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Race Preview


Just a few short days after the Malaysian Grand Prix where Mer!edes stor"ed to its first one-two finish sin!e the 1#$$ Italian Grand Prix %or"ula &ne arri'es in (ahrain for round three of the 2014 %IA %or"ula &ne )orld *ha"+ionshi+, And as the (ahrain International *ir!uit !ele-rates the tenth anni'ersary of its arri'al onto the %1 !alendar it +resents tea"s and dri'ers with a new !hallen.e - a ra!e under floodli.hts, /his year sees the !ir!uit 0oin 1in.a+ore and A-u 2ha-i in ra!e sta.ed fully or +artially at and the 6+" start will !han.e how the ra!e is a++roa!hed, %or instan!e the !ooler te"+eratures of the e'enin. will lead to ! in -alan!e and .ri+ le'els, /ea"s do howe'er ha'e so"e data on these !onditions with the two +reseason tests held at this !ir!uit runnin. into the !ooler early e'enin. hours on a nu"-er of o!!asions, /he -onus too is that the lower te"+eratures will +la!e less stress on the !oolin. !a+a-ilities of the new +ower



Le $,4 La 145 (Pe $ta 0,2 To $6 To 50 P%t 70 ra!


< all are 2R


units a +arti!ular issue for so"e in the run-u+ to the start this season,

:lsewhere the (ahrain tra!3 features a "ix of slow-s+eed !orners at the end of strai.hts whi!h "eans that the (I* is one of the "ost se'ere on -ra3es all season, ;owe'er while this also "eans that tyres ta3e so"e +unish"ent es+e!ially in ter"s of lon.itudinal ener.y .oin. into the tyres Pirelli is its "ediu" and soft !o"+ound tyres this wee3end, /his ra!e always +resents an intri.uin. set of !

< Int ye >o the of 10 +o a! 1$

Bahrain GP Fast Facts

< /his year "ar3s the 10th anni'ersary of the inau.ural ra!e here in (ahrain, /he first .rand +rix too3 +la!e on 04804804 and was won -y Mi!hael 1!hu"a!her, /his year@s ra!e will -e the 10th runnin. of the .rand +rix as well the 2011 e'ent ha'in. -een !an!elled, < /his year@s ra!e will also -e the first (ahrain Grand Prix to -e sta.ed under li.hts, /he (ahrain International *ir!uit has installed 4#$ li.htin. +oles around the < %ernando Alonso has the "ost 'i!tories here with three, ;e won for Renault in 200$ and 2006 and then for %errari in 2010, 1e-astian Aettel and %eli+e Massa ha'e two wins ea!h at the tra!3, Massa won -a!3-to--a!3 e'ents in 2006-@07 for %errari while Red (ull Ra!in. dri'er Aettel has won the last two ra!es here, < /he only other "an to ha'e won the (ahrain GP is Jenson (utton, /he (riton won for (rawn

< fro the the (u < Ma %e !o Re (u ne

!ir!uit in fro" 104$ "etres, &'er $003" of !a-lin. was installed to +ower the syste" and it features $ 000 lu"inaries, /he entire li.htin. +ro0e!t at the !ir!uit too3 0ust six "onths to !o"+lete, < /his will -e %1@s third ra!e under li.hts, 1in.a+ore has hosted a full ra!e sin!e 2007 and A-u 2ha-i@s ra!e -e.ins in and ends in dar3ness, < /he first !orner at the (I* was earlier this year na"ed in honour of Mi!hael 1!hu"a!her, As well winnin. the first ra!e here the se'en-ti"es !ha"+ion ad'ised the .rand +rix or.anisers durin. !onstru!tion +hase of the !ir!uit, After retirin. fro" %1 at the end of 2006 1!hu"a!her "ade his return to the s+ort at the 2010 (ahrain GP,

in his !ha"+ionshi+ year of 200#, < Aettel and 1!hu"a!her are the only "ulti+le +ole +osition winners here, 1!hu"a!her was on +ole at the first ra!e and a.ain in 2006 while Aettel started fro" the front in 2010 and 2011, /he other +ole +osition "en are4 Massa B@06C Ro-ert Du-i!a B@07C Jarno /rulli B@0#C and ?i!o Ros-er. B2015C, Du-i!a@s +ole was the only one of his %1 !areer to date,

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Bahrain GP Race Stewards Biographies

LAR$ ,$TERLIND %IA )&RL2 *&G?*IL M:M(:RH ;&?&RARI PR:1I2:?/ &% /;: 1):2I1; AG/&M&(IL: 1P&R/ %:2:RA/I&?
Lars Jsterlind is a hi.hly ex+erien!ed %IA steward who has offi!iated at "ore than 100 .rands +rix and a si"ilar nu"-er of )orld Rally *ha"+ionshi+ rounds, A so!ial s!ien!es .raduate and lifelon. "otor s+ort enthusiast Jsterlind was President of the 1wedish Rally *o""ission fro" 1#67-1#72 then President of the 1wedish Auto"o-ile 1+ort %ederation fro" 1#72-1##6, ;e -e!a"e ;onorary President in 1##6 and has -een a "e"-er of the %IA )orld *oun!il sin!e 1#74, &utside "otor s+ort Jsterlind has s+e!ialised in "ana.e"ent wor3in. as a !onsultant and +ursuin. his own -usiness interests, ;e is also ex+erien!ed in lo!al .o'ern"ent at !ity !oun!il le'el,

-INCEN+O $PANO PR:1I2:?/ &% /;: 1P&R/I?G *&MMI11I&? &% /;: AG/&M&(IL: A?2 /&GRI?G *LG( &% A:?:=G:LA
Italian--orn Ain!en>o 1+ano .rew u+ in Aene>uela where he went on to study at the Gni'ersidad *entral de Aene>uela -e!o"in. an attorney-at-law, 1+ano has ex+erien!e in "otor s+ort fro" national to international le'el, ;e has wor3ed for the /ourin. y Auto"K'il *lu- de Aene>uela sin!e 1##1 and ser'ed as President of

the 1+ortin. *o""ission sin!e 2001, ;e was +resident for two ter"s and now sits as a "e"-er of the (oard of the ?a!a"-%IA >one, 1in!e 1##$ 1+ano has -een a li!en!ed steward and o-tained his %IA steward su+erli!en!e in 2005,1+ano has -een in'ol'ed with the %IA and %IA Institute in 'arious roles sin!e 20014 a "e"-er of the )orld Motor 1+ort *oun!il the %IA *o""ittee and the exe!uti'e !o""ittee of the %IA Institute,

DERE. /AR/IC. %&RM:R %&RMGLA &?: 2RIA:R A?2 )&RL2 1P&R/1*AR *;AMPI&?
2ere3 )arwi!3 ra!ed in 146 .rands +rix fro" 1#71 to 1##5 a++earin. for /ole"an Renault (ra-ha" Arrows and Lotus, ;e s!ored 61 +oints and a!hie'ed four +odiu" finishes with two fastest la+s, ;e was )orld 1+orts!ar *ha"+ion in 1##2 dri'in. for Peu.eot, ;e also won Le Mans in the sa"e year, ;e ra!ed Ja.uar s+orts!ars in 1#76 and 1##1 and !o"+eted in the (ritish /ourin. *ar *ha"+ionshi+ -etween 1##$ and 1##7 as well as a futher a++earan!e at the Le Mans in 1##6 dri'in. for the *oura.e *o"+etition tea", )arwi!3 is a fre9uent %IA dri'er steward and is President of the (ritish Ra!in. 2ri'ers@ *lu-,

Bahrain GP Championship Standings (Drivers)

Bahrain GP Championship Standings (Constructors)

Bahrain GP Formula One Timeta le ! F"# $edia Schedule

THUR$DA0 Press *onferen!e 1RIDA0 Pra!ti!e 1ession 1 Pra!ti!e 1ession 2 Press *onferen!e $ATURDA0 Pra!ti!e 1ession 5 Lualifyin. %ollowed -y unilateral and +ress !onferen!e $UNDA0 2ri'ersM Parade Ra!e %ollowed -y unilateral and +ress !onferen!e 1$,00 14,00-1$,50 17,00-1#,50 20,00 1$,00-16,00 17,00-1#,00

16,50 17,00-20,00


LGALI%II?G All dri'ers eli"inated in L1 or L2 are a'aila-le for "edia inter'iews i""ediately after the end of ea!h session as are dri'ers who +arti!i+ated in L5 -ut who are not re9uired for the +ost-9ualifyin. +ress !onferen!e, /he inter'iew +en is lo!ated in front of the door leadin. to the +ress !onferen!e roo", RA*: Any dri'er retirin. -efore the end of the ra!e will -e "ade a'aila-le at his tea"@s .ara.e8hos+itality, In addition durin. the ra!e e'ery tea" will "a3e a'aila-le at least one senior s+o3es+erson for inter'iew -y offi!ially a!!redited /A !rews, A list of those no"inated will -e "ade a'aila-le in the "edia !entre,

%IA *&MMG?I*A/I&?1 2:PAR/M:?/ +ressNfia,!o" / O55 1 45 12 $7 1$

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