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Rao MD
When I was a Young Medical Student in Early 70s there were few antibiotics and when we were ill for many reasons we are given Penicillin and Streptopenicillin as Injections and rarely prescribed any other drugs but when we can afford a Erythromycin is used with optimism, and in the hostels when whenever we are sick with fever the common prescription was Chloramphenicol as Typhoid continued to common infection and many were affected. After surgery for Appendicitis our Professors used to manage with few facilities and penicillin was given, many good surgeons even managed with little facilities and poor quality of Nurses, as nursing has picked by few, and I learnt from my teacher those who are simple, know ledged and humble and less traumatic in surgery the cases rarely infected. There were no promotions of Antibiotics by Pharmaceutical industry, and few of us are conversant with antibiotics and consequences of misuse , many of my classmates for 40 years, never experimented with many antibiotics on patients and retired with safe records in practice, and still few are still respected as good family physicians, and even the serious patients follow their advice However with advances in science and research we have technically advanced and the market is flooded with many Antibiotics, and even a gold medallist in pharmacology and medicine do not remember even the many Cephalosporins, pushed in the market the real challenges are set with proliferation of many generation of cephalosporins and trade war, with one promoting better than other to achieve the trade targets, However they have saved many lives and supported the speciality and super speciality care, and I am certain there will no advances in Medicine without an Antibiotic. Today Antibiotics have become part of our lives and it is certain we cannot live or die without use of Antibiotics, many studies proved that in 60% of the General practitioners prescriptions carry an antibiotic commonly a New generation of Antibiotic, The WHO (World Health Organization) after several surveys suggested many Doctors lack the knowledge and reasons for use of Antibiotics and Medical education should enforce the curriculum with education on Use and Misuse of Antibiotics. The allopathic system continues to be respected for dealing with emergency situations in every sphere of patients illness, take the Homeopathy Ayurveda or unani they rarely treat a serious or emergency patient in crisis and push to modern medicine. Many traditional medical practitioners use the Antibiotics before sending them to modern physicians, the growing menace of Antibiotic resistance is concern to many and we are all partners in the process, however we have no will to stop the Antibiotics in Animal industry. Never forget Antibiotics can be lifesavers, I always tell my students the world population has grown enormously and we are healthy and happy because of Antibiotics and modern medical facilities, but misuse has increased the number of drug-resistant Microbes. If we think antibiotic resistance isn't a problem or doesn't affect you, think again. A prominent example of the dangers of antibiotic resistance is the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). MRSA was once a concern only for people in the hospital, but a newer form of MRSA ( CA ) is causing infections in healthy people in the community, Today we cannot afford to keep the patients for long in the hospital and discharge early for economic reasons too, and hospital strains spread in the society and many Staphylococcus prevailing in the society are welcome to hospitals, and our Hospitals are becoming place to thrive with freedom and encouraged by badly caring medical and health care workers, and even careless to wash hands. Although pharmaceuticals and Bioinformatics are working to develop new antibiotics and other treatments to keep pace with antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, infectious organisms can adapt quickly. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria will continue to be a global health concern and using antibiotics wisely is important for preventing the spread of Microbes. The concern to use Antibiotics too frequently as in children who frequently suffer with respiratory infection If

antibiotics are used too often for things they can't treat like colds, flu or other viral infections not only are they of no benefit, they become less effective against the bacteria they're intended to treat. Many physicians resort to use latest and expensive antibiotics which are represented by commercial interests carry a great damage to the patient and to the society as Not taking antibiotics exactly as prescribed also leads to generation of resistant strains called as Super bugs .just think, if you take an antibiotic for only a few days instead of the full course the antibiotic may kills out some, but not all, of the bacteria. The surviving bacteria become more resistant and can be spread to other people. When bacteria become resistant to first line treatments, the risk of complications and death is increased. And causes the generation of multidrug resistant strains prevailing in the Society and hospital. Today the society is feared with Tuberculosis and the emerging Multi drug resistant Tuberculosis (MDR) makes everyone at risk and finally patients have cared by public exchequer, but I doubt how long one lives and puts many at risk and even the family members. The failure of first line antibiotics also means that doctors have to resort to less conventional medications, many of which are more costly and associated with more-serious side effects. For instance, the drugs needed to treat drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis (TB) are much more expensive than are the drugs used to treat non resistant Tuberculosis with poor drug tolerance with doubtful results. The course of treatment is long up to two years and the side effects can be severe. We have every reason to understand the consequences of Infection - use of Antibiotics and Consequences Prevent the spread of germs. Good hygiene goes a long way in preventing infection. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially after using the toilet, changing a bandaged in the septic and clean rooms. Although special antibacterial cleaners and soap are widely available, they aren't necessary. Plain soap and water work fine to kill germs in most settings. Today we see so many commercial advertisements on Antimicrobial soaps however they constitute higher costs without many scientific reason. Antibiotic resistance is a global health concern. Nearly all significant bacterial infections in the world are becoming resistant to commonly used antibiotics. When you misuse antibiotics, you help create resistant microorganisms that can cause new and hard-to-treat infections caused by SUPERBUGS. Nest time when we decide about prescribing an Antibiotic unlike almost any other medicine we advise have far-reaching consequences. Be responsible in how you use antibiotics to protect your health and that of your family, neighbours and community. NEVER FORGET ONE DAY WE ALL NEED ANTIBIOTICS FOR SELF AND MANY OTHERS JUST THINK WISELY WHEN YOU PRESCRIBE, KEEP THE ANTIBIOTICS AS FRIENDS DO NOT MAKE THEM ENEMIES ? Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology Freelance writer

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