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Strike-Slip Fault Systems (2)

Termination of strike-slip fault Strike-slip duplexes Pull-apart basins Significance

Termination of a strike-slip fault

Zhoukoudian, West Mountain, Beijing, China (Zuoxun Zeng, 2005)

Stress Concentrations at Ends of Strike-Slip Fault

extensional imbricate fans

contractional imbricate fans

horsetail splay





Termination of dextral strike-slip faults by formation of imbricate fans (after Freund, 1974)
A. Geometry of extensional imbricate fans. B. Extensional normal faulting at the termination. C. Geometry of contractional imbricate fans. D. Contractional folding and thrust faulting at the termination. E. Geometry of a horsetail splay of strike-slip faults. (with a simple experiment)

Termination of sinistral north-southtrending faults by formation of eastwest-trending thrust imbricate fan, Southern Pakistan

Key Words: Contractional imbricate fan Sinistral strike-slip faults Conjugate faults

(From the geological map of Pakistan, with interpretation after Lawrence and Yeats, 1978)

Strike-slip fault system related to India-Eurasia Collision (Tapponnier and Molnar, 1977)

Transtensional duplex Extensional imbricate fan 111

111 Transpressional duplex Compressive imbricate fan

Horsetail splay at the termination of Hope Fault, New Zealand (Freund, 1974)

Right-lateral strike-slip fault system

After Woodcock & Fischer1986

Formation of an transtensional strike-slip duplex at an extensional (or release) bend

(Woodcock and Fische, 1986)

Formation of an transpressional strike-slip duplex at a contractional (or retraining) jog

(Woodcock and Fischer, 1986)


An transtensional duplex developing on the active Dasht-E Bayaz fault in northeastern Iran (Tchalenko and Ambraseys, 1970)

Positive flower structure for uplift blocks

Negative flower structure for depressed blocks

Seismic profile of a positive flower structure from a transpressional duplex on a sinistral strike-slip fault, Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma
Seismic profile of a negative flower structure from a transtensional duplex on a dextral strike-slip fault (Harding 1985) (Harding,1985)

Strike-slip fault system A- Local compressional and extensional structures produced by fault terminations and fault overlaps. B-Formation of raised and depressed wedgeshaped blocks by local transpression and transtension. C- Positive and negative flower structures produced by convergence and divergence respectively in strike-slip motion D-Strike-slip duplex



Xuefengshan Positive Flower Structure, South China

(From Zhu, 1999. Simplified after Su, 1995)

En Echelon folds related to San Andreas strike-slip fault

Pull Apart Basin

(with a simple experiments)

San Andreas strike-slip fault (Moody et al., 1956)

Pull-apart basin A.S-typeB. Z-type

Evolution of a pull-apart basin

Atilla Aydin et al.,1982

Key Words: Left step-over Left-lateral strike-slip fault Graben

The Angara graben, a major pull-apart basin northeast of Lake Baikal in Siberia (From Tapponnier and Molnar,1979)

Strike-slip fault system related to India-Eurasia Collision (Tapponnier and Molnar, 1977)

Pull Apart Basins

Physical Modeling of Pull-apart Basin ( Breat Rahe, David Ferrill and Alan Morris, 1998)

(Atilla Aydin et al.,1982)

Pull-Apart Basin Modeling ( Breat Rahe, David Ferrill

and Alan Morris, 1998)

Location of the previous map

Earthquake distribution and San Andreas strike-slip fault system , southern California (From Twiss & Moores, 2007)

Problems for Review

What is the difference between a transfer fault and a transform fault? Distinguish between transtensional duplex, transpressional duplex, thrust duplex and extensional duplex. What are the characteristics of the termination of a strike-slip fault? What are the similarity and difference between positive and negative flower structures? What is the formation mechanism of a pull-apart basin? What is the significance of strike-slip faults?

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