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Abstract WOS about Type D personality The distressed (Type D) personality mediates the relationship between remembered parenting

and psychological distress in cardiac patients

Por: Damen, Nikki L.; ersteeg, !enneke; "an !elmondt, #anne $.; et %l.. P#&'!(L()& * !+,LT! ol-men: ./ N0mero: 1 P%ginas: 1234111 5echa de p-blicaci6n: 7,8 9 .:29 Cerrar abstract (b;ecti"e: <oth the distressed (Type D) personality (i.e. the combination o= negati"e a==ecti"ity and social inhibition traits) and dys=-nctional parenting styles are associated with an>iety and depression. ,s parenting styles ha"e been related to personality de"elopment, dys=-nctional parenting styles may also be associated with Type D personality. ?e e>amined whether remembered parenting was associated with an>iety and depression in cardiac patients and whether Type D personality mediated this relationship.7ethods: (-r sample comprised 91@ patients treated with perc-taneo-s coronary inter"ention (P'A) and 2.1 patients with congesti"e heart =ail-re ('!5). Patients completed the !ospital ,n>iety and Depression #cale, Type D #cale (D#29), and 8emembered 8elationship with Parents (88P2:) scale.8es-lts: 8emembered parenting was signi=icantly associated with higher an>iety and depression le"els and Type D personality. An m-lti"ariable linear regression analyses, Type D personality acco-nted =or .@4./B o= the "ariance in an>iety and .149CB o= the "ariance in depression, while remembered parenting was no longer signi=icantly associated with these domains. #obel tests and bootstrapping indicated that Type D personality mediated the relationship between remembered parenting and an>iety and depression.'oncl-sion: Type D personality mediated the relationship between remembered parenting and an>iety and depression in both P'A and '!5 patients. Veces citado: 0
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Type D personality, D-ality o= li=e and physical symptoms in the general pop-lation: , dimensional analysis
Por: #te"enson, 'hristie; ?illiams, Lynn P#&'!(L()& * !+,LT! ol-men: ./ N0mero: 1 P%ginas: 1C@41E1 5echa de p-blicaci6n: 7,8 9 .:29 Cerrar abstract (b;ecti"e: Type D personality, the interaction o= negati"e a==ecti"ity (N,) and social inhibition (#A), has been associated with a range o= ad"erse health4related o-tcomes in cardiac patients and healthy participants. !owe"er, recent st-dies which ha"e adopted a dimensional approach to Type D =o-nd no e==ect o= Type D (N,>#A) on mortality or D-ality o= li=e, a=ter controlling =or its constit-ent elements. To date, no st-dy has determined i= Type D is associated with negati"e health o-tcomes in healthy indi"id-als when concept-alised as a dimensional "ariable.Design: , cross4sectional sel=4report st-dy with 2EE healthy participants.7ain (-tcome 7eas-res: Physical symptoms and D-ality o= li=e.8es-lts: Fsing the traditional categorical analysis =or Type D, it was =o-nd that Type DGs report signi=icantly more symptoms and signi=icantly lower D-ality o= li=e than non4Type DGs report. !owe"er, when analysed as a dimensional constr-ct (N,>#A), -sing m-ltiple regression analysis, Type D (N,>#A) was not a signi=icant predictor o= physical symptoms or D-ality o= li=e, a=ter controlling =or the main e==ects o= N, and #A separately.'oncl-sion: These =indings s-pport those o= recent st-dies that ha"e identi=ied n-ll e==ects o= Type D on o-tcome when analysed as a dimensional constr-ct. Veces citado: 0
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Type D personality in ne"er4depressed patients and the de"elopment o= ma;or and minor depression a=ter ac-te coronary syndrome
Por: 7archesi, 'arlo; (ssola, Paolo; #cagnelli, 5rancesca; et %l.. $(F8N,L (5 ,55+'TA + DA#(8D+8# ol-men: 2@@ P%ginas: 2/942// 5echa de p-blicaci6n: 5+< .:29 Texto completo Cerrar abstract <ackgro-nd: Type D personality (TDP) has been proposed as a risk =actor =or the de"elopment o= depressi"e symptoms a=ter an ac-te coronary syndrome (,'#). !owe"er, contrasting =indings emerged abo-t its predicting power on the onset o= depression, since an o"erlap between TDP and depressi"e symptoms has been proposed. The present st-dy was aimed to "eri=y whether TDP predicts the de"elopment o= a depressi"e disorder in the C months a=ter the discharge =rom hospital. 7ethods: Two h-ndred =i=ty consec-ti"e patients were recr-ited, at the 'oronary Antensi"e 'are Fnit at the Fni"ersity !ospital o= Parma, who were both presenting their =irst ,'# and had no history o= depression. The presence and the se"erity o= ma;or (7D) and minor (md) depression were e"al-ated with the Primary 'are +"al-ation o= 7ental Disorders (P8A7+47D) and the !ospital ,n>iety and Depression #cale (!,D#) respecti"ely. Type D Personality was assessed with the D#29, both at baseline and at 2, ., 9 and C month =ollow -ps. 8es-lts: (-t o= .@: s-b;ects (32..B males), 7D was diagnosed in 2. patients (9.3B) and md in 23 patients (E..B). ,t baseline risk =actors =or a post4,'# depressi"e disorder were !,D# depression scores, whereas TDP, or its s-bscales, did not showed any e==ect. Limitation: The small amo-nt o= patients with incidence o= depression, d-e to highly selecti"e incl-sion criteria, tempers the reliability o= o-r res-lts. 'oncl-sion: (-r data s-ggests that TDP does not predict the de"elopment o= depressi"e disorders in ne"er4depressed patients at their =irst ,'#, when the baseline depression se"erity was controlled. (') .:21 +lse"ier <. . ,ll rights reser"ed.


8elation between emotional distress and heart rate "ariability in patients with an implantable cardio"erter4de=ibrillator
Por: !oogwegt, 7adelein T.; Pedersen, #-sanne #.; The-ns, Dominic ,. 7. $.; et %l.. P#&'!(P!&#A(L()& ol-men: @2 N0mero: . P%ginas: 23E42/C 5echa de p-blicaci6n: 5+< .:29 Texto completo Cerrar abstract ?e in"estigated the relationship between Type D personality, depression, and an>iety, and heart rate "ariability (!8 ) in C9 patients with an implantable cardio"erter4de=ibrillator (A'D). !8 was obtained "ia .94h !olter monitoring, and .94h, 1:4min daytime rest and 1:4min nighttime sleep !8 were analyHed. An ad;-sted analyses, signi=icant associations (standard de"iation o= normal4to4normal INNJ inter"als I#DNNJ: pK.:91; standard de"iation o= NN inter"als o"er @4min periods I#D,NNJ: pK.:2:) and a trend (!8 triang-lar inde>: pK.:/) were =o-nd =or Type D personality, and trends were =o-nd =or depression (lower 87##D: pK.2:; lower pNN@:: pK.:/). D-ring daytime rest, similar res-lts were =o-nd =or an>iety and depression. D-ring sleep, only noteworthy ad;-sted associations were =o-nd =or depression (lower root mean sD-are o= s-ccessi"e di==erences in NN inter"als I87##DJ: pK.:C; lower pNN@:: pK.:91). , <en;amini4 !ochberg correction =or m-ltiple testing led to red-ction o= the n-mber o= signi=icant relationships, b-t there was still s-pport =or lower a-tonomic control patients with Type D personality and depression. 5-t-re research with larger sample siHes is warranted. Veces citado: 0
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Type D personality is associated with low cardio"asc-lar reacti"ity to ac-te mental stress in heart =ail-re patients
Por: L-pper, Nina; Denollet, $ohan; ?iddersho"en, $os; et %l.. ANT+8N,TA(N,L $(F8N,L (5 P#&'!(P!&#A(L()& ol-men: /: N0mero: 2 N0mero especial: #A P%ginas: 9949/ 5echa de p-blicaci6n: ('T .:21 Texto completo Cerrar abstract <ackgro-nd: The distressed (Type D) personality is associated with ad"erse coronary heart disease o-tcomes, b-t the mechanisms acco-nting =or this association remain to be el-cidated. ?e e>amined whether myocardial and hemodynamic responses to mental stress are disr-pted in Type D patients with chronic heart =ail-re (!5). 7ethods: Ninety4nine !5 patients (mean age C@ 2. years; E@B men) -nderwent a p-blic speech task, d-ring which heart rate (!8) and blood press-re (<P) were recorded. Type D personality and its components negati"e a==ecti"ity (N,) and social inhibition (#A) were assessed with the D#29. )eneral linear models with repeated meas-res and logistic regression were -sed to assess di==erences in stress response and reco"ery. 8es-lts: Type D personality was associated with a red-ced !8 response (542,54/1K9.12, pM.:@) independent o= the -se o= beta adrenergic blocking agents and the presence o= atrial =ibrillation. There were no di==erences between !5 patients with and witho-t a Type D personality with respect to the <P response. +>amining contin-o-s N, and #A scores and their interaction (N,N#A), re"ealed a signi=icant association o= N,N#A with the #<P response (542,54 /1K9.22, pM.:@), independent o= <P co"ariates. 8es-lts with respect to !8 and D<P responses were comparable to the =indings -sing the dichotomo-s Type D meas-re. No signi=icant associations between Type D and reco"ery patterns were =o-nd. 'oncl-sion: !5 patients with Type D personality may show an inadeD-ate response to ac-te social stress, characteriHed by a bl-nted !8 response. (') .:21 +lse"ier <. . ,ll rights reser"ed.

Type D personality is associated with a sensitiHed cardio"asc-lar response to rec-rrent

stress in men
Por: !oward, #iobhan; !-ghes, <rian 7. <A(L()A',L P#&'!(L()& ol-men: /9 N0mero: . P%ginas: 9@:49@@ 5echa de p-blicaci6n: ('T .:21 Texto completo Cerrar abstract The present st-dy so-ght to e>amine the role o= gender and Type D personality on cardio"asc-lar reacti"ity to stress, by e>amining patterns o= cardio"asc-lar adaptation to rec-rrent laboratory4based stress. 'ardio"asc-lar data were collected =rom EC st-dents who, =ollowing an initial 2:4min baseline period, -nderwent two cogniti"e stress tasks. Type D personality was assessed -sing the 2C4item Type D scale. ,daptation o= cardio"asc-lar response to rec-rrent stress was e>amined by scr-tiniHing the changes in systolic blood press-re (#<P), diastolic blood press-re (D<P), and heart rate (!8) across the proced-re. 5emale participants and non4Type D males showed cardio"asc-lar habit-ation to rec-rrent stress. 5or Type D males, howe"er, cardio"asc-lar sensitiHation was e"ident. The res-lts implicate Type D personality in maladapti"e cardio"asc-lar responses, partic-larly in men, highlighting a possible direct mechanism o= psychosomatic cardio"asc-lar pathogenesis. (') .:21 +lse"ier <. . ,ll rights reser"ed. Veces citado: 0
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Prognostic importance o= distressed (Type D) personality and shocks in patients with an implantable cardio"erter de=ibrillator
Por: Denollet, $ohan; Tekle, 5etene <.; Pedersen, #-sanne #.; et %l.. ANT+8N,TA(N,L $(F8N,L (5 ',8DA(L()& ol-men: 2CE N0mero: C P%ginas: .E:@4 .E:/ 5echa de p-blicaci6n: #+P 2: .:21 Texto completo

Clinical trials have shown the benefit of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) treatment. In this study, we examined the importance of chronic psychological distress and device shocks among ICD patients seen in clinical practice.

This prospective follow-up study included 589 patients with an ICD (mean age = 62.6 10.1 years; 81% men). At baseline, vulnerability for chronic psychological distress was measured by the 14-item Type D (distressed) personality scale. Cox regression models of all-cause and cardiac death were used to examine the importance of risk markers.

After a median follow-up of 3.2 years, 94 patients (16%) had died (67 cardiac death), 61 patients (10%) had experienced an appropriate shock and 28 (5%) an inappropriate shock. Inappropriate shocks were not associated with all-cause (p = 0.52) or cardiac (p = 0.99) death. However, appropriate shocks (HR = 2.60, 95% CI 1.475.58, p = 0.001) and Type D personality (HR = 1.85, 95% CI 1.123.05, p = 0.015) were independent predictors of all-cause mortality, adjusting for age, sex, left ventricular ejection fraction, cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), secondary indication, history of coronary artery disease, medication and diabetes. Type D personality and appropriate shocks also independently predicted an increased risk of cardiac death. Other independent predictors of poor prognosis were older age, treatment with CRT and diabetes.

Vulnerability to chronic psychological distress, as defined by the Type D construct, had incremental prognostic value above and beyond clinical characteristics and ICD shocks. Physicians should be aware of chronic psychological distress and device shocks as markers of an increased mortality risk in ICD patients seen in daily clinical practice.

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