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1. The key to being a good minister is to first of all be a good Christian. If youre a good Christian, youll be a good minister. (This seems like a lost art, especially in Charismatic circles. Im shocked by the amount of sin I see in our churches (and, quite frankly, in this school), and the oh !ell" attitude that people ha#e about it. a. I cant relate to a youth group that doesnt !ant to li#e for $od% b. I cant relate to Christians !ho dont think they ha#e to li#e right% c. &e li#e in a generation of Christians !ho are abusing the $race message. d. &e#e become accustomed to the !ays of the !orld, and (in a measure) !e#e adopted their standards as our o!n. e. ! Timothy "#$% ' (elf lo#e is the ) 1 characteristic of our day. *#erything else listed here, comes out of that% f. &. '%( + ,aul didnt say they dont lo#e $od% They -ust lo#e pleasure more. (I dont belie#e hes -ust talking about religious sinners. I belie#e ,aul included the Christians in this description.) .. As ministers )e too are s*s+e,tible to the s,irit of the age. (In fact, (atan targets us more than anyone else.) The deception is/ If I kno! it, I feel like I#e done it. (0nd, that feeling of, I#e done it" increases if you#e told somebody else to do it.) 1oure not going to be -udged by !hat you kno!, or by !hat you#e preached (and told others to do). 1oull be -udged by !hat you#e actually done. 2. Sometimes ministers seem to get the idea that they ha&e a different standard to li&e by than other ,eo,le. ( I preach to the people, that they ha#e to li#e a certain !ay. 3ut, someho! I feel like Im e4empt.") 1ou will be -udged by a different standard. 3ut, its not going to be an easier standard. Its going to be a higher standard. (-ames "#$). (&hy5) '. The ministry +arries a tremendo*s res,onsibility )ith it. a. ,eople, for the most part, belie#e !hat you tell them. (6sually, !ithout thinking, or researching it themsel#es.) o ,eople dont think% 0 fe! people think. 0 fe! more think they think". 3ut, most people -ust accept !hat the authorities" on the sub-ect tell them. o If youre !rong, theyll suffer (maybe e#en die) for it. b. ,eople, for the most part, !ill become !hat you are% o 7bser#ation + a kind, lo#ing pastor produces kind, lo#ing people. ' a cold, harsh pastor, produces cold, harsh, -udgmental people. ((in.) o (cripture + -ohn $.#/ + 8ust like 8esus is the door" to the 6ni#ersal Church, the pastor is the door" to the local church. (&hate#er he lets in, gets in.) Re&. "#

c. Thats !hy 8ames said youll recei#e a stricter -udgment. 1our mess'ups affect more than -ust you and your family. o Theres no hurt like church'hurt". (ometimes people ne#er do reco#er. (ie + $ene + hurt in his pre#ious church.) &hy5 o 9ike it or not, people lift us up, and gi#e us a place in their thinking that !e dont !ant (or deser#e). 3ut, they do it any!ay. They see !ere called and anointed, and, in their thinking, they subconsciously equate us !ith 8esus. (9ady sa! brother :agin buying under!ear and !as de#astated. They ring your doorbell, and theyre shocked !hen you dont come to the door in a suit.) ;rom time to time, I remind the people that, Im not 8esus, if you cut me, Ill bleed. If you tell me off, Ill hurt. Im not 8esus, I -ust !ork for :im." o ,eople open up to us, and trust us. If and !hen !e #iolate that trust, confusion, hurt and anger result. (9uke 1./<=) (. The )orld needs to see a differen+e in *s. a. &e need to be squeaky clean" in the eyes of others. b. The old saying, They can think !hat they !ant to think", doesnt hold !ater here. 1ou#e got to be more clean, more honest, and more upright than the a#erage belie#er. c. 8ust a slip + (looking !rongly at a girl) + can really de#astate her. The pastor !as looking at my >" d. ,aul told Timothy to think of the older !omen as mothers, and the younger !omen as sisters.

1. I !ant to start this course by defining three !ords/ Integrity, ethics and morals. Theyre all inter'related, but they differ slightly. a. Integrity + ?ictionary/ 1. ;irm adherence to a code of moral #alues, (right and !rong). .. The quality or state of being complete or undi#ided. o That last definition is really good. Complete, or undi#ided." o In other !ords, I dont ha#e t!o'faces. (0 public" face and a pri#ate" face.) 0 person of integrity is the same all the time. o &hat is integrity5 o Integrity is an internal go#erning force. (Its a commitment to doing right, !hether I feel like it or not, !hether its con#enient or not, !hether its popular or not.)

o Its saying, This is !hat I !ill allo! myself to do. This is !here I dra! the line. I !ill not cross that line." ( ;irm adherence".) o @eally, integrity is !hat you are% Its your character. (&ell talk more about integrity in a moment.) b. Ethi+s + ?ictionary/ 0 set of moral principles or #alues. &e said that integrity !as adhering to" a set of moral #alues. *thics are part of that system of #alues. ((pecifically, ethics are our #alues that ha#e to do !ith ho! !e !ill interact !ith other people and situations.) c. 2orals + are also a part of my system of right and !rong". 3ut, morals ha#e to do more !ith the principles of right and !rong themsel#es. (If I can say it this !ay. Aorals are !hat I belie#e", my #alues system. *thics are ho! Ill apply !hat I belie#e". 0nd, integrity is the in!ard commitment to do it".) d. &hen !e talk about ministerial ethics, its really about ho! Ill li#e out !hat I belie#e before the !orld, my church and my colleagues.

1. 5ro&. $$#" 6 0gain, integrity is an internal go#erning force. (0 lot of times, integrity !ill make decisions for you. If theres the slightest bit of dishonesty in#ol#ed, theres no decision to be made. Im going !ith !hats right.) .. 5ro&. !.#/ % 1our integrity (or lack of it) !ill directly affect your family. (*4odus .B/C) 2. 5salm /7#/.%/! + It takes both integrity and skill to be a good leader. &hen you build a building, (ie + the Calgary To!er), !hats underground is more important than !hat you see. 0 person that builds his ministry on talent !ithout ha#ing a foundation of solid character !ill ultimately be destroyed. CharacterDintegrity is the foundation that allo!s the building" to go up.


1. Aoney .. (e4

2. @elationships !ith other people. $. 2ONE4 % a. ! Cor. ;#!.%!$ + ;or !e are on our guard, intending that no one find anything for !hich to blame us in regard to our administration of this contribution. ;or !e take thought beforehand and aim to be honest and absolutely abo#e suspicion, not only in the sight of the 9ord, but also in the sight of men. (0mp) b. $ Thess. !#" + 7ur message to you is true, our moti#es are pure, our conduct is absolutely abo#e board>" c. &hile !ere here, ,aul gi#es us a list here of !hat $ods looking for, before :e !ill appro#e you and put you in the ministry. o &. ' 6 8*est + $od has requirements. o ! Cor. <#' + in" + only gi#es us the circumstances, not the qualifications. o 3y" + These are the qualifications. ,ureness + right li#ing, conduct". Eno!ledge + . Tim. ./1C + something to say". 9ongsuffering + (lo! to anger. Eindness + Fot harsh. 3y the :oly $host + ;illed, fruit, gifts. 9o#e + not hypocritical", sincere. 3y the &ord of Truth + IFT*$@IT1. 3y the ,o!er of $od. 0rmor + ,reparation. $o back o#er the list, !hich ha#e to do !ith character5 ,ureness + Character Eno!ledge + ?e#elopment 9ongsuffering + Character Eindness + Character The :oly $host + ?e#elopment 9o#e + Character &ord of Integrity + Character The ,o!er of $od + ?e#elopment 0rmor + ?e#elopment.

;i#e for character", four for de#elopment.

d. 8udas betrayed Christ because a disagreement o#er money. Aatthe! .G/G'= + (specifically 8udas + 8ohns $ospel) + #. 1<' 1G. 9ucifer fell o#er money" + *Hekiel .=/1.'1G. 1 Timothy 2/G. !. SE= a. The battle is !on or lost in the thought realm. b. $ Tim. (#! + 7lder as mothers, younger as sisters. c. (criptures to teach through/ o ,ro#erbs ./1G'1I. o ,ro#erbs C/2'.2. o ,ro#erbs G/.B'2C. o ,ro#erbs J/1'.J. o ,ro#erbs I/1'1=. o 1 Thess. </1'=. ". RE9ATIONSHI5S 8ITH OTHER 5EO59E a. E259O4ERS 6 o *phesians G/C'=. o Colossians 2/.'.C. o Titus ./I'1B. ' &hat does all this ha#e to do !ith the ministry5 8ust this. (tart no!. If youre !aiting to get into the ministry before you get your life in order, youll ne#er get into the ministry. ?e#elop good habits no!. 3ecome a person of character and integrity. (?a#id/ It takes not only talent, but character to make it into the ministry.)

b. >9A8S? THAT 3O@ERN RE9ATIONSHI5S o ?a#id said, Thy gentleness has made me great."

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