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Facial cosmetic surgery Siapa di dunia ini yang tidak menginginkan wajah yang cantik , cerah dan juga sehat. operasi plastik merupakan salah satu cara untuk memperbaiki tampilan bentuk wajah. Dengan operasi plastic bentuk wajah seseorang bisa dirubah lebih cantik lagi. Tapi bedah plastic juga mempunyai factor resiko yang berbahaya, seperti; Pendarahan, Guratan pada Kulit, Nekrosis, Kerusakan saraf, Selulit Dan Kulit Longgar. Jika ibu saya menginginkan operasi plastic untuk memperbaiki bentuk tampilan wajah, saya akan melarangnya karena saya mempunyai dua alasan. Pertama saya akan mengatakan ibu wajah ibu itu sudah cantik, cerah dan juga sehat. Menurut saya wajah ibu sudah sempurna, cantik, jadi tidak perlu lagi operasi plastic. Wajahmu sangat cantik ibu . kedua, efek berbahaya karena operasi adalah sesuatu yang perlu untuk dicerna. Seperti infeksi resiko Pendarahan, Guratan pada Kulit, Nekrosis, Kerusakan saraf, Selulit Dan Kulit Longgar. Semua orang menginginkan wajah yang cantik tapi jika itu mempunyai resiko bahaya yang lebih besar sebaiknya jangan dilakukan karena syukuri apa yang ada, hidup adalah anugerah, tetap jalani hidup ini, melakukan yang terbaik. Who in this world who does not want a pretty face, a bright and healthy. Plastic surgery is one way to improve the look of your face shape. With plastic surgery changed shape a person's face can be beautiful again. But plastic surgery also has a dangerous risk factor, such as bleeding, Scars on the skin, necrosis, nerve damage, cellulite and loose skin. If my mother wants plastic surgery to improve the shape of facial features, I would ban it because I have two reasons. First I would say "mom, your face was beautiful, bright and healthy too. According to my mother's face was perfect, beautiful, so do not need plastic surgery. Your face is very beautiful mother ". second, because the harmful effects of surgery is something that needs to be digested. Bleeding risks such as infection, Scars on the skin, necrosis, nerve damage, cellulite and loose skin. Everyone wants a beautiful face, but if it has a greater risk of harm should not be done because there is thankful for what, life is a gift, keep through life, doing the best.


Facial cosmetic surgery

Who in this world who does not want a pretty face, a bright and healthy. Plastic surgery is one way to improve the look of your face shape. With plastic surgery changed shape a person's face can be beautiful again. But plastic surgery also has a dangerous risk factor, such as bleeding, Scars on the skin, necrosis, nerve damage, cellulite and loose skin. If my mother wants plastic surgery to improve the shape of facial features, I would ban it because I have two reasons. First I would say "mom, your face was beautiful, bright and healthy too. According to my mother's face was perfect, beautiful, so do not need plastic surgery. Your face is very beautiful mother ". Second, because the harmful effects of surgery is something that needs to be digested. Bleeding risks such as infection, Scars on the skin, necrosis, nerve damage, cellulite and loose skin. Everyone wants a beautiful face, but if it has a greater risk of harm should not be done because there is thankful for what, life is a gift, keep through life, doing the best.


BREAST CANCER Breast cancer is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from ducts are known as ductal carcinomas, while those originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. Breast cancer occurs in humans and other mammals. While the overwhelming majority of human cases occur in women, male breast cancer can also occur. Symptoms of Breast Cancer There are several symptoms of breast cancer that can be seen. Here are the symptoms in question: A lump in the breast that can be touched. Changes in the shape and size of the breast. Sores around the nipple and surrounding areas that are difficult to heal. The presence of fluid (blood or pus-yellow to greenish) coming out of the nipple. Changes to the nipple such as itching, burning, and interested in (retraction). The presence of wrinkles (such as lime) on the breast skin. In later stages may develop bone pain, weight loss, swelling of arms or ulcerated skin. Esophageal Cancer Risk Factors Breast Cause of breast cancer is not known with certainty but there are some risk factors that allow a woman's disease, which is as follows: Family history of breast cancer.


Women who have never been pregnant and given birth. The first pregnancy occurred after the age of 30 years. First menstruated at the age under 12 years and menopause after age 55 years. Use of birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy. Postmenopausal obesity and alcohol consumption. Chemicals - Several studies have cited the exposure of chemicals that mimic estrogen (contained in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer. The use of DES (diethylstilbestrol). Women who took DES to prevent miscarriage have a higher risk of breast cancer.

DENGUE FEVER Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Dengue fever (DB) is an acute febrile disease caused by the dengue virus, which enters the human bloodstream by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, such as Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus. Symptoms of dengue fever 1. Sudden fever 2-7 days with temperatures 38-40 degrees Celsius and 2 followed by other symptoms presented below; 2. headache 3. Pain behind the eyes 4. Pain in the muscles of the body 5. Bone pain 6. Skin rash (rash) 7. White blood cells (WBCs) decreased / low


8. The emergence of signs of bleeding 9. Tested positive for dengue serology test 10. There are neighbors who have tested positive for dengue Causes of dengue fever The main cause of dengue is the dengue virus. The dengue virus can enter the human body through the bite of the carrier vector, which is kind of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus females, and the vector Aedes aegypti is the most common cause of dengue fever

AUTISM Autism is a condition of a person from the moment of birth or infancy, which makes him unable to form social relationships or normal communication. Symptoms of autism a. Difficult to join with other children b. Laugh or giggle out of place c. Avoiding eye contact or just a bit of eye contact d. Showed insensitivity to pain e. Rarely play a game of fantasy f. Prefer solitude, withdrawn, not forming a personal relationship that is open g. rotate objects h. Fixated on a particular object, that object is dependent upon the familiar i. Physically too active or not active at all j. Not responding to normal teaching methods k. Interested in the same things, do not want to accept / change


l. Not afraid of the dangers m. Glued to the odd game n. Ekolalia (repeating the words or syllables) o. Do not want to be hugged p. Do not respond to words, act as if deaf q. Have difficulty in expressing needs through words, more happy requested through hand gestures or pointing Causes of autism Causes of Autism - The exact cause of autism is unknown, but it is clear this is not caused by the wrong upbringing. Recent research has focused on the biological and neurological abnormalities in the brain, including biochemical imbalances, genetic factors and immune disorders.

HERNIA A hernia is the protrusion of an organ or the fascia of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. There are different kinds of hernia, each requiring a specific management or treatment. Symptoms of hernia Common symptoms of hernia is pain or discomfort, as well as localized swelling in the lower abdomen or in the groin area. On the location of the occurrence of this disease will feel pain, little bumps and hard. If lying is hard to loosen muscles and bumps slowly disappearing. Hernia symptoms in particular Reponible, Irreponible, Incarcerata, Strangulata. Causes of hernia Causes of hernia is imperfect closure of the canal channel organ displacement while the baby is still in the womb. So that the channel should be closed, remain open and be a weak point, for example in the abdominal wall.


ALZHEIMER Alzheimer's disease is not contagious, but rather a kind of syndrome with apoptosis of brain cells at the same time, so that the brain seems to shrink and shrink. Alzheimer's disease is also said to be synonymous with the parents. Symptoms of alzheimer loss of memory confusion about the location of a familiar place longer to complete everyday tasks trouble handling money and paying bills poor judgment leading to bad decisions loss of a sense of spontaneity and initiative mood and personality changes increased anxiety improve memory loss and confusion shortened attention span problem admitting friends and family members with language difficulties, including problems with reading and writing difficulty working with numbers Causes of alzheimer 1. age 2. Family History and Genetics 3. sex 4. Mild Cognitive Disorders


5. Lifestyle and Heart Health 6. Lifelong Learning (Lifelong Learning) Social Interaction and Engagement

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