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Payal Patel Geometry Topics: Similar Triangles Special Right Triangles Basic Trigonometric Ratios 9th Grade

March 21: Lesson 5 51 minutes

Rationale: Now that the students have learned about the Pythagorean Theorem and special right triangles, they will also find patterns regarding the ratios of sides relative to an angle. Enduring Understandings: Right triangle geometry is related to the study of areas of quadrilaterals. Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.SRT.D.9 CCSS.Math.Content.HSG-SRT.B.5 CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.SRT.D.8 Goals: Students will explore the basic trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, and tangent. Students will apply their knowledge of 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 triangles to determine lengths of the sides of a triangle. Students will learn applications of trigonometry in optics. Materials: Powerpoint, My laptop Projector Dry-Erase Markers Chalk Procedures: 1. Opener (max. 15 min): This is not a separate warm-up but rather forms the foundations for the lesson. Ask students to take out consent forms. Students will fill in missing sides of the 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 triangles I constructed using GSP.

2. Body: Review the opener triangles with students. Do a relaxation exercise for 3 minutes. (No feedback this time). Students will then work in individually/pairs /groups of three (their choice) to complete the inductive activity worksheet I have constructed (see Discovering Special Right Triangle Properties Worksheet). Teacher actively walks around discussion ratios with students and helping students that need help with fractions with radical signs. Students also answer the concluding questions on the worksheet: 1. What do you notice? Why do you think this happens? 2. Explain how your findings may relate to the given angle. Present ratios What do these ratios tell us?

Discuss the questions (above) as class.

Introduce trigonometric ratios: Pass out trigonometric ratios worksheet. Instructions: Fill in the table. You may use the

Discovering Special Right Triangle Properties worksheet as a reference:







So how do we use these concepts? Trigonometry in the Real-World: Optics Students will work on a problem I constructed: I point a laser beam at a mirror attached to my bedroom door. The incoming beam hits the mirror 5 feet below the ceiling. As the beam reflects off the mirror it makes an angle of 60 degrees with the incoming beam and finally hits my ceiling. a) Draw a diagram using the information given. b) Determine how far (from the edge of the wall above the door), the beam hits the ceiling. Show all work. If time remains, I will teach students how to find sine, cosine, and tangent ratios of nonspecial triangle angles using a calculator.

3. Closure: [rest of class] Have a nice day! and let students know that they will not need their workbooks for homework. Assessment: Closely observe students pair/group-work in class (I will observe what misconceptions students hold and look for expected understandings). Note which students participate, possibly note emotions on students faces (confusion, boredom, excitement) Note how many students ask me questions that suggest they may need more help Listen to students verbalization of mathematics to each other: peer talking Are any students finishing earlier than others? Later than others? Who is willing to ask for help? Who needs help but does not ask? Actively ask students questions during lecture time Homework:

Read Section 8.2 in your textbook and complete all Example Problems in your binder. Then, complete 1-23 odds only. Here are links to animations that you can play around with to understand the ratios of the sides within a 30-60-90 triangle and 45-45-90 triangle:

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