 30, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
49 (47 oI 96) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 146
MATH136/MATH115 Section 051 Akhundov Ilham
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 2, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 9, Somewhat too low: 6, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 8, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 7, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 1, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 3
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 19, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 11, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 14, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 3
54 (21 oI 39) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 147
MATH137 Section 001 Lawrence John W
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 21, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 13, Just right: 27, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 32, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 15, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 20, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 15, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 16, Interesting: 25, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 17, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 37, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 13, No opinion: 9
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 0, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 4
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 11, 3-6 hours: 24, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
36 (47 oI 131) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 148
MATH137 Section 002 Zorzitto Frank A
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 34, Good: 56, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 75, Somewhat too low: 9, Too low: 3, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 50, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 42, Good: 41, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 50, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 30, Most oI the time: 26, OIten enough: 12, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 32
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 26, Interesting: 68, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 51, Good: 40, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 85, 75-90: 15, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 45, HelpIul: 53, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 22, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 31, No opinion: 12
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 58, Not helpIul: 21, No text required: 1, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 76, Somewhat too little: 10, Too little: 3, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 81, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 3, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 54, 7-10 hours: 34, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 2
58 (103 oI 177) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 149
MATH137 Section 003 Park Doug
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 95, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 9, Somewhat too high: 16, Just right: 94, Somewhat too low: 9, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 69, Good: 49, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 98, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 58, Good: 59, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 40, Most oI the time: 26, OIten enough: 12, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 50
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 22, Interesting: 87, Not Interesting: 10, No opinion: 8
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 83, Good: 42, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 113, 75-90: 15, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 48, HelpIul: 69, Not helpIul: 8, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 4
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 21, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 93, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 23, HelpIul: 54, Not helpIul: 32, No text required: 4, No opinion: 13
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 85, Somewhat too little: 10, Too little: 6, No opinion: 3
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 14, Somewhat too much: 23, Okay: 90, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 83, 7-10 hours: 33, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 2
72 (129 oI 180) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 150
MATH137 Section 004 Nissen JenniIer
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 43, Good: 55, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 21, Just right: 80, Somewhat too low: 6, Too low: 3, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 46, Good: 45, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 41, Good: 50, SatisIactory: 18, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 33, Good: 56, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 24, Most oI the time: 29, OIten enough: 16, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 40
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 16, Interesting: 74, Not Interesting: 14, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 29, Good: 64, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 95, 75-90: 16, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 49, HelpIul: 55, Not helpIul: 8, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 36, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 55, No opinion: 6
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 25, HelpIul: 53, Not helpIul: 23, No text required: 1, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 21, Okay: 77, Somewhat too little: 5, Too little: 4, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 21, Okay: 84, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 62, 7-10 hours: 27, 11-15 hours: 8, ~ 15 hours: 6
64 (112 oI 176) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 151
MATH137 Section 005 Speziale Sean
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 20, Good: 32, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 19, Just right: 37, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 23, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 21, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 15, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 16, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 27
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 12, Interesting: 32, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 9
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 21, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 54, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 38, Not helpIul: 8, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 41, No opinion: 9
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 15, No text required: 0, No opinion: 12
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 3, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 42, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 34, 7-10 hours: 18, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 2
53 (60 oI 113) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 152
MATH137 Section 006 Anderson Terry David
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 72, Good: 51, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 13, Just right: 102, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 58, Good: 56, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 57, Good: 55, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 65, Good: 51, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 48, Most oI the time: 38, OIten enough: 14, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 27
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 36, Interesting: 78, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 10
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 71, Good: 52, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 105, 75-90: 18, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 41, HelpIul: 71, Not helpIul: 9, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 4
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 92, No opinion: 13
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 62, Not helpIul: 31, No text required: 1, No opinion: 19
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 93, Somewhat too little: 12, Too little: 3, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 11, Somewhat too much: 33, Okay: 81, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 72, 7-10 hours: 39, 11-15 hours: 7, ~ 15 hours: 4
76 (127 oI 167) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 153
MATH137 Section 007 Nissen JenniIer
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 40, Good: 41, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 14, Just right: 52, Somewhat too low: 21, Too low: 3, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 49, Good: 36, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 26, Good: 38, SatisIactory: 28, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 33, Good: 44, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 43, Most oI the time: 19, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 24
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 61, Not Interesting: 22, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 33, Good: 47, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 77, 75-90: 15, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 27, HelpIul: 55, Not helpIul: 11, No work assigned: 1, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 65, No opinion: 7
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 51, Not helpIul: 21, No text required: 2, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 58, Somewhat too little: 16, Too little: 3, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 19, Okay: 67, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 62, 7-10 hours: 18, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 2
55 (95 oI 173) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 154
MATH137 Section 008 Vrscay Edward R
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 20, Good: 38, SatisIactory: 21, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 21, Just right: 52, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 35, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 21, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 18, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 23, Good: 43, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 13, Most oI the time: 12, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 51
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 61, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 24, Good: 47, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 70, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 26, HelpIul: 48, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 16, No opinion: 15
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 30, Not helpIul: 12, No text required: 0, No opinion: 18
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 51, Somewhat too little: 10, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 16, Okay: 57, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 3
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 47, 7-10 hours: 23, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
61 (80 oI 132) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 155
MATH137 Section 009 Vinette Francine
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 11, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 1, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 2, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 7
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 8, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 2, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 13, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 0, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 11, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 12, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
67 (14 oI 21) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 156
MATH137 Section 010 Park Doug
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 38, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 10, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 37, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 33, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 47, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 36, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 24, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 20, Interesting: 31, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 36, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 46, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 22, HelpIul: 35, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 23, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 17, HelpIul: 30, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 2, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 37, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 40, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 28, 7-10 hours: 17, 11-15 hours: 8, ~ 15 hours: 4
57 (58 oI 101) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 157
MATH137 Section 011 Charbonneau Benoit
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 8, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 19, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 14, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 16, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 15, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 7
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 16, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 27, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 21, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 6, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 0
91 (30 oI 33) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 158
MATH137/MATH116 Section 051 Akhundov Ilham
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 11, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 7, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 1
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 14, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 8, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 13, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 13, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 12, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
46 (17 oI 37) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 159
MATH138 Section 001 Loo Clinton
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 24, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 26, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 19, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 21, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 25, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 19, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 8
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 21, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 28, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 12, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 3, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 20, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
36 (32 oI 89) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 160
MATH138 Section 002 Dupont Edward
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 43, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 8, Just right: 55, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 49, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 42, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 52, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 34, Most oI the time: 11, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 18, Interesting: 34, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 8
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 52, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 47, 75-90: 14, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 22, HelpIul: 37, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 31, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 1, No opinion: 9
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 43, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 44, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 35, 7-10 hours: 13, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 1
68 (63 oI 92) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 161
MATH138 Section 003 Dupont Edward
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 28, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 28, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 29, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 28, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 28, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 20, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 18, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 27, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 27, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 16, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 1, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 26, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 17, 7-10 hours: 11, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
38 (33 oI 87) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 162
MATH145 Section 001 Jao David
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 15, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 15, Just right: 12, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 26, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 17, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 20, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 7
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 32, Interesting: 0, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 26, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 31, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 25, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 19, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 2, 7-10 hours: 12, 11-15 hours: 9, ~ 15 hours: 10
83 (33 oI 40) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 163
MATH147 Section 001 Hare Kathryn E
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 36, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 34, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 22, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 27, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 37, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 18, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 17, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 36, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 43, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 29, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 37, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 10, No text required: 11, No opinion: 11
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 29, Somewhat too little: 7, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 32, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 23, 7-10 hours: 18, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
76 (44 oI 58) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 164
MATH207 Section 001 Smith Paula T.
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 5, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 3, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 9
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 11, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 6, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 0, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 11, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
53 (16 oI 30) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 165
MATH225 Section 001 Celmins Uldis AlIred
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 12, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 7, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 8, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 8
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 8, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 6, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 7, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 5, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 4, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 2, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 3, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 6, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
38 (14 oI 37) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 166
MATH227 Section 001 Steinmoeller Derek
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 19, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 27, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 13, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 15, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 21
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 17, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 20, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 6, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 0, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 26, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 25, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
47 (31 oI 66) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 167
MATH228 Section 001 Hewitt Conrad G
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 30, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 31, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 30, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 21, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 32, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 21, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 34, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 34, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 25, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 24, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 6, No opinion: 8
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 23, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
61 (37 oI 61) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 168
MATH229 Section 001 Roy Aidan
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 9, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 10, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 7, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 6, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 0, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 6, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 10, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 8, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 6, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
60 (12 oI 20) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 169
MATH235 Section 001 Rowe Kristopher Lewis
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 8, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 15, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 8, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 8, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 13
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 20, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 19, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 0, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
27 (23 oI 85) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 170
MATH235 Section 002 Cheng Yin Hei
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 13, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 25, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 9, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 15, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 19, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 10, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 17, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 2
28 (26 oI 92) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 171
MATH235 Section 003 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 87, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 10, Somewhat too high: 33, Just right: 65, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 85, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 73, Good: 35, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 88, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 47, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 45
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 28, Interesting: 50, Not Interesting: 25, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 91, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 91, 75-90: 18, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 40, HelpIul: 69, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 51, HelpIul: 54, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 75, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 15, Somewhat too much: 38, Okay: 55, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 6, Somewhat too much: 27, Okay: 73, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 11, 3-6 hours: 70, 7-10 hours: 28, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
111 (111 oI 100) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 172
MATH235 Section 004 Hewitt Conrad G
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 18, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 14, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 17, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 6
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 13, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 20, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 19, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 20, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 11, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
61 (22 oI 36) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 173
MATH235 Section 005 Ng Chetat T
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 8, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 11, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 8, Not Interesting: 10, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 10, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 15, 75-90: 9, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 20, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 19, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 20, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
28 (26 oI 92) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 174
MATH235 Section 006 Roh Patrick Young
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 15, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 8, Just right: 19, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 7, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 16
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 16, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 24, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 19, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 13, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 0
40 (27 oI 67) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 175
MATH235 Section 007 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 75, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 11, Somewhat too high: 28, Just right: 56, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 67, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 69, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 75, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 42, Most oI the time: 12, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 35
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 17, Interesting: 36, Not Interesting: 24, No opinion: 18
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 75, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 80, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 36, HelpIul: 57, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 41, HelpIul: 50, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 67, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 20, Somewhat too much: 38, Okay: 37, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 19, Okay: 69, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 61, 7-10 hours: 22, 11-15 hours: 6, ~ 15 hours: 4
97 (96 oI 99) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 176
MATH235 Section 051 Miskovic Zoran
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 2, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 1, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 0, Good: 0, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 0, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 1
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 3, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 0, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 5, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 5, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 2, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 3, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 3, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
80 (8 oI 10) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 177
MATH237 Section 001 Chan Yin Kwan
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 4, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 8, Just right: 9, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 14, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 10, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 13, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 14, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 12, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 1
23 (21 oI 90) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 178
MATH237 Section 002 Vinette Francine
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 3, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 7, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 2
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 9, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 11, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 7, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
39 (12 oI 31) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 179
MATH237 Section 003 Kohandel Mohammad
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 29, Good: 30, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 6, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 44, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 33, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 37, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 31, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 17, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 11, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 2, I did not seek help: 22
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 18, Interesting: 37, Not Interesting: 10, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 37, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 52, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 38, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 22, HelpIul: 34, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 43, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 10, Somewhat too much: 14, Okay: 41, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 40, 7-10 hours: 18, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 2
68 (67 oI 99) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 180
MATH237 Section 004 Scott Matthew
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 37, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 48, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 42, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 39, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 38, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 15, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 31
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 15, Interesting: 38, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 40, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 44, 75-90: 13, 50-75: 6, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 45, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 37, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 42, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 42, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 48, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 37, 7-10 hours: 16, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
65 (64 oI 99) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 181
MATH237 Section 005 Moraru Ruxandra
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 66, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 7, Somewhat too high: 9, Just right: 72, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 67, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 58, Good: 29, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 55, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 47, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 31
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 22, Interesting: 54, Not Interesting: 10, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 73, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 66, 75-90: 21, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 33, HelpIul: 52, Not helpIul: 6, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 44, Not helpIul: 23, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 9, No text required: 58, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 11, Somewhat too much: 28, Okay: 50, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 19, Okay: 64, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 66, 7-10 hours: 17, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
91 (91 oI 100) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 182
MATH237 Section 006 Spronk Nicolaas
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 3, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 8, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 2, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 3, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 8, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 8, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 6, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 10, 7-10 hours: 0, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
16 (10 oI 64) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 183
MATH237 Section 007 Karigiannis Spiro
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 15, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 18, Just right: 20, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 18, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 17, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 21, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 22
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 22, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 17, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 39, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 32, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 33, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 27, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
43 (43 oI 100) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 184
MATH237 Section 051 Miskovic Zoran
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 0, Good: 0, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 0, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 1, Good: 0, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 0, Good: 0, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 0, Good: 0, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 0
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 0, Interesting: 3, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 0, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 4, 75-90: 1, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 5, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 0, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 2, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 2, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
100 (6 oI 6) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 185
MATH239 Section 001 Charbonneau Benoit
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 8, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 7, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 14, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 12, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 10, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
38 (14 oI 37) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 186
MATH239 Section 002 Richter R. Bruce
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 30, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 10, Just right: 40, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 34, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 24, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 33, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 32
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 25, Interesting: 24, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 30, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 47, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 22, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 10, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 9
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 39, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 45, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 34, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 2
62 (56 oI 90) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 187
MATH239 Section 003 Haxell Penny E.
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 64, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 21, Just right: 65, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 62, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 48, Good: 38, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 58, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 14, Most oI the time: 13, OIten enough: 10, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 54
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 29, Interesting: 52, Not Interesting: 8, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 62, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 71, 75-90: 19, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 45, HelpIul: 44, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 48, Not helpIul: 12, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 9
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 62, No opinion: 13
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 23, Okay: 62, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 77, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 56, 7-10 hours: 18, 11-15 hours: 7, ~ 15 hours: 0
81 (92 oI 114) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 188
MATH245 Section 001 Davidson Kenneth R
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 7, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 9, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 13, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 7, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 11
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 13, Interesting: 10, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 11, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 21, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 23, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 7, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 19, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 8, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 4
71 (24 oI 34) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 189
MATH247 Section 001 Nica Alexandru
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 24, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 7, Just right: 22, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 16, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 16, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 17, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 30, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 30, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 17, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
68 (34 oI 50) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 190
MATH249 Section 001 Wagner David G
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 12, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 10, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 0, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 12, Interesting: 5, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 12, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 16, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 6, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 14, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 15, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 8, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
71 (17 oI 24) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 191
MTHEL131 Section 001 Kohler David
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 13, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 20, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 49, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 27, UnsatisIactory: 13, Very poor: 11, No opinion: 2
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 23, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 0, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 15, Never: 4, I did not seek help: 38
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 10, Interesting: 32, Not Interesting: 16, No opinion: 6
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 12, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 3
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 61, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 6, No work assigned: 56, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 8, No printed course notes: 40, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 33, No text required: 0, No opinion: 9
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 13, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 3, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 7, No opinion: 25
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 43, 3-6 hours: 17, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
65 (64 oI 98) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 192
PMATH330 Section 001 Conidis Chris J
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 5, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 20, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 7, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 16, Not Interesting: 8, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 6, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 21, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 10, No opinion: 5
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 6, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 11, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 14, 3-6 hours: 11, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
56 (28 oI 50) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 193
PMATH334 Section 001 Ng Chetat T
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 11, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 4, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 5
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 8, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 12, 75-90: 0, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 11, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 0, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 11, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 12, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
78 (14 oI 18) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 194
PMATH340 Section 001 Zorzitto Frank A
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 22, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 2, Just right: 22, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 21, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 16, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 24, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 17, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 0, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 11
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 17, Interesting: 11, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 24, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 26, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 17, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 8, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 25, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 21, 7-10 hours: 8, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 1
41 (31 oI 75) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 195
PMATH345 Section 001 New Stephen
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 18, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 18, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 14, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 20, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 11
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 14, Interesting: 6, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 18, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 20, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 20, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 3, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 7, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
71 (22 oI 31) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 196
PMATH351 Section 001 Forrest Brian Edmond E
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 41, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 38, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 40, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 35, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 40, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 12, Most oI the time: 14, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 14
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 34, Interesting: 10, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 42, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 41, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 29, HelpIul: 16, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 19, No opinion: 11
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 35, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 40, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 23, 7-10 hours: 16, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 2
78 (46 oI 59) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 197
PMATH441/PMATH641 Section 001 Coons Michael
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 9, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 22, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 11, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 10, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 16, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 24, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 12, Not helpIul: 1, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 23, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 28, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 4
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 16, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 0
94 (29 oI 31) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 198
PMATH442/PMATH 642 Section 001 McKinnon David
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 24, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 25, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 25, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 20, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 28, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 5, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 13
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 20, Interesting: 10, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 25, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 28, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 19, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 26, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 19, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 18, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
91 (31 oI 34) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 199
PMATH451/PMATH651 Section 001 Nica Alexandru
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 21, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 17, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 17, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 12
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 18, Interesting: 8, Not Interesting: 0, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 20, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 22, 75-90: 2, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 16, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 23, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 22, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 20, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
96 (26 oI 27) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 200
PMATH465/PMATH665 Section 001 Moraru Ruxandra
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 17, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 15, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 12, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 15, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 15, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 4
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 16, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 17, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 20, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 22, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 1, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 12, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 7, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 14, 7-10 hours: 8, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
76 (26 oI 34) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 201
SE212 Section 001 Toman, David
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 0, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 27, Very poor: 43, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 45, Somewhat too high: 29, Just right: 3, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 2, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 1, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 25, UnsatisIactory: 29, Very poor: 18, No opinion: 3
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 0, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 28, Very poor: 36, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 0, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 33, Very poor: 35, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 17, Not oIten enough: 20, Never: 4, I did not seek help: 39
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 18, Not Interesting: 56, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 0, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 32, Very poor: 38, No opinion: 2
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 38, 75-90: 12, 50-75: 18, 25-50: 12, 25: 4
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 42, Not helpIul: 32, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 35, Not helpIul: 25, No printed course notes: 17, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 58, No text required: 0, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 33, Somewhat too much: 26, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 18, Somewhat too much: 19, Okay: 44, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 3, 3-6 hours: 36, 7-10 hours: 31, 11-15 hours: 12, ~ 15 hours: 1
68 (84 oI 124) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 202
SE463 Section 001 Berry, Daniel
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 6, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 1
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 9, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 16
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 14, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 7, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 5, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 9, 25-50: 2, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 10, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 11, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 0, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 24, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 20, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 7, 3-6 hours: 17, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
34 (27 oI 80) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 203
STAT202 Section 001 Adcock James
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 170, Good: 77, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 11, Somewhat too high: 16, Just right: 217, Somewhat too low: 8, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 169, Good: 69, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 130, Good: 100, SatisIactory: 21, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 193, Good: 46, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 42, Most oI the time: 33, OIten enough: 14, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 159
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 44, Interesting: 151, Not Interesting: 35, No opinion: 22
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 191, Good: 53, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 217, 75-90: 32, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 78, HelpIul: 129, Not helpIul: 11, No work assigned: 22, No opinion: 14
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 126, HelpIul: 101, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 15, No opinion: 6
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 88, HelpIul: 120, Not helpIul: 25, No text required: 3, No opinion: 18
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 43, Okay: 198, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 212, Somewhat too little: 13, Too little: 5, No opinion: 14
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 107, 3-6 hours: 123, 7-10 hours: 16, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
65 (254 oI 389) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 204
STAT206 Section 001 Metzger Riley Adam
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 47, Good: 35, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 37, Just right: 41, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 59, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 45, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 59, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 20, Most oI the time: 16, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 5, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 43
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 16, Interesting: 59, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 56, Good: 28, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 73, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 30, HelpIul: 50, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 3
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 59, No opinion: 8
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 14, Not helpIul: 21, No text required: 14, No opinion: 34
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 38, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 69, Somewhat too little: 6, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 26, 3-6 hours: 45, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
70 (86 oI 123) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 205
STAT211 Section 001 Adcock James
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 43, Good: 68, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 12, Just right: 105, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 40, Good: 79, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 50, Good: 58, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 53, Good: 63, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 14, Most oI the time: 12, OIten enough: 18, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 79
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 70, Not Interesting: 17, No opinion: 32
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 45, Good: 70, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 102, 75-90: 21, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 13, HelpIul: 77, Not helpIul: 9, No work assigned: 9, No opinion: 19
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 26, HelpIul: 55, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 25, No opinion: 16
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 63, Not helpIul: 21, No text required: 4, No opinion: 19
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 9, Somewhat too much: 24, Okay: 85, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 5
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 100, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 2, No opinion: 10
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 67, 3-6 hours: 49, 7-10 hours: 8, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 1
47 (128 oI 273) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 206
STAT220 Section 001 Naik Shanoja
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 5, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 4, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 2, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 1, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 1
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 2, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 8, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 5, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 2, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 7, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 7, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
46 (12 oI 26) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 207
STAT221 Section 001 Fan Guangzhe
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 8, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 2, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 0, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 1, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 0, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 6, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 2, Most oI the time: 0, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 7
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 1, Interesting: 5, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 0, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 8, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 10, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 9, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 2, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 7, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 11, 3-6 hours: 1, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
41 (14 oI 34) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 208
STAT230 Section 001 Wu Changbao
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 164, Good: 86, SatisIactory: 21, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 11, Somewhat too high: 30, Just right: 213, Somewhat too low: 14, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 100, Good: 92, SatisIactory: 32, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 6, No opinion: 32
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 148, Good: 90, SatisIactory: 22, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 123, Good: 92, SatisIactory: 49, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 48, Most oI the time: 31, OIten enough: 33, Not oIten enough: 11, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 145
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 72, Interesting: 155, Not Interesting: 30, No opinion: 8
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 160, Good: 90, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 231, 75-90: 33, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 3, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 85, HelpIul: 137, Not helpIul: 16, No work assigned: 22, No opinion: 7
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 82, HelpIul: 122, Not helpIul: 19, No printed course notes: 27, No opinion: 17
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 55, HelpIul: 67, Not helpIul: 13, No text required: 108, No opinion: 21
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 11, Somewhat too much: 38, Okay: 212, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 10, Somewhat too much: 20, Okay: 215, Somewhat too little: 15, Too little: 0, No opinion: 9
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 67, 3-6 hours: 161, 7-10 hours: 30, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 2
69 (271 oI 395) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 209
STAT230 Section 002 Speziale Sean
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 71, Good: 51, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 15, Just right: 112, Somewhat too low: 7, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 49, Good: 58, SatisIactory: 24, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 3
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 55, Good: 56, SatisIactory: 21, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 55, Good: 50, SatisIactory: 26, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 34, Most oI the time: 18, OIten enough: 16, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 67
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 27, Interesting: 81, Not Interesting: 22, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 60, Good: 58, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 118, 75-90: 18, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 35, HelpIul: 70, Not helpIul: 23, No work assigned: 5, No opinion: 4
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 53, HelpIul: 55, Not helpIul: 10, No printed course notes: 9, No opinion: 8
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 26, HelpIul: 43, Not helpIul: 8, No text required: 52, No opinion: 7
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 10, Somewhat too much: 15, Okay: 105, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 107, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 7, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 51, 3-6 hours: 70, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 3
35 (137 oI 393) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 210
STAT230 Section 003 Struthers Cyntha
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 20, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 30, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 14, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 14, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 11, Most oI the time: 6, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 22, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 15, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 27, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 4, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 14, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 29, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 31, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 14, 3-6 hours: 18, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
78 (35 oI 45) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 211
STAT231 Section 001 Schonlau Matthias
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 37, SatisIactory: 46, UnsatisIactory: 23, Very poor: 13, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 12, Somewhat too high: 38, Just right: 53, Somewhat too low: 17, Too low: 5, No opinion: 5
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 30, Good: 43, SatisIactory: 42, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 3
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 16, Good: 33, SatisIactory: 48, UnsatisIactory: 21, Very poor: 11, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 14, Good: 41, SatisIactory: 45, UnsatisIactory: 17, Very poor: 10, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 14, Most oI the time: 15, OIten enough: 19, Not oIten enough: 10, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 71
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 43, Not Interesting: 67, No opinion: 12
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 47, UnsatisIactory: 23, Very poor: 11, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 88, 75-90: 30, 50-75: 7, 25-50: 4, 25: 1
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 83, Not helpIul: 29, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 4
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 25, HelpIul: 50, Not helpIul: 51, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 7, No text required: 100, No opinion: 5
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 27, Okay: 90, Somewhat too little: 5, Too little: 1, No opinion: 2
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 102, Somewhat too little: 15, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 46, 3-6 hours: 71, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
34 (130 oI 384) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 212
STAT232 Section 001 Cotton Cecilia Anne
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 10, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 10, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 7, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 4, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 9, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 1, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 2
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 4, Not Interesting: 1, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 8, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 0, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 6, 75-90: 5, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 9, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 4, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 0, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 11, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 10, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 4, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
100 (11 oI 11) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 213
STAT240 Section 001 Drekic Steve
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 18, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 1, Just right: 17, Somewhat too low: 9, Too low: 4, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 18, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 18, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 17, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 1, OIten enough: 3, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 21
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 7, Interesting: 18, Not Interesting: 3, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 16, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 27, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 17, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 1, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 27, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 10, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 2, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 6, Too little: 3, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 13, Somewhat too little: 5, Too little: 5, No opinion: 5
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 20, 3-6 hours: 8, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
78 (31 oI 40) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 214
STAT322 Section 001 Ahmed Muhamad Rashid
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 5, Good: 3, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 0, Just right: 11, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 6, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 5, Good: 1, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 6, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 6, Most oI the time: 2, OIten enough: 2, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 5
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 5, Interesting: 7, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 11, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 8, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 2, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 13, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 18, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 8, 7-10 hours: 3, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 0
61 (19 oI 31) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 215
STAT330 Section 001 Huang Zhiyue
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 12, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 32, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 12, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 13, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 16, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 19
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 6, Interesting: 26, Not Interesting: 6, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 33, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 28, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 7, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 23, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 30, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 5, Okay: 32, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 28, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 2
38 (41 oI 108) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 216
STAT330 Section 002 Struthers Cyntha
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 30, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 37, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 16, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 26, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 28, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 7, Most oI the time: 11, OIten enough: 15, Not oIten enough: 6, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 13
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 8, Interesting: 33, Not Interesting: 9, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 23, Good: 22, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 32, 75-90: 19, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 32, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 20, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 6, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 3, No text required: 18, No opinion: 11
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 36, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 16, Okay: 29, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 5, 3-6 hours: 23, 7-10 hours: 19, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
53 (52 oI 99) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 217
STAT331 Section 001 Fan Guangzhe
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 4, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 8, Very poor: 13, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 27, Somewhat too low: 9, Too low: 6, No opinion: 3
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 8, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 4, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 10, Very poor: 11, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 2, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 10, Very poor: 12, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 25
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 20, Not Interesting: 22, No opinion: 4
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 6, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 13, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 23, 75-90: 14, 50-75: 7, 25-50: 1, 25: 4
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 31, Not helpIul: 9, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 33, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 15, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 0, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 42, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 0, Okay: 35, Somewhat too little: 10, Too little: 4, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 29, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 1, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
26 (49 oI 190) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 218
STAT332 Section 001 Boudreau Christian
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 10, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 8, Just right: 27, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 3
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 10, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 5
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 5, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 5, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 9, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 15
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 22, Not Interesting: 20, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 7, Good: 15, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 27, 75-90: 16, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 27, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 20, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 4, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 4, No text required: 24, No opinion: 10
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 38, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 39, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 9, 3-6 hours: 23, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 0
44 (44 oI 99) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 219
STAT333 Section 001 Skrzydlo Diana Katherine
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 53, Good: 34, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 8, Somewhat too high: 33, Just right: 47, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 1, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 49, Good: 36, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 41, Good: 37, SatisIactory: 15, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 48, Good: 39, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 17, Most oI the time: 20, OIten enough: 19, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 37
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 17, Interesting: 49, Not Interesting: 17, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 44, Good: 33, SatisIactory: 13, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 80, 75-90: 11, 50-75: 2, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 20, HelpIul: 68, Not helpIul: 4, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 14, HelpIul: 42, Not helpIul: 5, No printed course notes: 29, No opinion: 2
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 22, Not helpIul: 19, No text required: 18, No opinion: 28
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 13, Somewhat too much: 34, Okay: 44, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 68, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 17, 3-6 hours: 59, 7-10 hours: 14, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
50 (93 oI 187) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 220
STAT333 Section 002 Ali Javid
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 25, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 9, Somewhat too high: 17, Just right: 24, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 35, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 24, Good: 19, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 28, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 23, Most oI the time: 9, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 14
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 14, Interesting: 26, Not Interesting: 10, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 30, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 41, 75-90: 10, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 26, Not helpIul: 7, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 24, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 15, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 11, No text required: 10, No opinion: 12
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 10, Somewhat too much: 16, Okay: 24, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 35, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 2
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 6, 3-6 hours: 35, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 2
61 (52 oI 85) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 221
STAT334 Section 001 Dawoud Dina
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 41, Good: 27, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 3, Somewhat too high: 22, Just right: 48, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 41, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 3, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 39, Good: 23, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 42, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 17, Most oI the time: 17, OIten enough: 16, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 20
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 17, Interesting: 34, Not Interesting: 15, No opinion: 7
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 38, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 44, 75-90: 12, 50-75: 13, 25-50: 5, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 24, HelpIul: 47, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 32, HelpIul: 37, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 52, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 19, Okay: 44, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 4, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 58, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 5, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 4, 3-6 hours: 49, 7-10 hours: 16, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 0
65 (74 oI 114) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 222
STAT341/CM361 Section 001 Ghodsi Boushehri Ali
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 8, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 6, Just right: 12, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 8, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 11, Good: 5, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 3, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 3, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 5, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 5
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 9, Interesting: 10, Not Interesting: 2, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 18, 75-90: 4, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 0, No printed course notes: 13, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 16, No opinion: 2
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 17, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 14, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 12, 7-10 hours: 5, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 2
50 (22 oI 44) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 223
STAT371 Section 001 Schonlau Matthias
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 3, Good: 18, SatisIactory: 37, UnsatisIactory: 15, Very poor: 15, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 5, Somewhat too high: 19, Just right: 40, Somewhat too low: 18, Too low: 4, No opinion: 2
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 22, Good: 26, SatisIactory: 25, UnsatisIactory: 9, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 3, Good: 25, SatisIactory: 37, UnsatisIactory: 13, Very poor: 10, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 23, UnsatisIactory: 20, Very poor: 13, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 9, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 4, I did not seek help: 52
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 33, Not Interesting: 41, No opinion: 9
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 5, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 36, UnsatisIactory: 15, Very poor: 14, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 66, 75-90: 18, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 47, Not helpIul: 32, No work assigned: 1, No opinion: 4
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 12, HelpIul: 43, Not helpIul: 25, No printed course notes: 1, No opinion: 7
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 10, No text required: 62, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 68, Somewhat too little: 4, Too little: 0, No opinion: 3
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 1, Somewhat too much: 2, Okay: 75, Somewhat too little: 9, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 28, 3-6 hours: 47, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 1, ~ 15 hours: 1
57 (88 oI 154) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 224
STAT372 Section 001 Balka Peter
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 9, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 0, Somewhat too high: 4, Just right: 21, Somewhat too low: 5, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 15, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 11, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 11, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 8, OIten enough: 6, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 11
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 4, Interesting: 16, Not Interesting: 7, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 12, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 20, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 3, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 6, HelpIul: 21, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 4, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 0, No text required: 24, No opinion: 1
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 25, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 1, Okay: 27, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 10, 3-6 hours: 17, 7-10 hours: 2, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
26 (30 oI 117) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 225
STAT373 Section 001 Balka Peter
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 2, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 18, UnsatisIactory: 6, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 31, Somewhat too low: 4, Too low: 0, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 8, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 1
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 6, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 19, UnsatisIactory: 7, Very poor: 4, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 7, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 3, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 3, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 4, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 25
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 21, Not Interesting: 20, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 4, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 17, UnsatisIactory: 4, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 37, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 4, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 25, Not helpIul: 19, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 13, Not helpIul: 28, No printed course notes: 2, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 32, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 40, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 39, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 31, 7-10 hours: 10, 11-15 hours: 0, ~ 15 hours: 0
54 (49 oI 90) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 226
STAT430/STAT830 Section 001 Camacho Fernando
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 1, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 1, Somewhat too high: 3, Just right: 14, Somewhat too low: 0, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 5, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 0, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 1, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 1
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 3, Interesting: 10, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 1, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 15, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 5, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 10, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 4, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 9, HelpIul: 7, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 0, No opinion: 0
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 4, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 7, Somewhat too much: 3, Okay: 8, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 4, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 4, ~ 15 hours: 3
69 (18 oI 26) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 227
STAT431/STAT831 Section 001 Cotton Cecilia Anne
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 27, Good: 17, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 6, Somewhat too high: 17, Just right: 25, Somewhat too low: 1, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 17, Good: 24, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 24, Good: 21, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 34, Good: 11, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 16, Most oI the time: 11, OIten enough: 7, Not oIten enough: 0, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 15
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 30, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 2
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 22, Good: 20, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 40, 75-90: 8, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 1, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 18, HelpIul: 30, Not helpIul: 0, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 21, HelpIul: 23, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 0, No opinion: 1
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 11, Not helpIul: 6, No text required: 12, No opinion: 12
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 34, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 35, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 28, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 7, ~ 15 hours: 2
69 (49 oI 71) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 228
STAT433/STAT833 Section 001 Drekic Steve
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 31, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 28, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 26, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 2
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 26, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 28, Good: 12, SatisIactory: 2, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 19, Most oI the time: 10, OIten enough: 4, Not oIten enough: 3, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 9
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 20, Interesting: 19, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 1
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 26, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 42, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 17, HelpIul: 15, Not helpIul: 5, No work assigned: 7, No opinion: 1
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 16, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 7, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 16, No text required: 1, No opinion: 8
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 12, Okay: 26, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 10, Okay: 28, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 1
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 2, 3-6 hours: 24, 7-10 hours: 15, 11-15 hours: 2, ~ 15 hours: 1
52 (45 oI 86) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 229
STAT441/STAT841/CM463/CM763 Section 001 Ghodsi Boushehri Ali
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 4, Somewhat too high: 14, Just right: 16, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 18, Good: 14, SatisIactory: 1, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 10, Good: 16, SatisIactory: 8, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 9, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 8, Most oI the time: 4, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 7, Never: 1, I did not seek help: 8
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 15, Interesting: 14, Not Interesting: 4, No opinion: 3
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 14, Good: 13, SatisIactory: 7, UnsatisIactory: 2, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 29, 75-90: 6, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 11, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 3, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 2
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 8, Not helpIul: 3, No printed course notes: 19, No opinion: 3
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 2, HelpIul: 5, Not helpIul: 1, No text required: 23, No opinion: 4
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 4, Somewhat too much: 9, Okay: 21, Somewhat too little: 1, Too little: 1, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 3, Somewhat too much: 17, Okay: 14, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 1, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 9, 11-15 hours: 5, ~ 15 hours: 2
77 (36 oI 47) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 230
STAT442/STAT842/CM462/CM762 Section 001 OldIord Wayne
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 11, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 2, Somewhat too high: 5, Just right: 16, Somewhat too low: 2, Too low: 0, No opinion: 0
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 10, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 1, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 13, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 4, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 12, Good: 10, SatisIactory: 3, UnsatisIactory: 0, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 5, Most oI the time: 7, OIten enough: 5, Not oIten enough: 1, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 7
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 11, Interesting: 9, Not Interesting: 5, No opinion: 0
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 9, Good: 9, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 1, Very poor: 0, No opinion: 0
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 21, 75-90: 3, 50-75: 0, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 4, HelpIul: 18, Not helpIul: 2, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 4, Not helpIul: 1, No printed course notes: 11, No opinion: 4
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 0, HelpIul: 2, Not helpIul: 2, No text required: 16, No opinion: 3
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 2, Somewhat too much: 6, Okay: 13, Somewhat too little: 2, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 0, Somewhat too much: 8, Okay: 16, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 0, 3-6 hours: 14, 7-10 hours: 7, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 0
53 (25 oI 47) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 231
STAT443 Section 001 Naik Shanoja
Characteristics oI the Instructor
1) Evaluate the organization and coherence oI the lectures:
Excellent: 0, Good: 6, SatisIactory: 10, UnsatisIactory: 10, Very poor: 8, No opinion: 0
2) At what level were the instructor`s explanations aimed?
Too High: 6, Somewhat too high: 11, Just right: 13, Somewhat too low: 3, Too low: 1, No opinion: 1
3) Evaluate the instructor`s treatment oI students` questions:
Excellent: 1, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 5, UnsatisIactory: 16, Very poor: 5, No opinion: 0
4) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s visual presentation (blackboard, overheads, etc.)
Excellent: 0, Good: 7, SatisIactory: 11, UnsatisIactory: 14, Very poor: 2, No opinion: 0
5) Evaluate the eIIectiveness oI the instructor`s oral presentation:
Excellent: 0, Good: 2, SatisIactory: 12, UnsatisIactory: 11, Very poor: 9, No opinion: 0
6) Was the instructor available Ior help outside class?
Always: 4, Most oI the time: 11, OIten enough: 8, Not oIten enough: 2, Never: 0, I did not seek help: 10
7) Did you fnd the course interesting?
Very interesting: 2, Interesting: 10, Not Interesting: 18, No opinion: 5
8) Evaluate the overall eIIectiveness oI the instructor as a teacher:
Excellent: 0, Good: 8, SatisIactory: 6, UnsatisIactory: 13, Very poor: 7, No opinion: 1
Characteristics oI the Course
9) What proportion oI the lectures did you attend in this course?
90-100: 27, 75-90: 7, 50-75: 1, 25-50: 0, 25: 0
10) Was the assigned work (assignments, projects, etc) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 3, HelpIul: 19, Not helpIul: 13, No work assigned: 0, No opinion: 0
11) Were the printed notes (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 7, HelpIul: 17, Not helpIul: 8, No printed course notes: 3, No opinion: 0
12) Was the required textbook (iI any) helpIul in learning the course content?
Very helpIul: 1, HelpIul: 3, Not helpIul: 5, No text required: 20, No opinion: 6
13) Did the course introduce an appropriate amount oI new material?
Too much: 8, Somewhat too much: 11, Okay: 13, Somewhat too little: 0, Too little: 2, No opinion: 1
14) Was the amount oI assigned work required Ior the course appropriate?
Too much: 5, Somewhat too much: 4, Okay: 23, Somewhat too little: 3, Too little: 0, No opinion: 0
15) On av erage, how many hours per week did you spend on this course outside oI lectures?
0-2 hours: 8, 3-6 hours: 19, 7-10 hours: 4, 11-15 hours: 3, ~ 15 hours: 1
49 (35 oI 71) oI students answered some questions.
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 232
Index by Course
Page Instructor Course
1 Fan, Guanghze ACTSC221 Section 001
2 Freeland Robert Keith ACTSC231 Section 001/002
3 Weng Chengguo ACTSC232 Section 001
4 Cai Jun ACTSC331 Section 001
5 Porth Lysa ACTSC371 Section 001
6 Tan Ken S ACTSC372 Section 001
7 Cai Jun ACTSC431/ACTSC831 Section 001
8 Kim Hyun Tae ACTSC432/ACTSC832 Section 001
9 Kim Hyun Tae ACTSC445/ACTSC845 Section 001
10 Lemieux Christiane ACTSC446/ACTSC846/STAT446/STAT846 Section 001
11 Blake,William Peter Thomas AFM101 Section 051
12 Blake,William Peter Thomas AFM102 Section 051
13 Waite Michael L. AMATH231 Section 001
14 West Joseph John AMATH250 Section 001
15 Emerson Joseph AMATH271 Section 001
16 Davidson Kenneth R AMATH331/PMATH331 Section 001
17 Harmsworth David L AMATH350 Section 001
18 Sivaloganathan Sivabal AMATH351 Section 001
19 Lanson Nathalie AMATH442/CM452 Section 001
20 Siegel David AMATH453 Section 001
21 Morris Kirsten A AMATH456 Section 001
22 Waite Michael L. AMATH463/AMATH663 Section 001
23 Ferrie Christopher Scott AMATH473/AMATH673/PHYS454 Section 001
24 Roh Patrick Young CO227 Section 001
25 Cheriyan Joseph CO250/CM340 Section 001
26 Koenemann Jochen CO250/CM340 Section 002
27 Wagner David G CO330 Section 001
28 Haxell Penny E. CO342 Section 001
29 Nayak Ashwin CO351 Section 001
30 Cunningham William CO355 Section 001
31 Swamy Chaitanya CO370/CM443 Section 001
32 Purbhoo Kevin CO430/CO630 Section 001
33 Richter R. Bruce CO442/CO642 Section 001
34 Fukasawa Ricardo CO450/CO650 Section 001
35 Swamy Chaitanya CO456 Section 001
36 Vavasis Stephen CO463/CO663 Section 001
37 Teske Edlyn E CO485/CO685 Section 001
38 Matheson, Brenton James COMM421 Section 001
39 Liu, Zhiyong Michael COMM431 Section 001
40 Kou Tian CS115 Section 001
41 Nishimura Naomi CS115 Section 002
42 Nishimura Naomi CS115 Section 003
43 Tompkins Dave CS115 Section 004
44 Case Lori CS115 Section 005
45 Orchard JeIIery John CS115 Section 007
46 Case Lori CS115 Section 008
47 Pretti John-Paul C CS115 Section 009
48 Graham Sandra Lynn CS115 Section 051
49 Day Nancy CS116 Section 001
50 Day Nancy CS116 Section 002
51 Graham Sandra Lynn CS116 Section 051
52 Becker Byron Weber CS135 Section 001
53 Goldberg Ian CS135 Section 002
54 Becker Byron Weber CS135 Section 003
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 233
55 Vasiga Troy Michael John CS135 Section 004
56 Kaplan Craig Steven CS135 Section 005
57 Vasiga Troy Michael John CS135 Section 006
58 Tompkins Dave CS135 Section 007
59 Cormack Gordon V CS136 Section 001
60 Lizotte Daniel James CS136 Section 002
61 Clarke Charles L.A CS137 Section 001
62 Ragde Prabhakar CS145 Section 001
63 Daly Barbara CS200 Section 001
64 Mavaddat Farhad CS230 Section 001
65 Bekolay, Trevor CS230 Section 002
66 Pretti John-Paul C CS234 Section 001
67 Stinson Douglas R CS240 Section 001
68 Lhotak Ondrej CS241 Section 001
69 Hinek Michael Jason CS241 Section 002
70 Lhotak Ondrej CS241 Section 003
71 Toman David CS245 Section 001
72 Buss Jonathan CS245 Section 002
73 Buss Jonathan CS245 Section 003
74 Ahmed Reaz CS246 Section 001
75 Lushman Bradley Michael CS246 Section 002
76 Lushman Bradley Michael CS246 Section 003
77 Fourquet Elodie Cecile Diane CS251 Section 001
78 Mann Stephen CS251 Section 002
79 Liu Zhiyong Michael CS330 Section 001
80 Liu Zhiyong Michael CS330 Section 002
81 Forsyth Peter CS335 Section 001
82 Daudjee Khuzaima CS338 Section 001
83 Burkowski Forbes CS341/CM339 Section 001
84 Hinek Michael Jason CS341/CM339 Section 002
85 Burkowski Forbes CS341/CM339 Section 003
86 Buhr Peter A CS343 Section 001
87 Buhr Peter A CS343 Section 002
88 Weddell Grant CS348 Section 001
89 Weddell Grant CS348 Section 002
90 Elghandour Iman CS348 Section 003
91 Aboulnaga AshraI CS350 Section 001
92 Aboulnaga AshraI CS350 Section 002
93 Bonakdarpour Borzoo CS350 Section 003
94 Ackerman Margareta CS360 Section 001
95 Li Yu Ying CS370 Section 001
96 Li Yu Ying CS370 Section 002
97 SaIayeni Suzanne CS430 Section 001
98 SaIayeni Suzanne CS432 Section 001
99 Ivkovic Igor CS445/CS645/ECE451 Section 001
100 Holmes Reid Thomas CS446/CS646/ECE452 Section 001
101 Cowan William B CS452/CS652 Section 001
102 Daudjee Khuzaima CS454/CS654 Section 001
103 Oliver Earl Albert CS456/CS656 Section 001
104 Hengartner Urs CS458/CS658 Section 001
105 Hengartner Urs CS458/CS658 Section 002
106 Biedl Therese CS466/CS666 Section 001
107 Poupart Pascal CS475/CM375 Section 001
108 Larson Kate CS486/CS686 Section 001
109 Mann Stephen CS488/CS688 Section 001
110 Mann Richard CS489/CS698 Section 001
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 234
111 Terry Michael CS489/CS698 Section 002
112 Banerjee,Suryapratim ECON101 Section 051
113 Banerjee,Suryapratim ECON102 Section 051
114 Freeland, Robert Keith MATBUS470 Section 001
115 Wood, Peter J MATBUS471 Section 001
116 Ferguson Barry MATH103 Section 001
117 Santin Anita MATH104 Section 001
118 Ozer Ahmet MATH106 Section 001
119 Dunbar Fiona Emer Siobhan MATH109 Section 001
120 Smith Paula T. MATH109 Section 002
121 Cheng Yin Hei MATH114 Section 001
122 Hare Kevin George MATH124 Section 001
123 Zhao Xiaomei MATH127 Section 001
124 Hamilton Ryan MATH127 Section 002
125 Akash Mukto MATH127 Section 003
126 Ramsey Christopher Ian MATH127 Section 004
127 Zhao Xiaomei MATH127 Section 005
128 Moreno Camargo Javier MATH127 Section 006
129 Moreno Camargo Javier MATH127 Section 007
130 West Joseph John MATH127 Section 008
131 Anderson Terry David MATH127 Section 009
132 Karabina Koray MATH128 Section 001
133 Hewitt Conrad G MATH135 Section 001
134 Moosa Rahim MATH135 Section 002
135 Furino Steven C MATH135 Section 003
136 Eden Michael Charles MATH135 Section 004
137 Eden Michael Charles MATH135 Section 005
138 Koeller Judith Ann MATH135 Section 006
139 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry MATH135 Section 007
140 Koeller Judith Ann MATH135 Section 008
141 Pei Martin MATH135 Section 009
142 Resch Janelle MATH135 Section 010
143 Beltaos Andrew MATH136 Section 001
144 Beltaos Andrew MATH136 Section 002
145 Loo Clinton MATH136 Section 003
146 Akhundov Ilham MATH136/MATH115 Section 051
147 Lawrence John W MATH137 Section 001
148 Zorzitto Frank A MATH137 Section 002
149 Park Doug MATH137 Section 003
150 Nissen JenniIer MATH137 Section 004
151 Speziale Sean MATH137 Section 005
152 Anderson Terry David MATH137 Section 006
153 Nissen JenniIer MATH137 Section 007
154 Vrscay Edward R MATH137 Section 008
155 Vinette Francine MATH137 Section 009
156 Park Doug MATH137 Section 010
157 Charbonneau Benoit MATH137 Section 011
158 Akhundov Ilham MATH137/MATH116 Section 051
159 Loo Clinton MATH138 Section 001
160 Dupont Edward MATH138 Section 002
161 Dupont Edward MATH138 Section 003
162 Jao David MATH145 Section 001
163 Hare Kathryn E MATH147 Section 001
164 Smith Paula T. MATH207 Section 001
165 Celmins Uldis AlIred MATH225 Section 001
166 Steinmoeller Derek MATH227 Section 001
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 235
167 Hewitt Conrad G MATH228 Section 001
168 Roy Aidan MATH229 Section 001
169 Rowe Kristopher Lewis MATH235 Section 001
170 Cheng Yin Hei MATH235 Section 002
171 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry MATH235 Section 003
172 Hewitt Conrad G MATH235 Section 004
173 Ng Chetat T MATH235 Section 005
174 Roh Patrick Young MATH235 Section 006
175 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry MATH235 Section 007
176 Miskovic Zoran MATH235 Section 051
177 Chan Yin Kwan MATH237 Section 001
178 Vinette Francine MATH237 Section 002
179 Kohandel Mohammad MATH237 Section 003
180 Scott Matthew MATH237 Section 004
181 Moraru Ruxandra MATH237 Section 005
182 Spronk Nicolaas MATH237 Section 006
183 Karigiannis Spiro MATH237 Section 007
184 Miskovic Zoran MATH237 Section 051
185 Charbonneau Benoit MATH239 Section 001
186 Richter R. Bruce MATH239 Section 002
187 Haxell Penny E. MATH239 Section 003
188 Davidson Kenneth R MATH245 Section 001
189 Nica Alexandru MATH247 Section 001
190 Wagner David G MATH249 Section 001
191 Kohler David MTHEL131 Section 001
192 Conidis Chris J PMATH330 Section 001
193 Ng Chetat T PMATH334 Section 001
194 Zorzitto Frank A PMATH340 Section 001
195 New Stephen PMATH345 Section 001
196 Forrest Brian Edmond E PMATH351 Section 001
197 Coons Michael PMATH441/PMATH641 Section 001
198 McKinnon David PMATH442/PMATH 642 Section 001
199 Nica Alexandru PMATH451/PMATH651 Section 001
200 Moraru Ruxandra PMATH465/PMATH665 Section 001
201 Toman, David SE212 Section 001
202 Berry, Daniel SE463 Section 001
203 Adcock James STAT202 Section 001
204 Metzger Riley Adam STAT206 Section 001
205 Adcock James STAT211 Section 001
206 Naik Shanoja STAT220 Section 001
207 Fan Guangzhe STAT221 Section 001
208 Wu Changbao STAT230 Section 001
209 Speziale Sean STAT230 Section 002
210 Struthers Cyntha STAT230 Section 003
211 Schonlau Matthias STAT231 Section 001
212 Cotton Cecilia Anne STAT232 Section 001
213 Drekic Steve STAT240 Section 001
214 Ahmed Muhamad Rashid STAT322 Section 001
215 Huang Zhiyue STAT330 Section 001
216 Struthers Cyntha STAT330 Section 002
217 Fan Guangzhe STAT331 Section 001
218 Boudreau Christian STAT332 Section 001
219 Skrzydlo Diana Katherine STAT333 Section 001
220 Ali Javid STAT333 Section 002
221 Dawoud Dina STAT334 Section 001
222 Ghodsi Boushehri Ali STAT341/CM361 Section 001
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 236
223 Schonlau Matthias STAT371 Section 001
224 Balka Peter STAT372 Section 001
225 Balka Peter STAT373 Section 001
226 Camacho Fernando STAT430/STAT830 Section 001
227 Cotton Cecilia Anne STAT431/STAT831 Section 001
228 Drekic Steve STAT433/STAT833 Section 001
229 Ghodsi Boushehri Ali STAT441/STAT841/CM463/CM763 Section 001
230 OldIord Wayne STAT442/STAT842/CM462/CM762 Section 001
231 Naik Shanoja STAT443 Section 001
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 237
Index by Instructor
Page Instructor Course
91 Aboulnaga AshraI CS350 Section 001
92 Aboulnaga AshraI CS350 Section 002
94 Ackerman Margareta CS360 Section 001
203 Adcock James STAT202 Section 001
205 Adcock James STAT211 Section 001
214 Ahmed Muhamad Rashid STAT322 Section 001
74 Ahmed Reaz CS246 Section 001
125 Akash Mukto MATH127 Section 003
158 Akhundov Ilham MATH137/MATH116 Section 051
146 Akhundov Ilham MATH136/MATH115 Section 051
220 Ali Javid STAT333 Section 002
131 Anderson Terry David MATH127 Section 009
152 Anderson Terry David MATH137 Section 006
224 Balka Peter STAT372 Section 001
225 Balka Peter STAT373 Section 001
113 Banerjee,Suryapratim ECON102 Section 051
112 Banerjee,Suryapratim ECON101 Section 051
52 Becker Byron Weber CS135 Section 001
54 Becker Byron Weber CS135 Section 003
65 Bekolay, Trevor CS230 Section 002
143 Beltaos Andrew MATH136 Section 001
144 Beltaos Andrew MATH136 Section 002
202 Berry, Daniel SE463 Section 001
106 Biedl Therese CS466/CS666 Section 001
11 Blake,William Peter Thomas AFM101 Section 051
12 Blake,William Peter Thomas AFM102 Section 051
93 Bonakdarpour Borzoo CS350 Section 003
218 Boudreau Christian STAT332 Section 001
86 Buhr Peter A CS343 Section 001
87 Buhr Peter A CS343 Section 002
85 Burkowski Forbes CS341/CM339 Section 003
83 Burkowski Forbes CS341/CM339 Section 001
73 Buss Jonathan CS245 Section 003
72 Buss Jonathan CS245 Section 002
7 Cai Jun ACTSC431/ACTSC831 Section 001
4 Cai Jun ACTSC331 Section 001
226 Camacho Fernando STAT430/STAT830 Section 001
44 Case Lori CS115 Section 005
46 Case Lori CS115 Section 008
165 Celmins Uldis AlIred MATH225 Section 001
177 Chan Yin Kwan MATH237 Section 001
157 Charbonneau Benoit MATH137 Section 011
185 Charbonneau Benoit MATH239 Section 001
121 Cheng Yin Hei MATH114 Section 001
170 Cheng Yin Hei MATH235 Section 002
25 Cheriyan Joseph CO250/CM340 Section 001
61 Clarke Charles L.A CS137 Section 001
192 Conidis Chris J PMATH330 Section 001
197 Coons Michael PMATH441/PMATH641 Section 001
59 Cormack Gordon V CS136 Section 001
227 Cotton Cecilia Anne STAT431/STAT831 Section 001
212 Cotton Cecilia Anne STAT232 Section 001
101 Cowan William B CS452/CS652 Section 001
30 Cunningham William CO355 Section 001
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 238
63 Daly Barbara CS200 Section 001
82 Daudjee Khuzaima CS338 Section 001
102 Daudjee Khuzaima CS454/CS654 Section 001
16 Davidson Kenneth R AMATH331/PMATH331 Section 001
188 Davidson Kenneth R MATH245 Section 001
221 Dawoud Dina STAT334 Section 001
50 Day Nancy CS116 Section 002
49 Day Nancy CS116 Section 001
228 Drekic Steve STAT433/STAT833 Section 001
213 Drekic Steve STAT240 Section 001
119 Dunbar Fiona Emer Siobhan MATH109 Section 001
160 Dupont Edward MATH138 Section 002
161 Dupont Edward MATH138 Section 003
136 Eden Michael Charles MATH135 Section 004
137 Eden Michael Charles MATH135 Section 005
90 Elghandour Iman CS348 Section 003
15 Emerson Joseph AMATH271 Section 001
217 Fan Guangzhe STAT331 Section 001
207 Fan Guangzhe STAT221 Section 001
1 Fan, Guanghze ACTSC221 Section 001
116 Ferguson Barry MATH103 Section 001
23 Ferrie Christopher Scott AMATH473/AMATH673/PHYS454 Section 001
196 Forrest Brian Edmond E PMATH351 Section 001
81 Forsyth Peter CS335 Section 001
77 Fourquet Elodie Cecile Diane CS251 Section 001
2 Freeland Robert Keith ACTSC231 Section 001
114 Freeland, Robert Keith MATBUS470 Section 001
34 Fukasawa Ricardo CO450/CO650 Section 001
135 Furino Steven C MATH135 Section 003
229 Ghodsi Boushehri Ali STAT441/STAT841/CM463/CM763 Section 001
222 Ghodsi Boushehri Ali STAT341/CM361 Section 001
53 Goldberg Ian CS135 Section 002
48 Graham Sandra Lynn CS115 Section 051
51 Graham Sandra Lynn CS116 Section 051
124 Hamilton Ryan MATH127 Section 002
163 Hare Kathryn E MATH147 Section 001
122 Hare Kevin George MATH124 Section 001
17 Harmsworth David L AMATH350 Section 001
28 Haxell Penny E. CO342 Section 001
187 Haxell Penny E. MATH239 Section 003
105 Hengartner Urs CS458/CS658 Section 002
104 Hengartner Urs CS458/CS658 Section 001
172 Hewitt Conrad G MATH235 Section 004
133 Hewitt Conrad G MATH135 Section 001
167 Hewitt Conrad G MATH228 Section 001
69 Hinek Michael Jason CS241 Section 002
84 Hinek Michael Jason CS341/CM339 Section 002
100 Holmes Reid Thomas CS446/CS646/ECE452 Section 001
215 Huang Zhiyue STAT330 Section 001
99 Ivkovic Igor CS445/CS645/ECE451 Section 001
162 Jao David MATH145 Section 001
56 Kaplan Craig Steven CS135 Section 005
132 Karabina Koray MATH128 Section 001
183 Karigiannis Spiro MATH237 Section 007
8 Kim Hyun Tae ACTSC432/ACTSC832 Section 001
9 Kim Hyun Tae ACTSC445/ACTSC845 Section 001
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 239
140 Koeller Judith Ann MATH135 Section 008
138 Koeller Judith Ann MATH135 Section 006
26 Koenemann Jochen CO250/CM340 Section 002
179 Kohandel Mohammad MATH237 Section 003
191 Kohler David MTHEL131 Section 001
40 Kou Tian CS115 Section 001
19 Lanson Nathalie AMATH442/CM452 Section 001
108 Larson Kate CS486/CS686 Section 001
147 Lawrence John W MATH137 Section 001
10 Lemieux Christiane ACTSC446/ACTSC846/STAT446/STAT846 Section 001
68 Lhotak Ondrej CS241 Section 001
70 Lhotak Ondrej CS241 Section 003
96 Li Yu Ying CS370 Section 002
95 Li Yu Ying CS370 Section 001
79 Liu Zhiyong Michael CS330 Section 001
80 Liu Zhiyong Michael CS330 Section 002
39 Liu, Zhiyong Michael COMM431 Section 001
60 Lizotte Daniel James CS136 Section 002
145 Loo Clinton MATH136 Section 003
159 Loo Clinton MATH138 Section 001
76 Lushman Bradley Michael CS246 Section 003
75 Lushman Bradley Michael CS246 Section 002
110 Mann Richard CS489/CS698 Section 001
78 Mann Stephen CS251 Section 002
109 Mann Stephen CS488/CS688 Section 001
38 Matheson, Brenton James COMM421 Section 001
64 Mavaddat Farhad CS230 Section 001
198 McKinnon David PMATH442/PMATH 642 Section 001
204 Metzger Riley Adam STAT206 Section 001
184 Miskovic Zoran MATH237 Section 051
176 Miskovic Zoran MATH235 Section 051
134 Moosa Rahim MATH135 Section 002
181 Moraru Ruxandra MATH237 Section 005
200 Moraru Ruxandra PMATH465/PMATH665 Section 001
128 Moreno Camargo Javier MATH127 Section 006
129 Moreno Camargo Javier MATH127 Section 007
21 Morris Kirsten A AMATH456 Section 001
206 Naik Shanoja STAT220 Section 001
231 Naik Shanoja STAT443 Section 001
29 Nayak Ashwin CO351 Section 001
195 New Stephen PMATH345 Section 001
193 Ng Chetat T PMATH334 Section 001
173 Ng Chetat T MATH235 Section 005
189 Nica Alexandru MATH247 Section 001
199 Nica Alexandru PMATH451/PMATH651 Section 001
42 Nishimura Naomi CS115 Section 003
41 Nishimura Naomi CS115 Section 002
150 Nissen JenniIer MATH137 Section 004
153 Nissen JenniIer MATH137 Section 007
230 OldIord Wayne STAT442/STAT842/CM462/CM762 Section 001
103 Oliver Earl Albert CS456/CS656 Section 001
45 Orchard JeIIery John CS115 Section 007
118 Ozer Ahmet MATH106 Section 001
149 Park Doug MATH137 Section 003
156 Park Doug MATH137 Section 010
141 Pei Martin MATH135 Section 009
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 240
5 Porth Lysa ACTSC371 Section 001
107 Poupart Pascal CS475/CM375 Section 001
66 Pretti John-Paul C CS234 Section 001
47 Pretti John-Paul C CS115 Section 009
32 Purbhoo Kevin CO430/CO630 Section 001
62 Ragde Prabhakar CS145 Section 001
126 Ramsey Christopher Ian MATH127 Section 004
142 Resch Janelle MATH135 Section 010
186 Richter R. Bruce MATH239 Section 002
33 Richter R. Bruce CO442/CO642 Section 001
24 Roh Patrick Young CO227 Section 001
174 Roh Patrick Young MATH235 Section 006
169 Rowe Kristopher Lewis MATH235 Section 001
168 Roy Aidan MATH229 Section 001
98 SaIayeni Suzanne CS432 Section 001
97 SaIayeni Suzanne CS430 Section 001
117 Santin Anita MATH104 Section 001
211 Schonlau Matthias STAT231 Section 001
223 Schonlau Matthias STAT371 Section 001
180 Scott Matthew MATH237 Section 004
20 Siegel David AMATH453 Section 001
18 Sivaloganathan Sivabal AMATH351 Section 001
219 Skrzydlo Diana Katherine STAT333 Section 001
120 Smith Paula T. MATH109 Section 002
164 Smith Paula T. MATH207 Section 001
151 Speziale Sean MATH137 Section 005
209 Speziale Sean STAT230 Section 002
182 Spronk Nicolaas MATH237 Section 006
166 Steinmoeller Derek MATH227 Section 001
67 Stinson Douglas R CS240 Section 001
210 Struthers Cyntha STAT230 Section 003
216 Struthers Cyntha STAT330 Section 002
31 Swamy Chaitanya CO370/CM443 Section 001
35 Swamy Chaitanya CO456 Section 001
6 Tan Ken S ACTSC372 Section 001
111 Terry Michael CS489/CS698 Section 002
37 Teske Edlyn E CO485/CO685 Section 001
71 Toman David CS245 Section 001
201 Toman, David SE212 Section 001
43 Tompkins Dave CS115 Section 004
58 Tompkins Dave CS135 Section 007
57 Vasiga Troy Michael John CS135 Section 006
55 Vasiga Troy Michael John CS135 Section 004
36 Vavasis Stephen CO463/CO663 Section 001
178 Vinette Francine MATH237 Section 002
155 Vinette Francine MATH137 Section 009
154 Vrscay Edward R MATH137 Section 008
190 Wagner David G MATH249 Section 001
27 Wagner David G CO330 Section 001
13 Waite Michael L. AMATH231 Section 001
22 Waite Michael L. AMATH463/AMATH663 Section 001
88 Weddell Grant CS348 Section 001
89 Weddell Grant CS348 Section 002
3 Weng Chengguo ACTSC232 Section 001
130 West Joseph John MATH127 Section 008
14 West Joseph John AMATH250 Section 001
Fall 2011 Course Evaluations Page 241
175 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry MATH235 Section 007
171 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry MATH235 Section 003
139 Wolczuk Dan Sean Terry MATH135 Section 007
115 Wood, Peter J MATBUS471 Section 001
208 Wu Changbao STAT230 Section 001
127 Zhao Xiaomei MATH127 Section 005
123 Zhao Xiaomei MATH127 Section 001
148 Zorzitto Frank A MATH137 Section 002
194 Zorzitto Frank A PMATH340 Section 001

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