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Allah is the Abstract

Bismillah Arahmanir Rahim

The point from which I write is based upon examining the creations of
Allah, the title given to this piece of literature is Allah is the
Abstract. You may ask why I choose this word; this word was chosen
to signify the creative & perpetual powers of Allah, as to how Allah
created all things, and we don’t have the ability to fathom all that Allah
has created, because as recipients of the Truth, not creators, nor co-
creators, we’re forever indebted to Allah, for revealing to us the truth,
and teaching us the Truth as it was revealed to all subordinates of
Allah. Allah is the abstract because he creates in perfect dimensions
within perfect dimensions beyond the time & space limitations of man,
Allah is the abstract creator because only he knows the true function of
all creation & we are witnesses of this truth. If you sincerely look
around you, there are limitless colors, created beings & things filled
with information reaffirming that Allah is the Abstract, these things
we consume with only 1 of Allah’s gifting to man, Eyesight!

No being has the power to construct vivid, living colors, from the
organic & the inorganic families of creation. Allah has created Life on
earth with plentiful coloring and splendor, just as he created the body
beautiful & intelligent.

Allah designed the hue-man body with intelligence, wisdom, science

and love.
Within wisdom we find understanding & strength, and within the
intelligence of the creation we find ANSWERS about Life!

Life for the Spiritual, Soulful, & Organic being thrives on intelligence &
information on all levels of existence, beyond the 3 dimensional human
experiences in the world of the 5 senses, into the multidimensional
realities within our inner space

Allah being the abstract creator hid the answers for man within man.
Man in a fallen condition needs reminding of the intelligent creator, of
himself regarding himself.
Allah created the DNA housing the coding to our genetics like a
spiraling staircase, where man in an object nature against his true self
– will descend.

Allah being the abstract creator transcends the time & space of the
natural mind into infinite thinking, where there is no imbalance to
balance, where creation is perfect,
Unlike here on earth we are being perfected. As hue-mans we exist
within a multidimensional lifecycle – as the sun gives light to navigate
the known and the unseen,
Allah gives us the light of revelation of the truth unlearned & the
unknown since creation.

So what about the unknown & the unseen? Good Question.

Again Allah is the Abstract creator – he knows the purpose of the small
& the great things, the seen and the unseen & the fullness of each, and
complete truth is given to a mind prepared to comprehend truth, if a
mind goes unused,
A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

Allah gives us the light of truth through revelation, instructs us in our

complications, Allah renews us continuously without us asking, and
even without us giving thanks,
So the broader information of Life and creation becomes our study
guide, the Ephesus from where we grow upward in form and thought,
supported only by the Almighty Allah and his will in perfecting the
human seed in his way.

Ch. 32: THE ADORATION Al-Sajdah

4 Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and what is
between them in six periods, and He is established on the Throne of
Power. You have not besides Him a guardian or an intercessor. Will you
not then mind?
5 He orders the Affair from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend
to Him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years as you count.
6 Such is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Mighty, the
7 Who made beautiful everything that He created, and He began the
creation of man from dust.
8 Then He made his progeny of an extract, of worthless water.
9 Then He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit, and
gave you ears and eyes and hearts; little it is that you give thanks!

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