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GHB Rattletales

GHB: GHB is often taken because users find that it enhances their experiences of being in a club, party, or rave; small doses of GHB can act as a stimulant and aphrodisiac. GHB is sometimes referred to as liquid ecstasy, liquid X or liquid E due to its tendency to produce euphoria and sociability and its use in the dance party scene. !"# $espite this nickname, GHB has entirely separate chemical and pharmacological modes of action compared to %$%& 'ecstasy(.) Wikipedia, 2012

Theyd only just started oin out! "t #as $nna%els &irst &esti'al, and (li'e had dropped a purple )icrodot, just %e&ore it ot dark, #ithout tellin her! His &riend $le* had stu&&ed it in his hand, sayin +,rop that )ate, pure as -ando./ He had no idea #hat he )eant, %ut he just s#allo#ed it! Thin s only #ent #ron in the Ha#k#ind +-onic $ttack/ set, #hen a pit opened up in &ront o& the sta e that the %and see)ed to %e %eckonin hi) to#ards! $nna%el interpreted his terri&ied )u)%lin s 'ery quickly, &ri htened thou h she #as, 0 her e*perience o& dru s had %een li)ited to chokin on the odd joint and &eelin sli htly nauseous! But she took control, led hi) throu h the cro#d and sat #ith hi) in the tent and held his hand until the hallucinations slo#ed do#n and the &eelin s pulsin throu h his %ody ceased their hu e s#ell o& terror! He #as i))ensely rate&ul that she sa# hi) throu h that, and &or the &act that they stayed to ether! -he )ade hi) pro)ise ne'er to take acid a ain, %ut so that he #asnt too hu)iliated, they co)pro)ised on %oth s)okin dope &or the

GHB Rattletales

rest o& their uni'ersity years! $&ter#ards, #hen they #ere )arried, she al#ays said that she had done it to hu)our hi), and she a'e up illicit dru s #hen she ot a proper jo%! T#enty &i'e years later her sheer co)petence still stuck in (li'es )ind, #hen they had ar u)ents a%out #here the children #ere oin to o to school 1hi) state 2 #hy not3 her pri'ate 2 %etter &or the)4, or si)ply ar uin a%out #here to o on holiday! -he #as al#ays the capa%le, opinionated one, hi) the %acker o&&! He #as happy #ith the status quo, she #as the inter'entionist, the one #ho #ent into the school to 5sort this out! He #ent alon #ith it! They %oth had careers, hers )ore lucrati'e and senior than his %y the ti)e they ot to their &orties! 6o# #ith teena ers, #hat had %een di&&erences o& opinion, #here he had usually taken the quietest route, #ere e*posed! He still s)oked a %it o& dope no# and a ain, so he #as not phased at all #hen their si*teen year old, 7achel, ca)e %ack &ro) the park, o%'iously as stoned as a rat! $nna%el #as outra ed! 5Whats the point o& s)okin yoursel& silly #ith canna%is3 Whats #ron #ith you3 5" 5) &ine as " a)8 7achel sta)ped up to her roo), %ut $nna%el continued the ar u)ent #ith (li'e!

GHB Rattletales

59oure colludin #ith her 0 takin easiest #ay out as usual 0 do you #ant her takin dru s, collapsin on ecstasy in so)e o'er2heated ni ht clu%3 5-hell %e &ine 0 they all take stu&& #hen theyre teena ers 0 you did as #ell! /Thats not &air! The dru s are di&&erent no#! $ll " ask is that you %ack )e up 0 and that you take some responsi%ility0 just %ein so%er enou h to pick the) up &ro) parties #ould %e enou h! $nd supposin your children &ind out that you still s)oke canna%is3 What sort o& e*a)ple does that set3

-aturday e'enin , these and other ar u)ents #ere runnin throu h his )ind, as he turned up three stone steps to a %lack &ront door that had an array o& %ells, and ran nu)%er si*! "t )ade hi) &eel uilty, then 'indicated, as he rolled the discussion round in his head and decided she #as just too upti ht! $ll kids e*peri)ented! 5Hi, its (li'e! The door %u..ed and he #alked into the hall! The &irst ti)e he had co)e here, con&ronted %y so )any %ells that he just didn:t #ant to take the risk o& rin in the #ron one, so he had phoned her a ain, and it see)ed to rin and rin &or a es %e&ore her deep "talian 'oice ans#ered! Then, as no#, she #aited &or hi) at the top o& the stairs, a s)all lithe &i ure in a reen silk

GHB Rattletales

dress! -he had dark hair, s#ept %ack o'er her te)ples and %ehind her ears, her &ace #as oli'e and s)all &eatured, her lips #ere #ide %ut not &ull! 5Hi, co)e on in 0 ood to see you 0 did you say so)e %ro#n and #hite30 itll take a%out ;0 )inutes %ecause hes not around 5til then! +9eah, thats reat 0 here!!!/ He &u)%led &or so)e )oney as they #ent into her &lat! +$nd dont &or et &or )e too8/, she said! +9es theres so)e &or you too/! He al#ays ot a %u.. just out o& orderin crack and heroin #ith Gina! $nna%el #as a#ay he could a&&ord to indul e #ithout &ear o& disco'ery! They sat in the sittin roo) to #ait &or the dealer to co)e! The co&&ee ta%le #as stre#n #ith pipes and li hters and t#o lar e ashtrays! <ater, #hen they )o'ed into the %i #ide open %edroo) #ith lon #hite nets, %are sanded &loor, and an iron &ra)e %ed, she said, 5,o you #anna try so)e GHB3 5"snt that a %it risky3 5(o)e on (li'e ") not oin to kill you 0 try a little %it &irst 2 it )akes you 'ery horny! -he put a drop into his lass o& #ater, and t#o drops into another, and they drank the) do#n!

GHB Rattletales

5") just oin to the %athroo), she said! (li'es )o%ile #ent o&& #hile she #as one! "t #as $nna%el! He let it rin 0 she #as pro%a%ly just in a con&erence %reak and #anted to re)ind hi) to put the ru%%ish out on =onday! $&ter the phone stopped rin in he heard the %eep that said shed le&t a )essa e! He thou ht hed listen to it as Gina #asnt %ack! The GBH #as kickin in and he #as &eelin #ar) and co)&orta%le! 5(li'e, 7achels %een arrested, please rin )e no*, and et do#n to >ictoria ?olice -tation 00 they #ont say #hat &or, %ut her &riend says shes %een cau ht #ith dru s -hit, he thou ht! -hit, shit! 5Gina, Gina!!! Gina he called! There #as no ans#er! 5Hey, Gina, "'e ot a situation on )y hands! He #ent do#n to the %athroo)! Gina #as naked, han in onto the #ash %asin #ith her hands rockin sli htly to and &ro! 5Hey Gina, #hats the )atter3 He rushed o'er to her, and she hal& consciously collapsed a ainst hi), her ar)s oin round his neck! He had to support her #ei ht! 5What is it3

GHB Rattletales

But she could only )u)%le! There #as no#here to put her do#n in the s)all %athroo)! He clasped her round the #aist and hal& dra ed, hal& carried her %ack up the landin stairs

into the %edroo) and ently du)ped her on the %ed! -he #as co)pletely li)p and silent no#! He #as in a co)plete &unk 0 GHB &or &ucks sake, people die takin this! Theoretically she #ould %e @A 0 she just needed to sleep it o&& 0 %ut, %ut, supposin she stopped %reathin 3 7e)e)%erin old Birst $id trainin he arran ed her in the reco'ery position, and co'ered her up! His )o%ile #ent o&& a ain, and he let it rin , then turned it o&&! He sat on the %ed %eside her, one hand on her side under the co'erlet he had pulled o'er her! -he #as %reathin %ut he didnt #ant to let o in case she stopped! Her laptop #as on the dresser, so reached o'er and typed in 5GHB o'erdose into Goo le! $ little %it o& his )ind #as thinkin , just Goo le it thats all you need to do, %ut a )ore serious cold panic #as creepin up &ro) the pit o& his sto)ach! +-he could die, she could die/ ran round in his head! $ lot o& the Goo le ans#ers said call an a)%ulance, this is dan erous! He pulled the laptop o'er to the %ed so he could keep checkin she #as %reathin ! $n a)%ulance3 2 too )any co)plications, ho# #ould he e*plain3 He kept lookin and &ound ans#ers that he #anted 2 stay #ith the person, check theyre %reathin , keep tryin to #ake the) e'ery so o&ten! He lay do#n %eside her and spooned a ainst her #ar) %reathin %ody, #rapped his ar)s around herC it &elt #ar) and sa&e, cocooned &ro) sha)e and responsi%ility! He #ould stay #ith her 0 he kne# he had to 2 and #ait

GHB Rattletales

until she ca)e round, he #ould look a&ter her properly, %ut that little 'oice in his head #as insistent and clear, +-he )i ht die, she )i ht die/! Then he thou ht a%out 7achel in a police cell, and shook his head in tor)ent! E'ery ten )inutes, &or t#o hours, he called her na)e, and shook her ently, %ut she #ouldnt a#ake! He had his hand just %elo# her ri%s so that he could &eel her %reathin li htly! "t #as ettin dark 0 he ot up to put on a side li ht on and pull the curtains! When he ca)e %ack %eside her and called a ain she %e an to ans#er #ith s)all roans! Ten )inutes later she #as a#ake and lau hin ! 5Hey (li'e, ho# lon ha'e you %een here3 5"ts %een t#o and a hal& hours you'e %een out cold 2 shit, " thou ht you )i ht stop %reathin "'e %een lyin #ith you checkin your %reathin like you #ere a ne# %orn child +That is so s#eet/ -he turned and kissed hi)! 56o " just passed out! "ts happened %e&ore 2 co)e on lets ha'e a pipe! While she prepared a pipe, naked and cross2le ed on the %ed, he thou ht

o& 7achel a ain #ith an intense &lash o& uilt, and reached &or his phone and turned it on! The phone %eeped and &lashed #ith an insistent crop o&

GHB Rattletales

)essa es that see)ed to pop up in &ront o& hi) like a succession o& past li'es! Then it ran and he ans#ered #ithout thinkin ! +(li'e, (li'e, #here ha'e you %een3/ +", ") sorry , the car %roke do#n and!!/ +What do you )ean the car %roke do#n 0 "'e ot it8 " ca)e %ack and dri'e it to the ?olice -tation8 Where are you3 What is oin on3/ Gina looked up as she heard $nna%els &urious shouts e*plodin do#n the phone! +Whats up3/ He killed the call, turned the phone o&&! +=y dau hters %een arrested &or so)e kind o& dru thin /, he said! +,o you need to o3/ +6o, no $nna%els there 0 shes 'ery capa%le #ith this kind o& thin /, he said, and took the pipe and li hter &ro) her!

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