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Biology Unit 2

Topic 3: The Voice of the Genome

EUKARYOTIC CE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Students will be assessed on their ability to: 1) Distinguish between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells in terms of their structure and ultrastructure 2) Describe the ultrastructure of an animal (eukaryotic) cell and recognize these organelles from EM images 3) E plain the role of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the !olgi apparatus in protein transport within cells and including its role in formation of e tracellular enzymes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cellular organisms fall into two main categories: 1 The e!"#$yote% (which means true nucleus) Inclusive of all plants and animals, the cell of an eu ar!ote possesses a nucleus containing genetic materials nown as "#$, enclosed within the nuclear envelope% The p$o"#$yote% (which means 'efore the nucleus) Inclusive of 'acteria and c!ano'acteria, the cell of pro ar!ote lac true nucleus% The genetic material nown as circular "#$, is not enclosed within mem'ranes 'ut lies freel! in the c!toplasm% E!"#$yotic Cell


&t$!ct!$e #n' (!nction of Cell O$g#nelle% Nucleus ( )argest organelle * 1+ * &+ um in diameter ( Comprises of: #) *!cle#$ en+elope ( "ou'le mem'rane with n!cle#$ po$e (,+ * 1++ nm) ,) *!cleopl#%m ( -el(li e matri. containing chromatin, nucleoli and chemical su'stances c) Ch$omo%ome% ( /ighl! elongated threads arranged as an irregular networ ( ch$om#tin ( -*A attached to proteins called hi%tone% ') *!cleol!% ( Contain "#$ and 0#$ (intensel! stained) ( 0esponsi'le for the s!nthesis of R*A and $i,o%ome% ( 1unction: ( contain the genetic material of a cell in the form of chromosome ( control the cells activit!

Biology Unit 2

Topic 3: The Voice of the Genome

Endoplasmic Reticulum ( 2riginates from the outer mem'rane of the nuclear envelope ( $ networ of mem'rane('ound flattened sacs or tu'ules ( ci%te$n#e) in the c!toplasm ( #ot resolved under light microscope ( 1unctions: ( provide large surface area for chemical reactions ( pathwa! for transport of materials ( as structural s eleton to maintain cellular shape "ough E"# Ri,o%ome% present on its surface, giving a granular appearance ( 1unctions: ( proteins s!nthesis and transport (a'undant in cells producing hormones or en3!mes) $mooth E"# ( )ac s ri'osomes on its surface and more tu'ular ( 1unctions: ( lipids s!nthesis and transport (e.tensive in liver cells and steroid hormone( secreting cells) Ribosome ( &+ nm in diameter ( #ot mem'rane('ound ( 4ade up of protein and ri'onucleic acid (ri'osomal 0#$) ( Consists of & su'uits * large 5+6 su'unit and small ,+6 su'unit $ttached to the 70 or free in the c!toplasm 4a! form pol!ri'osomes 8 pol!somes ( 1unction: ( 9rotein s!nthesis * move along messenger 0#$ in succession Golgi Apparatus $ stac of flattened mem'rane('ound sacs called cisternae and associated vesicles Continuousl! 'eing formed at one end and 'udded off as vesicles at the other ( 9lant * discrete dict!osomes ( $nimal * e.tensive networ ( 1unctions: ( modification of proteins s!nthesi3ed at 70 '! attaching oligosacchrides, forming gl!coproteins ( transport of lipids ( sorting, pac aging and e.port secretor! products e%g% mucus and insulin ( l!sosome formation Lysosome ( 6mall spherical vesicles, +%1 * 1%+ um in diameter, larger in plants ( 6ingle mem'rane 'ound organelle formed from the -olgi apparatus

Biology Unit 2

Topic 3: The Voice of the Genome

( (

Contains a concentrated mi.ture of hy'$olytic 'ige%ti+e en.yme% 1unctions: ( digestion of food * after food materials are engulfed and a vesicle is formed, primar! l!sosomes fuse with the vesicle to form secondar! l!sosome, the h!drol!tic digestive en3!mes 'rea down the food materials and the products are a'sor'ed or discharged ( autophag! * digestion of worn(out organelles ( release of en3!mes from the cells ( autol!sis * self(destruction '! the release of l!sosomal contents within the cell

Mitochodrion ( 0od(shaped or c!lindrical(shaped, t!picall! 1 um wide and : um long ( ;ound '! a dou'le mem'rane ( 2uter mem'rane is smooth and continuous 'oundar! Inner mem'rane is e.tensivel! folded to form c$i%t#e that pro<ect into the matri. /#t$i0 contains hereditar! materials (circular "#$, 0#$), :+6 ri'osomes and en3!mes involved in =re's c!cle &t#l"e' p#$ticle% found in inner mem'rane involve in $T9 s!nthesis ( 1unction: ( involved in aero'ic respiration to s!nthesise $T9 (a'undant in meta'olicall! active cells) Microtubules ( found onl! in eu ar!otic cells as cyto%"eleton in the c!toplasm 'ut not in pro ar!otic cells ( slender un'ranched hollow tu'es made up of alpha and 'eta( t!,!lin ( &+ ( &> nm in diameter, several micron in length ( 1unctions: ( c!tos eleton which maintains the shape of the cell ( components of cilia, flagella, spindle fi'res and centrioles

Centrioles ( 2ccurs in animal cells 'ut not in plant cells ( Consists of hollow c!lindrical 'odies l!ing at right angles to each other 'eside the nucleus% 7ach centriole is made up of nine triplets of microtu'ules each arranged in a ring ( 1unction: ( organi3ation of spindles during cell division

Biology Unit 2

Topic 3: The Voice of the Genome


1$o"#$yotic Cell%

&t$!ct!$e #n' Ult$#%t$!ct!$e of Cell Cell 2#ll ( Consists of peptidogl!can (murein) ( parallel pol!saccharide chains cross(lin ed '! peptide chains ( 9revent osmotic 'ursting of cell ( 9ermea'le to ions and small molecules 'ut not to large proteins and nucleic acids C#p%!le% #n' &lime #ye$% ( 6limm! or gumm! secretions surrounding certain 'acteria ( 9rotective role ( ?nite 'acteria into colonies in some cases 1l#%m# /em,$#ne ( 6urround the c!toplasm of 'acterial cell ( 6electivel! permea'le ( 6tructure and function similar to those in eu ar!otic cells /e%o%ome ( Invagination of the cell surface mem'rane ( 6ite of respiration (l#gell# ( 0esem'ling <ust one of the microtu'ules in eu ar!otic cell ( 4ade up of flagellin ( 1or movement 1ili o$ (im,$i#e ( 9rotein rods pro<ecting from the wall ( 6horter and thinner than flagella ( 1or cell to cell, or cell to surface attachments B#cte$i#l Ch$omo%ome ( 6ingle dou'le(stranded circular "#$ molecule in the c!toplasm 1l#%mi' ( 7.trachromosomal "#$, circular and capa'le of self(replication ( 4a! carr! genes that confer anti'iotic resistance &to$#ge G$#n!le% ( 2il droplets and gl!cogen granules found in the c!toplasm 6ome helpful lin s: 1) 6tructure and function of eu ar!otic organelles

Biology Unit 2

Topic 3: The Voice of the Genome

http:88 entsimmons%uwinnipeg%ca8cm1>+,8nucleus%htm

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