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Exercise for chapter The variety resources on Earth and The air around us 1.

Which of these substances are mixtures, elements or compound? Tick () in the appropriate box. element Water Air Silver Copper sulphate solution soil Oxygen compound mixture

2. The following is a list of uses of earths resources. Group them according to the categories below. Habitat for aquatic organisms Transports excretory products in living organisms Supplies fuel Used for growing plants Provides us materials for making clothes Provide us construction material for making wooden houses Basic resources water air earth Living things Supplies nutrients to plants Makes plant cells healthy Necessary for burning processes Needed for respiration of living things Provides us with food Needed for breaking down organic substances

Habitat for aquatic organisms Transport excretory products in living organisms

Necessary for burning process Needed for respiration of living things

Supplies fuel Used for growing plants Supplies nutrients for plants

Provides us materials for making clothes

Provide us construction material for making wooden houses

Needed for breaking down organic substances

Makes plants healthy

Provide us with food

3. Compare and contrast oxygen and carbon dioxide Properties Similarities pH value Taste Effect on glowing wooden splinter Reaction with sodium hydroxide With lime water Oxygen Colourless , odourless 7 Tasteless Ignites its Insoluble No change Carbon dioxide Colourless , odourless 5 Sour Put its out Soluble Turns to chalky

4. Fill in the blank. 1. 2. 3. In the soil, there are minerals such as sand, nitrate, phosphate, carbonate and sulphate. All living things breathe to perform the process of respiration. Oxygen gas is obtained from the surrounding air through inhalation. Creatures in the soil like earthworm obtain air because soil has air. Give three uses of water in the body system of human and animals. a. controls the temperature b. dissolves nutrients c. as a medium for the bio chemical process in the body 4. Give three uses of the resources of animals a. sheep provides wool for clothing b. chicken provides meat and egg for food c. horses are uses for transportation 5. 6. 7. Water is an example of a compound, because water is a combination of two elements that combined chemically. A compound is made up of a combination of two or more elements by chemical reaction. It can only be separated by electrolysis. On other hand, a mixture can be separated physically. Name the method used to separated the components in the following mixtures.

8. mixtures Sand and water Sulphur and iron filings Alcohol and water seawater 9. Is air is a mixture or compound? Explain your answer. Air is made up of gases and the component of gases can be separated easily. Air has the properties of its component The amount of its component is not fixed 10. The thick layer of air that surrounded our earth is called the atmosphere. Air contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and inert gases. 11. In everyday life, human needs oxygen for the process of respiration that release energy. This gas is obtained from the surrounding through the process of breathing. 12. Combustion requires oxygen. 13. The burning of hydrocarbon produces carbon dioxide and water. 5. Complete the table below Pollutant Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Oxides of nitrogen Sulphur dioxide Burning of rubbish and fuels Vehicles exhaust smoke Burning of fuels in factories and vehicles, vehicles exhaust smoke Burning of factories and power station Causes greenhouse effect Reduces oxygen in the body and can cause death Causes acid rain and can be damaging the lung Causes acid rain and corrosion of the respiratory passage source Aerosol, air-conditioner, refrigerators Harmful effects Depletes the ozone layers Separation method Filtration Using a magnet Fractional distillation Evaporation

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